Hi all!, After some days of vacation I came to update a bit the FBA Extras xDD...
The last version was a little problematic one so I decided to modifiy the menus a bit, now they will not have a vertical title (until I solve the string issues with MinGW). [Now this version will compile fine with MinGW and VC++ Toolkit)
well, here is
FBA Extras R15!Removed menus titles (but i think they still look nice ^^)
Extra Stuff (WIP) - by CaptainCPS-X
Exclusive on: NeoSource Forums - http://neo-source.com/
- Decided to remove the menus titles due to the way strings are managed and problems
with MinGW compilation.
- Updated FBA Extras, now the src is compatible with the latest official
release of FBA (v0.2.96.66).
Note!: Before doing your FBA Extra build remember to add 'menugui.o', 'tracklst.o' and 'prevw.o'
to the makefile(s), they are needed for the extra features to be compiled.
Download the R15 src right here in this link:fba_src_029666_ex_R15.7z [~281KB]
Soon I will update with some cool stuff for FBA Extras, so stay tuned! lol