Final Burn Neo > FBN Development

JockeyGP booting fix... needing help XD

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Hi there!!!, well some time ago someone passed me this to fix the booting problem in Jockey Grand Prix in fba (you know, it auto-inserts a coin instead of showing the main screen)... this seems to work in MAME... wel it works, I asked fataku for a "traduction" for the macro ROM_FILL in MAME... here's the fix for mame:

--- Code: ---ROM_START( jockeygp )
ROM_REGION( 0x200000, REGION_CPU1, 0 )
ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "008-p1.bin", 0x000000, 0x100000, CRC(2fb7f388) SHA1(e3c9b03944b4c10cf5081caaf9c8be1f08c06493) )
ROM_FILL( 0x100000, 0x100000, 0xFF )

--- End code ---
Well, fataku sent to me this (when i asked him :P thanks man!!) this is the macro developed in a function:

--- Code: ---for (int i = 0; i < memory_lenght(MEMORY_REGIONx); i++)
src[i] = 0xff;
--- End code ---
is an example he gave me... the problem is that i couln't make that work in FBA XD... here my modification using variables and whole stuff to make it work...

--- Code: ---unsigned char* dst = (unsigned char*)malloc(0x200000); // substitute for ROM_REGION macro in mame?
unsigned char* src = Neo68KROM01;
if (dst) {
           for (int i = 0x100000; i < nCodeSize+0x100000; i++)

--- End code ---
You can set that either in neo_run or d_neogeo.cpp... if anyone wants to help i'll be glad XD (i need a lot of help lately XD)
Thanks in advance
See ya!!!!! :D

Well... here's what I did to add the padding.
(though it still doesn't make the game show the title screen)

Add this to your driver in d_neogeo.cpp

--- Code: ---static void jgp_patch()
for (int i = 0x100000; i < 0x200000; i=i+2)
*((unsigned short*)(Neo68KROM01 + i)) = 0xffff;
--- End code ---

in neo_run.cpp


--- Code: --- Neo68KROM01 = Next; Next += nCodeSize;
--- End code ---

Replace with:

--- Code: --- if ((BurnDrvGetHardwareCode() & HARDWARE_SNK_CONTROLMASK) == HARDWARE_SNK_GAMBLING)
Neo68KROM01 = Next; Next += 0x200000;
nCodeSize = 0x200000;
} else {
Neo68KROM01 = Next; Next += nCodeSize;
--- End code ---

Do you think is possible to load the p1 twice in the 2 MB of space you assigned  for jockeygp? maybe that will fix the problem... maybe...
See ya!!!!!!! :D

I guess you could use this in your jgp init:
(I haven't tested it yet, so It may crash FBA.  I'll test it a little later)
Tested both.  They do what they're suppose to, but still doesn't show the logo :|

--- Code: ---static void jgp_patch()
memcpy(Neo68KROM01+0x100000, Neo68KROM01, 0x100000);
--- End code ---

or this:

--- Code: ---static void jgp_patch()
BurnLoadRom(Neo68KROM01+0x100000, 0, 0);
--- End code ---

Hmm.. I noticed something interesting while poking aroun neo_run.cpp

NeoNVRAM2   = Next; Next += 0x010000;         // Extra SRAM for vliner/jockeygp

if you change that value to 0x002000 jockeygp will still boot, but vliner will make fba crash. (I assume that vliner tries to write to a piece of ram outside the 2000 boundary while jockeygp does not.)
This makes me wonder... does vliner work in mame with this in the driver?

static data16_t neogeo_sram16_2[0x2000];

or does it have to be this?

static data16_t neogeo_sram16_2[0x010000];


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