Author Topic: Raiden Fighters 2 2000 And Raiden Fighters Jet 2000  (Read 91408 times)

Offline Arcadez

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Re: Raiden Fighters 2 2000 And Raiden Fighters Jet 2000
« Reply #45 on: May 27, 2014, 07:35:59 PM »
Well a 4th day at it but some small progress decided to revert back to the seibu src files BP gave me a couple of weeks back
and then changed the sound defines for the spi games back to MAME93 i then changed the flash rom commands and the intelflash
src files back to MAME93 and now Raiden Fighters boots and so does Viper Phase 1 maybe the rest will now boot??
but i only have those 2 roms to test for now but the graphics are all messed up i assume thats because i now need to add the updated decrypted graphic defines from sprsprit.c hopefully then that will sort the graphical problems

The sounds bad though plus im sure the flash rom code has to be updated to sort game pauses and hangs?? what puzzles me though
why does the flash defines from the newer src break the games in the driver apart from the 2000 versions of Raiden Fighters??
« Last Edit: May 27, 2014, 07:53:21 PM by gamez fan »

Offline BritneysPAIRS

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Re: Raiden Fighters 2 2000 And Raiden Fighters Jet 2000
« Reply #46 on: May 27, 2014, 08:13:00 PM »
good you followed what said in the next few days ill tidy the cide and realease it...also the required support files...up to you theres lots of fish hooks still or wait a day or 2 and ill post it...its nearly out of beta

Offline Arcadez

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Re: Raiden Fighters 2 2000 And Raiden Fighters Jet 2000
« Reply #47 on: May 27, 2014, 08:17:45 PM »
good you followed what said in the next few days ill tidy the cide and realease it...also the required support files...up to you theres lots of fish hooks still or wait a day or 2 and ill post it...its nearly out of beta
That would be lovely thanks im happy to wait a few days and i must admit i trust your coding it's way better than mine :)

Offline BritneysPAIRS

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Re: Raiden Fighters 2 2000 And Raiden Fighters Jet 2000
« Reply #48 on: May 27, 2014, 09:19:52 PM »
ill release it.tonight...its a will quit...pitty team work couldnt win...
« Last Edit: May 27, 2014, 11:47:42 PM by BritneysPAIRS »

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Re: Raiden Fighters 2 2000 And Raiden Fighters Jet 2000
« Reply #49 on: May 28, 2014, 03:36:39 AM »

this should make everything will have to wait 999 sec and change the dips to update on/off....once done turn off the update dip and save the nvram/cfg and you wont have to do this again

please note the sound core is linked in with all the updates but the sound core isnt updated...the game sounds are to low vs the background music so this could be improved...let me know if you want the nv's (also let me know if the sources dont work they should work out of the box)
« Last Edit: May 28, 2014, 07:35:23 AM by BritneysPAIRS »

Offline Arcadez

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Re: Raiden Fighters 2 2000 And Raiden Fighters Jet 2000
« Reply #50 on: May 28, 2014, 11:53:21 AM »

this should make everything will have to wait 999 sec and change the dips to update on/off....once done turn off the update dip and save the nvram/cfg and you wont have to do this again

please note the sound core is linked in with all the updates but the sound core isnt updated...the game sounds are to low vs the background music so this could be improved...let me know if you want the nv's (also let me know if the sources dont work they should work out of the box)

Thanks for the code but unfortunately the games just load to a black screen and freeze my xbox :(  maybe you could pass on to
me every src file you have that links to the seibu driver?? as im thinking maybe some of my src files might need to be updated as well??

here's a basic rundown of the src files im using currantly........

the new one you gave me

original seibuspi.c from the last src you shared
ds2404 c/h original versions from mamedox 1.1
intelfsh.c/h new ones you gave me
spisiprt.c  new one you gave me plus removed the old spisprit c/h and spistab 1-3
intelfshx  using this i see it has the older flash rom code but i dont see it linked to any other seibu related src files??

Using the seibuspi.c video file from the last src you shared with me

Ymf2171.c/h the new ones you gave me

EDIT i notice intelflsh.c now links to state.h i guess it's for changes made to the flash update code so i need state.c/h to be updated??

- 0.98u2: Ville Linde and David Haywood fixed the i386-> z80 communications in the Seibu SPI driver. This fixes the flash rom update and fix any remaining Should Also hangs / pauses. The flash rom update Should take around 5 minutes. Now all games Should Have proper sample data. Changed region sound1 to user2.

« Last Edit: May 28, 2014, 04:04:11 PM by gamez fan »

Offline BritneysPAIRS

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Re: Raiden Fighters 2 2000 And Raiden Fighters Jet 2000
« Reply #51 on: May 28, 2014, 04:23:10 PM »
Forgot one lot here they are

Offline BritneysPAIRS

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Re: Raiden Fighters 2 2000 And Raiden Fighters Jet 2000
« Reply #52 on: May 28, 2014, 06:08:48 PM »
state is unchanged

Offline Arcadez

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Re: Raiden Fighters 2 2000 And Raiden Fighters Jet 2000
« Reply #53 on: May 28, 2014, 07:36:57 PM »
state is unchanged

Well i still cant get those games to boot in my src seems like their falling down on the flashrom update part or maybe it's
something else sound related are you sure you didn't forget to give me some needed src files??  ;p  cos im kinda getting fed up
now of this when someone shares out some code with me i kinda expect it to drop it in compile and be good to go i dont want to
be looking around for a fix so lets call it quits i'll revert back to my src i know it's not as good as yours but at least i can get it to
work for me
« Last Edit: May 28, 2014, 08:48:11 PM by gamez fan »

Offline BritneysPAIRS

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Re: Raiden Fighters 2 2000 And Raiden Fighters Jet 2000
« Reply #54 on: May 28, 2014, 09:59:54 PM »
you use alot of code that dont have some.fixes ive had...seb requires alot of fixes lile system24....give me your source and ill patch it in for wont be very hard....the mame drivers are there but ive updated the core mame alot to fix things.lke.analog controls..trackball...cfg..nv...all this was needed to improve lots of games across the board if i hit one of those ill patch it into the single driver for you....if you go down this road i cant help you..i can help and have offered many times...we are merging diff but very simlar are welcome to pursue this yourself..its up to you...i do find it strange the way you deal with help...
« Last Edit: May 28, 2014, 10:20:02 PM by BritneysPAIRS »

Offline BritneysPAIRS

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Re: Raiden Fighters 2 2000 And Raiden Fighters Jet 2000
« Reply #55 on: May 29, 2014, 12:32:48 AM »
no worries if you send the source ill merge it sure it will be simple...if there was an svn them i will merge test and give you the exact fix....if not a calm order approach to merge the code would work better i would guess...alot of iq work on coinops didnt merge it was discussed and fixed smoothly...i fell this goes off the rails at times and is hard for all parties.... :redface:   but its up to you..  would be interesting to know what you do for a job ?

Offline Arcadez

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Re: Raiden Fighters 2 2000 And Raiden Fighters Jet 2000
« Reply #56 on: May 29, 2014, 10:07:37 AM »
Ok look maybe i got the wrong end of the stick yesterday?? i had a long day trying to add the code and got a little frustrated
as you say it's probably a problem my end with my currant source here's my src for MAMEoXtras v1.12 it doesn't contain
the brand new seibu files you shared with me the last thing i added was pop bingo if you have some spare time and can splice in
the new seibu code for me that would be great if it's gonna be too much work and you dont have the time then i understand

MAMEoXtras v1.12 src

Offline BritneysPAIRS

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Re: Raiden Fighters 2 2000 And Raiden Fighters Jet 2000
« Reply #57 on: May 29, 2014, 04:19:45 PM »
welll I just copied the contents over your old build....and it worked 100 percent first time....the only issue was I had to redo do the inputs in the old way as your code doesnt except them in the new way....

If im being paranoid id say your having me all the code I gave said didnt work I got running with no issues in 1 are you patching this in?

Ill fix that source you gave me now but really it was just copy and paste it in to your last sources....

Are you having me on? or not doing what you said and putting this over the top?

expect the sources after I get back from work but really if you spent days on this then you should really look at your process and way you deal with might find that you are leading yourself down a track that isnts real...

Offline Arcadez

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Re: Raiden Fighters 2 2000 And Raiden Fighters Jet 2000
« Reply #58 on: May 29, 2014, 04:48:09 PM »
welll I just copied the contents over your old build....and it worked 100 percent first time....the only issue was I had to redo do the inputs in the old way as your code doesnt except them in the new way....

If im being paranoid id say your having me all the code I gave said didnt work I got running with no issues in 1 are you patching this in?

Ill fix that source you gave me now but really it was just copy and paste it in to your last sources....

Are you having me on? or not doing what you said and putting this over the top?

expect the sources after I get back from work but really if you spent days on this then you should really look at your process and way you deal with might find that you are leading yourself down a track that isnts real...

Confirmed it was a VMM memory issue my end thats why the games didn't boot after changing around a few settings i got
Raiden Fighters to boot to the countdown screen then afterwards the game booted i apologise for my sillyness and the extra hastle
ive caused you im a muppet sometimes!!!

is there any chance you could upload the vm settings you use for these games and the NV ram files?? it would save me some
time trying to track em down
« Last Edit: May 29, 2014, 07:25:46 PM by gamez fan »

Offline BritneysPAIRS

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Re: Raiden Fighters 2 2000 And Raiden Fighters Jet 2000
« Reply #59 on: May 29, 2014, 09:32:52 PM »
sure thing after work ill give you all the cfg nv and vm..actuall you could grab them from the latest coinops...
i only wished you had choosen an easier path long ago and not fight but comunicate amd move forward...but i see who you thank as helping with mameoxtras and know why the issues are there....i know like you lnknow they had little to no involvlement....but this is your.path and all the.power to sorry.i didnt see this as a good approach to dev.....

best of luck anyway you choose...i like your passion and why i helped...harnessed you really have rhe right stuff....unharnessed causes you some grief at times...but you get there....both ways...up to you in the end