Author Topic: Screen tearing on Bubble Bobble  (Read 8011 times)

Offline cibomatto2002

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Screen tearing on Bubble Bobble
« on: March 01, 2012, 01:56:37 PM »
I have screen tearing even if I enable triple buffing or enable VSync on the game Bubble Bobble.

FB Alpha v0.2.97.21 system information (Thu Mar 01 11:58:49 2012

System information:

OS:  Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
CPU: GenuineIntel, Pentium III "Katmai"
     2699 MHz, MMX, SSE, SSE2 (2 system processors)

Physical RAM: 2097151 KB (2047 MB) total, 1964692 KB (1918 MB) avail
Total RAM:    4194303 KB (4095 MB) total, 4194303 KB (4095 MB) avail
FB Alpha:       32880 KB in use (32880 KB peak, 57568 KB virtual)

Installed displays and display adapters:
    Generic PnP Monitor on NVIDIA GeForce 7050 / NVIDIA nForce 620i (p

FB Alpha information:

Built on Jan 27 2012, 19:50:09, using Visual C++ 10.0.
    Optimised for X86 CPUs.
    Using Unicode for all text.
    Debug functionality absent.

MMX optimisations enabled.
A68K emulation core enabled for MC68000 emulation.
Musashi emulation core enabled for MC68010/MC68EC020 emulation.

Not emulating any game.

Video settings:
    Selected module:    DirectX9 Alternate video output
    Interface settings: Running in windowed mode, $ix912, 672bpp
                        Source image 304x224, 32bpp
    Module settings:    Applying linear filter

Audio settings:
    Selected module:    DirectSound3 audio output
    Interface settings: Playback at 44100Hz, 100% volume
    Module settings:    Audio is delayed by approx. 83ms

Input settings:
    Selected module:    DirectInput8 input
    Interface settings: keyboard 0 System keyboard: Keyboard
                        mouse    0 System mouse: Mouse
                        joystick 0 Cyborg Force Rumble Pad

Profiling settings:
    Interface settings: Profiling module not initialised

Detailed process information about fba.exe:

fba.exe (base address 0x01020000, size 24912 KB)

Modules loaded by fba.exe:
               ntdll.dll (base address 0x76E20000, size   1264 KB)
            kernel32.dll (base address 0x75530000, size    848 KB)
          KERNELBASE.dll (base address 0x74FF0000, size    296 KB)
               snxhk.dll (base address 0x74F40000, size    208 KB)
              USER32.dll (base address 0x75270000, size    804 KB)
               GDI32.dll (base address 0x76F80000, size    312 KB)
                 LPK.dll (base address 0x76F70000, size     40 KB)
               USP10.dll (base address 0x76C80000, size    628 KB)
              msvcrt.dll (base address 0x767F0000, size    688 KB)
            COMDLG32.dll (base address 0x76FD0000, size    492 KB)
             SHLWAPI.dll (base address 0x76A20000, size    348 KB)
            COMCTL32.dll (base address 0x73E90000, size   1656 KB)
             SHELL32.dll (base address 0x75BA0000, size  12584 KB)
               WINMM.dll (base address 0x72F40000, size    200 KB)
               ole32.dll (base address 0x75390000, size   1392 KB)
              RPCRT4.dll (base address 0x759B0000, size    644 KB)
            ADVAPI32.dll (base address 0x75810000, size    640 KB)
             sechost.dll (base address 0x758B0000, size    100 KB)
               IMM32.DLL (base address 0x768A0000, size    124 KB)
               MSCTF.dll (base address 0x768C0000, size    816 KB)
              dsound.dll (base address 0x73700000, size    456 KB)
            POWRPROF.dll (base address 0x73880000, size    148 KB)
            SETUPAPI.dll (base address 0x75670000, size   1652 KB)
            CFGMGR32.dll (base address 0x75240000, size    156 KB)
            OLEAUT32.dll (base address 0x76990000, size    572 KB)
              DEVOBJ.dll (base address 0x75190000, size     72 KB)
             dinput8.dll (base address 0x6E530000, size    192 KB)
               ddraw.dll (base address 0x6AE90000, size    924 KB)
            DCIMAN32.dll (base address 0x70EA0000, size     24 KB)
              dwmapi.dll (base address 0x73E20000, size     76 KB)
                d3d9.dll (base address 0x6A460000, size   1804 KB)
             VERSION.dll (base address 0x74430000, size     36 KB)
             d3d8thk.dll (base address 0x73950000, size     24 KB)
            D3DX9_43.dll (base address 0x6A7C0000, size   2044 KB)
             uxtheme.dll (base address 0x73CE0000, size    256 KB)
           CRYPTBASE.dll (base address 0x74EB0000, size     48 KB)
            btmmhook.dll (base address 0x10000000, size    224 KB)
               PSAPI.DLL (base address 0x76F60000, size     20 KB)
                 HID.DLL (base address 0x73E40000, size     36 KB)
            WINTRUST.dll (base address 0x75040000, size    180 KB)
             CRYPT32.dll (base address 0x75070000, size   1140 KB)
              MSASN1.dll (base address 0x74FE0000, size     48 KB)
                 pid.dll (base address 0x70E90000, size     48 KB)
             CLBCatQ.DLL (base address 0x758D0000, size    524 KB)
            MMDevApi.dll (base address 0x73A10000, size    228 KB)
             PROPSYS.dll (base address 0x73D20000, size    980 KB)
            AUDIOSES.DLL (base address 0x738B0000, size    216 KB)
             nvd3dum.dll (base address 0x70390000, size   7564 KB)
                avrt.dll (base address 0x73930000, size     28 KB)
