The only thing I have to suggest is that in the tracklist window, that the numbers are always 3 digits.
_stprintf(szTrackTitleCode, _T("0x%3.3X - %s"), Tracks[i].nTrack, Tracks[i].szName);
Other than that, fantastic!
One last thing, just noticed CPS1 games crash (all I've tried so far) with a .65 (fresh) + this.
Can anyone else confirm this?
*edit 2*
CPS1 games (non q-sound) crash if they're the first game played. (CPS1 w/Q-Sound work fine).
Also wanted to add, how about a small area to add a manual track play (text box to type in a track number + play, I'm sure this will assist with tracklist creation.)
*edit 3*
For enabling the standard CPS1 command, you may want to add these as well...