I think the FBA team is ahead in terms of major changes to the Emu compared to MAME, even if the latter has more contributors.
The thing about that is that FBA's focus is more on gaming, so we've added features that the MAME team wouldn't even consider. The second part to that is drivers. We re-write MAME's drivers not to just work with FBA, but with a focus on SPEED. This is difficult, but not nearly (imo), as writing the initial driver.
This Ninja Baseball driver is really sexy, nice graphical style. Nice job!
All of these IREM games have very nice visuals ^^
love and respect for your all hard work!!!
is there a chance to see the real ghostbusters among the available games? guess I should give a progress report. Atm, I've not done much. I've worked again and again to get proper timing for the scanlines & interrupts, but the drivers never quite like how it comes out.
Sound is still off, for some reason the YM2151 will only play music if a sound effect has been triggered recently. It will crap out after a second or two if a sf hasn't played (most noticeable in gunforce).
Lastly, I haven't put a lot of time into FBA this last week, I've been job hunting (Yay for living in the state with the worst economy in the USA).
And when I haven't been doing that,
this has been eating up a lot of my time.