Final Burn Neo => FBN Development => Topic started by: Gab75 on May 19, 2020, 03:56:52 PM
Hi guys,
this is a topic dedicated to the games for consoles/home computers supported by FBNeo...
in other words, I'll only treat the games for the home systems emulated by FBNeo.
Currently the home systems supported by FBNeo are:
Fairchild Channel F
MSX (first generation)
NEC PC-Engine/TurboGrafx-16/SuperGrafx
Nintendo Entertainment System/Famicom
Nintendo Famicom Disk System
Super Nintendo/Super Famicom
SEGA SG-1000
SEGA Master System/Mark III
SEGA Game Gear
SEGA Megadrive/Genesis
Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48K/128K/+2A (.z80, .tap)
SNK NeoGeo Pocket (standard and Color)
The first post is related to the English Translated version of Megadrive "Madou Monogatari I" (Sorcery Saga I)... now this "dungeon crawler" RPG by Compile is fully playable in english language! ;)
This is the link to the ips translation file: https://www.romhacking.net/translations/5388/
This game was added by barbudreadmon... RetroSouls' Gluf, a very funny action-puzzle game for Megadrive! ;)
Here the link to the official website: https://retrosouls.itch.io/gluf-16bit
Now it's the turn of PC-Engine:
- Atlantean (a "Defender" style game) [ http://aetherbyte.com/aetherbyte-atlantean_for_pc-engine_and_turbografx-16.html ]
- City Hunter (English Translation) [ https://www.romhacking.net/translations/4517/ ]
- Maison Ikkoku (English Translation) [ https://www.romhacking.net/translations/724/ ]
Gab75, very nice additions! Thanks :)
New additions by dink... ;)
- all Famista games (from '89 to '94). Family Stadium is a series of baseball games released by Namco in Japan.
- Fantastic Adventure of Dizzy, the
- International Cricket
- R-type part2 v1.1
This time is the turn of MSX... 5 new homebrew games (MSXdev Contest) added to the roster! ;)
Draconic Throne (horizonal shoot'em up)
Linez (puzzle game)
Quartet (puzzle game)
Xracing (racing, top-view)
XSplelunker (platform game)
PS: I added the initials "HB" to all MSX homebrew games, now identify them in the FBN "Select Game" menu should be easier.
XRacing is quite an amazing feat - it manages to do smooth scrolling on a computer+vdp that is incapable of doing smooth scrolling :) It's also a fun little racing game with a nice soundtrack.
Thanks for taking the time to add these, Gab75!
best regards,
- dink
XRacing is quite an amazing feat - it manages to do smooth scrolling on a computer+vdp that is incapable of doing smooth scrolling :) It's also a fun little racing game with a nice soundtrack.
Thanks for taking the time to add these, Gab75!
You're welcome! :)
Among other things, Xracing was the winner of MSXDev'18 Contest... probably it's the best (or one of the best) top-view racing game on MSX 1 !
PS: this game brings to my mind the "legendary" Gremlin's Super Cars (I played a lot with the Amiga version) ! ;)
You're welcome! :)
Among other things, Xracing was the winner of MSXDev'18 Contest... probably it's the best (or one of the best) top-view racing game on MSX 1 !
PS: this game brings to my mind the "legendary" Gremlin's Super Cars (I played a lot with the Amiga version) ! ;)
Looking forward to trying Xracing out. I am a big fan of top down car games :)
Looking forward to trying Xracing out. I am a big fan of top down car games :)
I'm sure that you will not be disappointed... as dink wrote, this game has a very smooth scrolling (a rare feature for the MSX 1 games) ;)
5 new NES/Famicom homebrew games added by dink... :)
- Che-man (a funny and "strange" platform game)
- EeeAaaOoo (not a real game, but a peculiar "tech-demo")
- FallingTiles (a Zapper light-gun game)
- Machine Caves (a Thrust style game)
- Wolfling (a very nice platform game, IMHO the best of the "lot")
Now back to the MSX... I added two puzzle games made by RetroSouls: Twinlight and Yazzie
After playing MSX Yazzie, I love this version! Much better than the Megadrive - I think the 8 bit nature suits this game better. (My opinion, of course!)
best regards,
- dink
After playing MSX Yazzie, I love this version! Much better than the Megadrive - I think the 8 bit nature suits this game better. (My opinion, of course!)
IIRC the game was born on ZX Spectrum (the MSX version should be the same), the Megadrive version, with the scrolling background and the bigger sprites, is a "reinterpretation" ... when you say "worse is better" ! :P :)
The genre infos have been updated for all SEGA Master System and Game Gear games... I hope it might be to help! :)
Moreover I added 3 new titles in the Game Gear roster... one HB game and two translation hacks.
Dangerous Demolition (HB)
Godzilla - Kaijuu Daishingeki (english translation)
Madou Monogatari iii - Kyuukyoku Joou-Sama (english translation)
I love games that have the amazing innovation of that was around in the early 80s.
Dangerous Demolition looks simple, but its actually a totally new take on an old genre: Breakout.
Kinda like a breakout shoot-em-up. But, you're a little guy that runs around with a shooter instead of the paddle :D
best regards,
- dink
Now it's the turn of four Megadrive homebrews... ;)
Custodian (Atari ST porting of the homonymous title)
Griel's Quest for the Holy Porron (a sequel/evolution of MSX Griel's Quest for the Sangraal)
Wolfenstein 3D (probably the first popular FPS, this version is very smooth considering the "simple" megadrive hardware)
Zooming Secretary (a simple, but funny, action-puzzle game)
MSX stuff... 2 "old" european games and 5 "new" homebrew games! ;)
Oh Mummy!!
Operation Wolf (Ocean ed.)
Tales of Popolon
Uchusen Gamma
Yiazzie Remastered
A big thanks to the work of iq_132 (with the help of dink)... now the Neo Geo Pocket (B&W and Color) is emulated by FBNeo !
Hereunder some snapshots... ;)
Similarly to Master System/Game Gear "rosters", the genre infos have been updated for all SG-1000 games! :)
There's a shortage of homebrew games for this system... so I was able to add only two new homebrews to the list (by Mojon Twins):
Cheril Perils Classic
Jet Paco
Six new MSX games are emulated by FBN (5 homebrews and 1 old european release):
Dot Attack (shooter 2 players only)
Guru Logic (puzzle game)
Majikazo (maze/puzzle game)
Tina's Adventure Island (platform game)
Traffic Jam (puzzle game)
Xybots (ZX Spectrum conversion)
Very cool these console games. I never player NeoGeo Pocket before. So, I will do it now!
Tina's Adventure Island is really great, definitely one for WonderBoy fans. I played this almost an hour yesterday!
Enjoy :)
Tina's Adventure Island >> Hudson's Adventure Island >> Wonder Boy
... a sort of "videogaming love triangle" ! :P
4 new NES/Famicom homebrews added by dink! ;)
Aspect Star N
Blood Fall
Super Homebrew War
Veggie Invasion
Hey mister gentleman Gab... Thanks for make us updated!
The "poor" ColecoVision felt a bit "neglected", so I added 11 homebrew games! :P
Burn Rubber
Caos Begins (MSX conv.)
Caverns of Titan (MSX conv.)
Heroes Arena (MSX conv.)
Jeepers Creepers
Kralizec Tetris
Shmup! (MSX conv.)
Shouganai (MSX conv.)
Sir Ababol
Stray Cat (MSX conv.)
Traffic Jam (MSX conv.)
3 old "euro" .cas games added to the MSX "roster" (Batman "euro ed.", Chase H.Q. and Out Run)
A big thanks to dink for fixing a bug related to MSX Out Run! :)
Just wanted to say thank you for showing the MSX and other computers some love - very much appreciated!
Just wanted to say thank you for showing the MSX and other computers some love - very much appreciated!
You're welcome! :)
4 new additions for NES/Famicom (3 english translations of jap titles and 1 custom hack)
Ganbare Goemon! - Karakuri Douchuu (T-Eng)
Kaiketsu Yancha Maru 2 - Karakuri Land (T-Eng)
Outlanders (T-Eng)
Metroid - Origin Enhanced (Hack of Metroid)
Sega Master System Phantasy Star (Jpn) "translation patch 2.00 edition" (by Power SMS!) is now available on the FBN roster! :)
PS: I suggest to activate the 'FM Unit Emulation' from DIPswitches (Ctrl+F5), the YM2413 improved musics are very cool! ;)
Hi guys,
I added the support to various MSX homebrews (to be honest, one of the new additions is an "old" euro cassette game... Grandslam Space Harrier II)
50 Metres (Cobinee, 2018)
Ace Gun (Cobinee, 2020)
Cat (Cobinee, 2018)
Daedalian Opus (Karoshi Corp., 2006)
Foggy Quest (John Blythe, 2017)
Kralizec Tetris v2 (Kralizec, 2005)
Lizard Willy (Sfranck72, 2016)
Space Harrier II (Grandslam, 1990)
Witches (Cobinee, 2019)
Z - Mazin Go (Cobinee, 2018)
Hereunder some example screenshots (not for all titles):
KMFDManic and dink added various ColecoVision Homebrews... thanks guys! :)
Danger Tower (SGM)
Flora and the Ghost Mirror
J.E.T.P.A.C. (SGM)
Joust (SGM)
King's Valley (SGM)
Kung-Fu Master (SGM)
Mappy (SGM)
Ninja Princess (SG-1000 conv.)
Ozma Wars
Space Invaders Collection
Subroc Super Game (SGM)
Super Pac-Man (SGM)
Thexder (SGM)
Txupinazo! (SGM)
Wonder Boy (SG-1000 conv.)
Hereunder some example screenshots (not for all titles):
Sega Master System Phantasy Star (Jpn) "translation patch 2.00 edition" (by Power SMS!) is now available on the FBN roster! :)
PS: I suggest to activate the 'FM Unit Emulation' from DIPswitches (Ctrl+F5), the YM2413 improved musics are very cool! ;)
I'm enjoying a lot the FM music for this game... should I mention that there are several patches that activate FM for some western SMS games?
And thanks for those MSX additions!
I'm enjoying a lot the FM music for this game... should I mention that there are several patches that activate FM for some western SMS games?
And thanks for those MSX additions!
Hi Neville, you're welcome! :)
Thanks for the tip... the YM2413 patched versions will be available on the SMS roster soon! ;)
KMFDManic and dink added various ColecoVision Homebrews... thanks guys! :)
Danger Tower (SGM)
Flora and the Ghost Mirror
J.E.T.P.A.C. (SGM)
Joust (SGM)
King's Valley (SGM)
Kung-Fu Master (SGM)
Mappy (SGM)
Ninja Princess (SG-1000 conv.)
Ozma Wars
Space Invaders Collection
Subroc Super Game (SGM)
Super Pac-Man (SGM)
Thexder (SGM)
Txupinazo! (SGM)
Wonder Boy (SG-1000 conv.)
Hereunder some example screenshots (not for all titles):
Greetings, Gab75 and dink and whomever else is in this thread and site reading this!:)
I joined on Dink's suggestion. I will be doing a showcase video of all of the Coleco Additions. Due to the simple fact that my childhood dream of getting a C64 was bursted by getting an ADAM computer, instead...I now have nostalgia for ADAM/Coleco:) But, it all worked out! I still got to enjoy C64, truly for the first time, within just the last few years! I had some great fun with Coleco/ADAM, and even Atari 2600 games, which also worked with the Coleco Add-On Peripheral for ADAM. I definitely had a lot of fun with it, and played the hell out of Buck Rogers SGM and Dragon's Lair SGM. When Dink added Dragon's Lair SGM to FBNEO, it was like Xmas for me. Literally, the one single game in all of existence that I wanted to play again! Of course, I also thank Team Pixelboy and whomever else for the nice conversion! We just need the SGM of Donkey Kong, some day, some how!
Will follow-up when my video is done and posted! And, also enjoying seeing the other homebrews and such added for the other systems, NES, MSX, etc. And, as I told Dink, I used to dread even hearing the word homebrew! It takes a good one to get my attention! Abobo's Big Adventure was the true first one to show me they could be fun!
I may add the Bubble Bobble and DK Hacks to my MAME 2003 Xtreme Core, as I haven't really added many of those yet. They have been surprisingly gimmicky and cool, between the two subsets. My biggest concerns were fixing up games that had control issues, which I did in my last Release. Over 100 games had predesignated controls that were on a keyboard (useless for pick up and play with a controller), such as Xybots, Ikari Warriors, etc. I wanted ALL of these to default use L1/R1, which worked out great! Arcadez2003 and Grant2258 and Gpstar and BigBlueFrontEnd have all been really cool when it comes to working with MAME, collaboration wise. Sometimes, it isn't just the homebrews or hacks that get my attention...But, also games it seems almost noone even knew existed, such as the spiritual sequel to Strider, made by the same devs, Cannon Dancer AKA Osman. Quite an interesting game to check out.
Be back in a bit with the video showing some of these fun ventures in action. Fruits of the labor, so to speak:)
Welcome KMFDManic! :)
The homebrews help to keep alive the old consoles/computers. Some years ago I was quite wary toward them, I thought (wrongly) that they had a very poor quality level in most cases... I'm happy to say (write) the facts proved me wrong! ;)
I added the support to 4 new Megadrive homebrew games:
Beggar Prince (English version)
Puzzli v1.1
Magic Girl featuring Ling Ling the little Witch (English version)
Awesome Job Gab75. I have a ColecoVision Homebrew Video Uploading now. Just refresh my channel and you will probably see it pop up in an hour or so. It will be Playstation Classic - ColecoVision Homebrew FTW!:) I go through all the games that worked for me! Video is a little longer than my normal ones. But, it was fun going through a good 40 games. I will do more of these, and move onto showcasing the other fun stuff like PC-Engine, MD, etc, that are also FBNEO worthy:) Thanks again, both you and dink!
Awesome Job Gab75. I have a ColecoVision Homebrew Video Uploading now. Just refresh my channel and you will probably see it pop up in an hour or so. It will be Playstation Classic - ColecoVision Homebrew FTW!:) I go through all the games that worked for me! Video is a little longer than my normal ones. But, it was fun going through a good 40 games. I will do more of these, and move onto showcasing the other fun stuff like PC-Engine, MD, etc, that are also FBNEO worthy:) Thanks again, both you and dink!
Thanks to you! :)
PS: I never played to the ColecoVision version of Dragon's Lair, but from what I see it's very similar to the C64 version. During the 80s I played a lot with the CBM version, I still remember that I demolished, literally speaking, a "poor joystick"... "childlike aggressiveness" ! :P
I'm enjoying a lot the FM music for this game... should I mention that there are several patches that activate FM for some western SMS games?
Sega Master System "FM Mod" versions added to the roster! :)
PS: Sonic The Hedgehog "FM Mod" was already in the roster, I just set FM sound as default.
Very cool, thank you!
Three new adds to the Megadrive roster... 2 homebrew games and 1 Tech-Demo:
Bad Apple (Tech-Demo)
FX-Unit Yuki: The Henshin Engine (a porting from PC Engine CD, "compressed" in a 6 MB cartridge)
Omega Blast (a "bullets hell" vertical shoot'em up)
4 new adds for the "Master System" roster. 2 homebrew games, 1 tech-demo and 1 eng-translation of a japanese title! ;)
Astro Force (HB, vertical shoot'em up)
Bad Apple (Tech-Demo)
Baluba Balok (HB, a "Baluba-louk no Densetsu" retelling)
High School! Kimengumi (english translation)
6 new adds for the Megadrive roster. 4 Homebrew games, 1 improvement hack and 1 translation hack! ;)
Bahamut Senki (english translation)
Capoeira Boy (HB)
INKtober (HB)
Prince of Persia 2 - Remastered Edition (Hack)
Xump2 (HB)
6 new games for the MSX... 2 "old" euro games and 4 most recent homebrews! ;)
After Burner (1988)
Dr. Pill (2009 - )
Ghosts'n Goblins (2008)
Hans' Adventure (2010)
Jet Bomber (1985)
QBIQS (2010)
Very cool. However, "Afterburner (Euro)" doesn't work properly here. After you choose controls it's supposed to load from the start of side B,and I don't think it's doing so.
Do you go to dips (ctrl-f5, or via mouse) and select side b for tape?
Very cool. However, "Afterburner (Euro)" doesn't work properly here. After you choose controls it's supposed to load from the start of side B,and I don't think it's doing so.
As dink wrote, you need to go into DIPswitch settings (ctrl+f5) and select side B for tape... moreover, for a proper functioning, the operation must be done when appears the first notice (see the following snapshot) ;)
I didn't know I had to do that. In that case, forget what I said earlier, and thanks for the tip.
I didn't know I had to do that. In that case, forget what I said earlier, and thanks for the tip.
At least we don't make you rewind the tape! :biggrin:
Now it's the NES/Famicom time... 9 new homebrews (8 games and 1 demo) ;)
Bad Apple (tech-Demo)
Cheril Perils Classic
Sir Ababol Remastered Edition
Underground Adventure
Wo Xiang Niao Niao
At least we don't make you rewind the tape! :biggrin:
Or write down tape counter figures. Sometimes I had to do that in the old days.
5 new adds for the Game Gear... 4 english translation hacks and 1 homebrew title! ;)
Crayon Shin-Chan
Eternal Legend
GG Turrican Demo v1.0 (HB)
Moldorian the Sisters of Light and Darkness
Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon S
EDIT: added other translation hack (thanks to Neville for the tip/reporting! :) )
Sorcery Saga II - Arle, Age 16
A new add for NES/Famicom... someone could say: just one addition? But this single add is probably the best Pac-Man version ever made on 8-16 bit systems! ;)
Pac-Man Championship Edition
And now it's the MSX time: 7 "old" cassette games and 7 homebrew games. So have fun... I hope! :p
Homebrews: Dodgin' Raven, Drink It!, Isitar 7, Mars Lander, Nogalious Demo, Sou-Ko-Ban Pocket Edition, Virus LQP-79
Cassette games: Avenger, Desperado, Elidon, Frog, Merlin, Speed King, Thing Bounces Back
hereunder the "homebrews" snapshots:
Hereunder the "cassette games" snapshots:
Looking for the new MSX games, turns out Virus LQP-79 (HB, v1.1) [Homebrew] has a newer version. It's freely available at http://www.msxdev.org/2018/05/10/msxdev18-3rd-entry-virus-lqp-79/
Looking for the new MSX games, turns out Virus LQP-79 (HB, v1.1) [Homebrew] has a newer version. It's freely available at http://www.msxdev.org/2018/05/10/msxdev18-3rd-entry-virus-lqp-79/
Thanks for the tip! :) Support to v1.2 added... on GitHub soon! :)
Six new entries for Sega Master System. 3 "hack-homebrew" games and 3 "FM Mod" revisions:
Alex Kidd 3 - Curse in Miracle World (hack)
Duke Nukem (hack)
Papi Commando in CPP Land (hack)
Dynamite Dux (FM Mod)
Rambo III (FM Mod)
Summer Games (FM Mod)
Hereunder the snapshots related to hack-homebrew games:
7 new adds for the NES/Famicom roster:
From Below
Legend of Zelda DX
Nim & Nom
Super Mario Bros DX
Yun R5
Hello friends,
There are 2 really amazing games in this batch:
From Below - it's Tetris, but with a twist - the octopus throws blocks up on the screen if you're too slow at clearing lines, the music is great, the game is great, it goes between day/night/seasons. Super polished game.
Nim & Nom - you jump around and eat things, it's really addicting as well as cute :)
Some people like to avoid homebrews, but these are really commercial-quality - check it out!
best regards,
- dink
Some people like to avoid homebrews, but these are really commercial-quality - check it out!
Some years ago I was one of those "who liked to avoid homebrews"... of course, there're lousy homebrews, but there're excellent homebrews too... in some cases, they reach a higher quality level than many old commercial games ! ;)
Three new Megadrive games...
- Bill's Tomato Game
- Mega Mindtris (thanks to dink for fixing it)
- Papi Commando Remix
Hi guys... 4 new titles for the Megadrive roster (3 homebrews and 1 unlicensed game):
Bug Hunt (HB)
Doroppu (HB)
Teenage Queen The Demo (HB)
Tom Clown (Unl)
Thanks Gab! Bug Hunt is a funny game :)
Added this one a few weeks ago but forgot to mention it, it's a homebrew named tronow on megadrive (yes, it's based on tron), it supports up to 4 players. I guess you could consider the gameplay as similar to snake
A small add for MSX (one new homebrew)... but a great game (an evolution of Gradius/Nemesis with a smooth scrooling!)
The Menace from Triton (Brain Games, 2020)
There's one small problem with "The Menace from Triton". The driver expects v1.0, but a bugfix has already appeared at https://github.com/santiontanon/triton/releases
There's one small problem with "The Menace from Triton". The driver expects v1.0, but a bugfix has already appeared at https://github.com/santiontanon/triton/releases
The issue has already been solved... dink updated the game release to 1.0.1 ! :)
Cool :cool:
Keep up the good work!
The Menace from Triton is great! Thanks for finding this and hooking it up to fbn :)
best regards,
- dink
Hi guys, added the support for 5 new MSX games (4 old 80s title and 1 new 2020 homebrew)
PS: also updated The Menace from Triton to version v1.0.2 ! ;)
Booga-Boo (1986)
Eddie Kidd Jump Challenge (1985)
Heavy Boxing (1983)
Slap Shot (1985)
Stupid Martians (HB, 2020)
Other 4 games for the MSX roster (3 new 2020 Homebrews and 1 old cartridge game):
Cuncuna (HB)
Jaasta (HB)
Snowboarding (HB)
Added support for this genesis sf2 hack : https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/5273/
There is a presentation video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdzKJUrCCeY.
Cool! :cool:
Now two new adds for the ColecoVision... the SGM (Super Game Module) versions of Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Jr! ;)
... and now four new Megadrive titles (2 original homebrews, 1 Chinese RPG fully translated and 1 unofficial porting)
Brave Battle Saga - Legend of the Magic Warrior (Ch)
Metal Blast 2277 (HB)
Pringles the Game (HB)
Yie Ar Kung-Fu (HB)
Three new homebrews for three different home consoles:
Arno Dash (a Boulder Dash clone for SEGA SG1000)
Block Puzzle (a puzzle game with the tetris pieces for MSX)
Journey to the Center of the Alien (an odd platform-game, "signed" The Mojon Twis, for the NES)
PS: MSX "the Menace from Triton" has been updated to version 1.1.
A small MSX roster upgrade... Block Puzzle, Snowboarding and Stupid Martians have been updates to the latest versions, moreover 3 new adds (1 new homebrew and 2 old games):
L'Abbaye des Morts (HB, 2020)
Molecula Man (1986)
Pac-Land (1988)
Hello, dear friends!
Is there AIR ZONK in Final Burn Neo? I search it out, but can't finded. If there's not, what are you guys waiting for? :biggrin:
Hello, dear friends!
Is there AIR ZONK in Final Burn Neo? I search it out, but can't finded. If there's not, what are you guys waiting for? :biggrin:
Air Zonk, unfortunately doesn't work in FBN's PCE implementation. I'm positive it has to do with interrupt timing, but I was never able to iron it out.
I tried many many times, no luck getting Air Zonk to work, but I will try again sometime!
best regards,
- dink
I didnt know about that. I just thought it was a forgotten title, but how can one forgot a classic like this one.
Four new entries for the MSX roster (three 2020 homebrews and one old cassette game) + Block Puzzle update (v1.2):
Anchors Aweigh v1.1 (HB)
Chambers of Thyrea (HB)
Freddy Hardest (1987)
Freedom Fighter (HB)
SMS Psychic World v1.2 enhancement hack (added by dink).
This hack adds double-tap left/right to run and other enhancements... ;)
NES Jay and Silent Bob Mall Brawl... a very good scrolling beat'em up (indie HB, 2020).
Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl looks pretty nice and fun, but I thought we had a rule not to support games that just got released to avoid undermining their sales.
Stifu, good question, earlier this year the rule has been overturned due to the simple facts:
One can buy these homebrew roms and play it on any nes emulator, why not fbn?
fbn supporting recent homebrews has lead to people finding a good game and supporting it.
best regards,
- dink
Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl looks pretty nice and fun, but I thought we had a rule not to support games that just got released to avoid undermining their sales.
FBN supports the game, the users can buy the game/ROM and use FBN to play with it... this also applies to all copyrighted games (Capcom, Konami, Nintendo, Sega, Taito, etc...)
Yep, times are changing (for the best) - where one can now purchase a game and have legitimate access to the rom, that's a good thing. :)
9 new games (homebrews and/or portings) for the ColecoVision roster... and soon other additions! ;)
Astro Dodge
Astro Invader
Children of the Night
Kung-Fu Master
Mario Bros
Secret of the Moai
Star Force (SGM)
The Stone of Wisdom
Wizard of Wor
I have some questions regarding ColecoVision games... how do you enter "coins" in Mario Bros.? And how you can map the "menu" key for another game?
regarding Mario Bros: they made it similar to arcade emulation - '5' then '1' :)
What other game(s) are you referring to?
ColecoVision games are sometimes hard to figure out, but if you can't get a game to start or accept input, try pressing all of the keys that the p1 controller has (0-9, # or *)
Some games that use a trackball / dial needs P2's keypad to start it and/or enter the level of difficulty.
best regards,
- dink
Mmmm... the "Mario" thing doesn't seem to work here. I'm using FBNeo Git 13-08-2020 x64. Do I need to remap anything?
EDIT: Got it, you need to remap "1" and "5" to their respective keys. Now it works.
Oh, and the other game I was referring to is "Super Sketch":
Relating to Mario Bros, you need to go into "Map Game Inputs" menu (F5) and assign a keyboard/joypad input to each entry of the virtual keypad (the original ColecoVision joypad embeds a numeric keypad). After doing that, you can press key/button corresponding to numeric keypad button 5 (insert coin) and key corresponding to numeric keypad button 1 (start game).
Relating to Super Sketch, probably the trouble is that it uses a CV device not supported by FBN... see the video:
Yes, thank you. I finally figured out "Mario Bros." by myself. Thanks for the tips.
In these days I lost (just a little :P ) count... in any case various ColecoVision games have been added to the roster! :)
Hi guys... four new HB games added to NES roster:
Cheril in the Cave
Nix: the Paradox Relic v1.8
Shark Shark (Mattel Intellivision porting)
I remember playing Shark! Shark! a ton as a kid, what a great game :)
thanks gab75!
best regards,
- dink
Hi. Could you add Gba support on FB Neo in future?
Hi. Could you add Gba support on FB Neo in future?
As said many times, we don't accept hardware request. So no gba, neither the ones you previously asked (MSX2, Amstrad Gx4000, C64, Super Cassette Vision, ...).
We accept requests for games on consoles that are already emulated :)
best regards,
- dink
Would it be possible to add some more ZX Speccy games, possibly from a YS Top-100 list or something similar?
Here are some titles that I'd love to see supported, but are currently missing from the .dat file:
The Monty series (Aufwiedersehen Monty, Impossamole, Monty On The Run, Wanted Monty Mole)
Beyond The Ice Palace
Castlevania Spectral Interlude (a relatively new one)
Cauldrons 1 and 2
CJ Elephant Antics, CJ in the USA
Cybernoid 1 and 2
Dynamite Dan 1 and 2
Elven Warrior
Game Over 1 and 2
Heart Broken
Highway Encounter
Into The Eagle's Nest
Joe Blades
Metal Army
Myth - History in the Making
The Olli & Lissa series
Rick Dangerous 2
Saboteur 1 and 2
The Seymour series
Soldier of Fortune
St. Dragon
Stop The Express
Stormlord 1 and 2
Tetris (the Mirrorsoft one)
Three Weeks In Paradise
On a side note, would it also be possible to add a TZX/TAP file as a possible rom for each game, seeing that those are the formats distributed on World of Spectrum and suchlike?
Hi Svipur,
the ZX Spectrum is in a preliminary emulation stage (currently it's not under development), it supports only .Z80 ROMs and many games don't work...
if it helps, in the last few days many new Coleco Vision games have been added and they work perfectly! ;)
Cheers, Gab. Yeah, I've been monitoring that one as well, and it does make up for the limited Speccy support somewhat.
But my particular point of interest in this case is FBNeo's support for specific ZX Speccy games. If the .z80 format is non-negotiable, I'd be willing to compromise on that one, as long as we can think of a relatively reliable source of CRC-matching .z80 images (ease of obtaining games was the primary reason I mentioned World of Spectrum and the support for .tap/.tzx images).
How do I go about expanding the list of supported ZX Speccy games in the .dat file? I can make the respective .z80 images for testing purposes, if that might help.
How do I go about expanding the list of supported ZX Speccy games in the .dat file? I can make the respective .z80 images for testing purposes, if that might help.
To add (or at least try to add) new games You should manually edit the d_spectrum.cpp file (with the specific metadatas and infos of the game/s) and after that compile your own FBNeo exe...
... but I'll be straight with you, (IMHO) at the current stage of development "the job is not worth it"... ;)
I fixed up the spectrum emulator, it's now perfectly good for playing games in - as long as it's in the correct format :)
best regards,
- dink
I fixed up the spectrum emulator, it's now perfectly good for playing games in - as long as it's in the correct format :)
Yes, but a ZX Spectrum emulation without the support for the TZX/TAP files is a "limited" emulation... this is just my personal opinion and it doesn't take anything away from your nice work! :)
Cheers, lads.
For what it's worth, I made a pull request for d_spectrum.cpp with a bunch of games using CRCs from publicly available sources of .z80 images. The choice is somewhat limited given the .z80 requirement, but my take on it is that we can at least populate the list with the popular stuff that works.
Svipur, thanks! :)
Thanks for the ADDs! :)
A new RetroSouls "classic" is now available on Megadrive... AlterEgo Remastered, a funny action-puzzle game originally made for the ZX Spectrum.
Could you add the demo of the Phantom-Gear and other new demo games from megadrive?
Could you add the demo of the Phantom-Gear and other new demo games from megadrive?
Sincerely, I don't like add the support for the demo of the games (I prefer wait for the "full releases")... but that's just my point of view! :)
I have a few ZX Spectrum requests... I don't know how many of these are possible, because I understand a Z80 file is needed.
Let me see...
- Addams Family
- Angel Nieto Pole 500
- Abu Simbel Profanation
- After the War
- Army Moves
- Aspar GP Master
- Carlos Sainz: Campeonato del Mundo de Rallies
- Chicago's 30
- Coliseum
- Corsarios
- Darkman
- Desperado
- Desperado 2
- Emilio Butragueno Futbol
- Emilio Sanchez Vicario Grand Slam
- Espada Sagrada
- Federico Martin Basket Master
- Final Matrix
- Hudosn Hawk
- Gremlins 2 (the one by Topo Soft)
- Hammer Boy
- Livingstone Supongo I & II
- Lorna
- Lotus Sprit Turbo Challenge
- Mad Mix Game
- Mad Mix 2
- Misterio del Nilo / Mistery of the Nile
- Mutan Zone
- Navy Moves
- Narco Police
- New Zealand Story
- North & South
- Out Run (please, replace that old Z80, I don't think it's the whole game)
- Out Run Europe
- Paris-Dakar (Made in Spain)
- Perico Delgado
- Phantis
- Poli D?az
- R.A.M.
- Rescate en el Golfo
- Rock'n Roller
- Soviet
- Satan
- Silent Shadow
- Simulador Profesional de Tenis
- Sirwood
- Sito Pons
- Sol Negro
- Soviet
- Titanic
- Tour '91
- Turbo Out Run
- Viaje al Centro de la Tierra
- WWF Wrestlemania
- Zona 0
EDIT: Added a few more Ocean Software.
I have a few ZX Spectrum requests... I don't know how many of these are possible, because I understand a Z80 file is needed.
Many games are in TZX and/or TAP format... but if you can find the "memory snapshot" versions (.Z80), we'll be able to add the related support! :)
Gab75, it looks like Svipur is now in charge of the ZX Spectrum games - or at least, he said he is willing to add Neville's req's :)
best regards,
- dink
Gab75, it looks like Svipur is now in charge of the ZX Spectrum games - or at least, he said he is willing to add Neville's req's :)
Excellent, thanks for the help! :)
I'd be willing to provide Z80 for some of those... I understand most Spectrum emulators can save in that format. On the downside, I'm not very skilled and some of those games are multi-load, I don't know if a Z80 of those would cover the whole game.
... On the downside, I'm not very skilled and some of those games are multi-load, I don't know if a Z80 of those would cover the whole game.
I'm sorry, I know little about .Z80 format... in theory a "snapshot file format" can also support multi-load softwares (e.g. in VICE, a Commodore's 8 bit computers emulator, in the snapshot format "VSF" it's possible save the complete disk image too), but for the .Z80 format I don't know.
You already have some multi-load games in the set, but I think it's because 128k machines could load all levels at the same time.
I believe only SLT snapshots can do multi-loaders, saving each block in a separate segment within one snapshot. Spectaculator also has SZX snapshots - which are basically memory snapshots with an embedded TAP file. But with Z80 snapshots I see no feasible way to include multi-loaders.
Now, having said that, some of those I categorise as multi-parters (where each part can be loaded independently of others, often expecting you to enter a code to prove you've completed the previous parts, e.g. Savage, Rex, Phantis, Navy Moves, etc.) - and those we can still include, treating each part as a separate game. For some, albeit rarely, there's a uniloader available (e.g. Wacky Races).
The types of games I can't find a way to include are:
1. Those that load levels only when prompted by the game - this rules out most of the racing stuff, including all Out Runs, Enduro, Paris-Dakar, etc., as well as e.g. Myth, Gremlins 2 and Lorna.
2. Those that load up the main game only after the player has set up the game to his liking - e.g. changed the controls, or chose the character (WWF Wrestlemania), etc. We could in theory dump the rom after said selection (as was done with Vindicators previously, where the game would just drop you into action without letting you set up the ship, weapons, controls, anything), but that would lock any player out of changing anything, and that would render the game unplayable for most.
Currently, from your list these are the ones I can't find uniloaders for, and have to exclude from adding support for:
Desperado 1 and 2
Gremlins 2
Mad Mix 2
Narco Police
New Zealand Story
North & South
Out Run
Out Run Europe
Perico Delgado
Silent Shadow
Tour '91
Turbo Out Run
Viaje al Centro de la Tierra
WWF Wrestlemania
Zona 0
If you can find a uniloader rom for any of those, drop me a note, I'll look into it. It pains me to no end to leave out Lorna (or, for that matter, Myth).
(Sobs quietly against his pillow)
It's fine, really. I understand the Z80 format has its limitations and there are many other ZX Spectrum emulator to choose.
But a man can dream, and I dream of the day when the Spectrum emulation under FBN can load TAP, TZX and why not, DSK files.
The good news is: sometime in the future I will be able to add support for a better format to allow for those games to function properly. It's probably not too much harder than fds for nintendo - and I wrote that from scratch. the code for my fds I/O even made it into fceux. fds looks like a disk, it quacks like a disk, but in reality - it's a tape. (as far as the computer is concerned)
best regards,
- dink
Looks like the batch is merged and good to go. Cheers, Dink.
Just a quick note regarding Abu Simbel Profanation. The English version (as is the case with the original Spanish releases) requires switching to Issue 2 keyboard. Otherwise, the game won't register you pressing any of the numbered keys to choose the controls and start the game. The included Spanish version is a re-release, and that one works fine without any fiddling.
thanks :)
I set Abu Simbel to use issue2 hw by default.
(delete config/games/spec_abusimpr.ini and then load the game if you loaded it prior)
best regards,
- dink
I've been browsing the new Spectrum additions, taking pictures and whatnot. Extraordinary job, mates! Now all I need is a rubber USB keyboard to complete the experience ;-)
I had an Amstrad CPC (boooo!) back in those days, but it's hard not to like the ZX clearer graphics, and even the color patterns have their charm. But don't tell any of those speccy fans I said that.
EDIT: A couple of things I noticed while going through the Spectrum game list: 1) "Barbarian" should have different entries for the Palace and the Psygnosis releases, because they are completely different games. And also, "Game Over II" is actually called "Phantis". It was renamed as GOII in the UK to capitalise on the success of the first GO. So it should be called "Phantis (a.k.a. Game Over II)" or similar.
Yeah, the entries for both Barbarians were there, but the Palace one was marked as a clone of the Psygnosis one. I separated and renamed both (the Palace one's full name has 'Ultimate Warrior' in it) without touching anything else, so no updates to romsets needed.
Regarding Phantis, I personally had that one as Game Over II, only learning about the original title many years later, so I used that name under the impression that it'd make the game easier to find for others. But then again, the game did originally come out as Phantis, so I might be in the minority. Renamed it to Phantis (Game Over II) - again, no need to update any romsets.
Threw in a nice 2010 game called Sea Dragon (seeing that it's almost October, and this is as close to Hunt for Red October as it gets, with an excellent AY version of Das Boot to... boot. Pun intended).
Cool :cool:
And I have a few more requests of various stuff for the ZX... hope you don't mind, because I know my previous list was HUGE.
- AMC: Astro Marine Corps
- Capitan Trueno
- Choy Lee Fut Kung Fu Warrior
- Double Dragon I-II (if possible, I think they're multi-load)
- Goody
- Ice Breaker
- IK+: International Karate Plus
- Mortadelo y Filemon 2
- Mundial de futbol
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Test Drive II
- Tintin on the Moon
- Turbo Cup
- Vigilante
Capitan Trueno, Mundial de Futbol, and Mot are in. (What happened to Mot? I'm not seeing it on the list any more.)
Also, FBN does support two Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles games already (the side platformer one with top-down roaming in between stages and the infamous jump in the sewers, as well as the arcade beat-em-up one). Is there a separate game named TMNT as opposed to TMHT?
I'll try to get to the others tomorrow.
@Svipur: thanks for your help! :)
Svipur, Neville, Gab75,
Here's a video for you:
I just need to add typing-robot[like fbneo msx] and it's done :) (tomorrow)
good night,
- dink
Awww, thanks, Dink. Just seeing the LOAD "" brings a tear to my eye.
Got my list of multi-loaders handy, will give those a chance once TAPs are in.
Curiously, Z80 might remain the preferred format for multi-parters, so that there's no need for a tape browser and the player doesn't have to fiddle with rewinding the tape to a proper position before loading.
Of course - we'll just add the taps like we add regular romfiles for the games that need them.
Try msx_xenon, and watch how it loads - I'll most likely add that for spectrum. That's my tape robot, he's quite handy.
best regards,
- dink
Try msx_xenon, and watch how it loads - I'll most likely add that for spectrum. That's my tape robot, he's quite handy.
Heh, looks pretty neat. Almost makes the startup of 48k games look quite a bit more nostalgia-inducing than 128k ones. Seeing that LOAD "" typed in and all, instead of the robot selecting the Tape Loader.
Svipur, Neville, Gab75,
Here's a video for you:
I just need to add typing-robot[like fbneo msx] and it's done :) (tomorrow)
good night,
- dink
So f***ing cool!
And I wonder, rather than having a closed set, once this feature is finished, could we have a blank setup that lets you run anything from your collection? Or is it too much work to add a file selector to the dip switches? I know, I know, I keep asking for things. But this would put an end to the Spectrum requests. According to MobyGames, the system has 3305 known games, not to mention future HBs.
Neville, fb wasn't really designed to do that. we try to add the stuff people are going to play, if you want to just fumble through thousands of roms, one can use speccy or something. then let us know about the games that have replay value.
best regards,
- dink
Neville, fb wasn't really designed to do that. we try to add the stuff people are going to play, if you want to just fumble through thousands of roms, one can use speccy or something. then let us know about the games that have replay value.
best regards,
- dink
Alright. And what about a smaller black border for Spectrum games?
Svipur, Neville, Gab75,
Here's a video for you:
I just need to add typing-robot[like fbneo msx] and it's done :) (tomorrow)
Excellent! Among other things, there're a lot of homebrew games in tap format! ;)
I just tossed up the WIP code w/tap support, some notes:
I set all the tap's to 128k, because some of them have better audio with it. or with myth, its the only way to get audio at all.
narco police: when trying to set kempston, it reads from port xxDF, this is a kempston mouse port - which the game wants. you'll need to use the (s)inclair joy interface (Intf2 in inputs editor) instead for this game.
tnzs: is there any way to select inputs for this game instead of keys? (can someone find out for me?)
Addendum: Also fixed the borders, thanks for the idea Neville :) Tomorrow I will try to clean up the code a bit and get rid of those ugly lines on the top and left side.
best regards,
- dink
Nice work dink :) And good work on the additions Svipur.
Just tried out the new TAP entries, everything seems to be working absolutely flawlessly. Thanks for the superb work, Dink!
With TAP support in place, my take is that we stick with Original Release TAPs from WoS, Spectrum Computing, etc. for new additions wherever possible, so as to make it easier for people to make the compatible ROMs themselves. Z80 will be the preferred format for those cases where each part is loaded from different positions on the same tape from Basic and not the game itself (that is, requiring you to rewind the tape BEFORE booting the game, e.g. Savage).
Will get on with adding the games from Neville's last request and the multi-loaders shortly.
My current list of multi-loaders is this (includes both those we couldn't add and those that need replacing in the current romset):
Back to the Future 3
Night Breed 128k
Rick Dangerous 2
Run the Gauntlet
St. Dragon
Stormlord 2
Strider 2
Super Hang-On
Desperado 1 and 2
Mad Mix 2
North & South
Perico Delgado
Rescate en el Golfo
Silent Shadow
Tour '91
Viaje al Centro de la Tierra
WWF Wrestlemania
Zona 0
Double Dragon 1 and 2
Mortadelo y Filemon II
Oh, and regarding The New Zealand Story. The game's instructions say the game supports both Kempston and Sinclair joysticks (that is, it should recognise them when you press Fire in the main menu), but my gamepad is mapped to Kempston in all Speccy emulators, and I never could get TNZS to pick it up. Works just fine for Sinclair's Interface 2, though.
Addendum: Also fixed the borders, thanks for the idea Neville :) Tomorrow I will try to clean up the code a bit and get rid of those ugly lines on the top and left side.
best regards,
- dink
Glad you find my ideas useful. It didn't struck me how large the margin was until I tested the last batch of Spanish games. It seems they favored bigger sprites at the expense of screen size.
UPDATE: It's taken a while, but we can finally play many ZX games the way they were intended. "Outrun" was one of those I was more anxious to try, because the ZX Spectrum must be the only decent port until the Sega consoles came up.
More things... I see the new preferred ZX format is TAP. It's certainly much better than Z80, but I still think TZX should be considered or discarted in the near future. TZX is certainly the most faithful format I can think of, but adopting TZX also means (probably, I have zero programming skills) that a series of tape copy protection schemes will have to be implemented. So I'll understand if you stick to TAP for now. After all, ZX support should not be your main focus.
Also, Svipur asked yesterday about new games we may add now that TAP is supported. Double Dragon I-II, Golden Axe and WWF are the ones that come to my mind right now, but I'm sure we'll come up with more in the next days.
Terrific job, you all.
Thanks guys, it's nice to hear it works so good :)
Neville, TAP is good enough for what we are trying to do here.
Finished going through multiloaders and new requests (as well as a few more additions).
I've replaced the following existing entries:
Back to the Future 3
Castlevania (has a secret ending that loads if you beat the game 100%)
Night Breed
Run the Gauntlet
Strider 2
Apart from Neville's requests, I've also added the following gems:
Back to the Future 2 (well, this one's less of a gem and more of a 'we have BTTF 1 and 3 already, why not 2?')
Rick Dangerous 2
Robin of the Wood
Silent Shadow
St. Dragon
Stormlord 2
The three games I couldn't find a way to include are:
1. Super Hang-On - has speedlock.
2. Desperado 1 - conversion from TZX to TAP causes emulators to jump past the 8-byte header for the first level after loading the main menu. As a result, after starting the game, the game can't find the first level block. In other emus, this can be circumvented by rewinding back to the previous 8-byte block.
3. North & South - has speedlock.
Thanks guys, it's nice to hear it works so good :)
Neville, TAP is good enough for what we are trying to do here.
So be it :wink:
EDIT: A few more requests:
TMNT and TMNT: The Coin Op --> I know, we have plenty of TMNT games already. But I still think they're worthy and different enough from their console counterparts.
Super Trux --> A pretty cool truck racing game in the vein of "Out Run".
Added in Super Trux and Topo's Desperado. Regarding TMNT, as I mentioned previously, we already have support for both TMNT games, but they're listed as TMHT (Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles), following WoS listings:
Ah, fine. My mistake then.
P.D: A downside I didn't anticipate when asking for a smaller screen margin is that now I need to redo most ZX Spectrum previews and titles... LOL
Neville, hehe. d'oh! well, it does look better now -- at least :)
Well, you shouldn't be the only busy guys around xD
EDIT: A few more ZX requests:
- Afteroids
- Humphrey
- Goody (recolored version)
- Shadow Dancer
Afteroids, Humphrey, and Shadow Dancer are also in. Each uses the TAP from its respective WoS page:
Afteroids: https://worldofspectrum.net/infoseekid.cgi?id=0000105
Humphrey: https://worldofspectrum.net/infoseekid.cgi?id=0002378
Shadow Dancer: https://worldofspectrum.net/infoseekid.cgi?id=0004421
Also, if it's not too much trouble, could you post requests as new posts instead of edits to old ones, so that I didn't just stumble on them by chance? ;j
Sure, I'll keep that in mind. I did notice you could miss those, but it wasn't that vital. Plus I could have reminded you later.
This time the list is small, but they all are interesting titles.
Afteroids & Humphrey are two Spanish games I didn't include earlier in my requests. Afteroids is an Asteroids clone where stages ocupy more than one screen. A pretty neat game, and it also has some speech (!) while it loads.
Humphrey is a puzzle game. As usual with Spanish games of the era, it is too damn hard, but a great game nevertheless. You need to guide an alien film star (!) while he paints his new mansion, but the place is also full of annoying fans.
And Shadow Dancer... Honestly, I don't know if the ZX version is any good, but we already had Shinobi, and now that FBN can run TAP files it was only fair to add its sequel.
EDIT: Can't believe I forgot to thank you for your work... you rule, man!
This time, would you consider adding...?
- Golden Axe
- Airborne Ranger
- Gunship
- Project Stealth Fighter
Can't believe they actually ported MicroProse's first games to the ZX. There are more, but these three should suffice, I think.
Added the support for 11 homebrew games (ZX Spectrum stuff) ! ;)
Alter Ego (2011)
Danterrifik (2020)
Dreamwalker - Alter Ego 2 (2014)
Endless Forms Most Beautiful (2012)
Gluf (2019)
Jumpin' Jupiter (2020)
MultiDude (2014)
Old Tower (2019)
Sir Ababol 2 (2013)
Sir Ababol DX (2013)
Tourmaline (2014)
... there're also GraviBots and Yazzie, but these games are not working in FBN.
Today I only could think of a single game to request: Hostages, by Infogrames.
Perhaps more games from the same developer are worthy, but I'm not sure.
... other 5 homebrew games in the ZX Spectrum roster:
Cheril the Goddess
Danterrifik 2
Lost Treasures of Tulum, the
The Relic (La Reliqua)
I've joined the forum as a fan of FBNeo and its predecessor. Its really good to see the gains that have been made in recent years with an ever expanding number of talented people joining the development team.
I'd like to make a request? Could Ranarama, the Hewson game, be added to the ZX Spectrum list? Its a pretty good title that was on a number of systems back in its day.
Added Hostages, Ranarama, and a few more Hewson's games: Zynaps, Uridium, Netherworld, Marauder, Kraal. Also threw in Action Force 2 and Action Reflex (apparently looking for some more action).
...And another request from me, "Sentinel", classic strategy / puzzle.
Added The Sentinel, should be good to go soon.
Very cool. It''s one of those I-can't-believe-we-forgot.
Another small ZX request:
- Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
- Spindizzy
Added Spindizzy and the two Indy Jones games: Temple of Doom and the Last Crusade. Will keep trying to squeeze in the Fate of Atlantis one, but the existing TAPs seem borked.
Also, just in case someone else gets stumped by this one: when Spindizzy asks you to press EXT to exit a menu/map, you can also press both Shift keys to do the same.
A small reminder of how much you rule, Svipur :biggrin:
10 new homebrews added to the ZX Spectrum roster:
All Hallows Rise of Pumpkin (HB)
Black & White (HB)
Circuitry 48k (HB)
Coloco (HB)
Foggy's Quest 128k (HB)
Ninjajar (HB)
Rubicon (HB)
Sector Invasion (HB)
Tenebra Macabre (HB)
Vampire Vengeance (HB)
Those Mojon Twins games are pretty cool. They surpase many vintage games.
Anyway, I thought of a few more Spectrum games worth adding (or maybe not, you be the judges): E.SWAT, Final Fight, Ikari Warriors, MERCS, Turrican and Turrican II.
Added E.SWAT, Final Fight, Ikari Warriors, MERCS, Turrican, and Turrican II.
Also threw in Licence to Kill, Tetris 2 (considered better than the well-known Mirrorsoft version), and the Magic Knight quadrilogy (Finders Keepers, Knight Tyme, Spellbound, and Stormbringer).
Excellent. As for the computer versions of "Tetris", I have to agree. Mirrorsoft did a pretty poor job with the conversions. PC owners later got "Super Tetris" and "Tetris Classic", but 8 bit users weren't that lucky.
Incase you didn't know:
NES 8bit tetris is legendary, and the new "From Below" game on nes really holds up as well as adds a new twist.
best regards,
- dink
True, true. When I mentioned 8 bit users I wasn't thinking of consoles. In those days I owned a Game Boy and "Tetris" could keep me occupied for hours. The computer ports, however... :mad:
And while 16 bit users got improved ports over time and stuff like "Block Out", what did the remaining Amstrad and Spectrum users get? f***ing "Welltris" :confused:
eww weltris :P
well, some good news: (I spent a few days on this)
ZX Spectrum gets new 2000x oversampling buzzer-dac emulation, try it :)
best regards,
- dink
EDIT: It sounds even cooler than I expected. What games benefit the most from this feature?
ZX Spectrum gets new 2000x oversampling buzzer-dac emulation, try it :)
Amazing... a remarkable "overboost" for a simple 1 bit beeper! :wink:
EDIT: It sounds even cooler than I expected. What games benefit the most from this feature?
The music menu in JetPac RX is a good example! ;)
Neville, the new buzzer emulation affects games using the buzzer (not the ay8910), so, for example, try:
Hades Nebula
Alter Ego
now take a break and try 180 (128k) for some nice AY8910 music :)
best regards,
- dink
Thanks for the tips ;p
the new buzzer emulation affects games using the buzzer (not the ay8910), so, for example, try:
I don't know if it's possible, but it would be great to have an option in DIP switches menu to select "original buzzer emulation" and "enhanced buzzer emulation", with the "enhanced" option available by default.
I know, almost anything is possible (computationally speaking), but I mean: "if it's possible without an heavy coding work"... ;)
In any case, excellent work... the 1 bit beeper musics are amazing with the oversampling enhancement! :)
A few more Spectrum requests for your consideration:
- Bobby Bearing
- ISS: Incredible Shrinking Sphere
- Kong's Revenge
- Psycho Pigs UXB
Added Bobby Bearing, Incredible Shrinking Sphere, Kong's Revenge, and Psycho Pigs UXB.
Also added the previously removed Night Breed, Silent Shadow, and Rescate en el Golfo (all three work now).
Also threw in a bunch of goodies (most of them of the 'can't believe we missed those' variety):
Arc/Nodes of Yesod
Blood Brothers
Destiny Mission
Frost Byte
Gauntlet III
North Star
Psycho Hopper
Stainless Steel
Sophia 1 and 2
Fantastic! :biggrin:
can us add some megadrive hacks??
Some similar Mega Drive hacks were added not long ago... I know because I asked for those :biggrin:
Two caveats on BlastoBR's hack for SSF2, though: 1) It's in Brazillian only, although the author is working on an English version. 2) It shows garbled graphics on a variety of emulators, only Fusion seems to run it properly. I could contact the author on YouTube and he said he'll try to fix it for the English release.
UPDATE: That Golden Axe hack is also a potential problem. It uses a ROM variant that's very hard to find. I used it on a regular World v1.0 ROM and got a wrong checksum. That can be fixed with the Fix CheckSum utility, and afterwards the ROM seems to work fine, but I can't tell if this will result in a 100% working game.
Another few Spectrum requests:
- Alien Storm
- Guerrilla War
- Predator
- Predator II
- Terminator 2: Judgement Day
- Street Fighter 2 (OK, I know it's crap, just for the historical value)
EDIT: And Karateka.
Added Alien Storm, Guerrilla War, Predator 1 and 2, Terminator 2, Street Fighter 2.
... and Karateka.
Thank you very much! :wink:
There's a translation just released of the Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom NES game. While the US release is already in FBNeo, a great deal was lost from the original localisation. The translation looks rather special, if this could be considered for a future release at some point?
arcane54, it's in - enjoy
best regards,
- dink
thank you so much Dink....you guys are amazing, its up already!! :cool:
arcane54 you're welcome :)
Added a dip option to Spectrum: map Kempston to QAOPM or QAOPSpace.
This feature is for games that only support QAOPM or QAOPSpace as inputs.
If you find a game like this, please say it here - I will then set the game to use this configuration by default :)
f.ex 2 homebrews that already make use of this handy feature:
Moon Ranger
Jet Pack Bob
best regards,
- dink
Seems a bit radical, but it gets rid of the joystick issues in "Lotus Turbo Challenge" and "Test Drive 2". I'll notify if I find any strange behaviour in other games.
EDIT: With M as fire it also fixes "Desperado" by Topo.
A few more Spectrum requests:
- Aliens (two different games, one from Activision and the other by Electric Dreams)
- Budokan
- HKM / Human Killing Machine
- Karnov
- Hypsys
- Casanova
- Thunderbirds
"Budokan" and "Thunderbirds" can be messy. "Budokan" took two tapes to access all sections, and "Thunderbirds" has 3-4 separate loads (independent?) with different sections.
Added in:
Aliens UK & US
Human Killing Machine
Also threw in Kendo Warrior, seemed somewhat appropriate.
Seeing how playing a tourney in Budokan requires loading off side C, picking the controls, then loading off side D, picking the fighting style, then loading off side B to get into the game proper, and then juggling between sides D and B for the rest of the game... I can't think of a feasible way of implementing that one. ;(
It's OK. I always imagined there would be limitations, even with the new TAP support. Can't believe you managed to squeeze in "North & South", which also spanned two tapes and has no disk version.
Imagine back in the day, to set up a battle, load the battle scenario, and then be over in 5 seconds because the enemy decides to retire rather than fight. Then load the map again... it could be maddening sometimes.
And there I thought that loading up Myth all over again every time you run out of lives was a hassle.
Nah, just lazy programming. I saw a few of those on my Amstrad CPC as well, although I can't remember titles.
You will be added Paradise Cafe by Dammata from ZX Spectrum? Thanks. :redface:
Paradise Cafe
Xecutor (some nice 48k tunes here).
Also changed Vindicators to use Interface 2 by default, which seems to fix the 'stuck key' input bug.
I added Patrick Paddle (HB) the other day to ZX Spectrum. Don't let it's simpleness fool you, it's a really fun addicting game :)
It controls great!
It's addicting & funny, especially when the bombs come :)
get rom here: https://prosm-software.itch.io/patrick-paddle
best regards,
- dink
Thank you! :biggrin:
More Spectrum games requests for your consideration:
- P-47 Freedom Fighter and UN Squadron (shooters)
- Hyper Sports --> Olympiad
- Lemmings (speaks for itself)
- All "games" series from Epyx with Spectrum version. See https://www.mobygames.com/game-group/epyx-games-series
- Tai-pan (trading game)
- Wonder Boy in Monster Land
What do you think?
Wilowar ZX Spectrum missing game list:
Crystal Kingdom Dizzy 2017 remake
Mighty Final Fight - port from Nes
California Games
Crystal Kindom Dizzy - Remake
Games - Summer Edition, The
Games - Winter Edition, The
Hyper Sports
P-47 Thunderbolt
Summer Games
Summer Games II
Super Wonder Boy
UN Squadron
Winter Games
World Games
Also threw in Deflektor, Goonies (be sure to turn off the sound for this one), and a version of Xecutor with remixed AY music (an in-game music as well).
As for Mighty Final Fight - that one's already supported. Yay!
Thank you very much! :biggrin:
Thanks a lot guys... during this period I'm very very busy... your support is very appreciated! :)
While trying to figure out what FDS games are worth exploring, I found this article:
It mentions a FDS game called "Knight Move" that might be worth adding to the roster. It's a tile puzzle by none other than Alexey Pajitnov, and apparently a good one.
wilowar ZX Spectrum missing game list :
21 Erotic
911 TS
2112 AD
4 Soccer Simulators
Advanced Pinball Simulator
AfterBurner - 128K Version miss
Alien 8
BACK TO THE FUTURE 128K Version miss
While trying to figure out what FDS games are worth exploring, I found this article:
It mentions a FDS game called "Knight Move" that might be worth adding to the roster. It's a tile puzzle by none other than Alexey Pajitnov, and apparently a good one.
It's in - along with a few other translations on fds.
best regards,
- dink
Thank you very much! :biggrin:
Added (ZX Speccy):
10th Frame
21 Erotic
2112 Ad
4 Soccer Simulators
911 Ts
Advanced Pinball Simulator
Afterburner - 128k
Alien 8
Arcade Flight Simulator
Big Nose's American Adventure
Big Trouble In Little China
Blade Warrior
Bmx Simulator 2
Laser Squad
Road Race
Shadow of the Beast
Space Crusade
Super Car Trans Am
The Bounty Hunter
Also threw in Sword Slayer (again, some nice tunes in this one).
Didn't include a 128k version of Back to the Future... as I didn't find any. Even the instructions for the game say that you should switch your 128k model into 48k mode before loading. If there's a separate 128k release, official or not, feel free to point me in its direction.
I see FBN supports Rock n' Roll Racing Hack v15. Heads up: v16 is out now, and it's much better (my favorite improvement: the announcer no longer interrupts the music!).
Stifu, thanks - the new version (v16) is in :)
best regards,
- dink
Thx Svipur for add zx games.
2 - Wilowar ZX spectrum missing game list:
1st Division Manager - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9345/ZX-Spectrum/1st_Division_Manager
750CC GRAND PRIX - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9300/ZX-Spectrum/750cc_Grand_Prix
ATV SIMULATOR - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9306/ZX-Spectrum/ATV_Simulator
BILLY THE KID - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/529/ZX-Spectrum/Billy_the_Kid
BRAINACHE - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9316/ZX-Spectrum/Brainache
BRONX STREET COP - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/716/ZX-Spectrum/Bronx_Street_Cop
BY FAIR MEANS...OR FOUL - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/776/ZX-Spectrum/By_Fair_Meansor_Foul
CJ IN THE USA - 48K Version miss - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9322/ZX-Spectrum/CJ_in_the_USA
CAPTAIN DYNAMO - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9319/ZX-Spectrum/Captain_Dynamo
CHAMPIONSHIP JET SKI SIMULATOR - 128K Version miss - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9321/ZX-Spectrum/Championship_Jet_Ski_Simulator
CUE BOY - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9328/ZX-Spectrum/Cue_Boy
DJ PUFF - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9341/ZX-Spectrum/DJ_Puff
DEATH STALKER - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9330/ZX-Spectrum/Death_Stalker
DIZZY 3 AND A HALF - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9334/ZX-Spectrum/Dizzy_3_and_a_Half
F-16 FIGHTING FALCON - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/1706/ZX-Spectrum/F-16_Fighting_Falcon
FRANKENSTEIN JNR. - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/26268/ZX-Spectrum/Frankenstein_Jnr
FREDDY HARDEST EN MANHATTAN SUR - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/1863/ZX-Spectrum/Freddy_Hardest_en_Manhattan_Sur
FRUIT MACHINE SIMULATOR - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9348/ZX-Spectrum/Fruit_Machine_Simulator
FRUIT MACHINE SIMULATOR 2 - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9349/ZX-Spectrum/Fruit_Machine_Simulator_2
GHOST HUNTERS - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9350/ZX-Spectrum/Ghost_Hunters
GRAND PRIX SIMULATOR - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9353/ZX-Spectrum/Grand_Prix_Simulator
GRAND PRIX SIMULATOR 2 - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9354/ZX-Spectrum/Grand_Prix_Simulator_2
GRELL AND FELLA - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9355/ZX-Spectrum/Grell_and_Fella
THE HIT SQUAD - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9358/ZX-Spectrum/The_Hit_Squad
INTERNATIONAL 3D TENNIS - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/2495/ZX-Spectrum/International_3D_Tennis
INTERNATIONAL RUGBY SIMULATOR - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9359/ZX-Spectrum/International_Rugby_Simulator
INTERNATIONAL SPEEDWAY - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/2518/ZX-Spectrum/International_Speedway
ITALIAN SUPERCAR - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9360/ZX-Spectrum/Italian_Supercar
JET BIKE SIMULATOR - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9361/ZX-Spectrum/Jet_Bike_Simulator
JUNGLE WARFARE - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/2662/ZX-Spectrum/Jungle_Warfare
KGB SUPERSPY - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9364/ZX-Spectrum/KGB_Superspy
KAMIKAZE - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9363/ZX-Spectrum/Kamikaze
HUNDRA - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/index.php?cat=96&id=2388
Would you consider adding this new Mega Drive hack for "The Terminator"?
Here's 2, but one of them maybe is mame. :eek:
Kyukyoku Tiger - https://caps0ff.blogspot.com/2020/11/the-elusive-tms32010-mask-rom.html - NES?
Great Swordsman - https://caps0ff.blogspot.com/2020/04/help-us-preserve-great-swordsman.html - MAME?
Would you consider adding this new Mega Drive hack for "The Terminator"?
And also this other hack for Earthbound (NES):
added Earthbound and Terminator hack's
best regards,
- dink
Thank you! :biggrin:
Added (ZX Speccy):
1st Division Manager
750cc Grand Prix
Billy The Kid
Bronx Street Cop
By Fair Means...Or Foul
Captain Dynamo
Cue Boy
Death Stalker
Dizzy 3 And A Half
Dj Puff
F-16 Fighting Falcon
Frankenstein Jnr
Freddy Hardest In South Manhattan
Fruit Machine Simulator
Fruit Machine Simulator 2
Fairlights 1 And 2
Grand Prix Simulator
Grand Prix Simulator 2
Grell And Fella
Ghost Hunters
International 3d Tennis
International Rugby Simulator
International Speedway
Italian Supercar
Jet Bike Simulator
Jungle Warfare
Kgb Superspy
The Hit Squad
Didn't add: ATV Simulator (it's already available, yay), Championship Jet Ski Sim 128k (there's no 128k version), and CJ in the USA 48k (honestly, I fail to see the point of adding the 48k version in the absence of 48k-only music or features, soz).
This reminds me thay I also have a few more Spectrum requests.
Gauntlet II --> Parts I and III are already in the roster.
Michel Futbol Master --> You don't know Michel?! He was the one and only soccer master!
The Simpsons: Bart vs. Space Mutants --> One of the few Ocean licenses left to add.
There was a little bug in my buzzer emulation that would occasionally cause a gap in the sound buffer if frame cpu cycles went over a few for that frame, this made an obvious and annoying pop in the awesome Alter Ego title music (and in some other games too, but it was less evident). Anyways; now it's history.
Did anyone check out my stereoizer for Nes yet? Put on headphones and try the video here (please): https://neo-source.com/index.php?topic=2487.msg30631#msg30631
I have an idea, I want to make several audio plug-ins for FB Neo UI which can be selected, like: delay/reverb/stereoizer/Bass Boost. I'm testing the idea with just the NES driver for now.
best regards,
- dink
Added (ZX Speccy):
Escape from the Planet of Robot Monsters
Gauntlet II
The Last Vampire
Michel Futbol Master
The Simpsons: Bart vs. Space Mutants
Sly Spy
Where Time Stood Still
Thought I'd throw in some more previously missed Ocean and Codies stuff, some great games in here.
Thumbs up! :biggrin:
I can't believe it when these days I read that Ocean especialized in mediocre film licenses. They made some of the best games of the 8-bit era, goddammit!
"Navy Seals" was already in the roster, wasn't it?
"Navy Seals" was already in the roster, wasn't it?
Oh, ta for catching that one. Indeed, it's already there. I must've typoed when I searched for it.
THX for add games from previous list.
3. Wilowar Zx missing game list:
3D-TETRIS - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/20728/ZX-Spectrum/3D-Tetris
3D STARFIGHTER - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9423/ZX-Spectrum/3D_Starfighter
5 IN 1 TETRIS - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/12738/ZX-Spectrum/5_in_1_Tetris
007 - Live and Let Die - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/4/ZX-Spectrum/Live_and_Let_Die
007 - THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS - THE COMPUTER GAME - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/6/ZX-Spectrum/The_Living_Daylights-The_Computer_Game
007 - Spy Who Loved Me- https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/8/ZX-Spectrum/The_Spy_Who_Loved_Me
2088 - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/26/ZX-Spectrum/2088
Alien Girl - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/36381/ZX-Spectrum/Alien_Girl
AMMYTRIS - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/184/ZX-Spectrum/Ammytris
DRAGON SPIRIT - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/1492/ZX-Spectrum/Dragon_Spirit
LITTLE PUFF - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9371/ZX-Spectrum/Little_Puff
MIAMI CHASE - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9376/ZX-Spectrum/Miami_Chase
MISSION JUPITER- https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9378/ZX-Spectrum/Mission_Jupiter
MONTE CARLO CASINO - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9379/ZX-Spectrum/Monte_Carlo_Casino
MOTO CROSS SIMULATOR - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9380/ZX-Spectrum/Moto_Cross_Simulator
Mountain Bike Simulator- https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9381/ZX-Spectrum/Mountain_Bike_500
MURRAY MOUSE SUPERCOP - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9382/ZX-Spectrum/Murray_Mouse_Supercop
THE NINJA WARRIORS - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/3442/ZX-Spectrum/The_Ninja_Warriors
NECRIS DOME - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/6738/ZX-Spectrum/Necris_Dome
NINJA MASSACRE - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9384/ZX-Spectrum/Ninja_Massacre
Olli & Lissa III: The Candlelight Adventure 128K Version miss - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9385/ZX-Spectrum/Olli_Lissa_3
OPERATION GUNSHIP - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9386/ZX-Spectrum/Operation_Gunship
PARIS TO DAKAR - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9388/ZX-Spectrum/Paris_to_Dakar
PHANTOMAS - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/3686/ZX-Spectrum/Phantomas
PHANTOMAS 2 - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/3688/ZX-Spectrum/Phantomas_2
PRINCE CLUMSY - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9391/ZX-Spectrum/Prince_Clumsy
PRO GOLF SIMULATOR - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9393/ZX-Spectrum/Pro_Golf_Simulator
PRO POWERBOAT SIMULATOR - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9394/ZX-Spectrum/Pro_PowerBoat_Simulator
PRO SKATEBOARD SIMULATOR - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9397/ZX-Spectrum/Pro_Skateboard_Simulator
PRO TENNIS SIMULATOR - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9395/ZX-Spectrum/Pro_Tennis_Simulator
PROFESSIONAL BMX SIMULATOR - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9396/ZX-Spectrum/Professional_BMX_Simulator
PROFESSIONAL SKI SIMULATOR - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9399/ZX-Spectrum/Professional_Ski_Simulator
PROFESSIONAL SNOOKER SIMULATOR - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9400/ZX-Spectrum/Professional_Snooker_Simulator
PUB TRIVIA - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9402/ZX-Spectrum/Pub_Trivia
THE RACE AGAINST TIME - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9404/ZX-Spectrum/The_Race_Against_Time
RALLYCROSS SIMULATOR https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9405/ZX-Spectrum/Rallycross_Simulator
ROBIN HOOD - LEGEND QUEST - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9406/ZX-Spectrum/Robin_Hood-Legend_Quest
ROCK STAR GOES BIZARRE - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/36128/ZX-Spectrum/Rock_Star_Goes_Bizarre
SAS COMBAT SIMULATOR - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9409/ZX-Spectrum/SAS_Combat_Simulator
SERGEANT SEYMOUR ROBOT COP - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9411/ZX-Spectrum/Sergeant_Seymour_Robot_Cop
Seymour at the Movies 128k Version miss- https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9410/ZX-Spectrum/Seymour_Goes_to_Hollywood
SKY HIGH STUNTMAN - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9417/ZX-Spectrum/Sky_High_Stuntman
SOCCER PINBALL - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9419/ZX-Spectrum/Soccer_Pinball
SOVIET FIGHTER MIG 29 - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9377/ZX-Spectrum/Soviet_Fighter_MiG_29
SPIKE IN TRANSYLVANIA - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9421/ZX-Spectrum/Spike_in_Transylvania
STAR RUNNER - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9422/ZX-Spectrum/Star_Runner
STREET GANG FOOTBALL - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9427/ZX-Spectrum/Street_Gang_Football
STRYKER - IN THE CRYPTS OF TROGAN - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9429/ZX-Spectrum/Stryker-In_the_Crypts_of_Trogan
STUNTMAN SEYMOUR - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9412/ZX-Spectrum/Stuntman_Seymour
SUPER BIKE TRANSAM - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9435/ZX-Spectrum/Super_Bike_TransAm
SUPER DRAGON SLAYER - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9430/ZX-Spectrum/Super_Dragon_Slayer
SUPER G-MAN - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9431/ZX-Spectrum/Super_G-Man
SUPER HERO - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9436/ZX-Spectrum/Super_Hero
SUPER ROBIN HOOD - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9432/ZX-Spectrum/Super_Robin_Hood
SUPER SEYMOUR SAVES THE PLANET - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9413/ZX-Spectrum/Super_Seymour_Saves_the_Planet
SUPER STUNTMAN - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9433/ZX-Spectrum/Super_Stuntman
SUPER TANK - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9434/ZX-Spectrum/Super_Tank
TARZAN GOES APE - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9437/ZX-Spectrum/Tarzan_Goes_Ape
TERRA COGNITA - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9438/ZX-Spectrum/Terra_Cognita
TILT - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9440/ZX-Spectrum/Tilt
TORNADO ECR - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9441/ZX-Spectrum/Tornado_ECR
TRANSMUTER - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9442/ZX-Spectrum/Transmuter
Turbo Girl - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/5462/ZX-Spectrum/Turbo_Girl
Turbo the Tortoise - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/5466/ZX-Spectrum/Turbo_the_Tortoise
TWIN TURBO V8 - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9444/ZX-Spectrum/Twin_Turbo_V8
WACKY DARTS 128k Vesion miss - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9448/ZX-Spectrum/Wacky_Darts
WHITE HEAT - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9449/ZX-Spectrum/White_Heat
WIZARD WILLY - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9450/ZX-Spectrum/Wizard_Willy
WRESTLING SUPERSTARS - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/9451/ZX-Spectrum/Wrestling_Superstars
Vixen - https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/5589/ZX-Spectrum/Vixen
Ok for requesting some games to be added to ZX Spectrum driver but a list of more than 50 games in a single topic is a bit too much, no?
Ok for requesting some games to be added to ZX Spectrum driver but a list of more than 50 games in a single topic is bit too much, no?
Some people never "learn" ! :confused:
Could you go through the list one more time and remove those we've already got (at a quick glance, I distinctly remember adding Steg and Silent Shadow) and game collections (e.g. Superstar Seymour is just a pack of all Seymour games).
Ok, I removed Superstar Seymour and Silent Shadow, but I can't find Steg The Slug on my game list on FBN.
but I can't find Steg The Slug on my game list on FBN.
Should be there shortly. Steg was added in the last batch: https://neo-source.com/index.php?topic=3656.msg30643#msg30643
ok. I removed Steg game from my list.
Added the games from Wilowar's plus-sized list, barring:
Olli & Lissa 3
Seymour at the Movies
I couldn't confirm that the 128k versions of those two are any different from the 48k versions.
I also had to skip Alien Girl, since I don't have the official TAP to verify the checksum. Had to go with the free 48k demo.
Threw in:
Rogue Trooper
Star Paws
Super Scramble Simulator
The Star Paws one is more for the tunes than the gameplay, admittedly.
Seyumor at the movies in 48k don't have chip tune background music only beeps from built in speaker.
Is FB Neo has support for Light gun Pistol like Nes zapper for usb mouse ?
No light phaser support for zx yet, but i will try to add it :)
Seyumor at the movies in 48k don't have chip tune background music only beeps from built in speaker.
Thanks for the video - yeah, you're right, after a little bit of searching I was able to find a separate, 128k version of the game's tape. Added the 128k version now.
Cj in the Usa - tape error message in menu:
Thanks, replaced CJ In USA w/a working .tap image.
best regards,
- dink
Street Fighter 2 Mix :eek:
Link: https://sf2mix.github.io/download_br.html
Hello FBNeo people,
If you are adding SF2Mix to FBNeo use the sf2ce driver by renaming it to sf2mix.zip and in the files change all "s92" to "smx"
Example: s92_21a.6f -> smx_21a.6f
Thanks for the info Joaquim2020, zero800
It looks like someone beat me to it, but named it sf2cemix, is that alright?
best regards,
- dink
it's now changed to "sf2mix" and smx rom prefix for all roms with a changed crc from sf2ce. thanks
best regards,
- dink
Battle Mania Daiginjou (Hack, Spanish)
You need to check this, maybe it have more. :(
There's a hack of Breakers Revenge with the boss playable: https://youtu.be/rwB2YIB9VFM
May be nice to have in FBN.
Stifu, It's in :)
Battle Mania Daiginjou (Hack, Spanish)
You need to check this, maybe it have more. :(
Dips -> 32-Col Draw Mode -> Inner Zoom
F5, Save Preset (saves megadrive.ini preset w/setting)
Dips -> 32-Col Draw Mode -> Inner Zoom
F5, Save Preset (saves megadrive.ini preset w/setting)
Thank you! :biggrin:
-- Edit --
Can you add this game? Maybe Arcade Will added to working. :(
I did not see it, that's the reason, only on MAME.
https://www.ppxclub.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=702281 :eek:
Today an English translation for the MD game Lord Monarch has been released. Is it worthy of adding to the MD roster?
Details here: http://www.romhacking.net/translations/5762/
Today an English translation for the MD game Lord Monarch has been released. Is it worthy of adding to the MD roster?
Details here: http://www.romhacking.net/translations/5762/
i work on letter L of spanish can i add game to list?
Very Rare Rom found it for Mega Drive, it doesn?t work on Kega Fusion!
The rom i can send you in private.
Note: There is more inside of that website i send you in private dink!
Street Fighter 2 Mix updated to V0.96d..
- Removed the bat from the China background.
(Apologies to all who felt offended)
- E.Ryu as new boss after defeating Bison.
- Increased range of Vega punch down.
- Light changes in some Chun-Li palettes.
- Untested rom may still have several bugs.
Is "Block Out" for the NES worthy of adding?
From Wikipedia:
Despite the other known console ports of Blockout, there were also two for NES: the first is an official unreleased prototype developed in 1990 by Technos Japan Corp. under the name "Block Out", while the second is an unauthorized clone programmed by Hwang Shinwei and published by both himself and RCM Group in 1989/1990 (titled 3D Block).
Neville, sure!
best regards,
- dink
Love that game, although I don't know how it will play with only two buttons :p
I'm a tetris fan, but I could never get good at the 3d version.
Thanks dink 16 Zhang Mahjong II is finally official working for the first time. :wink:
Neville, sure!
best regards,
- dink
Thanks! It's a pretty good version.
Sega Master System
3 in 1 - The Best Game Collection
8 in 1 - The Best Game Collection
Web: allmyroms dot net.
Please check all systems, there is a lot of games are not emulated yet.
Joaquim2020, it's in there, search for:
"best game collection" in fbneo ui's search box.
best regards,
- dink
Hello to all,
I think these Neo Geo Pocket Color games should be added as a parents:
parent: The Last Blade - Beyond the Destiny (Euro) - ngp_lastblad
clone: Bakumatsu Rouman Tokubetsu Hen - Gekka no Kenshi - Tsuki ni Saku Hana, Chiri Yuku Hana (Jpn) - ngp_bakumats
parent: Picture Puzzle (Euro, USA) - ngp_picturep
clone: Oekaki Puzzle (Jpn) - ngp_oekakip
parent: Pocket Reversi (Euro) - ngp_pockrev
clone: Pocket Reversi (Jpn) - ngp_pockrevj
parent: Rockman - Battle & Fighters (Jpn) - ngp_rockmanb
clone: Rockman - Battle & Fighters (Jpn, Demo) - ngp_rockmanbd
It's been a while since I requested Spectrum games... is it possible to add HeroQuest and HeroQuest: Return of the Witch Lord? If they haven't already been discarted, naturally.
EDIT: The game also seems to be available for the NES, although only as a prototype.
Added both Hero Quests. Somehow forgot about these, and how good the music was.
Cool, thank you. If you guys are going to add the NES prototype as well, I've read the European version is more complete than the US one.
Wtorm, thanks for the NGP parent/clone info :)
Neville, sure - it's in!
Joaquim2020, it's in there, search for:
"best game collection" in fbneo ui's search box.
best regards,
- dink
Thanks dink, i was searching in mega drive list. LOL. My mistake. :redface:
Keep checking the website. ;p
More Mega Drive Games - All Done
Street Fighter 2 Mix updated to V0.97
Version 0.97:
- Fixed 8x Flash Kicks Bug with Guile that affected projectiles.
- Ryu's Round 3 Scenario Sky Fixed.
- Fixed black stripe after completion of game.
- Player x Player fights does not eliminate CPU.
- New win quotes for E.Ryu.
- Added new Run animation for Ryu and Ken.
(Made by Luis Ramirez)
Super Mario Deluxe Edition NES: https://www.ppxclub.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=702417
http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/5546/ is in already
http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/5546/ is in already
ooops, well i tought chinese people are releasing their own hacks in their f?rum. :biggrin:
So good stuff in there.
Is it possible to add these games to the PC Engine and Turbografx lists?
- Nantettatte Engine (HB)
http://www.aetherbyte.com/aetherbyte-nantettatte_engine.html (Free rom)
- Tongueman's Logic (HB)
http://www.chrismcovell.com/TMLogic.html (Free rom)
- HuZero (HB)
http://www.chrismcovell.com/creations.html (Free rom)
- Off the Wall (USA) (Proto)
Ok, it is getting out of hand, so i'll repeat some rules that have been said many times already :
- only request support for games you intend to play
- check if those games aren't supported already
Next time i see a request for several dozens of games, including alts and already supported games, the requester will be lucky if i only delete his request. All devs are getting sick of this, that was my last warning.
@joaquim2020 games added, half of those games were already supported actually, and no we won't add the alts.
In the Game Gear section, the game George Foreman's KO Boxing (Euro, USA) should be the parent of Heavy Weight Champ (Jpn)
parent: George Foreman's KO Boxing (Euro, USA) gg_georgeko
clone: Heavy Weight Champ (Jpn) gg_heavyw
Added the PCE games & fixed parent/clone relationships for George Foreman's on GG - thanks :)
best regards,
- dink
@joaquim2020 games added, half of those games were already supported actually, and no we won't add the alts.
Thank you, i will ignore the alts. :wink:
A few Taiwan games have black screen sadly. :(
You forget a few games, i update the list in the last post i made.
Take your time, don?t need to be already in there.
Thank you, i will ignore the alts. :wink:
A few Taiwan games have black screen sadly. :(
You forget a few games, i update the list in the last post i made.
Take your time, don?t need to be already in there.
No, i didn't forget games, all those games were already supported...
Parent / clone corrections in the Sega SG-1000 section
parent: Mahjong (Jpn) sg1k_mahjong
clone: Mahjong (Jpn, Alt) sg1k_mahjonga
clone: Mahjong (Tw) sg1k_mahjongt
parent: Home Mahjong (Jpn, v1) sg1k_homemj
clone: Home Mahjong (Jpn, v0) sg1k_homemj1
clone: Yo-nin Mahjong (Tw) sg1k_homemjt
parent: San-nin Mahjong (Jpn, OMV) sg1k_3ninmj
clone: San-nin Mahjong (Tw) sg1k_3ninmjt
parent: Sega Music (Euro?) sg1k_music
clone: Music (Jpn) sg1k_musicj
No, i didn't forget games, all those games were already supported...
I search for it, but i don?t see in the list. I'm using the debug version.
The King of Fighters 2000 for mega drive.
The King of Fighters 2000
Then it's probably not worded that way.
Thanks for the fix info! :)
best regards,
- dink
Then it's probably not worded that way.
Found it, my bad. We need to remove a few words, like "The" or only put "2000" it works. :redface:
Possible a fix of K.O.F. 2000 Original rom?
Is it possible to add this NeoGeo Pocket's game to FBN?
- Gears of Fate (HB)
https://buildbot.libretro.com/assets/cores/SNK%20-%20Neo%20Geo%20Pocket/ (free rom)
Thanks in advance
Hacks of this too?
Wtorm, game is in
Joaquim2020 also in.
best regards,
- dink
Street Fighter 2 Mix updated to V0.97
Version 0.97:
- Fixed 8x Flash Kicks Bug with Guile that affected projectiles.
- Ryu's Round 3 Scenario Sky Fixed.
- Fixed black stripe after completion of game.
- Player x Player fights does not eliminate CPU.
- New win quotes for E.Ryu.
- Added new Run animation for Ryu and Ken.
(Made by Luis Ramirez)
Very fun hack! :wink:
Wtorm, game is in
Joaquim2020 also in.
best regards,
- dink
Also, would you consider adding any of the color hacks for Dragon Ball Z: Buyuu Retsuden (Mega Drive)?
Which is the best for you? both are very good
The "Anime colors" has a negative review, although I like it. You need ski goggles to play in some of the arenas, but still is closer to the look of the TV series. On the oher hand, the Donus patch has no negative revierws, is less extreme and, if that helps, you have already included some of his other Genesis patches.
So if I had to choose I'd go with the Donus patch.
Any other opinions? Any DBZ fans on the board?
Hi guys,
When updating FBNeo please upgrade sf2mix to version 0.98
Thank you all.
The "Anime colors" has a negative review, although I like it. You need ski goggles to play in some of the arenas, but still is closer to the look of the TV series. On the oher hand, the Donus patch has no negative revierws, is less extreme and, if that helps, you have already included some of his other Genesis patches.
So if I had to choose I'd go with the Donus patch.
Any other opinions? Any DBZ fans on the board?
The truth is that this game would need an arrangement of colors, if that is the one you would play it would be a matter of adding it, I would not want to add games that will never be played
Then I'd add the Donus patch. And if you don't like the colors on other Genesis games check out his other patches, he's done a lot of good.
EDIT: I got it wrong, it's actually the Donus patch the one in which some stages are too bright. Still, that's better than the released version, so yes, please add his patch and ignore the other one.
Then I'd add the Donus patch. And if you don't like the colors on other Genesis games check out his other patches, he's done a lot of good.
EDIT: I got it wrong, it's actually the Donus patch the one in which some stages are too bright. Still, that's better than the released version, so yes, please add his patch and ignore the other one.
ok I have everything ready, I just wait for the ok
Parent/clone fix in Sega Master System
parent: George Foreman's KO Boxing (Euro, Bra) sms_georgeko
clone: Heavyweight Champ (Euro) sms_heavyw
clone: James 'Buster' Douglas Knockout Boxing (USA) sms_jbdougko
clone: James 'Buster' Douglas Knockout Boxing (USA, Prototype) sms_jbdougkop
Wtorm, thanks for the info - the fix is in :)
best regards,
- dink
Would it be possible to add the game MazezaM Challenge for Colecovision?
Thanks in advance
Sure, MazezaM and MazezaM Challenge got added on CV.
best regards,
- dink
I found this strange SFII and i remember as a kid too, This one instead having blue screen it have a black one.
This one is already in mame/hbmame/fbneo?
Witch game is?
Thanks! :cool:
@Joaquim2020 no idea, it's probably some kind of bootleg : mace the dark age is a totally different game, and a real sf2 cabinet should have 6 buttons. also, this is not a general discussion topic, so please open a new topic for questions like this one.
@Joaquim2020 no idea, it's probably some kind of bootleg : mace the dark age is a totally different game, and a real sf2 cabinet should have 6 buttons. also, this is not a general discussion topic, so please open a new topic for questions like this one.
Nothing to do with the mace the dark age cabinet, i was more concentrated on the SF2 Game.
The guy maybe find this in is locker.
And next time i will post a new one discussion topic.
This is new for me.
I post here, because if there is one version i want it on fbneo.
If you have one name, i will search for it on hbmame.
Kralizec Tetris for Colecovision , are cv_krtetris and cv_ktetris (both parents) duplicates?
Wtorm, thanks, duplicate removed :)
Hi I have a suggestion to do in nes mortal kombat roms I think it will be correct this way
thanks for the info, I fixed the "Special" versions.
I think we should leave non-hack as parent for nes_ultimorkom3*, though.
best regards,
- dink
it`s ok you are the boss :biggrin:
same game
Colecovision Fans:
Team Pixelboy released a bunch of previously pay-only roms for free, and have been added to fbn, of course!
Uridium, Gauntlet, QBIQS (hella-cool), BoomingBoy, and a few others
best regards,
- dink
Street Fighter 'II - Mix (SF2MIX) - Updated to Version 0.99a:
- Ken can transform into Violent Ken.
- Ken (Tatsumaki) can be finished with kick.
- Evil Ryu won a new movement.
- Damage reduction in (Air Tatsumakis).
- Bug fixing by doing 2 simultaneous E.Ryu transformations.
- Balrog (Dash Upper) with animation time equal to (Dash Straight).
- Different animations for long jumps.
- Guile (Rolling Sobat) uses 3/16 of the VigorBar.
- Classic Mode: Dip Switch B5 ON = non-random stages against CPU.
Note: Game update again.
Parent/clone fix in Sega Master System
parent-Bubble Bobble (Euro, Bra) sms_bublbobl
clone-Final Bubble Bobble (Jpn) sms_finalbb
parent-Bubble Bobble (Kor, Clover) sms_bublbokc
clone-Bubble Bobble (Kor, YM Soft) sms_bublboky
parent-New Boggle Boggle 2 (Kor) sms_newbogl2
parent-Super Bubble Bobble (Kor) sms_suprbubl
Wtorm, thanks for letting know, fix is in :)
Is this worth adding?
X-Men (Mega Drive) - Ultimate X-Men hack (http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/5639/)
It says it makes the game easier and "corrects a few design choices of the original game". It does not specify if it solves one annoying thing of this game, after reaching a certain point the player is asked to "lightly press the reset button". If done incorrectly, the game fully restarts and the progress is lost.
EDIT: Looks like its fixed. From the readme:
*Computer automatically resets when destroyed, reset button no longer needed. (Mojo's Crunch)
It would be a matter of testing it, it seems good, I personally play the roms in everdrive, I love all these improvements
Then I say, let's add it! :cool:
2 more for sega genesis.
Daze Before Christmas (Europe)
Yogi Bear (Japan) (En)
Source: The post as been removed. :(
For Svipur. Could you add this new Dizzy game for Zx Spectrum:
@Wilowar Heya. I added support for Wonderful Dizzy back in December, so feel free to go ahead and play it. FBNeo expects the official TAP linked from the Oliver Twins' website: https://www.olivertwins.com/wonderfuldizzy (Play Now -> Download).
I also added support for a number of games from ZX Speccy competitions:
Bullet Storm
Captain Gofer
Cosmic Payback
Cygnus - Alpha
The Dark Redux
Marsmare - Alienation
Red Raid - The Beginning + The Sinking
Roger the Pangolin in 2020 Knurled Tour
Techno Alice
A Very Sheepy Christmas
White Jaguar
Yoyo's Great Adventure
Always a joy to try out some new homebrew's - thanks :)
best regards,
- dink
AV Poker for NES
Larry for NES
Thank you!
A List of megadrive issues all completed and checked.
Chao Ji Mahjong Club - Black Screen
Chao Ji Poker - Black Screen
Dyno Blaze (Early Prototype) - Intro is pink
Game Toshokan (Jpn, Rev. A) - Screen Red?
Gunfight 3 in 1 - Black Screen
K.O.F 98' - One is not working
Magic Bubble (Pirate) - One is not working
Pete Sampras Tennis (Euro, USA, J-Cart) & Alt 2 - Not Working
Pro Action Replay & 2 - Not Working
San Guo Yan Yi - Huo Shao Chi Bi - Black Screen
Sonic & Knuckles + Sonic the Hedgehog (World) - NO WAY! Message?
Sonic Jam 6 - Black Screen
Soul Edge vs Samurai Spirits (Pirate, Cracked) - Resets after the Fight
Super King Kong 99 - Black Screen Intro?
Super Mario World 64 - Black Screen
Tetris (Pirate?) - Black Screen
Unknown Game 2 (Rockman-related?) - Errors
Virtua Racing (Euro) - We know this one is special
Voina Irak (Pirate) - Black Screen
Wonder Library (Jpn) - Black Screen
Sonic & Knuckles + Sonic the Hedgehog (World) - NO WAY! Message?
Thanks for the info dink. :wink:
Added two more ZX Speccy games:
Dark Transit - a weird platformer with somewhat janky physics, but you get to collect and use items - makes for a nice twist. Can be downloaded here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ImTZ88BR2cpINGizcq9c_9NVCsqGeAJy
Yanga+ - an updated version of a puzzler first released as an entry into Yandex Retro Games Battle 2019. The updated version comes in English, has more levels, AY music, passwords, and some minor tweaks. Can be downloaded here: https://serdjuk.itch.io/yanga
Also updated the entry for HELL YEAH!, since the author has updated the game (e.g. the platforms now carry you with them, woo!). Can be downloaded here: https://zx.preshaudio.co.uk/hell-yeah/
Lately I don't have much free time for games, because I've been so busy with code, but - when I do have some time it's going to be great :) thanks Svipur!
best regards,
- dink
Added a bunch of new ZX Spectrum games, among which - an improved and extended version of the original Dizzy.
AntEater - a single-screen arcade involving navigating your tongue around an underground ant colony.
The Dark: Lost Pages - starts off as a side-scrolling stab-a-tron not unlike Zosya's own recent Valley of Rains, then turns into an elaborate first-person shooter.
Dizzy 1 Extended - makes the original game smoother, fixes bugs and unintended skips, adds 16 more screens, new items, etc.
Lost Cavern - an AGD platformer with questionable hitboxes. Somewhat tough, but has a separate easy version.
Ninja Poison - you play as a ninja who's constantly dying from poisoning.
Organic Matter - a game made from a made-up description to a non-existent ZX Speccy game in an old Russian guidebook. Has a trailer made for it, voiced by the guy who did video game reviews on the telly in the 90s. The game itself? A platformer where you go around shooting stuff, making flowers bloom (?), spreading green contamination everywhere you go (?). The usual.
Hi guys,
I found a "little window" to make a small contribution... 3 new homebrew games for NES roster... :wink:
Astro Ninja Man (2020)
Porun-chan No Onigiri Daisuki (2019)
Trophy (2020)
... another addition: RetroSouls GraviBots (Megadrive version)... have fun! :wink:
Thanks Gab75! :)
Hi guys,
added the support to four new ZX Spectrum128K homebrews...
Frantic Pengo
Misifu Remeow color/cga
That Sinking Feeling
The Witch + Espanish and English ending
added the support for other 4 homebrews...
Bare Metal 2.0 (NES)
Duckstroma (MSX)
Menace from Triton, the (MSX, updated from v.1.1 to v.1.2)
Zombie Calavera Prologue (MSX)
10 new homebrews added to the NES roster... ;)
8-bit Illustrations
8-bit Music Power
8-bit Music Power ENCORE
Chrono Knight
Chumlee's Adventure
Frenzy A7800
Jim Power (PIKO's release)
Leggite Luta Livre
Ninja of the 4 Seasons
Hi guys,
added the support for 10 new homebrews (ZX Spectrum roster)... :wink:
Black Star (2015)
BlockZ (2020)
Brick Rick Graveyard Shift (2021)
Crazy Blaster (2019)
Danterrifik III (2021)
Down the Pipe (2021)
L'Abbaye des Morts (2014)
Legend of Traxtor (2014)
Pilot Attack (2017)
Return of Traxtor (2015)
it s poqqible you uploade all news pack ???
it s poqqible you uploade all news pack ???
The FBN provides the support to specific games and systems, but not the related ROMsets... the users must have the ROMs (independently and in a legal way) ! ;)
Added the support to other 7 ZX Spectrum games... 5 old commercial games and 2 new homebrews.
Ace of Aces (1986)
Avenger (1986)
Basil the Great Mouse Detective (1987)
Buck Rogers - Planet of Zoom (1984)
Camelot Warriors (1986)
Maritrini Freelance MonsterSlayer (2011)
S.o.L.o. EN and ES versions (2021)
It's a good Easter for the ZX Spectrum... added the support to 16 new games: 10 old commercial games and 6 "post-2000" homebrews. Happy Easter to all users and Devs! :)
Draconus (1988)
Driller (1987)
Druid (1986)
Druid II - Enlightenment (1987)
E-Motion (1990)
Firelord (1986)
Garfield - Big, Fat, Hairy Deal (1988)
Jetsons The Computer Game (1992)
Ruff and Reddy in the Space Adventure 48K/128K
Scooby and Scrappy Doo (1991)
Hereunder the homebrews (ZX Spectrum):
Drift! (2019)
Dungeons of Gomilandia (2020)
Fase Bonus The Game (2017)
MagicAble (2020)
Mire Mare (2020)
Ramire the Vampire Rewamp (2016) part1/part2/part3
Hi, just want to know if this one would be added:
Attack Four (MSX)
It appears to be a port of NES Volleyball.
More info here
Thanks in advance
Hi, just want to know if this one would be added:
Attack Four (MSX)
It appears to be a port of NES Volleyball.
Hi EstadioRetro,
"Attack Four" will be in FBN MSX roster soon! ;)
Thanks for all the new additions :)
best regards,
- dink
Added the support to other ZX Spectrum games (8 old commercial titles)... :)
ATF - Advance Tactical Fighter 128K (1988)
Hercules - Slayer of the Damned 48K/128K (1988)
Klax 128K (1990)
Mickey Mouse - The Computer Game 128K (1988)
Road Blaster 128K (1988)
Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote 48K (1991)
Samurai Warrior - Usagi Yojimbo 48K (1988)
Thundercats 48K/128K (1987)
3 new homebrews:
Master System: Alex Kidd 3 - Curse in Miracle World "Final release" (2021)
Mega Drive: Blow'em Out (2017)
NES: Doodle World (2020)
Love the art style of doodle world!
Hi EstadioRetro,
"Attack Four" will be in FBN MSX roster soon! ;)
Thanks a lot for the great effort.
This Easter Monday it's the turn of MSX:
Attack 4 Women Volleyball (1986)
Cocoa the Time Machine (2020)
La Reliquia/The Relic (2020)
PS: I also updated the support to "L'Abbaye des Morts" (from v1.1 to v1.2)
I love playing something unique and new between working on code :)
Thank you and best regards,
- dink
If you're documenting these 'new releases' that MAME doesn't seem interested in, can you try to keep the older releases of them as clones (so if a 1.2 comes out, make the 1.1 a clone) it could be useful in the future.
For arcade sets this has always been done (clones = older revisions) but for this modern development the culture seems to be to try and erase the clones entirely, which is worrysome - tracking the development is something people will want to study some years from now.
I love playing something unique and new between working on code :)
Thank you and best regards,
- dink
You're welcome... it's a pleasure! :)
If you're documenting these 'new releases' that MAME doesn't seem interested in, can you try to keep the older releases of them as clones (so if a 1.2 comes out, make the 1.1 a clone) it could be useful in the future.
Thanks for the tip, Haze! :)
Maybe the best choice is proceed as follows:
- if the new version is only a bug fixes, the new version will replace the old version;
- if the new version has changes in levels/gameplay or it adds new options/features, both will be kept.
Thanks for the tip, Haze! :)
Maybe the best choice is proceed as follows:
- if the new version is only a bug fixes, the new version will replace the old version;
- if the new version has changes in levels/gameplay or it adds new options/features, both will be kept.
If it costs you nothing to keep an older version preserved, I'd suggest keeping all the older versions.
Not all bugfixes are 'positive' some end up introducing other issues, sometimes old playthoughs of a game depend on a bug, and end up looking 'impossible' later.
I'll share a little story...
A few years back I was working on a mobile game, it had a score / time attack mode with replays, it would upload players scores and their runs to a server, so that they could be viewed by anybody else.
We got the occasional report of the game crashing mid-run, unfortunately as crashing was fatal, we didn't get the run files for any game that crashed, so the bug sat there for about a year unfixed, we weren't even sure if it was just a hardware bug on some devices.
Eventually we manged to get a solid reproduction. There was some bad code in our game that would trash the state of other objects in memory in a predictable way. If it happened to corrupt the wrong data (pointers to certain things) the game would crash. If it instead happened to corrupt other things (number of enemies left to spawn etc.) the game would continue, seemingly as normal.
We fixed the bug.
Most of the top 20 high score replays that had been uploaded to the servers and shared stopped working.
Those high score replays just happened to be triggering the bug in a way that was changing the behavior of the game (causing less enemies to spawn) thus allowing the players to complete the game more quickly and obtain higher bonus points. The top replays were all relying on a bug in our game code corrupting the game state.
As the replays no longer worked, and the top scores were technically not valid, we ended up deleting them. This caused massive fallout with the player community, accusations of us censoring scores, deleting scores of players for no reason in order to try and make 'our friends' appear higher up etc. Even accusations that we hadn't fixed a bug in our code, but introduced one and were trying to hide that by deleting the replays.
Unfortunately with these closed platforms you can't offer old versions of your software easily. There was no way to restore those replays, that depended on a buggy version of the game, to working state, they were literally 'impossible scores' on the fixed version of the game. People wanted the old version, and the old scores back, that didn't happen, the community abandoned the game.
With an emulator, and a database of versions, you can easily offer all released versions, and let the user pick.
So yeah, if something can be archived, I'd highly recommend archiving it, because you just never know, even obvious bug fixes, for game-crashing bugs, can sometimes have unexpected side-effects if people were relying on those bugs.
Haze, it sounds like those people were mad that their time and efforts spent exploiting game glitches were wasted, making them miss an older inferior version of the game. Do we really want to cater to such people when no money is involved? Keeping older versions has a cost: it's clutter in the code base, is it not? We might even run out of ROM names for arcade games as they are short filenames (but I guess it's not a hard limit and it could be ignored). Anyway, I don't think it's worth it, but then again, I'm not an FBN contributor.
... Keeping older versions has a cost: it's clutter in the code base, is it not? ...
You centered one of the main issues: the database gets slower with every added game, so getting rid of old buggy versions and replacing with new versions certainly helps (often with homebrew games, the new versions are only bug fixes and they're always better than the older versions).
Keeping older versions has a cost: it's clutter in the code base, is it not?
Indeed, and i wouldn't be happy if FBNeo ended up weighing several hundreds MBs because of this.
I'm not against keeping older romset versions, but i wouldn't make it systematic if it's not a user request. I believe there are better projects than FBNeo for game preservation.
Could mark them debug via BurnDrvD then they will be documented but won't appear in release builds.
I'm against keeping old HB game versions around as well unless there is something "special" about the previous version. If, at a later time we find that a previous version has something special about it - or someone requests it, we can re-add it.
best regards,
- dink
Well I find those responses to be highly disappointing.
As emulation devs, we have to bear some responsibility for seeing that these things aren't lost / forgotten, but it seems wherever I go, or try to encourage support for preserving them, I'm just met with attitudes that want to destroy current history instead.
This is going to be a real mess (impossible) to fix later down the line, once people start to realise this is every bit as much of our history as the various Street Fighter 2 revisions etc.
I consider my duty done in trying to encourage a more positive outlook for these things at least, but I did think here of all places might be a little more receptive to the idea of not letting these things be lost, especially as I can't do anything about a lot of them within MAME either due to other policies (not including anything the author puts a price on, even if that price is 'free')
It's a good time for the ZX Spectrum fans... added the support to other 20 games (10 classics and 10 homebrews):
Hammerfist 48K (1990)
Hong Kong Phooey 48K (1990)
Hysteria 48K (1987)
International Karate 48K (1985)
Pentagram 48K (1986)
Pyjamarama 48K (1984)
Scooby Doo in the Castle Mystery 48K (1986)
Super Cars 128K (1990)
Thanatos 48K/128K (1986)
Total Eclipse (1988)
... and now the 10 homebrews (ZX Spectrum):
Castaway 48K (2016)
Crimbo 128K (2010)
Donkey Kong Reloaded (2013)
DoubleBubble 48K/128K (2016)
Gloop Troops 48K (2011)
Mabus Mania EN/ES (2021)
Metamorphosis (2021)
Rodman v1.2 (2018)
Shuttlebug 48K (2012)
Yumiko in the haunted mansion (2012)
Updated the support for three ZX Spectrum games:
- Hammerfist .z80 version replaced with .tap version (multi-loader);
- International Karate single .z80 version replaced with 2 files version (side 1 and side 2);
- Pentagram .z80 version (faulty release) replaced with .tap version (fixed release).
Thanks to SviPur for the tips! :)
8 new homebrews for the MSX roster:
Deep Core Raider (2020)
G-Monkey (2008)
Isometric Pong (2020)
Nohzdyve (2019)
Paco el Bombas REDUX (2021)
Penguin Race (2003)
Snake (2021)
Vexed (2020)
Added the support to a new Megadrive homebrew... The Curse of Illmoore Bay (an original platform-game heavily inspired by Saturday Morning Cartoons from the 80s/90s)...
A "considerable supply" for the ZX Spectrum roster (20 homebrews and 10 classic games)...
let's start with "classics":
Alchemist (1983)
Buggy Boy (1988)
Flash Gordon (1987)
Garfield - Winter's Tail (1990)
Kinetik (1987)
Led Storm - Rally 2011 (1988)
Starglider 48K/128K (1986)
S.T.U.N. Runner 48K/128K (1990)
VIZ The Computer Game (1991)
Yogi Bear (1987)
... and now the homebrews (first part):
Astro Phobos (2021)
Cadaverion EN/ES (2013)
Charm, The (2014)
Che-Man (2019)
Castle of Dr Game (2020)
Deep Core Raider (2016)
Dogmole Tuppowski - Las Nuevas Aventuras EN/ES (2014)
Factory Daze (2009)
Genesis dawn of a new day (2010)
Gommy Defensor Medieval EN/ES (2009)
... homebrews (second part):
Hair Raising Adventures of Mr Hair, the (2019)
Jet Paco (2013)
King's Valley (2009)
Majikazo (2012)
Ninja twins Going to Zedeaks (2014)
Nohzdyve (2018)
Oddi The Viking 48K/128K (2010)
Rabbit in Wonderland 48K/128K (2015)
Ragnablock (2006)
Twinlight (2017)
Thanks Gab75! Some really great stuff has been added lately :)
best regards,
- dink
It's a find for me too... the amount of homebrews for ZX Spectrum is huge and some titles are very well made ! ;)
For Svipur. Hi. Could you add Action Force I zx game:
Cheers for keeping the Speccy love going. Some genuinely good discoveries for me in there, between the oldies like the Charm and Kinetik (and I think my brain erased the painful memory of what it used to know as LED Storm), and the new stuff like the impressive port of King's Valley.
I've added Action Force. I also threw in a neat Among Us-themed homebrew adventure (using the TAPs available here: http://www.rastersoft.com/programas/monjas.html) and a couple more Yogi games.
Hi guys,
Is it possible to take a break until the next release which should come soon?
@ JacKc: ok, just some other small addition! ;)
@ Svipur: thanks for the additions on ZX Spectrum roster! :)
Some additions for the latest home system emulated (Fairchild Channel F):
Hockey + Tennis (1976)(built-in games)
Lights Out (2004)
Pac-Man (2004)
Tetris (2004)
@ JacKc: ok, just some other small addition! ;)
Of course no problemo. If you have more stuff you really want to be added before the next release, please do ;)
Of course no problemo. If you have more stuff you really want to be added before the next release, please do ;)
I'll take you at your word, then... added the support for other 10 ZX Spectrum games! ;)
Confuzion (1985)
Count Duckula in No Sax Please - We're Egyptian (1989)
Elixir Vitae (2013)
Gemini Wing (1989)
Gunstar (1987)
More Tea Vicar? (2012)
Teodoro No Sabe Volar EN/ES (2010)
Tut-Tut (2020)
Xenophobe (1989)
Zombo (2015)
Some nice ones in there, thanks Gab75!! :)
... added the support for other ZX Spectrum stuff! ;)
Antiriad (aka The Sacred Armour of Antiriad)(1986)
Code Zero (HB)(2017)
Impossible Mission (1985)
Ishido - The Way of Stones (HB)(2015)
Knightmare 2 ZX (HB)(2015)
Mr Hair & THE FLY (HB)(2021)
Pacland 128K Recoloured (HB)(2014)
Rodland Recoloured (HB)(2012)
Spherical 48K (1989)
Spherical 128K Remastered (HB)(2015)
Three new homebrews added to the ColecoVision roster:
Dungeon & Trolls (2014)
Tank Challenge (2014)
Zombie Near (2012)
New additions for Master System and SG1000. Two games are exclusively for SMS, while three games (homebrews by Under4Mhz) are for both systems:
MiniMSX (2021, SMS)
Ze Legende of Oliv (2019, SMS)
Pegged (2021, SMS & SG1K)
Snake (2021, SMS & SG1K)
Vexed (2021/20, SMS & SG1K)
Hi guys,
20 new games for the ZX Spectrum roster (10 classics + 10 homebrews)...
let's start with classics:
Barmy Burgers (1983)
D.N.A. Warrior (1989)
Defenders of the Earth (1990)
Equinox (1986)
Everyone's Wally (1985)
Grand Prix Circuit (1990)
Impossaball (1987)
Impossibile Mission II (1988)
Mr Heli (1989)
Zorro (1986)
... and now the homebrews:
Androide (2014)
Archeomania (2014)
Cattivik Never Dies (2017)
DragonFire ZX (2018)
Mr Heli 128K Remastered (2014)
Rallybug (2008)
Renegade 128K Recoloured (2013)
Three Octopuses (2017)
Uroboros (2015)
Zombo's Christmas Capers (2016)
Now it's the time of Megadrive... added the support to 8 new homebrews:
Barbarian Remake (2019)
Handy Harvy (2018)
IK+ Deluxe (2019)
Jim Power - The Lost Dimension in 3D (2014)
Kromasphere (2019)
MegaXmas (2020)
Runes (2020)
Sumo Slam (2013)
Added the support to 6 new NES games (all homebrew/aftermarket titles):
Bat Lizard Bonanza (2020)
Eyra - The Crow Maiden (2020)
Ghostbusters Remastered (2019)
Little Lancelot (2019)
Pyramids of Ra (2019)
Star Versus (2015)
... and now let's get back to the ZX Spectrum:
Cobra (1986) > (original version)
Coloristic (2020)
Extreme (1991)
Fairlight - A Prelude 48K/128K (1986) > replaced the previous one (partially buggy version)
Godkiller - New Timeline Edition (2019)
Godkiller 2 Exile - New Timeline Edition (2020)
Karlos und Schatze der Azteken (2010)
Lirus 48K/128K (2015)
Superman - The Man of Steel (1989)
Added the support for 19 "new" games to the MSX roster (13 homebrews and 6 classics):
Alien Attack (2021)
Cheating Wives (2005)
Dynamite Go! Go! (2021)
Farty Pig (2020)
Gravitica (2018)
Gremlins 2 - La Nueva Generacion (1990)
Jewels (2020)
Litter Box (2020)
Megaphoenix (1991)
Melody Party (2020)
... the continuous:
Metropolis (1989)
Mole (1983)
Reflexion (2021)
Rodman (2018)
Scope On - Fight in Space (1983)
Sekaikei Girl (2020)
Tool Blocks (2021)
Tortilla Sunrise EN/ES (2021)
Vampire (1987)
Thank Gab75!!! What a great time for 8bit gaming! :D
best regards,
- dink
... and now a new homebrew for NES (Lucky Penguin - 2019)... a very funny puzzle game! ;)
Added the support to 4 homebrews (3 for Megadrive and 1 for NES):
NavaBarone (2017, MD)
Papi Commando - Second Blood (2020, MD)
Submarine Canyon Bomber vs Marine Aliens (2017, MD)
Mine Mayhem (2021, NES)
Five Six new ADDs to the MSX roster... ;)
Klondike Solitaire (2021)
Make Them Fall (2021)
Make Them Jump (2021)
Mystical (1991)
Sabotaje (1987)
No (19??)
Hi, just want to know if the game "Turmoil" from Bug-Byte Software could be added to either MSX library, or Spectrum one.
There is already a "Turmoil" in the MSX library, but is a clone of an earlier Atari 2600 game from 20th Century, not related to the Bug-Byte one.
More info of this game here:
Thanks in advance.
Hi EstadioRetro... ok, during the next week I'll add the support to Bug-Byte's Turmoil... ;)
Added the support to 20 new ZX Spectrum games (11 classics + 9 homebrews)... moreover added the support to Italian, Russian and Spanish version of "Los Amores De Brunilda" (a homebrew RPG by RetroWorks) and replaced the homebrew "Fantasy Zone - Escape from the Pyramid", the previous one was not "exactly" a game inspired to the Sega's Fantasy Zone saga! :biggrin:
3D Snooker (1990)
Comando Tracer (1989)
Conspiralove (2014)
Flintstones, the (1988)
Jungle Warrior (1990)
Mermaid Madness (1986)
Metabolis (1985)
Mystical (1991)
Nemesis the Warlock (1987)
Project Re.Ve.La.Tion (2021)
Renegade II - Target Renegade Re-Imaginated (2015)
Renegade III 128K Re-Coloured (2015)
Road Trippin' (2020)
Run! (2020)
Sorcery (1984)
Sorcery Island (English/Spanish) (2021)
Tank Battle (2020)
Xeno (1986)
Yabba Dabba Doo! 48K (1985)
Zabij Ducha (2017)
Here the other snapshots...
Thanks Gab75, some really great ones in there lately :)
best regards,
- dink
For sunday three new homebrews to the Megadrive roster... ;)
Lethal Wedding (2020)
Mega 3D Noah's Ark (2017)
Romeow & Julicat (2020)
I had not heard about Romeow & Julicat. The graphics are pretty good. I hope the gameplay is as good.
I was hoping there'd be an official ROM download to support the developers, but it doesn't look like it.
8 new games (3 classics and 5 homebrews) added to the MSX roster... :)
Coliseum (1988)
Magic Tower Adventure (2017)
Night Driver (2007)
Picture Puzzle (1983)
Picture Puzzle 2nd version (2004)
Running Naked in a Field of Flowers (2006)
Turmoil - Bug-Byte Software (1984-86) < as promised to EstadioRetro! ;)
Where Is it - The Quest For the 10th Island (2021)
Added the support to 6 new homebrews (ColecoVision roster)... ;)
Chess Challenger (2011)
Frantic (2008)
Klondike Solitaire (2021)
Robee Blaster (2017)
Squares! (2007)
Terra Attack (2007)
Hi, many thanks for adding Turmoil for MSX.
It's a funny game, I play it (so far) using other emulator in my PC, but want to use it on my Android Tablet using FBNeo for Retroarch.
Hi guys... new additions for the weekend. 4 homebrews for the MSX and 15 games (9 homebrews + 6 classics) for the ZX Spectrum. Also Updated the support to the "Eyra the Crow Maiden" (NES roster), from "demo" to "final version".
Let's start with the MSX roster:
Azzurro 8bit Jam (2011)
Blockbuster (2021)
Mutants from the Deep (2021)
Pitman (2021)
Here the snapshots for the 9 new ZX Spectrum homebrews:
Azzurro 8bit Jam (2011)
Black Horse (2009)
Bouncing Bomb Redux (2012)
Box Reloaded (2010)
Cherils Perils (2010)
Dominetris (2005)
Invasion of the Zombie Monsters (2010)
Klondike Solitaire (2021)
Sploids (2019)
... and finally the 6 ZX Spectrum classics:
Munsters, the (1988)
Nuclear Bowls (1987)
Popeye (1985)
Poseidon - Planet Eleven (1990)
Tranz Am (1983)
Trom (1983)
This is some really great stuff you've been adding lately, thank you :)
best regards,
- dink
Added the support to two new homebrews, one for Megadrive and one for NES...
NES: Hack Match (2021)
MD: Mega Marble World (2018)
I don't know why, when I saw those Mega Marble World screenshots, I thought to myself "this game must have great music". It turns out I was right. (https://youtu.be/jX7N-n3Cjbs)
I don't know why, when I saw those Mega Marble World screenshots, I thought to myself "this game must have great music". It turns out I was right. (https://youtu.be/jX7N-n3Cjbs)
In fact, the soundtrack is not bad at all... ;)
wow, yes, very good music and a fun puzzler :)
Y'day I finally fixed my ds3 controller (original one from 2014!) and spent last night playing all the new homebrews.
Original ds3 controlers are almost indestructable. Though, over time the little rubber spacer that connects the flat-flex to the pcb loses it's rubberyness and gets flat, and pressing on the left thumbstick will cause random button-presses to register - as it slightly pushes the pcb away from the flat-flex, due to the active-low nature of the circuit. A super simple fix involves cutting a business-card into a little rectangle the exact size of the rubber spacer, and placing it underneath it & carefully screwing everything back together. For the last couple weeks, I was worried the thing had become unfixable, and luckily I was wrong. :) If this thing has 9 lives like a cat, it has exactly 7 left at this point.
For those that didn't notice, Navabarrone on Megadrive is actually a remake of the arcade game Navarone, one of Namco's super early games from 1980, running on an 8080 processor. Similar HW released a year later runs the amazing classic "Warp & Warp".
Gab75 has been doing an awesome job keeping the homebrew stuff up to date and alive in fbneo, big thanks buddy :)
bye for now,
- dink
Hi friends, I have a question, FBN can emulate consoles like genesis, nes, etc; Why the roms should be used from a specific romset?
If I wanted to play for example a hack of any sonic with extension * .md, * .gen, * .bin, how can I use it in FBN without it being a specific request?
It can't be done, but we can add any game/hack to it.
Gab75 has been doing an awesome job keeping the homebrew stuff up to date and alive in fbneo, big thanks buddy :)
There's no need to thank me... I'm very pleased you enjoyed the homebrews added to the roster! :)
Thank you, nice job guys, always being the best. :cool:
The support to a new NES homebrew added by dink...
Czarna Dziura / Black Hole (2021) [an old style shooting game]
Added the support to 10 new ZX Spectrum games (7 homebrews + 3 classics):
Colonos ZX (2020)
Corona Encantada, La (2009)
Cousin Horace - Intro + 5 Chapters (2014) < each chapter is a "stand-alone" game
Edd the Duck (1990)
Empire Strikes Back, The (1988)
Masters of the Universe - The Movie (1987)
New additions for the sunday... support added to 9 new homebrews (Master System roster):
Acid Reflux (2016)
Candy Kid (2020)
Gravity Beam: Master Gaiden (2013)
Ice Force (2021)
Klondike Solitaire (2021)
KunKun & KokoKun 2 (2011)
Mahjong Solitaire (2021)
Pitman (2021)
SKBN (2021)
Added 9 new titles to the MSX roster (5 classics + 4 homebrews). Also added the eng-translated versions for "Borfes and the Five Demons" and "Mole":
Animal Land Satsujin Jiken (1987)
Bumper Ship Racing (2018)
Comando Tracer (1989)
Little Samurai - Issunhoushi No Donnamondai (1987)
Masters of the Universe - The Movie (1987)
PickinX (2021)
PuzzyBox (2021)
SquareBall (2021)
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (1990)
I noticed that "Little Samurai" was already on the roster, so I removed the support to the redundant version... sorry about the mix-up! ;)
10 new adds for the MSX roster (3 homebrews and 7 classics):
Earth Attack (2021)
Mag the Magician (2019)
Majhong Solitaire (2021)
Police Accademy (1986)
Police Accademy II (1987)
Race City (1988)
Snowman, the (1984)
Spirits (1987)
Stormbringer (1987)
Survivor (1987)
Added the support to 20 new ZX Spectrum titles (10 homebrews ans 10 classics):
let's begin with classics:
Asterix and the Magic Cauldron (1986)
Captain Planet and the Planeteers (1991)
Centy-Bug (1983)
Deep, the (1988)
Deviants 48K/128K (1987)
Invasion Force (1982)
Metro-Cross (1987)
Moonsweeper (1983)
Penetrator (1983)
Xeno II (1983)
... and now the homebrews:
Bootee (2013)
Ghost Castle (2010)
Ghost Castle 2 (2010)
Gimme Bright (2011)
Justin (2007)
Kyd Cadet (2010)
Lost In My Spectrum 48K/128K (2021)
Mag the Magician (2017)
Pitman (2021)
RetroInvaders (2011)
4 new additions to the NES roster:
Altercation (2021)
Arkade Rush (2021)
Crap Job (2021)
Law of the West (Jap version and T-Eng version) (1987-2020)
Hi guys,
other additions to the MSX roster... 9 titles (6 classics + 3 homebrews):
BeeZ (2006)
Eggerland Mystery 2- Meikyushinwa (1986)
Jawbreaker 2 (2014)
Pyro-Man (1987)
Retaliot (2009)*
Skyhawk (1986)
Soldier of Light (1989)
Soviet (1990)
Star Bowls (1991)
* currently "Retaliot" doesn't work... I hope to fix the issue soon, with the precious help of dink! ;)
Now "Retaliot" works fine... thanks to dink! :)
I also took the opportunity to update other two MSX homebrews... Nogalious "complete release" and Quartet (v1.3)...
hereunder some snapshots:
Added the support to 10 new ZX Spectrum homebrews:
Jungle Queen (2020)
Just a Gal (2019)
Moritz (2017)
Moritz on the Autobahn (2020)
Moritz the Striker (2020)
Safecracker (2010)
Sector (2013)
Seto Taisho Vs Yokai (2016)
Sqij ZX (2018)
Super Moritz (2018)
Sqij ZX (2018)
Wow , I remember having seen this game (the original) mentined in some "Worst Spectrum games" list some time ago :biggrin:
It was supposedly released deliberately broken and you couldn't even move your character unless you use a specific poke :p
Anyway , the passion and skill in the speccy scene never fails to amaze :)
Thanks for excellent work on these additions , pal :cool:
Thanks for excellent work on these additions , pal :cool:
You're welcome! :)
I knew the C64 version of Sqij, the game isn't exactly the best shoot'em up I've ever seen, but the ZX Spectrum version puts it to "shame" ! :biggrin: Fortunately the remake version is definitely better than the original (the gameplay is closer to C64 version) ... ;)
Other 3 homebrews added to the ColecoVision roster:
Easter Bunny (2007)
Ghost Trap (2009)
Lode Runner (2002)
I send more stuff to dink just about spectrum created by portuguese people and translated, even ms-dos is working too, just keep concentrated on new games. :wink: Thank you guys for this new games.
I send more stuff to dink just about spectrum created by portuguese people and translated, even ms-dos is working too, just keep concentrated on new games. :wink: Thank you guys for this new games.
You're welcome! :)
... added the support to 5 "new" classic games (ZX Spectrum):
3D Starstrike (1984)
Chevy Chase (1991)
Chip's Challenge (1990)
Star Bowls (1991)
Toyota Celica GT Rally (1991)
Added the support to other 10 ZX Spectrum "classics"... moreover the old version of "Nodes of Yesod" has been replaced with a better version (more precisely with two versions, 48K and 128K releases):
Bloody (1987)
Bounces (1986)
BraveStarr (1987)
Fury, the (1988)
Gonzzalezz Part 1 (1989)
Gonzzalezz Part 2 (1989)
Sanxion - the Spectrum Remix 48K/128K (1989)
Scuba Dive (1983)
Tusker (1989)
West Bank (1985)
New additions to MSX Roster (10 titles: 5 classics + 5 homebrews):
Alpha Squadron (1984)
Bakerman (2008)
INK - Exxon Surfing (2006)
Jackie Chan in Project A (1984)
Pair Logic (2005)
Perfect Fit (2008)
Poogaboo (1991)
Post Mortem (1988)
Pyramid Warp Ehnanced (2021)
Viaje al Centro de la Tierra (1989)
... and now some additions to the Game Gear roster:
Coca Cola Kid T-Eng (1994-2018)
Magic Knight Rayearth T-Eng (1994-2018)
Wing Warriors (2020)*
* also added the support to a most recent release of Wing Warriors "Master System version".
20 new adds to the ZX Spectrum roster... 15 homebrews and 5 classics... have fun! ;)
3D Lunattack (1984)
Biniax 2.0 (2009)
Curse of Sherwood, The (1987)
Diver - Mystery of the Deep (2004)
Doom Pit (2017)
Frogger (2009)
Heroes Rescue (2016)
Homebrew (2009)
Joe Blob v2 (2019)
Nanako in Classic Japanese Monster Castle (2007)
... here the remaining snapshots:
Oh Mummy (1984)
Percy the Potty Pigeon (1984)
Pre-ZU (2019)
Pulsoid (1988)
Quest for Elements (2019)
Sam Mallard (English/Spanish) v1.2 (2016-21)
Souls/Souls Remaster (2013)
Tales of Grupp, The (2015)
Wanderers Chained In The Dark (2014)
ZX Destroyer (2014)
5 new additions to the NES Roster:
Battler (2015) < this game doesn't work in a real hardware, thanks to dink for fixing!
Bomberman - BoxArt (2017)
Gold Guardian Gun Girl (2020)
Justice (2020)
War on Wheels (Proto)(1991-2006)
Added the support to 10 new games (MSX roster)... 6 homebrews and 4 classics:
Arno Dash (2021)
Back to the Gantan - Year of the Rat (2020)
Bag Man (2007)
Don Quijote (1987)
Flintstones, The (1988)
Los Jardines de Zee Wang Zu (2006)
MiniMagos (2017)
Terrorpods (1989)
Thor (1988)
ZERO and the Castle of Infinite Sadness (2014-16) < fixed by dink
4 new "Under4Mhz" homebrews added to the SG-1000 roster:
Arno Dash 2 (2021)
Klondike Solitaire (2021)
MahJong Solitaire (2021)
Pitman (2021)
9 new titles to the ZX Spectrum roster... to be honest, Moon Ranger HB was already on the roster, but the previous version had the sound a bit crackly! ;)
Ad Lunam Plus (Eng/Ita/Spa versions) (2020)
Aquasquad (1988)
Ballbreaker 48K/128K (1988)
Bosconian '87 48K/128K (1987)
Doom of the Pond, The (Eng/Spa versions) (2021)
Moon Ranger (2020)
Nonamed (1988)
Pataslocas (2020)
World Series Basketball (1985)
This could be worth adding to the ZX Spectrum roster... it's a new HB game:
This could be worth adding to the ZX Spectrum roster... it's a new HB game:
Of course... thanks for your input! ;)
PS: the game has an amazing graphics for a ZX Spectrum 128K title!
5 new games to the ZX Spectrum roster...
Akane (eng/spa) (2021)
Mahjong Solitaire (2021)
Saboteur 2 Speed-up hack (2015)
Top Cat in Beverly Hills Cats 48K (1991)
Travel Through Time Volume 1 - Northern Lights (2021)
Of course... thanks for your input! ;)
PS: the game has an amazing graphics for a ZX Spectrum 128K title!
Oh, yes, it has fantastic graphics. I remember looking at the pics at the developer's website and thinking "This could be like Out Run Europa but good"
This looks great, just a shame it won't work with fbneo
This looks great, just a shame it won't work with fbneo
I'm sorry, but this game uses the TRD format... a disk operating system implemented as storage interface in Pentagon and Scorpion computers (russian improved clones of ZX Spectrum). FBN doesn't support these machines and the related storage system!
emulating the pentigon128+disk & everything needed for tr-dos would take 3 solid weeks at about 4-6h a day. It's a good guesstimate; I actually looked into it. Don't get me wrong, I do like big projects, this one just doesn't interest me enough.
best regards,
- dink
Wonder if the NES ET rom could be replaced with one from here: https://www.khangames.com/file-share, as the one in FBNeo seems not quite right. The one in FBNeo seems to use Mapper 2 while the one from the Dev uses Mapper 30, also it states here it should be mapper 30: https://www.khangames.com/my-games
Wonder if the NES ET rom could be replaced with one from here: https://www.khangames.com/file-share, as the one in FBNeo seems not quite right. The one in FBNeo seems to use Mapper 2 while the one from the Dev uses Mapper 30, also it states here it should be mapper 30: https://www.khangames.com/my-games
Support updated to the newest ET release (Mapper 30)... on github soon! ;)
Updated the support to E.T. the Extra Terrestrial (HB) (newest ROM) + added the support to a new platform homebrew, Zdey the Game (2020)... both for the NES roster.
I played Zdey today, it was a funny&fun one :) I heard they're working on more levels, too, that's a good thing.
the music is great too, btw!
best regards,
- dink
I played Zdey today, it was a funny&fun one :) I heard they're working on more levels, too, that's a good thing.
the music is great too, btw!
At the first look Zdey might seem another "clone" of Super Mario, but the gameplay is rather different and, I agree with dink, the game is funny! ;)
10 new additions to the ZX Spectrum roster (5 classics + 5 homebrews):
Baldy ZX (2015)
Bangers and Mash (1990)
Blazing Thunder (1990)
Death Pit (1985)
Future Knight (1986)
Future Looter (2011)
Metal Man Remixed English/Russian (2015)
Sgt. Helmet - Training Day English/Spanish (2013)
Sub Chase (1983)
SuperHair 48K/128K (2021)
Memotech MTX Series Collection (Vol.1 and Vol.2), ColecoVision roster (added by dink)! ;)
Kilopede (Vol.1)
Mission Alphatron (Vol.1)
Astro-Pac (Vol.1)
Astromillon (Vol.1)
Nemo (Vol.2)
Obloids (Vol.2)
Astro-Pac: the lost levels (Vol.2)
Added the support to Devwill Too (MSX and ZX Spectrum versions)... if you like the game, help the developers and buy it on itch.io:
2 new games (homebrews) for the Megadrive roster...
The Citadel of Chaos (2021)
Tourmaline (2021)
Two new games?
Two new games?
Thanks for the inputs... the related supports will be added soon! ;)
5 new homebrews added to the NES roster:
Battery Chad - Shock the World (2019)
Frog (2020)
Harry Dwarf (2019)
Slow Mole (2021)
Zelda Kong (2021)
Well done Gab75 :biggrin:
... and now 5 new games to the MSX roster (3 classics + 2 homebrews):
Aliens (1987)"Electric Dreams"
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
Moonwalker - the Computer Game (1989)
Raven (2021)
Sp8 Invaders (2009)
Added the support to 10 homebrews (ColecoVision roster):
Diamond Dash (2011)
Diamond Dash 2 (2021)
GamePack Vic-20 (2003)
Mahjong Solitaire (2021)
Nim (2000)
Pillars (2021)
Pitman (2021)
Snake (2021)
Star Soldier SGM (2016) < thanks to dink for fixing audio
Strip Poker (2014)
Two more SF2 hacks for the Mega Drive... don't know yet if they are better than the ones already included:
Hi Neville,
I'll added them at the next Megadrive roster update! ;)
Thank you! Today I saw this other one by the same author:
Converts SF2: Special Champion Edition into The World Warrior.
EDIT: And this could be worth adding as well, it's a hack that recreates a pirate Mario Bros game, Super Bros. 8.
Sorry for this, but the Mega Drive hacking scene seems to be very active lately. This new patch adds more voices per character to the fighting game Dragon Ball Z: Buyuu Retsuden (Japan):
Six additions to the MSX roster:
Aspar GP Master (1988)
Donkey Kong (1986)
S.o.L.o. (Eng/Spa) (2021)
Sensha (2021)
Stevedore "demo" (2020)
Youkai Yashiki - Ghost House Remastered (2021)
@ Neville: as you asked, I added the support to the new hacks of Megadrive's Street Fighter II' series:
Street Fighter II' - Hyper Champion Edition v2
Street Fighter II' - The World Warrior Plus
Super Street Fighter II (color + graphic hack)
Added the support to 9 new ZX Spectrum games (6 homebrews + 3 classics):
Abadia del Crimen, La (1988)
Ad Astra (1984)
Hobbit, The (128K Edition) (2015)
Paleto Jones (2021)
Pillars (2021)
Reckless Rufus (1992)
Stranded (2005)
Stripping Penelope (2021)
Yopparai Sarariiman Eng/Jpn/Spa versions (2021)
@ Neville: as you asked, I added the support to the new hacks of Megadrive's Street Fighter II' series:
Street Fighter II' - Hyper Champion Edition v2
Street Fighter II' - The World Warrior Plus
Super Street Fighter II (color + graphic hack)
Thank you! For some reason these games are some of the most hacked for the system. Fans of the arcade originals often complain of poor voices and missing content.
Did you consider adding the voices update for Dragon Ball Z: Buyuu Retsuden as well? It's available here: http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/5963/
Did you consider adding the voices update for Dragon Ball Z: Buyuu Retsuden as well? It's available here: http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/5963/
Added the support to this hack... on github soon! ;)
Thanks again! :biggrin:
Added the support to 8 "new" homebrews (SMS roster):
Arno Dash (2021)
Arno Dash 2 (2021)
Gaudream (2015)
Gemitas (2018)
Gotris (2019)
KunKun & KokoKun (2006)
NanoWars 8k (2006)
Sub Rescue (2021)
Hi guys, added the support to 12 new ZX Spectrum titles (6 classics + 6 homebrews):
Benny Hill's Madcap Chase! (1985) + AY Music Hack (2017)
Chiller (1984)
Crazy Cars (1988)
Crazy Cars II (1988)
Delta Charge! (1990)
Knight Force (1990)
JinJ (2008)
Jinj 2 - Belmonte's Revenge (2012)
Nelo & Quqo and the Last Butifarreisson Eng/Spa (2010)
Nightmare on Halloween (2013)
Skurff (2013)
Vade Retro (2015)
New additions to NES roster:
Evil Dead - Ash Lives (hack)(2020)
Gyromite Special Edition (hack)(2014)
Ice Ice! Hockey Challenge v1.1 T-Eng (hack)(20014) < added by dink
Pac-Man Xtreme (hack)(2016)
Spirit Impel (HB)(2020)
Super Mario Bros 8 Eng/Spa (hack)(2021)
Super Mario Bros 8 Special Edition (hack)(2021)
Thanks so much for the additions , Gab :biggrin: Totally made my day ! :smilie:
Keep up the excellent work :cool:
Hi Gab. Could you add Super Maruo first unlicensed Nes Game.
Added the support to NES/Famicom Super Maruo... NB: the game has "explicitly sexual references" ! :biggrin:
There's a new hack out for "Gargoyles" (Genesis) with a lower difficulty level and SRAM saving. Is it worth adding?
New hack Adamantium Redux reduces difficulty level for Wolverine: Adamantium Rage (Mega Drive). The reviewers agree it's one tough game, so this should be a no brainer to add to the Genesis roster.
Patch here. (http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6103/)
What do you think?
New games added to the NES/Famicom roster:
Bubble Bobble Deluxe (Hack, 2018)
Gruniozerca (HB, 2017)
Micro Knight RotFS (HB, 2017)
Rockman 5 - Metropolis (Hack, 2021)
The Magnilo Case (HB, 2021)
Tsuri Kichi Sanpei - Blue Marlin Hen (1988)
Tsuri Kichi Sanpei - Blue Marlin Hen (Hack T-Eng, 2015)
A small new addition to the NES/Famicom roster...
NESert Golfing standard & Tournament Edition (2019)
Hi guys... 8 news adds to the MSX roster:
Eggy (1985)
Kong's Revenge Part 1 & 2 (1991)(Zigurat Software)
Logic Remastered (2021)
Pit Stop (1983)
Sir Fred (1986)
Snail Maze (2004)
Ulises (1989)
Zero Fighter (1984)
Added the newest MSXdev21 entry... ;)
Step (2021)
Added the support to Demons of Asteborg, a new outstanding homebrew/indie for Megadrive... a big thanks to dink for making it fully playable on FBN (the game works perfectly) ! ;)
Added the support to Demons of Asteborg, a new outstanding homebrew/indie for Megadrive... a big thanks to dink for making it fully playable on FBN (the game works perfectly) ! ;)
Hey Gab. I can't get the game to work here, but this is the first time I try to run a Mega Drive game with FBN.
I bought the game and received 2 ROMs that have a one-byte difference for some reason, and I'm not sure which one is correct. I tried both in FBN (renaming it to "md_asteborg.<ext>", with .bin extension, .md extension, zipped or not), and nothing works, FBN is not happy with the ROM.
Any idea? Thanks.
You should check the following infos...
CRC-32: 67283fbe
uncompressed length (bytes): 15397620
file name: Demons of Asteborg (2021)(NEOfit Studios).bin
name of zipped archive: asteborg.zip
PS: obviously the zipped archive must be put in the "megadrive" folder.
It works, thanks!
- I had the wrong name inside the archive (did not know it mattered)
- I had the wrong archive name (I added the "md_" prefix at first)
- The second ROM I received was correct (the one that is one byte smaller)
It works, thanks!
You're welcome! :wink:
I had the wrong name inside the archive (did not know it mattered)
This one shouldn't matter, names are only used as a fallback when crc can't be found
The English translation for Bloody Warriors - Shan-Go no Gyakushuu (Japan) (NES) has been updated. It would be a good time to add / update it.
@ Neville:
added the hacks of Gargoyles and Wolverine Adamantium Rage (Megadrive roster)... soon on github! ;)
Thank you! :biggrin:
In Demons of Asteborg, I got such a garbage screen after reloading a save state taken on the title screen.
Attaching all of the game-specific files.
To reproduce: load the save state, then go to the game settings.
Edit: to clarify, basically, just load a save state from a different context, and the game will glitch.
Example: load a title save from the startup logo, or load an in-stage save from the startup logo or from the title screen, and so on. It's like the whole RAM is not fully reloaded when loading a save state, so save states will only work properly if the game already has all the needed stuff in the RAM.
Thanks for the bug report, had to hook up the mapper banking to the state system, somehow that had been overlooked. Sorry about the troubles!
best regards,
- dink
Thanks, dink!
Added the support to 10 new ZX Spectrum titles (5 classics + 5 homebrews):
Armageddon (1983)
Bounty Bob Strikes Back! (1984)
Brainstorm (1985)
Don Quijote de la Mancha (1987)
f***ing Mili/Puta Mili (2020)
GlaZX 48K/128K (2019)
Last Duel (1989)
Ninja Carnage (multi-languages) (2021)
Pacman the Curse of the Slimers v1.1 (2020)
Tardigrade (2021)
Cheers, Gab. It's good to see Clive Townsend back in the saddle.
"Don Quijote" is a cult title in my country. A very good text adventure based on on our of the most remarcable classic novels. A pity none of the AD titles was translated into English.
"Don Quijote" is a cult title in my country. A very good text adventure based on on our of the most remarcable classic novels. A pity none of the AD titles was translated into English.
I'm glad you liked this addition (probably the novel "El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha" is known all over the world)... yes, the game was only released in Spanish language.
Oh, yes, it is wide known. It surprised me that some people in reddit have become fans of the novel. I still have to read it, like many classics such as "The Count of Monte Cristo".
"Don Quijote" the text adventure was made by AD, a sub-team from Dinamic that especialized in text adventures. Pretty much all they did is worth adding at some point.
Added the support to three NES games, one homebrew and two "old" classics (thanks to dink for the help!):
Bloody Warrior - Shan-Go no Gyakushuu Jpn and T-Eng version (1990-2021)
The Legend of Fuma T-Eng hack v1.01 (2018)
Carpet Shark (2021) > here the "trailer": https://youtu.be/lddQBv-hlhY
New additions to the MSX roster... ;)
Alien Attack v3.0 (2021)
Chicago 30's (1988)
Do The Same v1.1 (2021)
Fantastic Football (2021)
Test Drive II - The Duel (1989)
Venganza - La Sierva de la Muerte (2019)
XOR 2021 (2021)
... and now some adds to the NES roster!
Berserk (2019)
Cowlitz Gamers Lost Adventure (2020)
Split Second (2019)
Super Mario Unlimited Deluxe v2.4 (2021)
Tesla vs Edison (2018)
Chiisana Obake - Acchi Socchi Kocchi (Japan & T-Eng) (1992) < added by dink
Just to be sure, MSX additions are always for MSX1 right ?
This thread is becoming my favorite, it's like Christmas gifts every few days :)
Hi Voljega,
I'm glad you like this thread... :)
Yes, only MSX first generation (tapes and cartridges)... currently MSX2 & Co. are not emulated.
If nobody else does, I'll request the Aventuras AD text adventures to be added to the Spectrum roster:
Jabato (1989)
Aventura Original, La (1989) --> Colossal Cave Adventure remake
Aventura Espacial, La (1990)
Diosa de Cozumel, La (1990)
Templos Sagrados, Los (1991)
Chichen Itza (1992)
These are other Spanish text adventures that appeared under the Dinamic seal, like "Don Quijote":
Yenght (1984)
Cobra's Arc (1986)
MegaCorp (1987)
Pajaros de Bangkok, Los (1988) --> Vazquez Montalban adaptation
Guerra de las Vajillas, La (1988) --> Star Wars parody
Most of them if not all have two independent loads.
Added the support to Clan of Heroes - Generals of the Yang Family (Megadrive roster)... as requested by a new member! ;)
That looks like a really great game, thanks for adding!! :)
... and now 10 new titles for the ZX Spectrum, with 3 classic text adventures (for the pleasure of Neville)! ;)
Aventura Espacial, La Part1/Part2 (Spanish) (1990)
Aventura Original Part1/Part2 (Spanish) (1989)
Baffo Jones (2015)
Federation Z (English/Spanish) (2020)
Forward to the Past (2021)
Humans, The (2021)
Mage Rage 48K/128K (2019-20)
Troll (1988)
Yenght - La Fuente de la Juventud (Spanish) (1984)
Yeti (1988)
Hell yeah! :biggrin:
Thank you very much!
A new "old" add to the Game Gear roster: Break Thru! (Prototype / Unreleased)
An unofficial texture fix has appeared for the game "Bloodshot" (Mega Drive). I think the game is already in the MD roster, if it's so then a fixed version would satisfy more than one.
Here's the link: http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6149/
An unofficial texture fix has appeared for the game "Bloodshot" (Mega Drive). I think the game is already in the MD roster, if it's so then a fixed version would satisfy more than one.
Thanks for info... the fixed version will be added soon! ;)
Added the support to 5 MSX titles...
Bouncing Block (1988)
Destroyer (HB, 2014)
FlyGuy (HB,2021)
Pacific (HB, 2020)
Zipper (1985)
Some adds to the Megadrive roster... 2 new homebrews and 3 updates
Abyssal Infants (2021)
Project MD (2012)
Bloodshot texture fix hack (as suggested by Neville)
DevWill Too Portuguese version
Mini Planets (rev3)
Added the support to a new ZX Spectrum homebrew...
Italia 1944 by Zankle Soft, a strategy-adventure game in multi-languages... ;)
Added the support to 3 new homebrews (NES roster):
E.T. The Extra Terrestrial DX (2019)
Mini Brix Battle (2016)
Nessy the NES Robot (2021) > https://danieltg.itch.io/nessy-the-nes-robot
Added 10 titles to the MSX roster (8 homebrews & 2 classics)... also updated "Alien Attack" from v3.0 to v3.5...
Arya (2021)
Donpan (1983)
Heart Stealer 2 (2021)
Magic Pinball (1987)
Monster On The Run (2021)
No Back Down (2021)
Open Wide! (2021)
PAC-01 (2021)
Pippo La Scopa Ficcanaso (2021)
PWND (2009)
Added the support to a new Game Gear japanese homebrew... a big thanks to dink! :)
Dracula's Castle (2021)
Added the support to the NES/Famicom version of L'Abbaye des Morts (HB, 2021)... ;)
Five new entries to the ZX Spectrum roster... ;)
Bubble Monkey Bros (2015)
Cobra's Arc (1986)
Dark Castle (2016)
Score 3020 (1989)
Templos Sagrados, Los - Parte 1/Parte 2 (1991)
Yay! :biggrin:
Added the support at the latest update of Gotris (Sega Master System)... a big update compared to the previous version!
Gotris v1.2p (2021) > https://www.smspower.org/Homebrew/Gotris-SMS
Another Mega Drive hack that I find worthy of adding... a new translation for Ys III. It also comes with some graphical retouches:
Added the support to a new ZX Spectrum homebrew: Adventures Continue ... the references to "Adventures of Lolo" saga (NES/Famicom) are extremely clear! ;)
Added the support to 3 new homebrews (NES roster):
Adventures of Panzer, The v1.3 (2021) > https://9panzer.itch.io/the-adventures-of-panzer
Exploding Fist (2018)
Haunted House Adventure (2019) > https://razziep.itch.io/oofmbhha
Added the support to 10 ZX Spectrum titles (5 classics + 5 Homebrews):
Aknadach English/Czech (1990)
BoxeS 48K/128K (2017)
Castle Master (1990)
Dave Infuriators (2012)
Days of Thunders (1990)
Heart Stealer (2010)
Heart Stealer (2013)
Mega-Corp Part1/Part2 (1987)
PaintBall-2048 - 1 Player v./2 Players v. (2019)
Q10 Tank Buster (1992)
Hello, I'm curious about the status of support for some games only included as demo and not full version (i.e. the three Search For The Stolen Crown Jewels on Colecovision or Alien Girl on ZX Spectrum) whereas a full version exists for each of these games.
What is the reasoning behind it ?
It doesn't seem it's commercial availability as some other and pretty recent games are included in their full version like Demons of Astebord on Megadrive ?
Hi Voljega,
the answer is simple... we can't buy all commercial games to add the related support... ;)
ahah ok didn't thought about that !
thank you for he answer
Added the support to 3 new NES/Famicom homebrews:
Filthy Kitchen (2016) > https://dustmop.itch.io/filthy-kitchen
Tapeworm Disco Puzzle (2021) > https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/flea-game/tapeworm-disco-puzzle
Wampus (2019) > https://johnvanderhoef.itch.io/wampus
Added the support to ten new ZX Spectrum titles (5 classics + 5 homebrews):
Blimpgeddon v1.03 (2019)(HB)
Captain America Defies the Doom Tube (1988)
Esta en la Caja (2009)(HB)
Jahangir Khan's World Championship Squash - Club Game/Tournament Game (1991)
Jail Break (1987)
Janosik (2013)(HB)
Jasper! (1984)
King Arthur's Quest (1984)
Last Train to Tranz-Central Part1/Part2 (2020)(HB)
Pentacorn Quest (2015)(HB)
That Pentacorn Quest title screen has Toriyama written all over it.
That Pentacorn Quest title screen has Toriyama written all over it.
Indeed the stylistic influences (Dragon Ball, Dr. Slump and Dragon Quest) are pretty evident! ;)
Added the support to 8 new MSX Titles (5 classics + 3 homebrews):
After the War Part1/Part2 (1989)
Arquimedes XXI (1986)
Dangan Trooper v0.8 (HB, 2021)
Fall Of Prometheus, The (HB, 2021)
Oh Shit! (1986)
Saint Dragon (1990)
Score 3020 (1988)
Western House v1.2 (HB, 2021)
Added the support to Tower of Sorrow "retail version" (SMS roster)... the game is available with two difficulty levels (easy "99 lives" and hard "15 lives") and in two chromatic variations (standard and color blind)...
Other 10 new MSX titles (all homebrews):
Arcomage (2015)
Cold Blood (2010)
Eruka Fan Book (2016)
Esta en el Pantano (2009)
Esta en la Caja (2009)
Gommy - Medieval Defender DX version (2013)
Oceano (2015)
Phantomas Saga Infinity (2006)
War From Beyond (2020)
Zorrico (2020)
Added the support to Alien Girl 128K version (ZX Spectrum)... this version has 4 levels instead of 2, backgrounds musics and various graphic screens!
Thanks to the addition of Nintendo VS. System in the arcade roster , now FBN can emulate the homebrew VS. From Below... a big thanks to dink! :)
Hi. Could you add The Smurfs for Nes PAL Exclusive, I dont see this game on Nes list.
Added the support to 6 new NES/Famicom titles (4 homebrews + 2 classics):
Fluffy Space Escape (HB, 2018)
F-Theta (HB, 2021)
Hokuto no Ken 4 - Shichisei Haken Den Jpn (1991)
Shera & the 40 Thieves (HB, 2021) > https://crazygrouptrio.itch.io/shera40thieves
Shoot UFO (HB, 2015)(GlobHack of Duck Hunt)
Smurfs, The (1994)
These could be worth adding to the Genesis / TG16 sets:
Splatter House III - Restored Blood Hack --> http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6242/
Wonder Momo English translation + VSYNC fix --> http://www.romhacking.net/translations/6298/
Splatter House II - Restored Blood Hack --> http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6242/
You got my hopes high for a hack that I may have missed, but it's Splatterhouse 3. :)
Damn, my mistake. Sorry about that.
Added 10 new titles to the ZX Spectrum roster (6 homebrews + 4 classics):
Eidolon, The (1986)
Gem Chaser (2013)
Gem Chaser 2 (2013)
Lava - Speed up version (2021)
Monty's Honey Run (2017)
Pakacuda (1983)
Project Vaelius (2021)
Robot 1 in... The Planet of Death (2017)
Rocco/Rocky (1988)
Sinbad and the Golden Ship Part 1/Part 2 (1986)
English translation for Dragon Slayer IV - Drasle Family (NES) released: http://www.romhacking.net/translations/6308/
English translation for Dragon Slayer IV - Drasle Family (NES) released: http://www.romhacking.net/translations/6308/
thanks for letting us know, it's been added :)
Added the support to 2 Megadrive hacks:
Splatterhouse 3 Bloody Edition USA/Jpn
Thunder Pro Wrestling Story (T-Eng)
Added the support to 5 new ZX Spectrum titles:
3D Maze Gold (1982)
Averno (1989)
Farmer Jack - Treasure Trove (2008)
Pets vs Aliens Prologue (2015)
Zybex (1989)
PS: added a new joystick config in the DIPswitch settings (Cursor Keys)... very useful for some old ZX Spectrum games... a big thanks to dink! :)
Hi guys,
added the support to 4 new NES titles:
Antenna Antics (2021)
Dark Gimmick v1.1 (2014)
Ooze Redux (2021)
Seikima II - Akuma no Gyakushuu (1986)
Thx Gab75 for add Seikima II for Nes.
Again, I've heard of a translation that might be worth adding. It's an English patch for F-1 Pilot - You're King of Kings (Japan) for the PC Engine.
Details here. (https://www.reddit.com/r/emulation/comments/q9obus/f1_pilot_english_translation_for_the_pc_engine/)
Another SMB3 hack for the NES that could be added, has excellent reviews. It's called Mario Adventure (http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6275/).
Added the support to a new NES/Famicom homebrew...
Blazing Rangers (2021)
9 new adds for the ZX Spectrum roster... ;)
Breakthru (1986)
Count Duckula II 48K and 128K (1992)
Fundamentally Loathsome (2011)
Ghost's Revenge (1983)
Globus (1987-2017)
Reverse Pong (2020)
Sokoban (2006)
Soldier of Light (1988)
Tiki Taca (2019)
Other additions for this sunday... 10 new MSX titles (5 classics + 5 homebrews):
Aerial (2021)
Angleball (1987)
Bomber Battle (2021)
CatsPots v1.2 (2021)
Dustin (1987)
Games, the - Winter Edition (1988)
Inq & Suq vs Nightmare (2018)
Rocky (1985)
Stardust (1987)
Stevedore v1.2 (2021)
Added the support to 19 new ZX Spectrum Titles (11 classics + 8 homebrews):
Angry Birds - Opposition (HB, 2016)
Atomic Robo-Kid (demo) (1991)
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (1986)
Automated Cave Explorer (HB, 2019)
BMX Simulator (1987)
Bonanza Bros. (1992)
B-Squared (HB, 2017)
Deep Strike (1986)
Donkey Kong Jr. ZX (HB, 2016)
Dragon's Lair (1986)
Dragon's Lair II - Escape from Singe's Castle (1987)
Hop'n'Frog (HB, 2015)
Mike, The Guitar (HB, 2018)
Popeye 2 (1991)
Popeye 3 - Wrestle Crazy (1992)
Rabbit Rabbit (1983)
STARS - Gumi (HB, 2015)
Super 48K Box (HB, 2015)
Super Space Invaders (1991)
Here the snapshots of remaining ZX Spectrum titles...
Another request. Would you consider adding this Crazy Cars remake (http://crazycarscpc.free.fr/) to the Genesis / Mega Drive roster?
It's not the best game in the series, that would be part III, but still...
Another request. Would you consider adding this Crazy Cars remake (http://crazycarscpc.free.fr/) to the Genesis / Mega Drive roster?
It's not the best game in the series, that would be part III, but still...
This game is more a raw conversion (from Amstrad CPC version) than a "remake"... in any case, now the related support is on the roster! ;)
Thank you very much! :biggrin:
EDIT: I was an Amstrad user back in the day. Maybe that's what made me want this game so much, even if I didn't play in on real hardware.
EDIT: I was an Amstrad user back in the day. Maybe that's what made me want this game so much, even if I didn't play in on real hardware.
I was a happy C64 user (during my childhood), but I was intrigued from the Amstrad CPC, especially for the better color palette (27 colors instead of 16)... ;)
A cool machine too. In other boards I've become tired of "my 8-bit computer was better than yours" threads. The thing is that every machine seems to be better than the rest in something.
- The Amstrad CPC has a better palette than the ZX Spectrum, and as much games available.
- But the Spectrum has clearer graphics, because they use a higher resolution.
- The C64 has faster graphics and better sound than these two, but had less software available in Europe.
- The MSX had also good graphics and sound, but most of the available games were poor Spectrum conversions. Cart games were a different matter entirely, but are hard to find and pricey.
I didn't know any C64 users in the 1980s, so it was kind of a surprise when I first started emulating the computer. At first I was appalled at the muted colors and the somehow chunky sprites, but with time I've learned to like the machine. The fact that the games never resemble the rest of their 8-bit versions, the cool musics, or that classics like "Turrican" originated on this machine. The exclusive games also help. Wish I could hav played "Test Drive" or "Maniac Mansion" on my CPC.
When I was young I had a lot of fun collecting and copying disks on c64. ...25 years later..
In 2011 - 2013 I made it a mission to play every single c64 game in existence!
Luckily in 2014 I found fbneo (it was called something else back then), it's been very usefull to help save me from the PTSD caused by the 2011-2013 mission....
best regards,
- dink
A cool machine too. In other boards I've become tired of "my 8-bit computer was better than yours" threads. The thing is that every machine seems to be better than the rest in something.
- The Amstrad CPC has a better palette than the ZX Spectrum, and as much games available.
- But the Spectrum has clearer graphics, because they use a higher resolution.
- The C64 has faster graphics and better sound than these two, but had less software available in Europe.
- The MSX had also good graphics and sound, but most of the available games were poor Spectrum conversions. Cart games were a different matter entirely, but are hard to find and pricey.
The "home computer war" was a classic (like the console war)... almost all users claimed that own computer was better than others! :p Now, we can "see" the matter with more objectivity! :)
I didn't know any C64 users in the 1980s, so it was kind of a surprise when I first started emulating the computer. At first I was appalled at the muted colors and the somehow chunky sprites, but with time I've learned to like the machine. The fact that the games never resemble the rest of their 8-bit versions, the cool musics, or that classics like "Turrican" originated on this machine. The exclusive games also help. Wish I could hav played "Test Drive" or "Maniac Mansion" on my CPC.
Don't forget to try C64 "Mayhem in Monsterland", probably one of the best platform game ever made for the 8bit computers! ;)
When I was young I had a lot of fun collecting and copying disks on c64. ...25 years later..
In 2011 - 2013 I made it a mission to play every single c64 game in existence!
Luckily in 2014 I found fbneo (it was called something else back then), it's been very usefull to help save me from the PTSD caused by the 2011-2013 mission....
best regards,
- dink
Wow! An epic mission! If I'm not wrong, the C64 (barring the recent homebrews) should have more than 10 thousand different software titles! :eek: :biggrin:
Don't forget to try C64 "Mayhem in Monsterland", probably one of the best platform game ever made for the 8bit computers! ;)
I will, thanks for the hint.
C64 games I used to like:
Creatures 1, 2 (one is platformer, the other is a puzzler)
Rainbow Islands
It's Magic 1, 2
Ghouls 'n Ghosts - the music of this game is very epic, and the ending music of this game inspired me to get very good at g&g/gh&g
It takes a special type of insanity to get good at the C64 ghouls n ghosts especially with the lack of a second firebutton. Imagine having to shoot upwards when up also jumps? ... Red Arremers were tough on the c64.
Today though, I'll recommend the PCE SuperGrafx version of Ghouls 'n Ghosts (Dai Makaimura / sgx_daimakai)
best regards,
- dink
Added the support to a new ZX Spectrum platform game... this title has a very singular (and nice IMHO) graphics style...
Virgil's Purgatory ZX
News about the NES/Famicom roster... ;)
Dai-2-Ji - Super Robot Taisen T-Italian v0.98i (2019)
Ganbare Goemon 2 T-Eng (2013) > added by dink
Hoppin' Mad (Proto) (1989)
North & South T-Italian v2.0 (2014)
Upsad Down v0.6 (2021)
Vanguard (200?)
Added other 10 ZX Spectrum titles (5 classics + 5 homebrews):
Atlantis ZX (HB, 2019)
Birdy Cantabile (HB, 2019)
Boody (1984)
DuckTales ZX (HB, 2021)
F-16 Combat Pilot (1991)
Fiendish Freddy's Big Top o'Fun (1990)
Funky Fungus Reloaded Multi-Language (HB, 2020)
Muncher Eats Chewits, The (1988)
Somewhere in Hell (HB, 2021)
Virus (1988)
Added the support to 9 new MSX titles (5 classics + 4 homebrews):
Alien Syndrome (1989)
Bee (HB, 2016)
DAQ Lord of Idar (HB, 2010)
Desperado 2 (1991)
Entombed v1.1 (HB, 2021)
Fanky Punky (1987)
Mot Intro + part 1, 2 and 3 (1989)
Neuras (HB, 2021)
Norseman (1984)
Three new Sega protos have appeared at SMS Power (https://www.smspower.org/). They are Streets of Rage 2 (GG), Dead Angle (SMS) and Thunder Blade (SMS).
Three new Sega protos have appeared at SMS Power (https://www.smspower.org/). They are Streets of Rage 2 (GG), Dead Angle (SMS) and Thunder Blade (SMS).
Thanks for the info... but IMHO there is little point in emulating prototype versions when the retail versions are already emulated! :)
Perhaps. But I had just learned about it and thought it could be of interest.
JacKc might add them - he likes prototypes
In any case it's not a big trouble... sincerely I don't like add prototypes (when the retail versions are already emulated), but I can add them at the next Master System/Game Gear roster update (if JacKc doesn't before)... :)
Added the support to 15 new ZX Spectrum titles (8 classics + 7 homebrews):
Exterminator 128K (1991)
Huxley Pig 48K Part1/Part2 (1991)
Jaws 128K (1991)
Oriental Games 128K (1990)
Pole Position (C&VG) 48K (1984)
Roland's Rat Race 48K (1985)
Souls of Darkon 48K (1985)
Time Machine 48K (1990)
Aerial 48K/128K (2021)
Black Sea - Treasure Hunters 128K (2021)
El hombre que susurraba a las balas 48K (2013)
Mazy 48K/128K (2021)
Monty Mole And The Temple Of Lost Souls (2017)
Neuras 48K/128K (2021)
Rescate En Marte 48K (2019)
Three new homebrews added to the Mega Drive roster...
Bomb on Basic City SE (2018)
Rocket Panda - Into the Unknown (2021)
Unstoppable Knight (2021)
Just learned of a new ZX Spectrum game. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Duck Tales: Webby To The Rescue!
Duck Tales: Webby To The Rescue! - Free download (https://n10team.itch.io/duck-tales-zx-webby-to-the-rescue)
Just learned of a new ZX Spectrum game. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Duck Tales: Webby To The Rescue!
Already on the roster of supported games... ;)
Added the support to 3 new NES/Famicom titles (two are globalhacks and one is an original homebrew):
Fire and Rescue v1.1 (2021) > https://skyboygames.itch.io/fire-and-rescue
The Beatles Adventures in Pepperland v1.2 (2021) > https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6311/
Zelda II Amida's Curse v1.6 (2021) > http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6292/
I've been going over the ZX Spectrum gamelist this morning, and noticed that while "Templos Sagrados" is there, there's no sign of "Diosa de Cozumel / Cozumel" and "Chichen Itza", the games that form a trilogy with "Templos". And you may as well consider adding "Jabato", from the same developers. All of them are Spanish text adventures, in case anybody is wondering.
Added the support to a new Mega Drive homebrew... the "action-puzzle game" Arapuca.
I've been going over the ZX Spectrum gamelist this morning, and noticed that while "Templos Sagrados" is there, there's no sign of "Diosa de Cozumel / Cozumel" and "Chichen Itza", the games that form a trilogy with "Templos". And you may as well consider adding "Jabato", from the same developers. All of them are Spanish text adventures, in case anybody is wondering.
Hi Neville,
I took a look to Cozumel and Chichen Itza... it's not a big problem add both games, but I noticed a potential issue with "Cozumel". Usually to play the part 2 in Adventuras AD games it's enough digit the right password, but in this case a save file is required (made when you finish the part 1 of the game), this could be a problem in the FBN emulation.
PS: Searching online I found the password for part 2 of Chichen Itza (TUR KOS BON), but it's not work (clave incorrecta). Do you know the right password?
I'm afraid I don't know the right password for "Chichen Itza"... the sources I checked have the same you mentioned.
And thanks for looking into those games.
Added the support to Shovel Adventure (2021, ZX Spectrum 128K)... a very well made reinterpretation of classic game "Oh Mummy":
There's a new English patch for Fushigi no Yume no Alice (Japan) for the PC Engine, in case it's worth adding. It may sound like a passive-aggressive request, but I don't actually know the game. At all. So I can't tell if an English translation is necessary to make it playable for westerners.
Patch here. (http://www.romhacking.net/translations/6353/)
Added three new homebrews to the SMS roster (two titles are conversions of MSX games):
Draconic Throne (2017-2021)
Pyramid Warp Enhanced (2021)
Soul Trails (2021)
PS: also added the support to three prototypes of classic games (Dead Angle SMS, Street of Rage II GG and Thunder Blade SMS)
Added the support to 16 new ZX Spectrum titles (8 classics + 8 homebrews):
Chichen Itza - Part 1/Part2 (1992)
Diosa de Cozumel, La (1990)
Inspector Gadget and the Circus of Fear (1987)
Ninja Spirit (1990)
Ninja Warriors, The (1989)
Super Cycles (1987)
Terrorballs (1987)
Train - Escape to Normandy, The (1988)
Cavit 48K/128K (2021)
Heritage (2009)
iLogicAll (2008)
Impetus 48K/128K (2021)
Iron Sphere (2006)
Izzy Wizzy (2007)
Mariano the Dragon in Capers in Cityland (2008)
Micro INC (2014)
I'm afraid I don't know the right password for "Chichen Itza"... the sources I checked have the same you mentioned.
And thanks for looking into those games.
As you can see, I added the support to Cozumel and Chichen Itza... moreover I found the right password for the second part of Chichen Itza: RICO PAPASITO... ;)
Glad you could figure out how to add this one... looked almost impossible to crack.
I notified at least one of the webs with the wrong password, see if that helps to future players.
Added the support to three new NES/Famicom homebrews:
Espitene (2018): https://www.mobygames.com/game/espitene
Ghoul Grind: Night of the Necromancer (2021): https://woogworx.itch.io/ghoul-grind-night-of-the-necromancer
Wart Worm Wingding (2020): https://johnvanderhoef.itch.io/wart-worm-wingding
Added the support to other 10 ZX Spectrum titles (5 classics + 5 homebrews):
Antiquity Jones (HB, 2012)
Dogmole Tuppowski (HB, 2013)
Hallowed Knight (HB,2021)
International Ninja Rabbits (1991)
Maritrini Freelance Monster Slayer Adventure (HB, 2012)
Ninja Commando (1989)
Ninja Scooter Simulator (1987)
Phantomas en el museo (HB, 2012)
Starglider 2 - The Egrons Strike Back 128K (HB, 1989)
Turbo Skate Fighter (1989)
Added the support to NES/Famicom Witch n' Wiz (2021, retail version):
Added the support to 8 new MSX titles (4 classics + 4 homebrews):
Amadeus Classical Beats (HB, 2021)
Battlot (HB, 2021)
Cavit (HB, 2021)
Freddy Hardest in South Manhattan (1989)
Future Knight (1986)
Impetus (HB, 2021)
Scramble Spirits (1990)
Sol Negro (1989)
Kaettekita Mario Bros. / Return of the Mario Bros. for the Famicom Disk System has just been translated into English.
Patch here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/6364/)
Added the support to a new Megadrive hack: Streets of Rage II Fight'n Rage (2021)... :wink:
Added the support to a new NES/Famicom homebrew in "zeldavania" style... Dungeons & Doomknights (2021)
Added 20 new ZX Spectrum titles (10 classics + 10 homebrews):
Beach Volley (1989)
Contact Sam Cruise (1986)
Dalek Attack - Doctor Who (1992)
Egghead (1989)
Egghead II - Egghead to the Rescue (1990)
Flunky (1987)
Krakout (1987)
Legend of Kage, The 48K (1987)
M.O.V.I.E. (1986)
Race, The (1990)
All Present and Correct 48K (2009)
Egghead 3 - Egghead in Space (2002)
Egghead 4 - Egghead Entertains (2006)
Egghead 5 - Egghead Round the Med (2007)
GNONI v1.2 (2020)
Knights (2018)
Kyd Cadet II - The Rescue of Pobbleflu (2010)
Kyd Cadet 3 - The Eyeburx Plee (2014)
Last Escape (2021)
Left Behind - Escape from Mars (2017)
Added the support to 3 new Megadrive homebrews:
Bone Marrow Rebirth Demo v2 (2021) > https://pscdgames.itch.io/bone-marrow
MeteoRain (2019) > https://drludos.itch.io/meteorain-gameshell-jam-1
Super Heavy Duty (2020) > https://playnautic.itch.io/super-heavy-duty
Got the latest dats from the github (master) and it seems that some of the latest games are not in it ?
For instance (just a few, there's a lot more, esp. for spectrum)
nes: dungdoom, fantasyzonej
spectrum: allpresent, bubbdizz128, bvolley, contscruise, therace
and the dats for both systems seem to have been updated today ?
yeah no last update was six days ago, so everything seems normal, sorry
Added the support to 4 new NES/Famicom homebrews:
Anguna - Scourge of the Goblin King (2021) > https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/solegoose/anguna-scourge-of-the-goblin-king
AO (2016) > https://seconddimensionllc.itch.io/ao-nes-rom
Plummet Challenge Game (2021) > https://5kids2feed.itch.io/plummet-challenge-game
Wampus DX (2020) > https://johnvanderhoef.itch.io/wampus
added 10 new ZX Spectrum games (5 classics + 5 homebrews):
Astro Blaster (1983)
Block-Dizzy (1992)
Devil's Quest (HB, 2020)
Gerry the Germ Goes Body Poppin (1985)
Gift from the Gods (1984)
GNONI (1988)
Liquid War (HB, 2020)
Rompetechos English/Spanish (HB, 2016)
Scate Alice (HB, 2021)
Spider Mami (HB, 2020)
Added the support to 10 new MSX titles (7 classics + 3 homebrews):
Anexo 1, El Algoritmo English/Spanish (HB, 2018)
Buggy Ranger (1988)
Burn Us v2 (HB, 2018)
Double Dragon (1988)
Double Dragon II - The Revenge (1990)
Drakkar (1989)
Frogger's Adventures (HB, 2021)
Jump (1992)
Nonamed (1986)
North & South M3 (1991)
North & South, hell yeah! One of the funiest games ever to appear in 8 bits.
North & South, hell yeah! One of the funiest games ever to appear in 8 bits.
I agree... also in the 16 bit overview! I loved the Amiga version... ;)
The MSX version is a "four tape-sides" game... a big thanks to dink for adding the "multi-tape" support! :)
For me the 16 bit versions are not as good. They have great graphics, but somehow the playability falls a bit behind their 8 bit counterparts. IMHO Amstrad CPC and NES / Famicom are the best ports.
Oh, and the Legend of Zelda and Zelda II Redux hacks got updated recently. I can't remember if they were added to the NES roster, but if they weren't this might be the best chance to do it.
The Legend of Zelda Redux Hack (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/5752/)
Zelda II Redux Hack (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/5440/)
They both pack a ton of bugfixes and enhancements, but they retain the playability and level layout of the original games.
For me the 16 bit versions are not as good. They have great graphics, but somehow the playability falls a bit behind their 8 bit counterparts. IMHO Amstrad CPC and NES / Famicom are the best ports.
Mhm... IIRC the gameplay was the same in all versions! The "only" differences were in graphics, sound and loading time/type... but, maybe, I'm remembering it wrong! ;)
8-bit purists at heart :)
best regards,
- dink
The fort and train sections run too fast on the Amiga, I'm afraid. Still a great game.
Added the support to 10 new ZX Spectrum titles (5 classics + 5 homebrews):
3D-Tanx (1982)
Battle City (HB, 2021) > https://zx-dev-media-demakes.proboards.com/thread/39/battle-city-zx-kind
Bomber (1983)
Budokan - The Martial Spirit (1991)
Fighter Bomber (1990)
High Steel (1989)
Mechwars Centipede (HB, 2021) > https://zxbitles.itch.io/mechwars-centipede
Ratos! (HB, 2020) > https://memsoftware.itch.io/ratos-el-escape
Space Racing v1.1 (HB, 2021) > https://voxeltower.itch.io/spaceracing
Swarm is Coming, The (HB, 2021) > https://minilop.itch.io/swarm
?Budokan! I requested that one months ago, but it was hard to implement because it comes in two tapes. Glad to see it works now.
Added the support to 5 new ColecoVision homebrews:
Arno Dash (2021)
Astrostorm (2021)
Missile Strike (2021)
Star Fire (2021)
Vexed (2021)
One last gift for Christmas !
Thank you for all those nice games added this year Gab75
One last gift for Christmas !
Thank you for all those nice games added this year Gab75
You're welcome! Merry Christmas! :)
Merry Christmas to you and all the team
Other additions for the Christmas eve! :)
Added the support to 6 new NES/Famicom homebrews:
Armed for Battle (2014)
BoBL v1.2 (2021)
Legend of Weed N' Stiff , The (DX and standard)(2021)
Mario Kart GlobalHack (2017)
Reknum - The Awakening (2019)
Reknum - Souls Adventure (2021)
You know I normally leave here links of amateur patches for your consideration. This time is different. I can't force any of you to include this particular patch int the Genesis / Mega Drive roster...
So instead, I'll shamelessly beg that you try it, then decide if it's not a huge improvement over the regular (meh) Genesis port of Mortal Kombat. Meanwhile, I'll keep vowing until my back hurts, and if that's not enough I'll start chanting "I'm not worthy!" until my vocal chords give up. This patch is THAT good.
Mortal Kombat Arcade Edition. (http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6446/)
So instead, I'll shamelessly beg that you try it, then decide if it's not a huge improvement over the regular (meh) Genesis port of Mortal Kombat. Meanwhile, I'll keep vowing until my back hurts, and if that's not enough I'll start chanting "I'm not worthy!" until my vocal chords give up. This patch is THAT good.
Mortal Kombat Arcade Edition. (http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6446/)
The support to MK "Arcade Edition Hack" added to the roster... on github soon! :)
I also updated "The Citadel of Chaos" from v2.0 to v2.1 (probably the final version)...
Thank you! :biggrin:
EDIT: Are you sure it's the right CRC or whatever? Tried latest Git but the game doesn't get recognised, neither with the original checksum nor after fixing it.
EDIT: Are you sure it's the right CRC or whatever? Tried latest Git but the game doesn't get recognised, neither with the original checksum nor after fixing it.
Yes, I patched the version shown in your ROMhacking.net link (CRC32: 33F19AB6)
EDIT: the latest cpp is not online yet... in fact I wrote "on github soon" and not "already on github"... ;)
Ah, OK. I can wait til next year :wink:
Ah, OK. I can wait til next year :wink:
It's on github! ;)
Armed for Battle (2014)
I was under the impression there was never a full version released for this one, just a demo (last updated in 2016 even), am I mistaken ?
I was under the impression there was never a full version released for this one, just a demo (last updated in 2016 even), am I mistaken ?
Frankly, I ignore it... but, maybe, someone is better informed about it! :)
It's on github! ;)
Thank you!
And today Stardust Crusaders have released an English translation for Dandy: Zeuon No Fukkatsu, an action RPG for the FDS.
Patch here. (http://www.romhacking.net/translations/6395/)
EDIT: Just noticed that FBN already supports an earlier translation. So it's up to the devs to decide if they keep the older one or if they want to update the roster with the new one.
There is this new Neogeo HB Looptris. Hopefully it will be add to FBNeo.
Thank you.
Came to say the same thing as littlebear !
Here's the link: https://blastar.citavia.de/index.php?controller=post&action=view&id_post=54
It's free to dream so if Kraut Buster could be added too, it's going for a very cheap price :biggrin:
yeah I agree,
"kraut buster" und "gunlord" on fbn would be a highlight, although not likely to see any soon.
i'm following the two since 2020 and the sales and market policy of ngdev is a mystery for me
constantly sold out as the rest of their nsw stuff, but not even mentioned in their shop??
it seems that they don't want to sell it (anymore?, mvs 99 copies, aes 165 copies), never
saw a sales strategy like this, ok limited editions exist for many games, but solely and
exclusively limited. no edition for ordinary people and non millionaire?
therefore resellers demand outrageous prices, none <1000eur.
they seem so busy that they don't even have time to update their webpage:
Coming 2018 for NEO?GEO MVS & 2019 for AES
Pre-order now at www.ngdevdirect.com
Official game page: www.kraut-buster.com
pre-order after 2 years since release or do they mean the next bundle of cartridges?
no matter, a rom dump seems hardly to appear in the net, someone told me that
ngdev knows every customer by name and every cartridge has a unique id in the code
thus they can prosecute one if a dump appears in the net...
so keep dreaming
someone told me that
ngdev knows every customer by name and every cartridge has a unique id in the code
thus they can prosecute one if a dump appears in the net...
That should not be too hard to verify. Dump two different carts and compare the binary files.
That should not be too hard to verify. Dump two different carts and compare the binary files.
You're right... but, as every digital file, with the right knowledge and skills it could be hacked (obviously this is only a theoretical disquisition)... ;)
Came to say the same thing as littlebear !
Here's the link: https://blastar.citavia.de/index.php?controller=post&action=view&id_post=54
Added the support to LoopTris! ;)
NB: currently the sound is not available...
Added the support to two new ZX Spectrum homebrews:
Tokimal (2021) > https://greenwebsevilla.itch.io/tokimal
Zooming Secretary (2021) > https://pcnonogames.itch.io/zooming-secretary-for-zx-spectrum-48128k
And today Stardust Crusaders have released an English translation for Dandy: Zeuon No Fukkatsu, an action RPG for the FDS.
Patch here. (http://www.romhacking.net/translations/6395/)
The older version has been replaced with this new one... ;)
Thanks. And I just heard news of this other NES translation:
Digital Devil Monogatari: Megami Tensei II (Stardust Crusaders) (http://www.romhacking.net/translations/6403/)
EDIT: There was a previous translation by Dushbadge (not sure if it's included on FBN's NES roster) but it was unfinished.
Added the support to 3 new ColecoVision homebrews:
Knight'n More (2016)
Zaxxon II (2021)
Zoom 909 (2021)
... happy New Year to everyone! :)
Happy New Year and thank you for a beautiful emulation year
Super Russian Roulette (2017), an extra large ROM for the NES/Famicom standard, 8.5 Mbytes - mapper 413 ! (support added by dink)
Anybody interested in a patch that changes graphics from "RoboCop" (NES) back to the ones in the arcade?
I'm adopting it for myself, but I don't think it deserves to be added to the NES roster.
Download here. (http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6463/)
Added the support to 9 new ZX Spectrum titles (4 classics + 5 homebrews):
Angels (HB, 2021)
Carrier Command (1989)
Cyclus part 1 and part 2 (HB, 2021)
Fire and Forget (1988)
Get Out Of Mars (HB, 2021)
Majenta Jim 48K/128K (HB, 2020)
Psi Chess (1986)
Techno-Cop 28K/128K (1988)
TJ Cavern Capers (HB, 2021)
Usually I think ZX game title screens look pretty good, while the in-game graphics look disappointing. But those Angels in-game graphics look pretty sweet for the ZX.
Usually I think ZX game title screens look pretty good, while the in-game graphics look disappointing. But those Angels in-game graphics look pretty sweet for the ZX.
The Zosya Team manages to make "small graphic miracles" with the restrictions of ZX Spectrum ULA... ;)
Also, once programmers learn how to get rid of colour clash the ZX is a very nice machine. And this comes from a guy who owned its main competitor, the Amstrad CPC. I still have mock arguments online with Spectrum users who complain pof the CPC "blockiness".
EDIT: Two new translation patches that could make their way into their respective rosters:
Nekketsu Kakutou Densetsu (Japan) for the NES. (http://www.romhacking.net/translations/6407/)
Dragon Egg! (Japan) for the PC Engine. (http://www.romhacking.net/translations/6405/)
And I think this other one went unnoticed:
Wonder Momo (Japan) for the PC Engine. (http://www.romhacking.net/translations/6298/)
Added the support to NES/Famicom Weed n' Stiff 2 (2021)...
Added the support to LoopTris! ;)
NB: currently the sound is not available...
Fixed :)
Fixed :)
Thanks! :smilie:
Added 10 new titles to the MSX roster... ;)
3D Knockout (1985)
Budokan (1991)
Humphrey (1988)
Lift (HB, 2021)
Mashou no Yakata Gabalin "T-Eng" (Hack, 2008)
Mazy (HB, 2021)
Melody Party Ex (HB, 2021)
Playhouse Strippoker (1988)
Ruptus (HB, 2021)
Spartan X, Jackie Chan in (1985)
Vexed (2021)
Dumb question, what's the difference between this rom and the one at cvaddict? The one at cvaddict has different sha1/md5.
Dumb question, what's the difference between this rom and the one at cvaddict? The one at cvaddict has different sha1/md5.
Frankly I don't know, but probably the only real difference is the different sha1/md5...
This one seems a natural: https://ozzyouzo.itch.io/teot/devlog/332174/beta-version
This one seems a natural: https://ozzyouzo.itch.io/teot/devlog/332174/beta-version
The related support is already on the roster (Neo Geo MVS)...
The Eye of Typhoon (Beta Version)
Added the support to two new NES/Famicom homebrews...
Dead Tomb (2020)
Enigmacore (2015)
Added the support to other 10 ZX Spectrum games (5 classics + 5 homebrews):
Carga de Profundidade (HB, 2021)
Cronopios Y Famas "Multi-language" (HB, 2021)
Hydra (1991)
Ice Temple, The (1986)
In the Walls of Eryx (HB, 2016)
Intensity (1988)
Malignant Gore, The (HB, 2019)
Rescate Atlantida (1989)
Speccy Bros (HB, 2012)
Total Eclipse 2 - The Sphinx Jinx (1991)
Had never heard of "Speccy Bros.", but always loved "Snow Bros." since the times I played it at the arcades.
Had never heard of "Speccy Bros.", but always loved "Snow Bros." since the times I played it at the arcades.
Obviously the arcade version is completely a different story. In any case the ZX version is decent after all, but, to be honest, it's not comparable with the other home versions (Megadrive and NES)... :wink:
Oh, I didn't expect it to be a perfect port or to be as striking as the arcade. But if the playability is still there, It's going to occupy too much of my time. I already got very addicted to the GB port in the 90s.
EDIT: It's a decent enough port. It could use smoother movements and I wonder if it has all the stages. It's for 48k machines so I guess not. But the playability is still there, and they even bothered with the first boss:
Plus the GFX are very colorful for a Spectrum.
Added the support to three new ZX Spectrum homebrews:
Ninjakul in the AUIC Temple (2018) > https://greenwebsevilla.itch.io/ninjakul-in-the-auic-temple
Ninjakul 2 The Last Ninja (2019) > https://greenwebsevilla.itch.io/ninjakul-2-the-last-ninja
Stop Virus (2021) > https://pcnonogames.itch.io/stop-virus-zx-spectrum-48128k-by-ctrlc-games-pcnonogames
EDIT: It's a decent enough port. It could use smoother movements and I wonder if it has all the stages. It's for 48k machines so I guess not. But the playability is still there, and they even bothered with the first boss:
Plus the GFX are very colorful for a Spectrum.
Indeed, considering the limitation of only 2 colors for each 8x8px block, the game looks very colorful... but that is exactly why the "smoother movements" aren't possible: all characters/objects movements are bound with steps of "8x8px blocks".
I see. I thought it was because it's designed to fit into 48k. Anyway, part of retrogaming is seeing how they managed to do great games in spite of all the absurd limitations of those systems.
Just learned The Hidden Palace has released 178 new prototypes (!) for different consoles to celebrate the new year. Those who maintain the different console rosters should check the new releases to check if there's anything worth adding.
Link here. (https://hiddenpalace.org/News/New_Years_2022)
This is a partial list I got somewhere else:
Adventures of Dr. Franken (Prototype)
Bio Force Ape (US Prototype)
Mike Ditka?s Big Play Football (Prototype)
Sega Mega Drive / Genesis:
Beethoven?s 2nd: The Quest for Pups (Prototype)
Lobo (April Prototype)
Out of the Vortex (Prototype)
Payne Stewart Pro Golf (Prototype A)
Payne Stewart Pro Golf (Prototype B)
R.B.I. Baseball ?95 (Mega Drive Prototype)
Road Riot 4WD (Prototype)
Space Hero (Prototype)
TurboGrafx-16 / PC Engine:
TV Sports Baseball (Prototype)
Added the support to 15 new MSX titles:
Ace of Aces (1986)
Amida (1983)
Arkos part 1, 2 & 3 (1988)
Champions Grand National (1984)
El Cid (1987)
Golvellius T-Eng (Hack, 2008)
Kaeru Shooter (1984)
Macadam Bumper (1985)
Missile Command (1988)
Mitsumega Toohru - The Three-Eyed One Comes Here T-Eng/T-Rus (Hack, 2021)
Safari X (1985)
Time Curb /1986)
Tuareg (1988)
Way of the Tiger, The (Dsk2Rom, 1986)
Zoot (1986)
Here the other MSX snapshots...
Added the support to 15 new ZX Spectrum Titles (7 classics + 8 homebrews):
All-American Basketball (1992)
Colour of Magic, The (1986)
Fist II - The Legend Continues (1986)
Lone Wolf - The Mirror of Death 128K (1990)
Loopz (1991)
Sabrina (1989)
Tuareg (1988)
... and here the homebrews snapshots:
70908 (2019)
Aztec (2021)
Extruder (2018)
Good Night Kanga (2016)
Jet Set Willy 128 (1996)
Legend of the Frog Prince, The (2019)
The Goblin English/Spanish (2022)
ZX Enigma Machine (2021)
I'll never forget "Sabrina". Horrible game, but arguably the only "breast 'em up" in the system.
I'll never forget "Sabrina". Horrible game, but arguably the only "breast 'em up" in the system.
One of the few cases where the gameplay was totally secondary! :biggrin:
I can't even tell if Sabrina was known outside of Italy and Spain, or if she got paid anything in royalties for the game.
For those who don't know what the hell I'm talking about, Sabrina was a one hit wonder from the 80s, and also a member of the same club as Danuta or Samantha Fox.
EDIT: I have a Spectrum request... would it be possible to add "Misterio del Nilo / Mystery of the Nile"?
It's an arcade / adventure in several parts. In each screen you need to control one to three characters and kill all enemies. Non-controlled characters have some rudimentary AI.
I can't even tell if Sabrina was known outside of Italy and Spain, or if she got paid anything in royalties for the game.
Ehm, I highly doubt she was given royalties for the game! :D
For those who don't know what the hell I'm talking about, Sabrina was a one hit wonder from the 80s, and also a member of the same club as Danuta or Samantha Fox.
A real mediterranean sex symbol during the late 80s and the 90s! :cool:
EDIT: I have a Spectrum request... would it be possible to add "Misterio del Nilo / Mystery of the Nile"?
Of course, the related support will be added in the next ZX Spectrum update! ;)
I can't even tell if Sabrina was known outside of Italy and Spain, or if she got paid anything in royalties for the game.
She was known in France too.
I'll never forget "Sabrina". Horrible game, but arguably the only "breast 'em up" in the system.
I personally have always had a soft spot for Lorna, even though the gameplay wasn't as much of a second fiddle in that one as more of a third guy in the back row who coughs during the whole thing.
Aw, yes, Lorna. That was a comicbook adaptation, but it does fit the genre of large breasts. I think it's a so-so game, but the 16 bit versions are actually pretty good.
Added the support to Metal Dragon, a new run'n'gun shooter for the Megadrive roster...
Added the support to 5 new ColecoVision homebrews:
CoCo and the Evil Robots v1.01 (2020)
Karateka 2 (2021)
Pegged (2021)
Recon Rescue (2021)
SpinBall (2020)
Added the support to 3 new homebrews (NES/Famicom roster):
D'Veel'Ng (2015)
Lunar Limit - Star Wars Edition (2021)
Moonglow (2021)
Added the support to 10 new ZX Spectrum titles (5 classics + 5 homebrews):
Agent Blue - Daytime/Night Missions (HB, 2020)
D'Veel'Ng (HB, 2013)
Fillomania (HB, 2018)
Hawk Storm (1990)
Hollow, The (1985)
Micronaut One (1987)
Mission Omega (1983)
Misterio del Nilo, El / Mystery of the Nile, The (1987)
Saving Kong - Crazy Kong City II (bgm 1+2) (HB,2017)
Void (HB, Tech-Demo)
Thanks for "Mystery of the Nile"!
[and the rest too, of course]
Added the support to 9 new MSX titles (4 classics + 5 homebrews):
Cobra's Arc (Spanish) (1986)
Diana's Cave Adventure (HB, 2020)
Lost Wind, The (HB, 2018)
Misterio del Nilo, El (Spanish) (1987)
Motorbike Madness (Spanish) (1988)
Ninja Love (HB, 2013)
Skulls (HB, 2021)
Souls Keeper v1.3 (HB, 2021)
TT Racer (1987)
Added the support to two new Megadrive homebrews:
Eyra the Crow Maiden (2021) > https://second-dimension.com/store/eyra-the-crow-maiden-sega
Space Flies Attack (2021) > https://gcup.itch.io/space-flies-attack
Added the support to 6 new titles, NES/Famicom roster (one game is for FDS)...
NB: currently "Rainbow Brite - Journey to Rainbow Land" is not working (unsupported mapper)
Alwa's Awakening - Prototype (HB, 2021)
Animal Blockes (HB, 200?)
Archer, The (HB, 200?)
Namida no Soukoban Special (FDS, 1986)
Tomb of Ice (HB, 2020)
Added the support to 10 new ZX Spectrum titles:
1985 - The Day After (1985)
ACE 2088 (1989)
C.O.R.E. (1986)
Donkey Kong 3 (HB, 2022)
Gremlins - The Adventure (1985)
Motorbike Madness (1988)
Speccies, The (HB, 2013)
Speccies 2, The (HB, 2013)
Vradark's Sphere (HB, 2018)
ZX Football Manager 2005 (HB, 2004)
Donkey Kong 3 (HB, 2022) updated CRC is : EF597223
Donkey Kong 3 (HB, 2022) updated CRC is : EF597223
ZX Spectrum Donkey Kong 3 updated to version 1.1... on github soon! ;)
Added the support to two new Megadrive titles:
Darius Extra Version (2020)
Mega Turrican Director's Cut (2021)
Mega Turrican is my favorite game on the Megadrive, looking forward to trying this new one some day :)
best regards,
- dink
Added the support to 3 new SMS titles (2 GG2SMS and 1 original homebrew):
Speccies 2, The (2020)
Tails Adventure GG2SMS v1.5 (2016)
Tempo Jr. GG2SMS v1.0 (2014)
Added the support to the NES Mapper 268 (a big thanks to dink!)... now "Rainbow Brite - Journey to Rainbow Land" works fine! :)
Also added the support to "Metal Storm (2019 Re-Release)", other game that uses the Mapper 268...
Added the support to 10 new titles to the MSX Roster (4 classics + 3 homebrews + 3 Translation hacks):
4x4 Off-Road Racing (1988)
Amaurote (1987)
Bitlogic final version (HB, 2022) > https://jamque.itch.io/bitlogic-msx-a-cyberpunk-arcade-adventure
Dragon Slayer Jr. - Romancia T-Eng (Hack, 2010)
Emilio Sanchez Vicario Grand Slam (1989)
Exciting Jockey (1984)
Forg Wants Love (HB, 2021) > https://beebush.itch.io/forg-wants-love
Hans' Adventure final version + bonus (HB, 2022) > https://jamque.itch.io/hans-adventure
Knightmare III - Shalom - Konami T-Eng/T-Spa (Hack, 2002-2012)
Pico Pico T-Eng (Hack, 2016)
NB: just to be clear, we invite all users to buy the new/old commercial games... if you like a game supported by FBN the best thing it's buy it, with a small spending you can help the developers and to do things in a proper manner! We DISCOURAGE the illegal/unoffical re-distribuition and, obviously, we are NOT RESPONSABLE for it!
Speccies 2, The (2020)
That's funny, that homebrew was also added to the arcade roster just last week :)
That's funny, that homebrew was also added to the arcade roster just last week :)
We have it in "triple version": Arcade, Sega Master System and ZX Spectrum... ;)
Added the support to 5 new ZX Spectrum titles:
19 Part 1 - Boot Camp (1988)
ACE - Air Combat Emulator (1986)
ACE 2 - The Ultimate Head to Head Conflict (1987)
Forg Wants Love (HB, 2021) > https://beebush.itch.io/forg-wants-love
Frightmare (1988)
Added 7 new titles to the NES/Famicom roster... ;)
Bandana (HB, 2021)
Cave Driller (HB, 2021) > https://forums.nesdev.org/viewtopic.php?t=23546
Danger Bridge (HB, 200?)
Enormous Adventures (HB, 2021) > https://gamelosers.itch.io/enormousadventures
Hyaku no Sekai no Monogatari - The 100 World Story (1991 Japan/Hack T-Eng/Hack T-Ita)
Kamikaze Mario DX+ v1.9 (Hack, 2021)
Mario Quest (Hack, 2021)
Added the support to 12 new ZX Spectrum titles (6 classics + 6 homebrews):
Drazen Petrovic Basket (1989)
Dynamite Dux (1989)
Invaders (1983)
Kenny Dalglish Soccer Manager (1989)
Kenny Dalglish Soccer Match (1990)
Pinball (1983)
... and here the 6 new homebrews (ZX Spectrum):
Cubic Experience, The (2022) > https://tokuretro.itch.io/the-cubic-experience
Papyrus (2020) > https://packobilly.itch.io/papyrus
R.O.V.R. (2018)
SQIJ'D (2018)
Tiny Dungeons (2022) > https://retrosouls.itch.io/tiny-dungeons
ZX Parachute 16K (2020)
tinydungs is made by RetroSouls and has a different CRC : A35F23F6
tinydungs is made by RetroSouls and has a different CRC : A35F23F6
Thanks... infos updated... ;)
Added the support to 3 new FDS games...
Doremikko (Japan)(1987)
Fuuun Shourinken - Ankoku no Maou (Japan)(1988)
Samurai Sword (Japan/T-Eng)(1988-2003)
Is this interesting enough for FBNeo? http://sblueman.com/category/consoles/
SBlueman?s Tecmo Super Bowl 2021 ? Final Edition:
Tecmo Super Bowl: 2022 NCAA D.1 Edition
Is this interesting enough for FBNeo? http://sblueman.com/category/consoles/
The support will be added in the next NES/Famicom update! ;)
Added the support to 6 new NES/Famicom titles:
CJ's Elephant Antics (1992)
Go! Dizzy Go! (1992)
Porun-chan no Onigiri Daisuki - Amabie (HB, 2020)
Tecmo Super Bowl 2020 v3.0 (Hack, 2021)
Tecmo Super Bowl 2021 Final Edition (Hack, 2022)
Tecmo Super Bowl 2022 NCAA D.1 Edition (Hack, 2022)
Nice work Gab75! That onigiri game is a lot of fun :)
best regards,
- dink
Nice work Gab75! That onigiri game is a lot of fun :)
You are welcome! ... and thanks for fixing "Go! Dizzy Go!" :smilie:
Added the support to a new NES/Famicom action-puzzle game (T-Eng hack + Japan)... added by dink! ;)
Minna no Taabou no Nakayoshi Daisakusen (1991)
Added the support to 10 new ZX Spectrum titles (5 classics + 5 homebrews):
Agent X (1986)
Agent X II - The Mad Prof's Back! (1987)
Alien Highway (1986)
Automania (1984)
Esta en el Pantano (Spanish) (HB, 2009)
Forest Raider Cherry (HB, 2010)
Havoc (1990)
Main Course - The Retro Cut (HB, 2020) > https://quantumsheep.itch.io/main-course-the-retro-cut
Mandarino, El (HB, 2021) > https://mananuk.itch.io/el-mandarino
Nanako Descends to Hell (HB, 2009)
I was wondering... could you add the 128k version of "Angel Nieto"?
When you load the 48k version it says the 128k is on the other side of the tape, but I'm not sure if I've ever seen it.
I was wondering... could you add the 128k version of "Angel Nieto"?
When you load the 48k version it says the 128k is on the other side of the tape, but I'm not sure if I've ever seen it.
Ok, the related support will be added in the next ZX Spectrum update... the only significant difference should be in the "engine sound"... ;)
Thank you. Meanwhile I've been trying to find out if it was even dumped. It is, and for some reason it only works in +2A models.
Thank you. Meanwhile I've been trying to find out if it was even dumped. It is, and for some reason it only works in +2A models.
The ZX Spectrum +2A/+3 (compared with ZX Spectrum 128K) have the same total RAM, but with a different architecture: 4 chips of 32 kbytes each (64 kbit x 4) instead of 16 chips of 8 kbytes each (64 kbit x 1). This causes a difference in the memory contention and, in some cases, compatibility issues between Sinclair and Amstrad systems.
Added the support to 4 new titles (NES/Famicom roster):
Adam & Eve (1991)
Almika The Star Rider Densetsu Gaiden (HB, 2021)
Creatom (1991)
Tower Defense 1990 (HB, 2018)
Loxley was updated to 1.1, no idea what crc but there are multiple taps in their itch io page
Loxley was updated to 1.1, no idea what crc but there are multiple taps in their itch io page
Thanks for the info! Support updated... on github soon! :)
Added the support to 5 new ZX Spectrum titles:
Critical Mass (1985)
Dead Space (HB, 2021) > https://radastan.itch.io/dead-space-zx-spectrum
Great Gurianos (1991)
Loxley v1.1 (HB, 2022) > https://worldxxisoft.itch.io/loxley
Overlander (1988)
PS: added also the support to "+2A" versions of "Angel Nieto Pole 500cc" and "Mot"... a big thanks to dink for adding the emulation of ZX Spectrum 128K +2A system! :)
remember the loxley entry needs to be updated to 1.1 in the code as well.
remember the loxley entry needs to be updated to 1.1 in the code as well.
I already said it in my previous post:
Thanks for the info! Support updated... on github soon! :)
... you'll need to have a "little patience" ! ;)
Just learned the HB game Cave Story for the MD has been updated to v0.80.
It's available for free at https://github.com/andwn/cave-story-md/releases/tag/v0.8.0
Just learned the HB game Cave Story for the MD has been updated to v0.80.
The support to the latest revision (v0.8.0) is on github... ;)
Thank you!
Added the support to a new Megadrive game: Fight for Vengeance (2021)
Added the support to 16 new ZX Spectrum titles (8 classics + 8 homebrews):
Battlezone (1986)
Beach-Head (1984)
Beach-Head II - The Dictator Strikes Back! (1985)
Chubby Gristle (1988)
Crack Down (1990)
Defcom (1986)
Spectrum Cross (1983)
Tapper (1985)
... and here the snapshots of "homebrew games":
Beastie Feastie (2005)
Binary Land 128K v1.7 (2020)
Binary Land 16K v1.7 16K (2020)
Comeme el Chip (2019)
Hunt Buck - Nuclear Defence (2019)
Magical Tower Adventure - 2019/Mini version (2019-2016)
Man with the Golden Joystick, The v1.2 (2022)
Sprouty 128K (2019)
"Beach head"... that's a name I haven't heard in a long time. Ages ago I bought it for my CPC in a bundle with "Heavy Metal", another arcade / strategy hybrid.
Thanks Gab75!
Had a great time playing Sprouty last night, it's very addictive! Made it to level 14 - but now at level 14 it gets -difficult- :)
best regards,
- dink
"Beach head"... that's a name I haven't heard in a long time. Ages ago I bought it for my CPC in a bundle with "Heavy Metal", another arcade / strategy hybrid.
Many years ago I played the C64 counterpart... ;)
Thanks Gab75!
Had a great time playing Sprouty last night, it's very addictive! Made it to level 14 - but now at level 14 it gets -difficult- :)
You're welcome! :)
Sprouty, with his simple and original gameplay, is very addictive!
Some time ago I mentioned that the "redux" hacks for Legend of Zelda and Zelda II for the NES had been updated. Now I bring back the topic because I think they should be added to the NES roster. They have plenty of enhancements and even the purists seem to like them. I don't care about the optional patches they include, that should make things easier for the FBN team.
The Legend of Zelda Redux. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/5752/)
Zelda 2 Redux. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/5440/)
Many years ago I played the C64 counterpart... ;)
You mean "Beachead", right? I only got to the second or third stage. But it was pretty cool considering how simple the graphics / gameplay were.
Some time ago I mentioned that the "redux" hacks for Legend of Zelda and Zelda II for the NES had been updated. Now I bring back the topic because I think they should be added to the NES roster. They have plenty of enhancements and even the purists seem to like them. I don't care about the optional patches they include, that should make things easier for the FBN team.
The Legend of Zelda Redux. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/5752/)
Zelda 2 Redux. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/5440/)
OK, I'll add the related support to the next NES/Famicom update! ;)
You mean "Beachead", right? I only got to the second or third stage. But it was pretty cool considering how simple the graphics / gameplay were.
Yes, C64 Beach Head...
OK, I'll add the related support to the next NES/Famicom update! ;)
Thank you!
Yes, C64 Beach Head...
I asked because I also mentioned "Heavy Metal" in the same message. BTW, HM it's not on the Spectrum roster :wink:
It's a pretty cool game, although the strategy portion is just a little dressing over the arcade-ish bits.
Amstrad CPC version.
Thanks for the great work as usual , Gab :cool:
Any chance of seeing Pssst and Lunar Jetman in FBNeo in the future ?
2 of my favourite speccy games ever , both by Ultimate Play the Game
Best regards ;p
Thanks for the great work as usual , Gab :cool:
Any chance of seeing Pssst and Lunar Jetman in FBNeo in the future ?
2 of my favourite speccy games ever , both by Ultimate Play the Game
Best regards ;p
Hi ClessxAlghazanth,
both will be added to the next ZX Spectrum update! ;)
Lunar Jetman is already on the roster... ;)
NES/Famicom stuff:
added the support to Zelda 1 & 2 Redux versions (as requested by Neville):
... updated the support to Slow Mole (from 1.1 to 1.2b):
... added the support to 2 new homebrews:
Nin-Nin (2020)
Panda World (20??)
Hi ClessxAlghazanth,
both will be added to the next ZX Spectrum update! ;)
Lunar Jetman is already on the roster... ;)
Wow , thanks a lot , Gab :biggrin:
I must have missed it somehow ;p
added the support to Zelda 1 & 2 Redux versions (as requested by Neville):
Thank you! I also requested "Heavy Metal" for the ZX Spectrum, if it's possible.
The ZX Spectrum +2A/+3 (compared with ZX Spectrum 128K) have the same total RAM, but with a different architecture: 4 chips of 32 kbytes each (64 kbit x 4) instead of 16 chips of 8 kbytes each (64 kbit x 1). This causes a difference in the memory contention and, in some cases, compatibility issues between Sinclair and Amstrad systems.
After adding +2a emulation to FBNeo for a few games a week or 2 ago, some things about it I'd like to share:
The Speccy 128k has 128k of ram, but it can't map all of it at once, it has to bank in 16k chunks of ram in order to use them. The +2A / +3 has the feature to unmap the bios roms and map the ram in their place, allowing the cpu/program to access 2 more 16k banks of ram concurrently than the standard 128k can.
It's this feature that the +2a/+3 only games use which won't work on a standard 128K.
best regards,
- dink
Added the support to 11 new ZX Spectrum titles (7 classics + 4 homebrews):
Blue Max (1984)
Express Raider (1987)
Final Assault (1988)
Heavy Metal (1990)
Leader Board (1987)
Pssst (1983)
Road Runner (1987)
... and here the homebrews:
Amidar (2022)
Federation Underwater EN/SP (2022)
QI (Spanish) (2022)
STARS - Gumi 2 (2022)
Thanks! :biggrin:
Added the support to a new Channel-F homebrew:
Wrdl-F (2022)
In Start II Gumi, the guy always goes, all I can do is jump, is this how the game really is?
In Start II Gumi, the guy always goes, all I can do is jump, is this how the game really is?
Yes, you need to jump "at the right time and place" ! ;)
I remember playing a one-button remake of Manic Miner that followed the same concept. Pretty nifty.
Added the support to 2 new MSX homebrews:
Shadow Switcher (2022)
Word (2022)
An English translation for the FDS game Druid: Kyoufu no Tobira (Japan) has just surfaced:
Being an RPG I think it should be added to its roster.
An English translation for the FDS game Druid: Kyoufu no Tobira (Japan) has just surfaced:
Being an RPG I think it should be added to its roster.
As far as I know, Druid is more a Gauntlet-style game than a real RPG... in any case, the only noticeable variation (I had only a quick look) seems to be in the title screen... are there other significant differences?
Then I was mistaken, I thought it was a legit RPG. Nevermind.
Gab75, It's probably worth adding IMO :)
Gab75, It's probably worth adding IMO :)
I'll add it to the next FDS/NES update! :)
Added the support to 10 new ZX Spectrum titles (5 classics + 5 homebrews):
BMX Ninja (1988)
BMX Racers (1984)
Championship Run (1991)
Planetoids (1982)
Titanic Blinky (1991)
Alien Slaphead v2 (HB, 2022)
Mechwars Arena (HB, 2022)
Red Raid The Infiltrating - Side A/Side B (2022)
Road Trippin' 2022 - Coast 2 Coast (2022)
ZX Frogger (2021)
PS: a big thanks to dink for adding a new DIPswitch option, "Interface 2 Joyport swap", very useful in some games... ;)
Added the support to 4 new NES/Famicom titles and 1 FDS translation hack:
Biocats (HB, 2022) > https://pb-games.itch.io/biocats
Druid - The Gate of Fear (T-Eng hack)(2022) > https://www.romhacking.net/translations/6470/
Frog Adventure (Unl, 1993)
Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Sbock v0.9b (HB, 2017)
Wordle v1.03 (HB, 2022) > https://vectrex28.itch.io/wordle-nes
tapeworm disco puzzle is at 0.5
Also : E13ADC0C is the CRC for InterGalactic Transmissing rom, the one in code currently is the "semi" final version.
The support to NES Interglactic Transmissing updated... moreover added the support to NES Hangman too...
Interglactic Transmissing (HB, 2018)
NES Hangman (HB, 2015)
Added the support to Cocoa 2: 24 Hour Parsley People "supporter edition" (ZX Spectrum)... 3 episodes in 3 languages (english, portuguese and spanish):
CRC for updated Tapeworm Disco Puzzle (NES)
Mapper 2 : EE7B357A
Mapper 30 : 3CF42935
Also the year for the game should be 2022
Added the support to 15 new ZX Spectrum titles (9 classics + 6 homebrews):
American Tag-Team Wrestling (1992)
Bedlam (1988)
Crime Busters Featuring Bennie the Burglar (1988)
Lazer Tag (1988)
Neighbours (1992)
Sharkey's Moll (1991)
Stack Up (1991)
Submariner (1988)
Zenji (1984)
... and here the homebrews:
Battle Grid (2022)
Battle Tank 3D and some Crazy Aliens (2014)
Ice Slider Z (2015)
Qbox 48K and 128K versions (2017)
Submarine! Remake v1.2 (2022)
ZEN (2014)
Added the support to 8 new NES/Famicom titles (1 classic + 5 hacks + 2 homebrews):
Binary City (GlobalHack, 2009)
Dick Tracy (1990)
Galaxian Ehnanced (Hack, 2016)
Lan Master (HB, 2011)
Lights Out (HB, 2017)
Royal Flush - Princess Sidestory (GlobalHack, 2013)
Solomon no Kagi 2 - Kitsune Attacks! (Hack, 2021)
Wrecking Crew HD (Hack, 2021)
Added the support to 10 new ZX Spectrum titles (6 classics + 4 homebrews):
Bomb Bomb Buster (HB, 2022)
Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show (1989)
Circus Games (1988)
Cop-Out (1986)
Frank N Stein (1984)
Rabid Mower (HB, 2015)
Rubinho Cucaracha (HB, 2022)
Sabotage (1988)
Side Arms (1988)
ZX Wordle (HB, 2022)
Today I found out about two hacks for the MD version of "Ys III: Wanderers from Ys". I'm mentioning them for your consideration, I'm not sure they deserve to be included.
Ys III Renewal (http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6175/) promises a revised English script and graphical re-touches inspired by the X68000 version.
And Ys III Rebalanced (http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6684/) is "one of those" patches that basically tones down the game's difficulty to appeal to more casual players. I know the board doesn't like these kind of patches much, and moreover I haven't played "Ys III" much (a side-scrolling RPG? Bleh), so I don't know if the patch is really needed or not.
Anyway, opinions are welcome.
Added the support to 9 new MSX titles (
5 4 classics + 4 homebrews):
Cryptogram Anagrams Crosswords (HB, 2022)
Defence v1.1 (HB, 2022)
Discovery (1988)
Dr. Hello (1991)
Illusions (1985)
Italia '90 - World Cup Soccer (1989)
Octagon Squad (1986)
SDSniper (HB, 2021)
Video Poker (1986)
I saw a video of Youtubers playing a soccer game on an old system last week. One of them said "At least it's better than Italia '90" and the other replied "Driving over a dead racoon is better than Italia 90"
But that's OK, without bad games we wouldn't appreciate the good ones.
But that's OK, without bad games we wouldn't appreciate the good ones.
Moreover, sometimes, some games deserve to be emulated just to see how "ugly" they are! :biggrin:
I saw a video of Youtubers playing a soccer game on an old system last week. One of them said "At least it's better than Italia '90" and the other replied "Driving over a dead racoon is better than Italia 90"
But that's OK, without bad games we wouldn't appreciate the good ones.
Mhm, after a long reflection (about 1-2 seconds! :biggrin: ) I dediced to remove the support to MSX "Italia '90"... the game is really unplayable... in any case, it can be re-added if somebody misses it! :eek:
Added the support to other 4 new MSX titles:
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (1986)
Blastoid (HB, 2022)
Maltese Joe's Pool Challenge (1989)
Match Day II (1987)
Added the support to a new Megadrive homebrew:
Mega Marble World 2 (2021)
The ebay page is now defunct, not sure how you are expected to acquire the rom
The ebay page is now defunct, not sure how you are expected to acquire the rom
1) For direct questions "please" use the PMs.
2) Not sure why I need to give you an answer.
3) The ways of the Lord are infinite! :biggrin:
Added 4 new titles to the NES/Famicom roster:
Animal Clipper (2021)
Depth Bomb v1/v2 (2004)
Famicom De Pon (2020)
Fly a Way (2020)
PS: currently "Animal Clipper" emulation is defective.
Added the support to a new ZX Spectrum homebrew:
Chez Maxime ZX (2022)
Now NES/Famicom Animal Clipper works properly... a big thanks to dink for fixing it! :)
PS: the game has a bug, if the board completely empties (no more interchangeable pieces, "stalemate") the music crashes. The bug isn't an emulation issue, but a bug in the original game code and only effect the music.
Added the support to a new (very nice) Megadrive game:
Devwill Too Prologue (2022)
Added the support to 10 new ZX Spectrum titles:
Anarchy (1988)
Battle Valley (1988)
Bestial Warrior (1989)
Capitan Sevilla (1988)
Cosmic Sheriff (1990)
Di-Lithium Lift (1983)
Draughts Genius (1987)
Gutz (1988)
Oceano (HB, 2015)
Snake v3 (HB, 2022)
Added the support to 5 new MSX titles:
Ascend (HB, 2022)
Capitan Sevilla part 1/part 2 (1988)
Casanova (1989)
Mambo (1989)
Narco Police (1990)
I've always been fond of "Narco Police". With its pseudo-3D shootouts it plays like an ancestor of today's FPS. A pity they had to complicate things by having the player enter instructions on computer terminals. You'll need the manual if you want to get anywhere.
Added the support to 4 new NES/Famicom titles and 1 new Game Gear homebrew:
Ralph 4 (HB, 2016)
Trouble in 2a03 (HB, 2021)
Ushio to Tora - Shinen no Taiyou Jpn and T-Eng (1993-2022)
Waddles the Duck (HB, 2017)
Game Gear:
Tetris4GG (HB, 2022)
Added the support to 8 new ZX Spectrum titles:
Ascend (HB, 2022)
Babaliba (1984)
Beverly Hills Cop (1990)
Danger Mouse in Double Trouble (1984)
Duck Out! (1989)
Fallen Angel (1989)
Post Mortem (1987)
Pyracurse (1986)
Added the support to 2 new ZX Spectrum homebrews...
Dead Zone (English/Spanish) (2019) > https://pcnonogames.itch.io/dead-zone-zx-spectrum-game-48128k
Xenoblast 48K and 128K (2021) > https://loftcat.itch.io/xenoblast
chez maxiime zx got an update
chez maxiime zx got an update
A new version has been added (with the ULA+ support), the standard 128K version has not changed (CRC: ab6b980b)
... the ULA+ chip is not supported by the FBN emulation.
no worries
Added the support to 8 new homebrews (ColecoVision roster):
Aerial (2022)
Crazy Climber Redux (2021)
Impetus (2022)
Lift (2022)
Monaco GP (2021)
Neuras (2022)
Turmoil 2022 (2021)
Zombie Calavera Prologue (2021)
Added the support to 9 new MSX titles (6 classics + 3 homebrews):
Boardello (1985)
Fernando Martin Basket Master (1986)
Fernando Martin Basket Master - Executive (1987)
Nenokatas (HB, 2015)
Numberman (HB, 2020)
Paris-Dakar (1988)
Rabbian (1984)
Robotto Tech-Demo (HB, 2019)
Wild Cat (1984)
Gab75, wooooooaw! Rabbian finally dumped! I've been after this game since 2014 or so.
Look at the blatant lie on the front of the gamebox, to try to get ppl in Japan's attention: "From USA"
best regards,
- dink
Gab75, wooooooaw! Rabbian finally dumped! I've been after this game since 2014 or so.
I didn't know that I added the support to a "most-wanted" game! :biggrin:
I'm glad to make you happy... ;)
Look at the blatant lie on the front of the gamebox, to try to get ppl in Japan's attention: "From USA"
A "white lie", after all ! :p
Guffaw good times! :)
The more I think about it: maybe the developers are trying to convey that Rabbian "the character" is from USA (fictionally), not actually the game from USA.
but: who knows for sure ;p
best regards,
- dink
The more I think about it: maybe the developers are trying to convey that Rabbian "the character" is from USA (fictionally), not actually the game from USA.
but: who knows for sure ;p
Maybe translate the ideograms under the write "from USA" could be useful to understand the "enigma" ! :biggrin:
Added the support to a new ZX Spectrum homebrew:
Prima Dere ZX (2022) > https://appsir.itch.io/prima-dere-zx
Maybe translate the ideograms under the write "from USA" could be useful to understand the "enigma" ! :biggrin:
From USA
"Wisdom, Sweat, Work Hard."
C/O google translate :)
best regards,
- dink
"Wisdom, Sweat, Work Hard."
Mhm, the "clues" are not useful... :S :p
Hani in the Sky (TG16) English translation. (http://www.romhacking.net/translations/6531/)
Added the support to 4 new SMS homebrews:
Do The Same v1.1 (2022)
Galactic Revenge v3 (2018)
Green Beret Remake (2022)
Heroes Against Demons v1.04b - retail version (2020)
Added the support to some new homebrews (MSX roster):
Cryptogram Anagrams Crosswords v1.1 (2022) < Italian, French and Dutch banks added
Curse of Rabenstein, The (2022)
Mecha 8 EX (2013)
Mecha 9 (2015)
Two more hacks I think you should consider adding:
Fast Walking for Modernization 4.0 Hack (http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6778/)
Fast Walking for General Improvements 1.1 Hack (http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6779/)
They add fast walking to already improved versions of Phantasy Star II and III for the Genesis / Mega Drive.
My news for the fans.
I send to dink new tectoy exclusive games, sadly is not completed yet.
They are looking for the rest of the consoles to dump it.
Here's the complete list.
UPDATE: I just check the Super Mega Drive 3 [30 games] on Brazil and the Sega Soccer game is World Championship Soccer as "Super Futebol". Well it seems Sega Soccer was only released by 10 games in 1 as a normal Rom. :smilie:
It was one licenced to remove the world cup italy 90 intro to sell more games in the 00's.
Added the support to a new Megadrive/Genesis homebrew:
Super Maximum Overkill (2022)
Added the support to 2 new MSX homebrews:
Black Sea - Treasure Hunters (2022)
Mix v1.0 (2022)
Added the support to a new NES/Famicom homebrew:
Pinky (2020) > https://axbakk-games.itch.io/pinky-nes-homebrew
A friend it's trying to extract the sega soccer for sega genesis as a normal rom, if he releases i will notice. ;p
Added 3 new homebrews to the ZX Spectrum roster:
Mazania - Mage Rage Part II (2022) > https://snagultoof.itch.io/mazania
Ms Nampac v0.0.5 (2022) > https://jbinary.itch.io/ms-nampac
Terrapins ZX English/Spanish (2017) > https://highriser.itch.io/terrapins
Added the support to 3 new NES/Famicom titles (2 homebrews + 1 Hack):
Mushroom Heaven (Hack, 2022)
STING (HB, 2008)
Temple Dilemma (HB, 2019)
Updated the version of "Do The Same" (from v1.10 to v1.30) and added the support to translated version of "Tensai Bakabon"... both titles for the SMS roster:
Do the Same v1.30 (HB, 2022)
The Genius Bakabon (Hack T-Eng, 2022)
Gab75, Thanks again for keeping the console section fresh :)
best regards,
- dink
Thanks for the mushroom heaven. Check that website for more. I will waiting for Sega Soccer port. :biggrin:
Added the support to 6 new ZX Spectrum titles (5 classics + 1 homebrew):
Chopper Defence v1.2 (HB, 2022) > https://psychicparrot.itch.io/chopper-defence
Dynasty Wars (1990)
Earthlight (1988)
Planet 10 (1989)
Postman Pat - The Computer Game (1989)
Werewolves of London (1989)
Added the support to 7 new PCE/TG16 titles (1 homebrew + 6 translation hacks):
Bug Hunt (HB, 2013)
Bubblegum Crash! - Knight Sabers 2034 (T-Eng, 2008-2022)
City Hunter (T-Eng v1.1, 2022)
Dragon Egg! (T-Eng, 2022)
Honey in the Sky (T-Eng + 3-button hack, 2022)
Makai Hakkenden Shada (T-Eng, 2015)
Valkyrie no Densetsu (T-eng, 2015)
Thanks Gab75, it's nice to have the eng. version of Dragon Egg! :) And of course, everything else!
For me, the highlight of this update is the English translation for "City Hunter". Being an arcade / adventure hybrid it's essential to understand what you're doing.
For me, the highlight of this update is the English translation for "City Hunter". Being an arcade / adventure hybrid it's essential to understand what you're doing.
The english hack of "City Hunter" was already on the roster, but it was version 1.0. Now it has been updated to version 1.1... :smilie:
PS: City Hunter is one of my favorite "old" manga/anime... ;)
Added the support to other 3 translation hacks (PCE/TG16 roster):
Blue Blink (T-Eng v0.99b)(2022)
Knight Rider Special (T-Eng v2.0)(2017)
Out Live (T-Eng v1.1)(2016)
Added the support to 5 new NES/Famicom titles:
Armed for Battle - Limited Edition (HB, 2014)
Astro Ninja Man DX (HB, 2022)
Beat 'Em & Eat 'Em v1.0 (HB, 2014)*
Pinky Xmas (HB, 2020)
Xybots (Prototype, 1990)
*NB: this is a game with explicit sexual references! ;)
I remember "Xybots" from my 8-bit computer. It was the best you could get at the time in pseudo-3D shooters. Nice game when you get used to its quirks, like the 90 degree turns.
I'm suggesting yet another hack to be added to the NES roster... I can't call it essential or anything like that, but I find it very impressive.
Gumshoe (USA) to Inpector Gadget Conversion. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6830/)
I'm suggesting yet another hack to be added to the NES roster... I can't call it essential or anything like that, but I find it very impressive.
I'll add the support at the next NES/Famicom update! ;)
BTW, I'm having trouble with one of the NES hacks added recently. I'm pretty sure I'm applying the Metroid - Rogue Dawn patch to the right file, but the self-generated datfile disagrees.
BTW, I'm having trouble with one of the NES hacks added recently. I'm pretty sure I'm applying the Metroid - Rogue Dawn patch to the right file, but the self-generated datfile disagrees.
Are you sure you used the right "USA" version? CRC: A2C89CB9
Added the support to 4 new PCE/TG16 titles:
Barbarian (HB, 2017)
Final Match Tennis - Ladies (2002-2016)
Gunhed FX1 (Hack, 2016)
Splatterhouse Chrome (Hack, 2009)
Added six new titles to the NES/Famicom roster:
Beyond the Pins (HB, 2021)
Della DuckTales (Hack, 2022) > https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6776/
Germ Squashers (HB, 2015)
Inspector Gadget (Hack, 2022) > https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6830/
More Glider (HB, 2009)
Thief and the Cobbler (Hack, 2022) > https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6839/
Added the support to 4 new Megadrive titles:
Odeio Carros (HB, 2020)
Space Invaders v1.6 (HB, 2022)
Stone Protectors (2022)(Piko Int. Aftermarket)
Telethugs (HB, 2020)
Added the support to 8 new ZX Spectrum titles (5 classics + 3 homebrews):
A-Team, the - El Equipo A - Part 1/Part 2 (1988)
Beethoven's Revenge 128K/48K version (HB, 2022)
Cheesy Chase Moritz and the Mildewed Moon (HB, 2019)
Eskimo Eddie (1984)
Los Angeles Drugs Bust (1990)
Riding the Rapids (1987)
Shao Lin's Road (1986)
Smudge Bad Moonee Rising (HB, 2022)
A-Team what great moments i have on this show.
Sadly it is not good as Amstrad Version.
It needs a remake version.
It needs a different game. Looks like a small Spanish studio got their hands on the license and they gave us an "Operation Wolf" clone. Guess Ocean didn't think of grabbing this one.
And there's a C64 game of the A-Team, but it a different game by a different company. Check it out at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKodedZIZ_I
Can't say which one is better than the other.
Can't say which one is better than the other.
From what I've seen, the C64 release wins the "golden palm", by far... as worst version! :biggrin:
The C64 was really marginalised in Spain at the time. Many software house didn't bother to program for the C64 or outsourced those versions of their games to another company. Surely this explains why there's a different game for the C64. Someone noticed there wasn't a proper C64 "A-Team" game and published their own rubish.
Being European, I was very surprised when I found out the C64 was such a success in the USA.
Being European, I was very surprised when I found out the C64 was such a success in the USA.
IIRC: during the 80s, the Commodore 64 was a big success in Germany and Italy too... ;)
I can only speak for Spain, where I think the C64 was rare compared to the Amstrad and the Speccy.
Added the support to a new Megadrive title:
Attack of the Petscii Robots (HB, 2022) > https://www.the8bitguy.com/product-category/games/
Added the support to 3 new NES/Famicom aftermarket/homebrews:
Alwa's Awakening (2021)(Elden Pixels)
neMULEsis (4.27.22)(John Vanderhoef)
Pixel Poops Number Two (2021)(Techmaster Games)
Just learned a few NES games won't play their sound samples correctly, it has to be with something called bit-reversal. Luckily (or not luckily for FBN developers), there a bunch of patches that aim to fix those games.
Here they are. (https://www.romhacking.net/community/4779/)
EDIT: Mortal Kombat Arcade Edition Enhanced (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6558/) for the MD also got updated to v1.4.
IMO the proper way to do this would be to add the function to the emulator as a dip option to reverse the dmc-channel bits.
..instead of adding a bunch of patches/new romsets. A lot of emulators are doing this now-adays :)
Let's see what Gab75 thinks? Should we have dip-option or the hacks?
best regards,
- dink
I'm leaning towards the first option: "a dip option to reverse the dmc-channel bits".
In my humble opinion, when possible, it's better emulate/use the original ROM images and not the patched/hacked versions... :)
I'm leaning towards the first option: "a dip option to reverse the dmc-channel bits".
In my humble opinion, when possible, it's better emulate/use the original ROM images and not the patched/hacked versions... :)
DIP option is now available :)
(quick test with Double Dribble)
best regards,
- dink
DIP option is now available :)
(quick test with Double Dribble)
Thanks!!! :)
Added the support to a recent Megadrive homebrew:
Xump 2 - back to space (2020) > https://www.retroguru.com/xump2/
Added the support to 7 new NES/Famicom titles (5 homebrews + 1 prototype + 1 hack):
Arm Wrestling Classic, The (HB, 2022) > https://5kids2feed.itch.io/tawc
Dr. Garfield (Hack, 2020) > https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/5452/
Haunted Halloween '86 - Remastered Onslaught Edition (HB, 2018)
Mawthorne USA/Japan (HB, 2022) > https://crazygrouptrio.itch.io/mawthorne-nes
Tola (HB, 2022) > https://omniretro.itch.io/tola
Tortoises (HB, 2017)
Virus (Prototype, 1990)
Added the support to a new MSX homebrew:
Virgil's Purgatory EX Eng/Pt (2022) > https://amaweks.itch.io/virgils-purgatory-zilog/devlog/386026/msx-extended-version-released
Added the support to 2 new ZX Spectrum homebrews:
Deva Eng/Spa (2022) > https://furilloproductions.itch.io/deva
Nosy 128K Eng/Spa (2022) > https://javierfopiani.itch.io/nosy
An English translation for a FDS game has just been released.
Idol Hotline: Nakayama Miho no Tokimeki High School (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/6574/)
Added the support to 4 new NES/Famicom homebrews:
Deth Complex (2022)
Pico Pico Grand Adventure (2020)
Quadralords (2016)
Super NeSnake 2 (2008)
Added the support to a new ZX Spectrum homebrew:
Mojoni In The Sewer World Eng/Spa (2022) > https://isaiasdiaz.itch.io/mojoni-world
Added the support to a new aftermarket/homebrew Megadrive game:
Diamond Thieves (2022) > https://megacatstudios.com/pages/diamond-thieves
Added the support to 1 new FDS title and 3 new NES/Famicom titles (FDS: 1 Japan+T-Eng - NES: 1 Japan+T-Eng, 1 improvement hack, 1 HB Tech-Demo)
Idol Hotline - Nakayama Miho no Tokimeki High School (T-Eng)(2022)
Idol Hotline - Nakayama Miho no Tokimeki High School (Japan)(1987)
Erika to Satoru no Yume Bouken (T-Eng)(2022)
Erika to Satoru no Yume Bouken (Japan)(1987)
Uninvited Uncensored hack (2022)
Rick Rolled! (Tech-Demo)(2009)
Please add this one: https://mikeyeldey.itch.io/mikeyeldey95
And this one too: https://mikeyeldey.itch.io/mikeyeldey-the-album
Thank you. ;p
Please add this one: https://mikeyeldey.itch.io/mikeyeldey95
And this one too: https://mikeyeldey.itch.io/mikeyeldey-the-album
Thank you. ;p
I'll add them in the next update! ;)
Added the support to 3 new Megadrive titles (2 homebrews + 1 GlobalHack):
Mikeyeldey the album (HB, 2022) > https://mikeyeldey.itch.io/mikeyeldey-the-album
Mikeyeldey95 (HB, 2022)(Mikey Eldey) > https://mikeyeldey.itch.io/mikeyeldey95
P.O.D. Proof Of Destruction GlobalHack (GH, 2021) > https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/5770/
EDIT: added also the support to the Portuguese hack (PT-BR) of "Escape 2042".
As a fan of all things related to Prince of Persia, I can't let this new hack pass unnoticed. Could you please add it to the Genesis roster?
(https://i.imgur.com/S7aiqDO.png) (https://i.imgur.com/dhTkbmT.png)
Prince of Persia: Remastered Edition v1.0 (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6969/)
As a fan of all things related to Prince of Persia, I can't let this new hack pass unnoticed. Could you please add it to the Genesis roster?
Support added to the roster! ;)
Thank you! :biggrin:
Added the support to 2 new NES/Famicom titles:
Montezuma's Revenge (HB, 2022)
Oopi's Quest (HB, 2022)
Thanks, i send you a nother secret game i found. :biggrin:
Added the support to 3 new ZX Spectrum homebrews:
Bufonada Eng/Spa (2022) > https://roolandoo.itch.io/bufonada
ghoSte's Grunge (2022) > https://buck.itch.io/ghostes-grunge
Paleto Jones and Bartolo's Flute Eng/Spa (2022) > https://mananuk.itch.io/paleto-jones-y-la-flauta-de-bartolo
Thanks, i send you a nother secret game i found. :biggrin:
Added the support to the Megadrive roster... ;)
RobertCop 2 Full Edition (199?)
RoboCop against ninjas... and Karnov? Just take my money already! :biggrin:
Thanks for Robocop, and Escape 2042 as been updated.
Added the support to the Megadrive roster... ;)
RobertCop 2 Full Edition (199?)
ahahah is this a hack or a homebrew ?
ahahah is this a hack or a homebrew ?
It should be a unlicensed bootleg made using sprites "borrowed" from other licensed games! :biggrin:
Added the support to 3 new NES/Famicom titles (1 homebrew + 2 graphics hacks):
Full Quiet (Test Cart)(2021)
Garfield - A Week of Garfield OVERHAUL Project (2022)
Hokuto no Ken OVERHAUL Patch (2022)
Since the Mega Man 3 Revamped (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/4773/) hack by TheSkipper1995 is already included in the NES roster, this would make the recent Mega Man 2 Revamped (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6983/) hack also worthy of consideration. They're both by the same author and promise similar improvements.
Added the support to 3 new homebrews (2 for MSX and 1 for ZX Spectrum):
Mine Finder v1.2 (MSX, 2022)
T.C.Q. (MSX, 2022)
T.C.Q. ZX (ZX Spectrum, 2022)
Added the support to a new SMS homebrew version 1 and version 2 (the second version has a big graphics improvement):
Skazka v1.0 & v2.0 (2022)
Added the support to a new ZX Spectrum homebrew:
Tiny Crate Eng/Spa (2022) > https://pcnonogames.itch.io/tiny-crate-zx-spectrum-48128k-by-pcnonogames
Added the support to a very good Megadrive aftermarket/homebrew:
Alice Sisters (2022)
Cake Fighter was released but sadly only works with 2 players, it still have bad textures in a few cakes and the game is only one match. :(
I really want is to see the CPU Playing and having one texture in the background, but it doesn't work if someone is handle this.
Added the support to 3 new NES/Famicom titles (2 homebrews + 1 classic Japan/T-Eng):
Graveyard Dude (HB, 2022) > https://destroyed4com4t.itch.io/graveyard-dude-homebrew-nes-game
Orphea v1.1 (HB, 2021) > https://skyboygames.itch.io/orphea
Kaguya Hime Densetsu (Japan/T-Eng) > https://www.romhacking.net/translations/6614/
Added the support to 2 new ColecoVision homebrews:
Hamster with Wire (2022)
Jump Land (2015)
Added the support to other 10 "classics" (ZX Spectrum roster):
Dark Spectre (1987)
Hobgoblin (1991)
Hotshot (1988)
Magnetron (1988)
Nigel Mansell's World Championship (1993)
Peter Pack Rat (1989)
Rebel (1987)
Sherlock (1984)
Spooked (1989)
Twin World (1990)
Added the support to 2 new japenese aftermarkets/homebrews (for Sega Game Gear)...
Burger Kitchen (2022)
Yakitori Meijin Torigin (2022)
Added the support to 12 new ColecoVision aftermarkets/homebrews:
Arkanoid SGM (2020)
Bagman (2015)
Boot Hill (2018)
Galaga SGM (2014)
Jawbreaker I & II SGM (2017)
Juno First SGM (2017)
Loco-Motion SGM (2017)
Ozma Wars (2011)
Sydney Hunter and the Sacred Tribe (2017)
Vanguard (2019)
Void, the (2010)
Zanac SGM (2015)
Wow. Those look f*cking amazing.
Loco-Motion SGM (2017)
Ozma Wars (2011)
Sydney Hunter and the Sacred Tribe (2017)
Vanguard (2019)
Void, the (2010)
Zanac SGM (2015)
If I'm not mistaken, Sydney Hunter and Vanguard are SGM too but Jawbreaker I & II isn't
A least that's what I get when I launch them through ColEm with or without Super Game Module activated
If I'm not mistaken, Sydney Hunter and Vanguard are SGM too but Jawbreaker I & II isn't
A least that's what I get when I launch them through ColEm with or without Super Game Module activated
Hi Voljega,
Sydney Hunter and Vanguard use a Megacart (128Kbytes with a multiplexer logic), but in both cases the Super Game Module isn't required to work, differently Jawbreaker I & II (CollectorVision edition) requires a SGM installed to work...
Added the support to a new "amazing" aftermarket/homebrew (Megadrive roster):
The Cursed Knight (2022)
Added the support to another "very cute" aftermarket/homebrew (Megadrive roster):
Foxy Land (2020)
Added the support to 6 new NES/Famicom homebrews:
8-bit XMAS ed. 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021
Deth Complex 2 (2022)
Awesome!! Thanks for keeping fbneo consoles up to date! :D
best regards,
- dink
Added the support to 6 new ColecoVision homebrews:
Chack'n Pop (2011)
Comic Bakery (2014)
Hole in One SGM (2017)
Hustle Chumy (2019)
L'Abbaye des Morts (2019)
Pang (2012)
Added the support to a MSX homebrew, Robo Rumble (2022), and to a ZX Spectrum classic, Stardust (1987)...
Added the support to 4 new aftermarkets/homebrews (Megadrive roster):
Alien Cat 2 (2020)
Bone Marrow (2021)
Debtor (2020)
Thunder Paw (2021)
Added the support to 3 new SMS hacks:
Golden Axe - Tyris Flare Edition (2022)
Piracy - The Chest Of Doom (2021)
Rayman Retro Rumble v1.3 (2022)
I already wrote the following... so this is just a "reminder":
we add the support to old/new "retro-games"...
when required, the related ROMs/Images must be regularly purchased by the copyright holders! :)
Speaking of SMS hacks, I was considering requesting the hack Sonic Genesis to be added. It attempts to port the Genesis graphics of Sonic the Hedgehog into its SMS version, and it certainly looks great. Gameplay though remains the same.
(https://i.imgur.com/yGODoMM.png) (https://i.imgur.com/bU9tJb9.png)
Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7062/)
What do you guys think?
Speaking of SMS hacks, I was considering requesting the hack Sonic Genesis to be added. It attempts to port the Genesis graphics of Sonic the Hedgehog into its SMS version, and it certainly looks great. Gameplay though remains the same.
Support added... ;)
Thank you!
Added the support to 7 new ColecoVision aftermarket/homebrew games:
Elevator Action (2011)
Ghosts'n Zombies (2009)
Light Grid Racing (2015)
Monster House SGM (2017)
Rollerball SGM (2013)
Sparkie SGM (2017)
Sydney Hunter and the Caverns of Death (2019)
My jaw drops... :biggrin:
Killer additions!! :D Thanks Gab75!!
best regards,
- dink
ColecoVision "Show Time"... ;)
Added the support to 6 new SG-1000 titles (3 Hacks + 3 Homebrews):
Black Onyx, the (T-Eng)(Hack, 2010) Standard + Enhanced
Chack'n Pop (T-Eng)(Hack, 2010)
Che-Man (HB, 2018)
Foryster v 00.9 (HB, 2022)
Ninja Princess (T-Eng)(Hack, 2010)
Sgt. Helmet - Training Day (HB, 2018)
Added the support to other 4 NES/Famicom games:
Echo Chamber (Unl)(200?)
Eeeck! A Mouse! (Unl)(200?)
GemVenture (HB, 2010)
Snakky (HB, 2016)
Added the support to 5 new ColecoVision Aftermarkets/Homebrews:
Bugs'n Bots (2012)
Car Fighter SGM (2018)
Castle Excellent SGM (2018)
Castle, The SGM (2018)
Smurf Challenge (2010)
Added the support to 2 new ZX Spectrum homebrews:
Agatha Adventure 128K standard & "hard mode" (2021) > https://danielisoba.itch.io/agatha-adventure-128k
Agatha Adventure 48K (2021) > https://danielisoba.itch.io/agatha-adventure
Waldo's Life 128K standard & "hard mode" (2022) > https://danielisoba.itch.io/waldo
Added the support to a new homebrew (SMS roster):
Super Wild War '22 (standard + 224p expanded version) > https://90soft90.itch.io/super-wild-war-22
Added the support to 9 new ColecoVision homebrews/aftermarkets:
Earth Defend 2083 (2013)
Eggerland Mystery SGM (2018)
Pippols (2014)
Sasa SGM (2015)
Starcom (2012)
Sweet Acorn SGM (2019)
Tank Battalion SGM (2016)
Warp & Warp SGM (2016)
Xyzolog SGM (2019)
Seems you also you also added Yie Ar Kung-Fu II no ?
(it does crash for me in the first level tough)
Seems you also you also added Yie Ar Kung-Fu II no ?
(it does crash for me in the first level tough)
Yes, You're right... but the game seems to be buggy and probably it'll be removed!
Added the support to a new ColecoVision aftermarket/homebrew:
Prisoner of War (2018-19)
Added the support to a new NES/Famicom aftermarket/homebrew:
Adventures of Panzer 2, The (2022) > https://9panzer.itch.io/the-adventures-of-panzer-2
Added the support a to a new (most wanted) ColecoVision homebrew! A big thanks to dink... ;)
Risky Rick (2018)
Added the support to 2 new MSX homebrews:
Automania Remake (2022)
Bufonada Eng/Spa (2022)
Added the support to 4 new ZX Spectrum homebrews:
Frantic Pengo 2 (2022) > https://www.indieretronews.com/2022/09/frantic-pengo-2-new-speccy-game-from.html
GVolcano (2022) > https://xavisan.itch.io/gvolcano
Mr Hairs A Very Hairy RemiX (2022) > https://chopz.itch.io/mr-hairs-a-very-hairy-remix
Zombi Mall Eng/Spa (2022) > https://mojontwins.itch.io/zombi-mall-spectrum
Added the support to a new MSX homebrew:
SpaceCat (2022)
Added the support to a new (very nice) ZX Spectrum aftermarket/homebrew:
Hakkenkast 128K/48K - Dungeon 1, 2, 3 and 4 (2022)
Added the support to 2 new NES/Famicom aftermarkets/homebrews:
Micro Mages - Second Quest (2022)
Roniu's Tale (2022)
Added the support to 3 new NES/Famicom aftermarkets/homebrews:
Leggite Luta Livre Remaster (2022) > https://johnvanderhoef.itch.io/leggite-luta-livre
Mogura Mines (2022) > https://8bitalo.itch.io/mogura-mines
Zombiehunter Bob (2022) > http://board-b.com/zombiehunter-bob/
Added the support to 2 new homebrews:
ZX Spectrum > Don Quixote 16K (2022)
MSX > Shadow of the Pig (2022)
"Shadow of the pig"... LOL
Added the support to other 2 new MSX homebrews:
My Sacred Place (2022)
Sacred Valley (2022)
A couple NES patches that I think are worth adding:
1) Ultimate Super Mario Brothers 2. This is a bugfix / graphics restoration for the FDS version of the game.
Grab it here (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7194/). NOTE: I think the listed CRC32 for the ROM is wrong. I haven't to tested the patch with other versions yet.
2) Spanish translation for Digital Devil Monogatari: Megami Tensei II, NES version. Based on the Englist patch by Stardust Crusaders.
Grab it here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/6668/)
Added the support to 2 new MSX homebrews:
Balloon Buster (2022)
DICED - Tournament (2022)
Added the support to 3 new homebrews:
MSX > 1937 (English/Spanish) (2022)
MSX > Circus Mystery, The (2022)
ZX Spectrum > Yokai Monk (2022)
Added the support to 3 new ZX Spectrum homebrews:
Mecki - Winter Hibernation (2022) > https://zxamaze.itch.io/mecki-wo
Pi-Dentity 48K & 128K (2020) > https://zxamaze.itch.io/pidentity-48k-and-128k-version
Pink Pills (2021) > https://zxamaze.itch.io/pink-pills-manic-moritz-and-the-meds-128k
Added the support to 5 new NES/Famicom aftermarkets/homebrews:
Gremlins GlobalHack (2016)
Mega Man Age of Wily GlobalHack (2015)
Swords and Runes (2014)
Swords and Runes Limited Edition (2014)
Swords and Runes III (2020)
Added the support to 10 new ZX Spectrum games (7 classics + 3 homebrews):
Crimenes Ilustrados (HB, 2022)
Drift! 2K22 (HB, 2022)
Galivan - Cosmo Police (1986)
Konami's Ping Pong (1986)
Luna Crabs (1983)
Mr Hair and the Kitty Katacombs (HB, 2022)
Psycho Soldier (1987)
Steel Eagle (1990)
Stomp (1985)
Stonkers (1983)
Added the support to 6 new MSX homebrews:
Corridor Runner (2022)
Guntus (2022)
MuhonMourn 3 (2022)
Penguin Catcher (2022)
Pon Pon (2022)
Storm Rescue (2022)
I think these new Genesis / Mega Drive hacks are worth adding to its roster:
Road Rash Improvement (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7229/)
Road Rash 2 Improvement (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7159/)
Road Rash 3 Improvement (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7078/)
They are hacks by the same author, Ti, and they add MP3 music support (which should be irrelevant to us), a few bugfixes and FPS improvement, which is IMHO the most interesting feature.
Added the support to the 3 Megadrive Road Rash Improvement Hacks! ;)
Cool! Love those games. Except the third, those pre-rendered graphics... :mad:
Added the support to a new NES/Famicom title (original prototype version + official hack version):
Robert Byrne's Pool Challenge Prototype (1996)
Sara Parker's Pool Challenge (2010)
Added the support to the "official port" of classic Pac-Man for the Megadrive system...
Added the support to 10 ZX Spectrum classics:
Cavelon (1984)
Chinese Juggler, The (1984)
Gilligan's Gold (1984)
Knight Rider (1986)
Moon Alert! (1984)
Phantom Club (1988)
Pogo (1984)
Red Heat (1989)
Return of the Jedi (1989)
Street Hawk (1986)
I remember seeing Red Heat on C64 at a friend's house , and the panoramic view with monotonous fighting
Reminded me a inferior version of Kung-fu on NES , I like the movie but the game was passable at best
And when you squat to make a low punch? the enemies come and stand by you and it looked like as if :wink: :biggrin:
hehe :) Kung-Fu might be the butt of all jokes, but, it was a good game for the time :)
"Red Heat" was awful and had very little play value. Ocean could do much better.
Added the support to 7 new NES/Famicom hacks/homebrews:
Fire 'n Ice - The Lost Levels (Hack, 2021)
Garbage Pail Kids Mad Mike and the Quest for Stale Gum (HB, 2022)
Mr. Maymunshines Christmas Land (HB, 2020)
Nightmare on Elm Street, A - Son of a Hundred Maniacs Demake (HB, 1999-2022)
Orebody - Binder's Tale (HB, 2022)
Orebody - Sand Ripples (HB, 2022)
Squirrel Chaser (HB, 2022)
"Red Heat" was awful and had very little play value. Ocean could do much better.
I got it on a compilation alongside my brand new CPC as a child when my parents bought it for me.
It was the first game I launched on it I think (I had played CPC at my cousin's before though) and my father asked to give it a try.
He tried it once for 2 minutes, put the joystick down and I think it was the only time in his entire life he played a video game.
Imagine that, having only "Red Heat" as an experience of the whole medium :biggrin:
I see well substantiated lawsuit in that story... I wonder if Infogrames is still liable, because last time I heard they owned Ocean.
Gab some nice one's in there! Every time I see a game with a dog - I wonder (read: hope) you can also pee on things. yep. :)
best regards,
- dink
Gab some nice one's in there! Every time I see a game with a dog - I wonder (read: hope) you can also pee on things. yep. :)
I remember a small game for the C64, named "DOG", but in this case you don't pee on things... :biggrin: :p
Added the support to 10 new ZX Spectrum titles (4 classics + 6 homebrews):
Alien Astro Frenzy (HB, 2021)
Bloody Paws Part 1 and Part 2 (1990)
Cosmic Space Attack (HB, 2021)
Crazy House (1990)
Regulus (HB, 2022)
Sonic Boom (1990)
Spekku-man (HB, 2022)
Twister (1986)
Vectornauts, The (HB, 2018)
YAKS - Yet Another Krappy Shooter (HB, 2022)
Added the support to other NES/Famicom titles:
Apuntalo, Cheril (HB, 2022) > the "Spanish" version of Cheril the Writer
Castlequest (1989) > the USA version of "Castle Excellent"
Castle Quest (1990) > Japan and T-Eng version
Added the support to 8 new NES/Famicom titles (1 hack + 7 homebrews):
Blob Land (HB, 2020)
HBC Phutball (HB, 2022)
Kirby's Halloween Adventure (Hack, 2021)
Mauri Mursu's Hangover (HB, 2022)
Minekart Madness (HB, 2022)
Ravens Gate (HB, 2022)
Steel Moons (HB, 2022)
Tactus (Prototype) (HB, 2022)
Added the support to 5 new ZX Spectrum homebrews:
Gherbert Groundhog in Save the Date (2022) > https://puttycad.itch.io/gherbert-groundhog-in-save-the-date
Jonathan - Trick or Treat (2022) > https://zxamaze.itch.io/jonathan-trick-or-treat
Mabus Mania Deluxe English/Spanish (2022) > https://hicksretro.itch.io/mabus-mania-deluxe-edition-zx-spectrum
PAC - HIC Rehab (2022) > https://danielisoba.itch.io/pachic
Ramiro el Vampiro III English/Spanish (2022) > https://mojontwins.itch.io/ramiro-el-vampiro-iii
Any idea how to get out of the starting position in the second level of Minekart Madness? :)
edit: ooh, I figured it out - it's all in the jump timing!
best regards,
- dink
edit: ooh, I figured it out - it's all in the jump timing!
Yes, the "jump timing" is basic in this game! ;)
Another Genesis / Mega Drive hack worth mentioning, Mega Man World Fixer Upper (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7257/):
(https://i.imgur.com/rXkdWaU.png) (https://i.imgur.com/C5z9Dk5.png)
Adds a few tweaks to the best (and only) official Mega Man game for the system:
- Enemy invulnerability time has been all but eliminated. This means that enemies can take damage more frequently and reliably. No more ?missed? shots!
- The default weapon (the Buster) has been sped up to match its 8-bit counterpart. Watch those lemons fly!
- The default weapon and some boss weapons can be fired more rapidly! Hammer that ?fire? button and launch waves of projectiles!
- Rockman pulls his Buster back a little sooner after firing! This? only affects a handful of weapons and the change isn?t that big, but hey! It might help!
@Neville: I patched the files (Mega Man - The Wily Wars (Europe): DCF6E8B2 and Mega Man - The Wily Wars (Retro-bit): 831020B) to add the related support, but, in both cases, I noticed a controller "fatal bug". In few words, during the menu the controller inputs work fine, but during the gameplay they doesn't work...
I chose to patch the (USA) (Genesis Mini) version, asuming it would be the most up to date. It seems to work fine under Fusion and Mednafen, but it hangs while loading under BlastEm.
If you think the patch is buggy or incomplete it may be better to wait until it's updated again.
The Fixer Upper patch worked fine for me, on the original Euro ROM. I also combined it with other patches (FBN can't do that easily, right? It'd need an entry for each patch combination).
The Fixer Upper patch worked fine for me, on the original Euro ROM. I also combined it with other patches (FBN can't do that easily, right? It'd need an entry for each patch combination).
I tried with japan version and mini version (correct CRCs: 85C956EF and 0CD405DB)... the outcome of patched files: black screen at start-up in both cases (tested with KEGA Fusion and latest build of FBN)...
Weird. The black screen at startup could be caused by wrong checksum, which can be solved with this utility (https://www.romhacking.net/utilities/342/). Although I didn't need to use it.
However, considering the problems this hack is giving you I think it's better to wait for next version.
Found the trouble... the online "Romhacking.net" patcher works poorly... it detects the CRC but it applies the wrong patch version... issue solved! ;)
Ah, good. I never use online tools, so that's why my patched ROMs worked.
Finally, added the support to the Megadrive Megaman "Fixer Upper" hack... the ROMs patched are the Japan and the USA "Retro-bit" versions... ;)
Great! Thanks for the effort.
Added the support to 7 new NES/FDS titles (1 FDS Translation hack + 6 NES/Famicom homebrews):
Chibi Monster Br4wl (2022)
GunTneR (2022)
Heist (2022)
Irritating Ship (2022)
Kamen Rider Black - Taiketsu Shadow Moon T-Eng (FDS, 2022)
Senseless City (2022)
Tense Conds (2022)
Added the support to 10 new ZX Spectrum titles (3 homebrews + 7 classics):
Adventures of Jane Jelly, The - The Treasure of Zedin (HB, 2017)
Adventures of Jane Jelly 2, The - The Treasure of Hotmarmalade (HB, 2017)
Adventures of Jane Jelly 3, The - The Egg Diamond (HB, 2018)
Atlantis (1985)
Dogsbody to the Rescue (1985)
Frenzy (1982)
Gothik (1987)
Pac Hic (1986)
Prison Riot (1990)
Tir Na Nog (1984)
Added the support to a new ZX Spectrum homebrew:
Colonos III (English/Spanish) (2022) > https://manuel-gris-umpierrez.itch.io/colonos-iii
Dino Force, a previously unrealeased PC Engine game, has been made public.
The ROM is available for free in this website. (http://dinoforce.pceworks.net/)
Dino Force, a previously unrealeased PC Engine game, has been made public.
I'll add the support in the next days... ;)
Dinoforce is in :)
Dinoforce is in :)
Excellent, Thanks! :)
Added the support to 3 new NES/Famicom Super Mario Bros. Hacks:
Starlight Mario (202o)
Starlight Mario Underworld (2022)
Super Mario Bros. Enhanced (2022)
Added the support to 2 new Megadrive aftermarkets/homebrews:
Insane Pain (2022)
Miniplanets Remix (2022)
Added the support to 3 new ZX Spectrum homebrews:
Christmas Robin Simulator (2022) > https://saucerbrain.itch.io/christmas-robin-simulator
Smelly Cat English/Spanish (2022) > https://flopping.itch.io/smelly-cat
Tenebra (2022) > https://h4plo.itch.io/tenebra
Added the support to a new NES/Famicom aftermarket/homebrew: Haratyler HG (2020)
A big thanks to dink for adding the support to the peculiar game's mapper (451#)... the FBN should be the first emulator to support this mapper! ;)
Just a quick question... are there plans to add SNES / Super famicom emulation to FBN? It came to my mind while taking a look at my hack collection, I thought "Wow. If they ever add this system, the game roster is going to take forever to complete".
I guess it all comes down to if FBN has already emulated the WDC W65C816 CPU, something I'm not sure of.
I guess it all comes down to if FBN has already emulated the WDC W65C816 CPU, something I'm not sure of.
For now no plans about it. The SNES chipset is very complex to emulate, the CPU is "the smallest of the problems" ! ;)
Ah, OK. Thanks for the answer.
Just noticed one of my favorite hacks for the MD has gone through several updates while we weren't looking. Newer version is 1.5 and FBN still runs v1.0.
I'm talking about Mortal Kombat Arcade Edition Enhanced (https://www.romhacking.net/reviews/9714/).
https://lacoste42.itch.io/zodiac :eek:
Just noticed one of my favorite hacks for the MD has gone through several updates while we weren't looking. Newer version is 1.5 and FBN still runs v1.0.
Newer hack added to the MD roster... ;)
Thank you! :biggrin:
Added the support to 4 new NES/Famicom titles (3 homebrews + 1 translation hack):
Bobby Six Seven: Time Travelling Detective (HB, 2022)
Keroppi to Keroriinu no Splash Bomb! (T-Eng, 2016)
PERKELE! Suomi 100 vuotta - 5th anniversary edition (HB, 2022)
Rapid Cycling (HB, 2022)
The website SMS Power! just released three new SMS dumps.
3 SMS Prototypes: King's Quest, Monopoly, Super Monaco GP (https://www.smspower.org/)
Added the support to 3 new ZX Spectrum aftermarkets/homebrews:
Donum (English/Spanish) (2022) > https://bitfans.itch.io/donum
Lockdown Town ZX / ZXMas / ZXWeen (2022) > https://puttycad.itch.io/lockdown-town-zx
Tournament Arkanoid (2022) > a mod of classic 'Arkanoid'
Added the support to 3 new NES/Famicom titles (1 classic + 1 homebrew + 1 translation hack):
Coin World (HB, 2021)
Parasol Henbee (T-Eng, 2016)
Pirates! (1991)
Added the support to 2 new homebrews, one for MSX and one for ZX Spectrum:
Paco Time Attack (MSX, 2022)
RINGO (ZX Spectrum, 2022)
Added the support to 3 new MSX titles (1 classic + 2 homebrews):
Choy-Lee-Fut Kung-Fu Warrior (1990)
Crazy Factory v1.3 (HB, 2020)
Risky Rick in Dangerous Traps (HB, 2019)
A NES request to you guys... Titanic, a Chinese bootleg that adapts the movie by James Cameron (!) (https://bootleggames.fandom.com/wiki/Titanic)
And there's an English translation too. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/1605/)
I imagine it's a pretty lousy game, but it also seems very unique, and since it's translated and all...
Added the support to NES Titanic (Chinese version and translation hack)... ;)
Thank you! I bet the final stage is a one on one combat to see who stays on top of the door :biggrin:
Thank you! I bet the final stage is a one on one combat to see who stays on top of the door :biggrin:
... in a Chinese bootleg anything could happen! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
Wait, it gets better...
Oddly, the ending is completely inaccurate to the film as the Titanic seems to be fixed somehow and Jack lives at the end.
Source here. (https://bootleggames.fandom.com/wiki/Titanic)
Added the support to 3 new ZX Spectrum homebrews:
Chispy (English/Spanish) (2022)
Dig Dug Doug (2022)
Speccy Quiz (Spanish) (2022)
Added the support to 9 new ZX Spectrum titles (7 classics + 2 homebrews):
Demonslair (1987)
Exploding Fist+ (1988)
Manollo - El Cavernicola (Spanish) (1988)
MASK II (1987)
MASK III - VENOM Strikes Back (1988)
Mr Hair and the Kitty Katakombs (HB, 2022)
Punk Star (1988)
Snowed Under 48K/128K (HB, 2021)
Turbo The Tortoise 30th Anniversary Edition (2022)
These two new Spanish translations could be worth adding to their respective rosters:
Lagrange Point (Japan) (NES) (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/6763/)
Dragon Ball Z - Buyuu Retsuden (Japan) (Genesis / Mega Drive) (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/6761/)
Added the support (by dink) to 3 new ColecoVision homebrews:
Asteroids (SGM, 2021)
Clock (2021)
Star Castle (2021)
Just realized that Dragon Ball Z - Buyuu Retsuden translation I mentioned yesterday can become a can of worms. It's compatible with 4 other hacks by the same author (improved shadows, improved Android 18 sprites, improved colors and voice hack), which means the possible variations increase considerably. For my personal use, I've decided to create just one file with all patches applied.
I'm also posting to announce a new English translation for the PC Engine, Mashin Eiyuu Den Wataru (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/6762/).
I'm also posting to announce a new English translation for the PC Engine, Mashin Eiyuu Den Wataru (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/6762/).
Added the support to requested PC-Engine title (original japanese and translation hack)... ;)
Great! And happy holidays!
Great! And happy holidays!
Happy holidays to you too! :)
Added the support to 14 new ZX Spectrum titles (4 classics + 10 homebrews):
Buccaneer (1985)
Castle Escape (HB, 2022)
Doctor Doom's Revenge (1989)
H.E.R.O. Returns 48K & 128K (HB, 2020)
Mowy Adventures - Beer Quest 48K & 128K (HB, 2021)
Mystery of Markham Manor, The 48K & 128K (HB, 2022)
Savage Princess (HB, 2020)
Spirits & Spirits 30th Anniversary (1987-2017)
Summer Santa 2022 (HB, 2022)
Toofy in Fan Land (HB, 2012)
Toofy's Winter Nuts (HB, 2013)
Wells & Fargo (1988)
World War Simulator - PART 1, The (HB, 2012)
World War Simulator - PART 2, The (HB, 2018)
here the remaining snapshots...
The more Spectrum the better. There's something about those colors that inmediatelly draws my eye.
Oh, and there's another new English traslation for the PC Engine available.
Gai Flame (Japan) (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/6770/)
Added the support to 2 new Megadrive titles (one "new edition" and one "global hack"):
Gley Lancer - 30th Edition (2019-2022)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Shredder's Re-Revenge (GlobHack, 2022)
Added the support to 7 new NES/Famicom titles (5 homebrews + 1 translation hack + 1 classic)
2048 (HB, 2014)
Balloon Stand (HB, 2022)
Ddream Ddiver (HB, 2022)
Karate Kick (HB, 2017)
Last Armageddon (T-Eng, 2022)
They Came To Wreak Hell (HB, 2022)
Tombs & Treasure / Taiyou no Shinden - Asteka 2 (1988-1989)
Ddream Diver ahahahhaahaha!!!!!!! XD
Ddream Ddiver ahahahhaahaha!!!!!!! XD
Go figure why the title uses the double "D"s ... I have a "theory", maybe the "little boobs" had something to do with it... :biggrin: :p
Oh, and there's another new English traslation for the PC Engine available.
Gai Flame (Japan) (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/6770/)
Added the support to requested PC Engine translation hack... ;)
Added the support to 20 new ZX Spectrum titles (9 classics + 11 homebrews):
Downtown (1991)
Earth Shaker (1990)
Friday the 13th (1986)
Future Bike Simulator (1990)
Monty Python's Flying Circus (1990)
Moritz Strikes Back (HB, 2019)
Moritz to the Moon (HB, 2019)
Mystery of Arkham Manor, The (1987)
Order of Sleeping Dragon, The (HB, 2019)
S.I.P. - Special Intergalactic Painter (HB, 2014)
Senda Salvaje (Spanish) (1990)
Smelly Cat (Spanish) (HB, 2022)
Spooky Castle (1990)
Super Moritz v2 (HB, 2020)
Tetris - Championship Edition (HB, 2020)
Toofy's Nutty Nightmare (HB, 2020)
TRASHMAN - Crisis Time (English/Spanish) (HB, 2020)
Underground (1988)
Void Bringer, The (English/Spanish) (HB, 2022)
Wycheweald (HB, 2023)
here the remaining snapshots...
SMS Power! just announced a new bunch of prototypes / rare games that got dumped. And in December 20th they released a new Phantasy Star re-translation as well.
Added the support to 3 new ZX Spectrum titles (classics)... thanks to dink! :)
Bumpy (1989)
Eric and the Floaters (1983)
Glug Glug (1984)
The hack Road Rash 3 Improvement for the Genesis / Mega Drive just got updated to v1.04.
Info and download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7078/)
Today at Romhacking I've noticed a small fix for a NES game, Erika to Satoru no Yume Bouken. It's not terribly interesting, at least for me, but the description illuminates a common emulation glitch that could interest FBN developers.
"Erika to Satoru no Yume Bouken is one of few games to utilise all 8 channels of the N163?s expansion audio. However, this game neglects to clear all of the Sound RAM on power-on and plays uninitialised waveform data. This causes the accompaniment in the title music to sound buzzy on some power-ons. The behaviour is currently only seen on real hardware and FCEUX (with random RAM initialisation)."
More info here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7457/)
Added the support to a new MSX homebrew/aftermarket (by Physical Dreams):
Tere-Kinesis (English/Spanish) (2021)
Added the support to 9 new ZX Spectrum titles (8 classics + 1 homebrew):
Chaos - The Battle of Wizards (1985)
Cyberun (1986)
Martianoids (1987)
Nightshade (1985)
Ramiro el Vampiro IV (English/Spanish) (HB, 2023)
Silent Service (1986)
Tau Ceti - The Special Edition (1987)
Tau Ceti (1985)
Vectron (1985)
Added the support to a new "very nice" MSX title:
Suite Macabre > https://maltanto.itch.io/suite-macabre
These two patches could be of interest...
1) Spanish translation for Dragon Buster II: Yami no Fuuin (NES).
Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/6792/)
2) Updated roster for the 2023 season and other improvements for NHL '94 (Genesis / Mega Drive).
Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/reviews/9871)
Added the support to 2 new Megadrive titles, a homebrew/aftermarket and a globalhack...
Life on Mars (HB, 2022)
NHL '94 - 2023 Edition (Hack, 2023)
Yay! :biggrin:
Added the support to the newest version of Gotris (1.3p, 2022) and the WIP version of Sutoroku (2022)... SMS roster.
Added the support to 8 new NES/Famicom titles (4 hacks + 4 homebrews):
Arkanoid After Dark (Hack, 2014)
Deadpool (Hack, 2019) > GlobalHack of "Ninja Gaiden"
Dragon Buster II - Yami no Fuuin, T-Spa (Hack, 2023)
Full Quiet (HB, 2022) > retail version
Musashi no Ken - Tadaima Shugyou Chuu, T-Eng (Hack, 2015)
Spooky Soccer (Proto) (HB, 2022)
Uchusen - Ultimate PLOID Battle (HB, 2021)
Uchusen 2 - Blood Invasion Battle (HB, 2021)
Added the support to the english translation hack of NES/Famicom Tetsuwan Atom (Astro Boy)...
Added the support to 2 new Megadrive homebrews/aftermarkets and updated 1 hack (Road Rash 3 Improvement from v1.02 to v1.04):
Amshay (2022)
Spax (2022)
This could be worth adding to the MD roster. It's a hack that increases in-game resolution for the game NHL 95:
(https://i.imgur.com/qWjyeAZ.png) (https://i.imgur.com/DjwuVKP.png)
Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7507/)
There's also this English translation for Buster Ball (Game Gear). However, it only changes one single line of text, and I don't think that justifies adding it.
Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/6808/)
Yet another patch that promises to transform the pirate NES game Somari the adventurer into a proper Sonic the Hedgehog port. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find the correct ROM to try it.
(https://i.imgur.com/L75KtF7.png) (https://i.imgur.com/J3ooENL.png)
Sonic the Hedgehog Vol.2 (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/5026/)
Added the support to 10 new ZX Spectrum homebrews:
Booty the remake v1.2 (2019)
Booty the remake - Black Edition v1.2 (2019)
Ganimedes (2023)
Laetitia Part 1/2/3/4 (2019)
Maze Death Rally-X (2018)
Micro Profanation v1.1 (2022)
Misifu la Gatita (2019)
O-Puzz Attack (2018)
PTM (2021)
Rogue (2019)
Heracles no Eikou II: Titan no Metsubou / Glory of Heracles 2 for the NES just got an Spanish translation.
(https://i.imgur.com/M11ldtl.png) (https://i.imgur.com/zNIw4z9.png)
Link here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/6813/)
Added the support to "PC-Engine Mini" versions of Fantasy Zone, Gradius and Salamander (PCE/TG16 roster)...
Don't know if the original is that bad, but this hack claims to make the game "less tedious".
The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy: Fair Edition (NES) (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7548/)
Added the support to 9 new ZX Spectrum titles (3 classics + 1 hack +5 homebrews):
Bomber Pengo (HB, 2023)
Cannibal Island 2 (HB, 2023)
Cannibal Island (1986)
Chemi Chaos (HB, 2023)
City Connection 48K (1988) 128K (2023)
Cocaine Bear (HB, 2023)
Dizzy 2 - Treasure Island Extended Edition 2023 (English/Russian)(Hack, 2023)
Shuriken (1989)
WiLLY iN ThE MiRRoRVeRSE (HB, 2023)
"This hack increases the viewable area of the game to 320x224 (original - 256x224)."
(https://i.imgur.com/GSlit6A.png) (https://i.imgur.com/wLdfrkh.png)
Zombies Ate My Neighbors - Wide Mode (Genesis / Mega Drive) (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7557/)
Added the support to 4 new NES/Famicom titles:
Bowels of the Beast (HB, 2021)
Monkey King (Unl)(2005)
Pentablocat (HB, 2023)
Tenebra (HB, 2023)
A new English translation for Famicom Wars (NES) is available, courtesy of Stardust Crusaders. There's an earlier one (from 2008) that's likely the one we already have in the NES roster.
Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/6828/)
EDIT: This is pretty cool, a hack that transforms Tetris (NES) into a Super Mario Land edition.
Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7583/)
Added the support to "HellFire Saga" (a very good globalhack of Sonic 3) and "Zombies Ate My Neighbors - Wide Mode" hack... both for Megadrive roster...
Cool! :biggrin:
Added the support to 6 new NES/Famicom titles:
Castlevania - The Last Tear v2.78.5 (Hack, 2023)
Honoo no Doukyuuji - Dodge Danpei Japan/T-Eng (1992-2017)
Honoo no Doukyuuji - Dodge Danpei 2 Japan/T-Eng (1993-2017)
NES Wars T-Eng of Famicom Wars (2023)
Ripple Island Japan/T-Eng (1998-2018)
Super Tetris Land - GB skin (Hack, 2022)
Weeeeeeeeeeee! :biggrin:
Added the support to 3 new MSX aftermarkets/homebrews:
Bomb Jack v1.2 (2023)
Gelatino 2 (2021) M4 > English/French/Italian/Spanish
Pentacorn Quest (2023)
An English translation for the NES game Zoids: Chūō Tairiku no Tatakai has just been released. It's a Japanese RPG.
(https://i.imgur.com/b4Q4zur.png) (https://i.imgur.com/J8Zcqh1.png)
Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/6845/)
Added the support to 4 new NES/Famicom titles:
Blazing Blocks (HB, 2023)
Dino Hockey (Prototype, 1991)
Mystic Pillars (HB, 2008)
Zoids - Chuuou Tairiku no Tatakai (Japan & T-Eng hack)(1987-2023)
Yay! :biggrin:
Added the support to some new ZX Spectrum titles... and updated two games with newer versions (Ganimedes v1.01 and Mister Kung-Fu v1.3)
Baby-man Vs Man-baby (HB, 2023)
Guardian, The (1983)
Swords & Sorcery (1985)
Xavior (1984)
Added the support to 20 new ZX Spectrum titles (8 classics + 12 homebrews):
Acolyte (HB, 2009)
Acolyte 2 - The Quest for Celeste (HB, 2021)
Action Biker (1985)
Ant Attack (1983)
Bubu's Anteater (HB, 2021)
Elon M. with Jetpack (HB, 2019)
Exploding Wall (1989)
Gloop Troops - New Maps (HB, 2012)
King Valley (1994)
Knights & Demons DX (HB, 2013)
EDIT: replaced a wrong png ("Acolyte 2 - The Quest for Celeste" in-game png).
... here the remaining titles:
Land of Mire Mare v1.06 - Standard/Special Edition (HB, 2014)
Maria vs. Some Bastards (HB, 2019)
Mega Manic Mulholland v2.0 (HB, 2021)
Moon Ranger v2 (HB, 2021)
Prince of Persia (Russian) (1996)
Sir Lancelot (1984)
Sorcery Plus (1986)
Spiker - Basic Training (HB, 2013)
Stercore (HB, 2018)
Terramex (1987)
Is that the "Prince of Persia" homebrew for TR-DOS? I remember thinking it was pretty cool, although I don't know if it is the whole game or not.
Is that the "Prince of Persia" homebrew for TR-DOS? I remember thinking it was pretty cool, although I don't know if it is the whole game or not.
Yes, it's the "Prince of Persia" made for TR-DOS... rather than a homebrew, I would call it a "unlicensed" porting! :P
The game should be complete, but I'm not 100% sure!
The let's the FB Neo users find out that :biggrin:
I've been diving into eastern block computers lately, like the Tesla PMD 85. "Unlicensed port" is an expression I'd use a lot to talk about its games LOL.
Just saw this at Romhacking, an English patch for Aspic: Majaou no Noroi (FDS):
(https://i.imgur.com/MKdQSwg.png) (https://i.imgur.com/JJgoZQ8.png)
Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/6861/)
Added the support to 4 new MSX homebrews:
Jumping Llama (2021)
Pearl Rain (2023)
Tower of Damnation v1.2 (2023) > EDIT: updated to v1.3
Uchu Yohei v1.4 (2023)
Added the support to 5 new NES/FDS games:
Aspic - Curse of the Snakelord Japan/T-Eng (FDS, 1988-2023)
Paper Plane, The v2 (HB, 2022)
Quarter Back Scramble Proto/Japan (1990) > Mike Ditka's Big Play Football (Unl, 2008)
Space Raft (HB, 2020)
Sudoku 23 (HB, 2023)
Gab75, we need this: :)
best regards,
- dink
Gab75, we need this: :)
It seems a very cute hack! I'll add it (the support) to the next NES/Famicom update! :)
Some more new SMS dumps appeared today at SMS Power! (https://smspower.emu-france.info/), somebody versed in the system should check them, maybe some are worth adding to the FB Neo set.
A Spanish translation for AD&D: Dragons of Flame (NES) has surfaced at Romhacking.
(https://i.imgur.com/rhjUjYn.png) (https://i.imgur.com/8piise5.png)
Those interested can obtain it here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/6889/)
Added the support to new NES/Famicom titles. All 5 Ninja Jajamaru games of official collection and two havks the AD&D spanish translation and Super Mario Bro-Op:
AD&D Dragon Lance (T-Spa, hack 2023)
Super Mario Bro-Op (hack 2023)
Ninja Jajamaru (1985-2023)
Ninja Jajamaru Big Adventure (1986-2023)
Ninja Jajamaru The Ninja Skill Book (1989-2023)
Ninja Jajamaru the Legend of the Golden Castle (1990-2023)
Ninja Jajamaru Operation Milky Way (1991-2023)
Added the support to 6 new ZX Spectrum homebrews:
Jet Set Willy - Role Reversal (2023)
Manic Jet Set Willy (2023)
Sam Slade - Robo-Hunter 48K (2022)
Storm Over Valhalla (2023) + Epilogue (English/Spanish)
Super Bomberman 2 Remix (2023)
White Jaguar v1.3 (2023)
Added the support to 3 new NES/Famicom titles:
Airball (Prototype & Retrozone version)
Space Cat (HB, 2023)
SplatooD v1.0.6 (HB, 2016)
"Airball" seems interesting. It's one of those ports from newer systems, right?
EDIT: Wrong, I see now that it is a proto from Tengen, based on the computer game of the same name (https://www.mobygames.com/game/44/airball/). Good find!
EDIT: Wrong, I see now that it is a proto from Tengen, based on the computer game of the same name (https://www.mobygames.com/game/44/airball/). Good find!
Yes, Airball was a videogame originally made for PC MS-DOS* and Atari ST computers (1987)... ;)
* IIRC it was one of the first games to support the VGA display controller.
Added the support to 6 new Master System titles + 1 new Game Gear title:
Castle Escape (HB, 2023)
Extreme Volleyball Infernal League (HB, 2023, v1.0.5) > EDIT: updated to v1.0.6
Lil Evel Knievel (HB, 2023)
Monaco Master (HB, 2023, v2.9)
Snappy Snorg and the Seven Silver Stones (GlobalHack, 2023, v1.4)
Where is it - The Quest for the 10th Island (HB, 2023, v1.01)
Monaco Master (HB, 2023, v1.1)
Dengeki: Big Bang! (Japan) for the NES translated to English.
(https://i.imgur.com/NJKgl6l.png) (https://i.imgur.com/VciJbFq.png)
Info and download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/6913/)
It's a kind of Metroid-vania, they say.
EDIT: Nevermind, I just noticed its state is "unfinished".
This hack sounds like fun... visible children on the Genesis version of Moonwalker:
(https://i.imgur.com/iaY3Hh9.png) (https://i.imgur.com/7IgNdL9.png)
Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7725/)
EDIT: Looks like this is just an easier difficulty patch. The goal of the game has always been to rescue the kids, this hack only makes it easier. So not likely worthy to be added to the Genesis / Mega Drive roster after all.
Added the support to new ZX Spectrum titles:
DJ Puff's Volcanic Capers - recoloured MOD (Hack, 2023)
Funky Fungus Reloaded "new edition" (HB, 2019-2023)
Janky Joe in Retro Hell (HB, 2023)
SBOT Part-1/Part-2 (HB, 2023)
Snake Power v1.4 (HB, 2023)
Transylvania Castle 3 English/Portuguese/Spanish (HB, 2022)
Added the support to 6 new ZX Spectrum titles:
Baby-man vs Nappy Bird (HB, 2023) > EDIT: updated to v1.01
COINZ are mine (HB, 2023)
Cursed Demons Of Wallachia English/Portuguese/Spanish (HB, 2023)
Meanie Golf (HB, 2023) > EDIT: added "Side B" expansion
Seraphima (HB, 2023)
Unicorn, The (HB, 2023)
Alright. This seems worthy of consideration: Ghostbusters: Special Edition hack for the Genesis / Mega Drive.
(https://i.imgur.com/NpasKQ8.png) (https://i.imgur.com/m3TAIgV.png)
Basically it adds the fourth Ghostbuster Winston as a playable character and a few more gameplay tweaks.
Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7761/)
Added the support to "2 NES/Famicom + 2 Megadrive" new titles:
5-Star Restaurant (HB, 2023)
Dengeki - Big Bang! T-Eng (Hack, 2023)
Criatura (HB, 2023)
Ghostbusters - Special Edition (Hack, 2023)
Great! Thank you.
awesome finds, Gab75! :) Thanks for keeping things up to date!
best regards,
- dink
CRC for Babyman VS Nappy Bird is 330BBDFA (current Itch.io download)
Added the support to 10 new ZX Spectrum titles (5 classics + 5 homebrews):
3D Seiddab Attack (1984)
Danterrifik IV A New Beginning (HB, 2023)
Mach 3 (Spanish) (1989)
MERGED! v1.0.1 (HB, 2022)
Plantonio Eng/Por/Spa (HB, 2023)
Puzzled! (1989)
Rocky Horror Show, The - 48K & 128K (1985)
Speccy Soccer (HB, 2023)
Vexed - 48K & 128K (HB, 2023)
Zip-Zap (1983)
The Uncensored hack for the NES version of Maniac Mansion has been updated to v2.0.
(https://i.imgur.com/tTZ5IRw.png) (https://i.imgur.com/tWjhms2.png)
The NES version of the game was notoriously censored by Nintendo at the time because it didn't match the family image of the brand. This hack reinstates censored graphics and dialogue, fixes some broken graphics in the original release and even allows mouse control.
Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7784/)
Updated the support to Maniac Mansion Uncensored (from v1.0 to v2.0) and added the support to 2 homebrews + 1 hack (NES/Famicom roster):
Convoy, The (HB, 2023)
Lemmings Improvement (Hack, 2023)
Maniac Mansion Uncensored v2.0 (Hack, 2023)
Space Mutants - DG/JK BGMs (HB, 2023)
Weeeeee!!!!! :biggrin:
Recently the puzzle game Vexed has been updated to v1.07... updated the related support for Coleco Vision, Sega Master System and SG1000, added also the support to the Sega Game Gear version.
Lastly, added the support to the new MSX port of a old ZX Spectrum classic, Spellbound.
Added the support to 5 new ZX Spectrum titles:
Bruxolico Side A/Side B/Side C (HB, 2023) > https://amaweks.itch.io/bruxlicozx
Dizzy III - Fantasy World Dizzy 2023 Classic Edition (English/Russian) (Hack, 2023)
Hoarder, The English/Spanish (HB, 2020)
Impossamal 48K/128K (HB, 2023) > https://mojontwins.itch.io/impossamal-spectrum
Nothing (HB, 2021)
Today I've learned of a new homebrew game for the Genesis / Mega Drive, Mega Man: The Sequel Wars.
It's a sequel to Mega Man: The Wily Wars for the same system, which compiled the first three Mega Man games for the NES with enhanced graphics and sound.
Right now only the so-called Episode Red has been released, and it adapts Mega Man 4. More "episodes" covering both Mega Man 5 y 6 are planned, but they don't have public release dates.
More information and free download here. (https://woodfrog.itch.io/mega-man-the-sequel-wars-episode-red)
Neville, wow!! this is so great! :D
best regards,
- dink
Nice catch, Neville! ;)
Astebros has been released officially
Added the support to "Mega Man: The Sequel Wars - Episode Red" (Megadrive) and to "Devwill Too ZX v2.0" (ZX Spectrum)... ;)
Added the support to 2 new NES/Famicom games:
Crabbie Attack! (HB, 2023)
Lupin III: Gentle Thief (GlobalHack, 2023)
Added te support to 4 new ZX Spectrum titles (moreover updated the "Mighty Final Fight" and "Vexed" versions):
Dragons of Flame (1990)
Frozen Penguin (1984)
Paradroids (1984)
YoYo's Revenge (HB, 2023)
I've seen this Shadow Dancer (Genesis / Mega Drive) color hack at Romhacking. I normally like these kinds of patches, because many Genesis games benefit from a brighter palette, but to be honest this time I don't see much of a difference with the original.
(https://i.imgur.com/j5hegUe.png) (https://i.imgur.com/J3J1rKZ.png)
=https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7850/Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7850/Download here.)
Added the support to Astebros. A new multiplayer roguelite for Sega Genesis/Megadrive ! From the creators of "Demons of Asteborg":
This game has a little gfx glitch on fbneo: on the titlescreen is a little menu with:
"New Game"
It doesn't show which selection is highlighted. Until it's fixed you'll just have to play around to get the option you want :P
best regards,
- dink
It doesn't show which selection is highlighted. Until it's fixed you'll just have to play around to get the option you want :P
... with the exception of this little gfx glitch, the game should work fine! ;)
Added the support to 10 new ZX Spectrum titles (6 classics + 4 homebrews):
8-bit Wars, The (HB, 2022)
Gilbert - Escape from Drill 48K/128K (1989)
Gregory Loses His Clock (1989)
Iron Lord (1989)
Klondike Solitaire 48K/128K (HB, 2023)
Mahjong Solitaire 48K/128K (HB, 2023)
Micro Mouse Goes De-bugging (1989)
Mindtrap (1989)
Mutant Fortress (1989)
Pegged (HB, 2023)
Added the support to Bitlogic MSX2SMS (2023, SMS) and to Pegged v1.02 (2023, GameGear) + updated versions for Klondike Solitaire (2023, SMS) and for Mahjong Solitaire (2023, SMS)...
An English translation for the TG16 game Gekibo: Gekisha Boy is now available at Romhacking.
(https://i.imgur.com/JWO0uX3.png) (https://i.imgur.com/mX98SPM.png)
Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/6969/)
This new hack fixes some typos and restores the proper order of stages in Contra Spirits for the NES. It may a valuable addition to the NES roster.
(https://i.imgur.com/JbmAj0G.png) (https://i.imgur.com/lYg83FI.png)
The game is not really part of the Contra / Probotector series, it's an unlicensed title.
Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7877/)
Added the support to 10 new ZX Spectrum titles (6 classics + 4 homebrews): (HB, 2023)
Astroclone (1985)
Cerius (1988)
Chickin Chase (1985)
Lost Caves and the Tomb of Doom (1989)
Match3 (HB, 2023)
Misco Jones - Raiders of the lost Vah-Ka - English/Spanish (HB, 2013)
Reveal (1988)
Witch's Cauldron, The (1985)
Zedex Tanks v1.2 128K (HB, 2023)
Added the support to 2 new PC Engine Translation-hacks:
Gekisha Boy/Photograph Boy (T-Eng, 2023)
Lady Sword (T-Eng, 2010)
This new hack fixes some typos and restores the proper order of stages in Contra Spirits for the NES. It may a valuable addition to the NES roster.
(https://i.imgur.com/JbmAj0G.png) (https://i.imgur.com/lYg83FI.png)
The game is not really part of the Contra / Probotector series, it's an unlicensed title.
Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7877/)
If anybody applied this hack, learn that a few bugs have been found. A bugfix release has just appeared. (https://www.romhacking.net/reviews/10509/)
Added the support to 3 new Mega Drive titles (Mega Drive Mini 2 exclusives):
Spatter (2022)
Star Mobile (2022)
Super Locomotive (2022)
Added the support to 5 new MSX homebrews:
Bloktris (2023)
Cracky (2023)
Flubber in the Upside Down World v1.2 (2023)
M-Force v2 (2023)
Tenebra (2023)
Added the support to Under4Mhz Bloktris, SG1000 and SMS versions... ;)
Added the support to 10 new ZX Spectrum titles (6 classics + 4 homebrews):
Bloktris 48K/128K (HB, 2023)
Bombscare (1986)
Clone Zoo v1.1 (HB, 2023)
Comet Encounter (1986)
Fitris (HB, 2023)
Helter Skelter (1990)
Mario Bros G&W (HB, 2023)
Reaper (1990)
Toad Runner (1986)
Xadom (1983)
Added/updated the support to 3 NES/Famicom titles:
Bobby Six Seven - Time Traveling Detective (HB, v.2023)
Chuuka Taisen - Cloud Master (Hack, T-Eng)(2012)
Contra Spirits (Hack, ending fixed)(2023)
Added the support to Fantasy Zone - Mega Drive Mini 2 edition...
Here's another NES hack that I think should be considered:
(https://i.imgur.com/OVY6Bfa.png) (https://i.imgur.com/wWXrUDc.png)
Tetris (BPS): Conventional-Controls Edition (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7914/)
It gives this version of "Tetris" for the system the standard controls we've learned to expect from the other versions.
BTW, this is for a third version of the game for the NES, the others being Nintendo's and Tengen's. Is it even in the console roster?
Hi Neville,
All of the NES Tetrises are there, under the parent Nintendo version. Of course, they're not clones of the Nintendo Tetris, but, we did that way for NES to keep them together.
best regards,
- dink
Good to know. I'm not sure I had heard of this third port before.
Gab75, are we missing Super Pierrot on MSX?
best regards,
- dink
Gab75, are we missing Super Pierrot on MSX?
best regards,
- dink
Looks interesting :smilie:
I wonder if it's an official port of Mr.Do or not ?
Looks interesting :smilie:
I wonder if it's an official port of Mr.Do or not ?
I think so, it has the Universal copyright on it :)
Two more Super Mario Bros. hacks for the NES, for your consideration.
Firstly, the Super Mario Bros. DX project (nothing to do with the Super Mario Land colorization hack) has reached v4.4.
(https://i.imgur.com/hFVXx3N.png) (https://i.imgur.com/J5yNkxx.png)
This hack attempts to modernize the game, for instance taking graphical updates from newer games on the series, while maintaining its simplicity. It won't expand the ROM size nor add any mappers. Now it includes several optional patches, even with new music.
Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/144/)
And then there's Celeste Mario's Zap & Dash!, which modifies levels and playability.
(https://i.imgur.com/LzBttDa.png) (https://i.imgur.com/XasIlYt.png)
Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7915/)
Added the support to 3 new MSX titles... ;)
Duckstroma pt.2 (HB, 2023)
Mine Command (HB, 2023)
Super Pierrot (1987)
Added the support to some new NES/Famicom titles (mainly hacks):
Celeste Mario's Zap & Dash! (Hack, 2023)
Donsol v.15 (HB, 2017)
Super Mario Bros. 2 - Wacky Quest (Hack, 2022)
Super Mario Bros. DX - Anniversary Edition v4.4 (Hack, 2023)
Tetris (BPS) - Conventional-Controls Edition (Hack, 2023)
Yay! :biggrin:
Hi Team! Thank you for this fantastic emulator!
Is it possible to add "Batman Remake" for MSX2 ?
Its a free ROM, can be downloaded from here:
FX, the developers of the game, are in talks for releasing another of his games, Head Over Heels remake for MSX2 too.
Maybe we got lucky too.
Thank you in advance.
Hi tmznix,
I'm sorry, but currently FBN supports only the "MSX1" games... then it's impossible to satisfy your request!
Added the support to 2 new NES homebrews/aftermarkets:
Force Bot (2022)
Waldos Forever (2021)
Added the support to Devi and Pii (Mega Drive Mini 2 Edition)... ;)
An English translation for Egypt (NES) was just released:
(https://i.imgur.com/1mlqWnP.png) (https://i.imgur.com/5AD8liG.png)
Info and download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/7002/)
Hi Gab75
I know it's July right now... but please could the rather obscure Christmas themed game "Special Delivery" for the ZX Spectrum please be added to FBN? It was one of the few games I remeber fondly playing on my +2 many decades ago. It's a combination of both a side scroller (flying the sleigh) & platform game (delivering presents).
Added the support to 14 new ZX Spectrum titles (9 classics + 5 homebrews):
Blacula (Prototype, 19??)
Dark Veil, The English/Spanish (HB, 2023)
Deathscape (1987)
Duckstroma pt.2 (HB, 2023)
Jam! (HB, 2023)
Masters of the Universe - The Arcade Game (1987)
Masters of the Universe - The Movie (1987)
Masters of the Universe - The Super Adventure (1987)
Mr. Weems and the She Vampires (1987)
Slide-ZX UPG Edition (HB, 2023)
Speccy Quiz English/Spanish (HB, 2022-23)
Special Delivery (1984) > as requested by SoulReever ;)
Stifflip & Co. - part 1 & 2 English/Spanish (1987)
Tempest (1986)
Here the rest of the snapshots...
Added the support to GG Aleste 3 (Game Gear roster)...
Added the support to 2 new NES/Famicom titles:
Egypt T-Eng v1.0a (Hack, 2023)
Pelusa Saga - Kaji's Trials (HB, 2023)
Every time I see the word Egypt, I can't help by think..
Egypt! Egypt!
Thanks Gab75 very much appreciated! :biggrin:
On another note - I noticed you've also added a few ZX spectrum text adventures too. There's 2 missing in FBN that I can think of - Bored of the Rings & The NeverEnding Story.
There was also that HB version of Leisure Suit Larry released back in 2019 called ZX Larry.
Also thank you for all the console additions you've done over the years.
Thanks Gab75 very much appreciated! :biggrin:
You are welcome! :)
On another note - I noticed you've also added a few ZX spectrum text adventures too. There's 2 missing in FBN that I can think of - Bored of the Rings & The NeverEnding Story.
There was also that HB version of Leisure Suit Larry released back in 2019 called ZX Larry.
I'll add the related support at the next ZX Spectrum roster update! ;)
Every time I see the word Egypt, I can't help by think..
Egypt! Egypt!
A dip in the 80's! ;)
Don't think I've ever seen a SMB hack as awesome and advanced as Celeste Mario's Zap & Dash
best regards,
- dink
Could the above 2 QoL hacks for Super Hydlide (Mega Drive) be considered for addition please?
Added the support to 10 new ZX Spectrum titles (7 classics + 3 homebrews):
Artura (1988)
Bored of the Rings v2 - side A/side B (1985)
Butcher Hill (1989)
NeverEnding Story, The (1985)
NeverEnding Story II, The (1990)
Pedro (1984)
Roust (HB, 2018)
Saboteur Deep Cover - part 1/part 2 (HB, 2022)
Skate Crazy (1988)
ZX Larry (HB, 2019)
Added the support to 2 new MSX homebrews:
Defuse English/Italian (2023)
Vampire Slayer English/Portuguese/Spanish (2023)
Added the support to 10 new ZX Spectrum titles (7 classics + 3 homebrews):
Artura (1988)
Bored of the Rings v2 - side A/side B (1985)
Butcher Hill (1989)
NeverEnding Story, The (1985)
NeverEnding Story II, The (1990)
Pedro (1984)
Roust (HB, 2018)
Saboteur Deep Cover - part 1/part 2 (HB, 2022)
Skate Crazy (1988)
ZX Larry (HB, 2019)
Amazing - thanks Gab75 :cool:
Thanks for your work !
(Note: 'Skate Crazy' on the Spectrum is 2 parts).
(A couple more 'High Rise' Spectrum games which are good are Asteroids RX, Lunar Rescue RX)
(Note: 'Skate Crazy' on the Spectrum is 2 parts).
Hi windale,
you are welcome! :)
Skate Crazy file is a "tap" of 125 Kbytes, it should include both parts of the game!
also added the support to part 1 & part 2 detached files (Z80 memory snapshot versions)... on github soon! ;)
Hi windale,
you are welcome! :)
Skate Crazy file is a "tap" of 125 Kbytes, it should include both parts of the game!
OK, thanks, didn't realise. The version I have is 2 separately loaded .TAPs. 'Car Park Challenge' and 'Championship Course'.
Added the support to 10 new ZX Spectrum titles (4 classics + 6 homebrews):
Asteroids RX (HB, 2021)
Bouncing Berty (1984)
Cowboy Shootout (1983)
Don't Panic! (1985)
Leapfrog (1983)
Quadron v1.23 (HB, 2019)
Rival Gangs EXT (HB, 2022)
Super Alien Blast (HB, 2021)
Super Meteor Blast (HB, 2021)
Winter Wonder Worm (HB, 2022)
Thanks for the latest updates ! Shame that the latest version of Asteroids RX doesn't match. You must be using an old version. Super Alien/Meteor Blast seem to be hacked demo version z80s too ? Oh well, thanks anyway.
Thanks Gab75, some nice classics in there :)
Could the above 2 QoL hacks for Super Hydlide (Mega Drive) be considered for addition please?
Support added! ;)
Thanks for the latest updates ! Shame that the latest version of Asteroids RX doesn't match. You must be using an old version. Super Alien/Meteor Blast seem to be hacked demo version z80s too ? Oh well, thanks anyway.
please feel free to get the non-demo version and pm it to Gab75 or me, and we'll update the list :)
As for latest versions, sometimes they release an update the same day (later in the day, maybe?) that we add it to the system, and its hard to keep track of 1000's of games - and it's always nice when someone lets us kindly know about it
best regards,
- dink
Added 2 new SMS homebrews and updated another one:
Line Runner v1.3 (2023)
Monaco Master - from v2.9 to v2.9.2 (2023) > FM audio fix and SRAM high-score saving
Sub-Assault v1.4 (2023)
Added the support to 3 new NES/Famicom titles:
Daikaijuu Deburas T-Eng/Japan (2023-1990)
Sanrio Cup - Pon Pon Volley T-Eng/Japan (2014-1992)
Shovel Knight (GlobalHack, 2023)
Added the support to 9 new ZX Spectrum titles (5 classics + 4 homebrews):
Banger Management (HB, 2023)
Cacorm (HB, 2022)
Cyclone (1985)
Hopman (HB, 2023)
Kayleth (1986)
Rebelstar - 1 Player/2 Players (1986)
Roller Coaster (1985)
Ruptus (HB, 2021)
Sooty & Sweep (1989)
Added the support to 2 new NES/Famicom titles (thanks to e2e):
Elfland (Unl, 1992)
Over Obj (HB, 2023)
Gab75, a friend recommends to add this:
best regards,
- dink
Gab75, a friend recommends to add this:
Support added to the roster... :)
Added the support to 3 new Game Gear titles (2 homebrews and 1 translation hack):
Bishoujo Mahjong Puzzle (HB, 2022)
Kaitou Saint Tale (T-Eng, 2021)
Princess Gardening (HB, 2022)
Added the support to 5 new ZX Spectrum titles (4 classics + 1 homebrew):
American 3D Pool (1992)
Bomber Bot (HB, 2023)
Championship 3D Snooker (1992)
Fireman Sam - The Hero Next Door (1991)
Potsworth & Co. (1992)
Added the support to 5 new ZX Spectrum titles (2 classics + 3 homebrews):
Jack Dragon 48K/128K (HB, 2023)
Last Mission, The (1987)
Space Gun (1992)
Ziona Quest - Game/Training (HB, 2023)
Zoinho (HB, 2021)
Added the support to 10 new MSX titles (7 classics + 3 homebrews):
3D Tennis (1983)
10th Frame (1987)
Boom! (1985)
Cacorm (HB, 2022)
David II (1984)
Hopman (HB, 2023)
Killer Station (1983)
Mint (HB, 2023)
Moon Landing (1983)
MSX Panic (1986)
Added 9 new ZX Spectrum titles (5 classics + 4 homebrews):
Boriel Runner (HB, 2023)
Bouncing Bomb (1986)
Cavemania (1990)
Con-Quest (1986)
Gladiator 48K/128K (1986)
Lava Birds, The (HB, 2022)
Mickey and Donald G&W (HB, 2023)
Muncher! (1982)
ZX Oil Panic G&W (HB, 2021)
Added the support to 3 new NES/Famicom titles:
Akai Ringo to Midori no Inko (HB, 2023)
Revolving Gems (HB, 2023)
Touhou Rououmu v1.00a (HB, 2023)
Added the support to 5 new MSX titles (2 classics + 3 homebrews):
Bubbo World (HB, 2016)
Bubbo World 2 (HB, 2016)
Congo (1986)
Continental Circus (1989)
Global Ordnance (HB, 2023)
The support to NES/Famicom HaraForce (Mapper471) is fully operative! A big thanks to dink! ;)
Added the support to 9 new ColecoVision titles:
Cacorm (2022)
Cracky (2023)
Gamester 81 - The Video Game (2013)
Hopman (2023)
Lock'n Chase (2011)
Mikie (2021)
Penguin Land (2010)
Sindbad Mystery (2021)
Space Hunter (2005)
Today I've noticed two interesting Mega Drive hacks at Romhacking.
The first one is called Golden Axe Plus v2.0, and adds a pletora of enhancements to this beat 'em up, such as:
Use any magic with any character (Thunder, Explosion, Fire)
New Options( Continues, Difficulty, Magic modes, life bar refill bug )
New Graphics( Font , HUD, Go arrow)
New Character Select Screen (Improved Graphics, Better Magic selection, Added fire sprites from arcade ver)
Both Players can pick the same character
Alternative Colors for player characters ( Press Start while selecting your char )
New GA2 Magic Mode ( You can select it on Options)
Added 17 PCM samples from Arcade version ( Voices, Sound effects)
New option for testing PCM samples in sound test menu
Restored unused sfx for skeleton enemy
Added Fog for stage 1 ( similar to arcade ver)
Added Red dragon to stage 3
Added Purple Skeletons for stage 8 Boss fight
Death Adder Character profile from arcade version. (Demo screen)
Uncensored Enemy Names (Credits screen)
Palettes from Golden Axe Arcade Colors
You can get it here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6949/)
The second one is called Phantasy Star II Sound Engine Replacement and basically restores the Japanese sound engine of the game to western releases. According to the author, the difference is quite noticeable.
Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8043/)
EDIT: Also Lemmings Improvement for the NES just got bumped to v1.3.
You can obtain it here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7748/)
I just noticed this one, https://www.smspower.org/forums/19724-OutrunColorHack
Outrun on SMS color hack, see new vs. old pics below
Sounds interesting. I have very little SMS hacks, compared to the Mega Drive / SNES ones. Of course, the game liabrary is also considerably smaller. I'm especially fond of those patches that restore the FM music in western titles.
Added the support to 5 new homebrews, 4 for SG1000 and 1 for Sega Master System:
Cacorm (2022) SG1K
Cracky (2023) SG1K
Guntus (2022) SG1K
Hopman (2023) SG1K
Grail of The Gods v0.46 (2023) SMS
I just noticed this one, https://www.smspower.org/forums/19724-OutrunColorHack
Outrun on SMS color hack, see new vs. old pics below
The support will be added at the next update! :)
EDIT/UPDATE: support added... ;)
Added the support to 9 new ZX Spectrum titles (5 classics + 4 homebrews):
Cosmic Lander (HB, 2023)
Lil' Ninja 48K (HB, 2023)
Nonterraqueous (1985)
Prince, The (1984)
Soul of a Robot - Nonterraqueous 2 (1985)
Tiny Nightmare English/Spanish (HB, 2023)
Tumult - Phase 1 (HB, 2018)
Wiz 'standard version + alt. version' (1987)
ZX Berserk (1982)
Added 5 new NES/Famicom titles (2 classics + 3 homebrews):
Copper Jacket (HB, 2023)
Golf Grand Slam USA/Japan (1991)
Hollow Knight Grab Grub (HB, 2022)
Milon's Secret Castle USA/Japan (1987-1986)
SkateCat (HB, 2023)
added also the support to:
Greg Norman's Golf Power (1992)
The support will be added at the next update! :)
EDIT/UPDATE: support added... ;)
Very nice! Thanks Gab75!
best regards,
- dink
Added the support to 4 new ZX Spectrum titles (2 classics + 1 homebrew + 1 tech-demo):
Lunar Rescue RX (HB, 2023)
Partyscroller (Tech-Demo, 2023)
Winged Avenger, The (1982)
Winged Warlords (1983)
Added the support to 8 new ZX Spectrum titles (3 classics + 4 homebrews + 1 tech-demo):
8 channels (Tech-demo, 2011)
Bubble Frenzy (HB, 2016)
Cave Raider - The Cursed Treasure (HB, 2018)
Chicks & Bricks 48K (HB, 2007)
Combat Zone (1983)
Operation - Labyrinth Fall (HB, 2018)
Sgrizam (Spanish) (1985)
Video Poker (1986)
Nesdraug's Legend of Super Mario is such a great hack, I ended up watching an entire playthru of this game today.
best regards,
- dink
Here's a neat article on the Sega SG-1000
best regards,
- dink
Awesome additions as ever !
I curious about what's behind the reasoning to include some spanish MSX games in K7 format which are availables / were released as one sided disks ?
Like Freddy Harvest or Capitan Sevilla, Game Over 2 / Phantis, Mot, Mutan Zone, Navy Moves, etc ... ?
I curious about what's behind the reasoning to include some spanish MSX games in K7 format which are availables / were released as one sided disks ?
Like Freddy Harvest or Capitan Sevilla, Game Over 2 / Phantis, Mot, Mutan Zone, Navy Moves, etc ... ?
Hi Voljega,
the reason is very simple. Currently the FB Neo doesn't support the floppy disk drive emulation for the MSX system! :)
Here's a neat article on the Sega SG-1000
Thanks for the interesting link! :)
Added two new hacks to the Megadrive roster! ;)
Golden Axe Plus v2.0 (2022)
Phantasy Star II Sound Engine Replacement (2022)
Thank you! :biggrin:
Hi Voljega,
the reason is very simple. Currently the FB Neo doesn't support the floppy disk drive emulation for the MSX system! :)
But there is a way, with dsk2rom :)
But there is a way, with dsk2rom :)
Of course. But (IMHO) it's better to use the "dsk2rom" trick only when there's not a version in ROM or Tape format! :)
Hi Voljega,
the reason is very simple. Currently the FB Neo doesn't support the floppy disk drive emulation for the MSX system! :)
Oh ok !
In that case there are romified version for some of these
Added the support to 10 new MSX titles (2 classics + 8 homebrews):
Alien Confination (Spanish) (HB, 2020)
Alien Escape (Spanish) (HB, 2022)
Campanera - Jozelito's Adventure (Spanish) (HB, 2022)
Cornelius in the Forbidden Zone (Spanish) (HB, 2023)
Gelatino - To Rescue The Bubbles (English/Spanish) (HB, 2020)
Gunsmoke (English) (1987)
Mike Gunner (Spanish) (1988) < the game runs, but it's unplayble because the lightgun support is required
Multiverse (HB, 2019)
Paco el Bombas 'standard/REDUX' (HB, 2020-21)
Paco 2 - Paco El Bombas Again (English/Italian/Spanish) (2021)
Added the support to another MSX title... the "most wanted" Ghost (HB, 2017)... ;)
Just heard of this patch for the GG version of Chessmaster.
The Chessmaster GG takeback anti-freeze (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8072/)
Apparently (because I can't play chess) the AI causes in-game freezes, more common with higher difficulty levels, and this patch fixes it.
Added the support to 3 new NES/Famicom titles (2 homebrews + 1 globalhack)... also updated "Lemmings Improvement" to v1.3... ;)
Legend of Super Mario, The - Save Mushroom Kingdom (GlobalHack, 2023)
UXO - Unexploded Ordnance (HB, 2016)
Za! Yukigassen v1.02 (HB, 2021)
Lots of excellent additions again !
Great! :wink:
Especially thanks for adding Legend of Super Mario! :D
best regards,
- dink
Just realized this fix for Star Tropics (NES) is not in the database.
StarTropics (Music Fix) (https://www.romhacking.net/reviews/10836)
It fixes two music tracks from the game.
Yet another hack... better colors and FX for WWF Royal Rumble (Genesis / MegaDrive).
(https://i.imgur.com/i252prB.png) (https://i.imgur.com/mNClB36.png)
Crappy game if you ask me, but there may be people interested.
WWF Royal Rumble Enhanced Colors + SFX (GEN) (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8078/)
Added the support to another MSX homebrew/aftermarket:
Prisoner of War (Spanish) (2018)
Added the support to 9 new ZX Spectrum titles (4 classics + 4 homebrews + 1 tech-demo):
Airbase Invader 48K (1984)
BatManolo English/Spanish 48K (HB, 2023)
Break Space 128K (Tech-demo, 2016)
Costa Capers 48K (1985)
Crazy Forest 128K (HB, 2023)
Gamex 48K (HB, 2006)
Kamikaze 16K (1983)
SuperTed - The Search for Spotty 48K (1990)
Virgil's Purgatory 2.0 - Chapter 1/Chapter 2 English/Portuguese (HB, 2023)
Two more Mega Drive / Genesis hacks:
Terminator 2 - Judgment Day Music & Sound Hack (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8083/) upgrades the sound and music for this game. It features 11 new tunes (!) and new sound effects.
(https://i.imgur.com/U3BHUPm.png) (https://i.imgur.com/oSJUGHC.png)
And Art of Fighting Upgrade (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8085/) adds SRAM and a few tweaks to Art of Fighting (USA). Now it's region free and controls are mapped to a six button pad if present, among other improvements.
(https://i.imgur.com/zUK52fb.png) (https://i.imgur.com/rzkMj3O.png)
I think both hacks are worthy of consideration, but the T2 one still has a few bugs (wrong sound played in some instances) so it may be better to wait until they're fixed.
This is supposed to be super-cool: https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8091/
"A sci-fi themed hack consisting of 4 worlds with 16 levels in total. Mario has been erroneously teleported to an alien planet and needs to find his spaceship to get back home."
best regards,
- dink
Yet another NES hack, this time for the first TMNT game:
(https://i.imgur.com/VClWvVu.png) (https://i.imgur.com/kxxLhRG.png)
TMNT - Texas Edition (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8090/)
It has new player and enemy sprites, upgraded cutscenes and they've tweaked the infamous swimming level.
And more NES stuff... there's a new Famicom Disk System translation, for Hikari Shinwa: Palutena no Kagami, better known as Kid Icarus.
(https://i.imgur.com/zNwZaAd.png) (https://i.imgur.com/SYzKtbR.png)
Besides some interesting differences with Kid Icarus, the game also uses the FDS extra sound channels.
Info and download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/7059/)
Neville, wow, some great news there! That's my favorite version of Kid Icarus :)
They did a super nice job on the titlescreen, too
best regards,
- dink
I don't know much about this game, but IMHO any FDS translation is a good new.
Added the support to 7 new NES/Famicom/FDS titles (1 FDS hack + 5 NES hacks + 1 NES homebrew):
Astral World (GlobalHack, 2023)
Crillion (HB, 2023)
Hikari Shinwa - Palutena no Kagami (T-Eng, 2023) < FDS
Junkoid (GlobalHack, 2022)
Startropics - Music Fix (HB, 2023)
Tashiro Masashi no Princess ga Ippai (T-Eng, 2023)(T-Spa, 2021)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Texas Edition (Hack, 2023)
Great! :biggrin:
Added the support to 4 new ZX Spectrum homebrews:
Bomb Sweeper (48K) (2023)
Down the pipe Reflushed (48K) (2023)
EXO-TICAL English/Spanish (128K) (2023)
Pengo mini (128K) (2023)
Wow, the quality of some of these newer ZX Spectrum games is incredible! Thanks for keeping us up to date, Gab75!
best regards,
- dink
Wow, the quality of some of these newer ZX Spectrum games is incredible! Thanks for keeping us up to date, Gab75!
You are welcome! :)
I agree... the quality of some games is incredible (considering the hardware "poor" technical specifications)!
Added the support to 3 new MSX homebrews:
Children of the Night (2018)
HopperBoy v1.2 (2023)
Shyre v1.1 (2023)
Added the support to 3 new Megadrive hacks:
Art of Fighting Upgrade (2023)
T2 - Terminator 2 - Judgment Day Music & Sound Hack (2023)
WWF Royal Rumble Enhanced Colors + SFX v1.05 (2023)
Great! :biggrin:
Added the support to 3 new MSX homebrews:
Goblin, The (2023) < updated to v1.2
Last Escape (2023)
Woods Rat v1.4 (2023)
Added the support to 8 new ZX Spectrum titles (4 classics + 4 homebrews):
Advanced Soccer Simulator 48K (1989)
Area 51 - Roswell Incident 'English/Spanish' 48K (HB, 2023)
Enchanted 'Spanish' 48K (1989)
Hairy Fly, The 128K (HB, 2023)
Haoken 'English/Spanish' 128K (HB, 2023)
Lprint Runaway 48K (HB, 2023)
Puffy's Saga 128K (1989)
Rally Cross 128K (1989)
English translation for Magical Taruruuto-kun (Genesis / Mega Drive) available:
(https://i.imgur.com/BMGowHR.png) (https://i.imgur.com/usoQc99.png)
Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/7071/)
Added the support to
3 5 new MSX homebrews:
Double Rainbow v1.1 (2023)
Heated Yokai Battle, The (2017)
Tenebra 2 (2023)
Crawlers v1.1 (2023)
Tam Tam Twins (2007)
English translation for Magical Taruruuto-kun (Genesis / Mega Drive) available:
Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/7071/)
Support added! ;)
Great! :biggrin:
mirohv2 was updated to version 2.0.1, check itch-io...
// Miroh (HB, v2.0.1)
static struct BurnRomInfo nes_mirohv2RomDesc[] = {
{ "Miroh v2.0.1 (2023)(Wendel Scardua).nes", 65552, 0xa3b6f766, BRF_ESS | BRF_PRG },
struct BurnDriver BurnDrvnes_mirohv2 = {
"nes_mirohv2", NULL, NULL, NULL, "2023",
"Miroh (HB, v2.0.1)\0", NULL, "Wendel Scardua", "Miscellaneous",
NESGetZipName, nes_mirohv2RomInfo, nes_mirohv2RomName, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NESInputInfo, NESDIPInfo,
NES4ScoreInit, NESExit, NESFrame, NESDraw, NESScan, &NESRecalc, 0x40,
mirohv2 was updated to version 2.0.1, check itch-io...
Thanks ... v2.0.1 on github soon! ;)
Added the support to 5 new NES/Famicom titles (2 hacks + 3 homebrews):
EarthBound Beginnings (Hack, 2021)
EarthBound T-Ita v1.1 (Hack, 2023)
Fire and Rescue v2.0 (HB, 2021)
Little Sisyphus (HB, 2023)
Miroh v1.0.1 and v2.0.1 (HB, 2023)
Added the support to 3 new titles, 1 for Game Gear and 2 for SMS:
GG > Dracula's Castle "English version" (2021)
SMS > Electronic Dreams v.77 (2023)
SMS > Where Is It? "Enhanced version" (2023)
Added the support to a new Megadrive homebrew:
City Connection (2023)
Added the support to 5 new MSX homebrews:
Burn Us Exp (2018)
Monster Hunter Arthur's Quest (2009)
Snake and Rhino in the Sketchbook (2023)
Tetpuz (2023)
Xelden Ring - MSXdev version (2023)
Added the support to 12 new ZX Spectrum titles (8 classics + 4 homebrews):
Amaurote 48K/128K (1987)
Bombfusion 48K (1989)
Dynatron Mission 48K (1987)
Gnasher 16K (1984)
Hercules 48K (1986)
Konami's Golf 48K (1986)
Konami's Tennis 48K (1986)
Spectipede 16K (1983)
... here the rest:
Caveted Against the Darkness 48K (HB, 2022)
Ghostly Capers 128K (HB, 2023)
Jeff & The Blue Notes 128K (HB, 2023)
Tenebra 2 48K (HB, 2023)
This SMS hack looks interesting: Tweaked palette for Mortal Kombat II:
(https://i.imgur.com/cUG21Bx.png) (https://i.imgur.com/a4wrTpS.png)
Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8154/)
The Nekketsu Hack for River City Ransom (NES) just got updated to v1.2, and it might be a the right time to add it to the NES roster.
(https://i.imgur.com/5ixAn3w.png) (https://i.imgur.com/ASOlvkJ.png)
It re-adds Japanese content altered for the American realease of the game, such as plot, names and sprites.
Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/5998/)
Added the support to 4 new NES/Famicom titles (1 classic/hack + 1 hack + 2 homebrews):
Doodle World Redrawn (HB, 2022)
Dude - The Deck Swabber (HB, 2023)
River City Ransom - Nekketsu Hack v1.2 (2023)
Ultraman Club - Great Kaiju Battle Japan/T-Eng (1992/2017)
Thanks! :biggrin:
Just found out the CRC from Dude: The Deck Swabber doesn't match the one from the file at itch.io. I think it must have been updated recently without your knowledge.
Added the support to 7 new ZX Spectrum titles (2 classics + 5 homebrews):
Aeon 128K (4 parts + ending sequence) (HB, 2018)
Beams of Light 48K (HB, 2017)
Enigma Force 48K (1985)
Escape From Alderon 48K (1986)
Escape From Colony 8 48K (HB, 2014)
Sam Boon - A Case of Murder 128K (HB, 2023)
Sam Boon - The Dragnet Case 128K (HB, 2023)
Just found out the CRC from Dude: The Deck Swabber doesn't match the one from the file at itch.io. I think it must have been updated recently without your knowledge.
In another board they also say the same thing about Doodle World Redrawn, that the version recently added to FBN is outdated.
Just found out the CRC from Dude: The Deck Swabber doesn't match the one from the file at itch.io. I think it must have been updated recently without your knowledge.
Thanks for the info! Support updated... ;)
Added the support to 4 new SMS titles... to be honest, one of them is an update:
Alex Kidd, The Lost Stars - Stella Edition (Hack, 2023)
Genius Bakabon, The (T-Eng v1.2, 2023)
Mortal Kombat II - Palette improvement (Hack v1.2, 2023)
Solomon's Key - Tears of Princess Lihita (T-Eng, 2023)
Added the support to a new Game Gear homebrew/aftermarket:
Gun Stream Challenge Version (2023)
Added the support to 10 new ZX Spectrum titles (3 classics + 7 homebrews):
Billie Night v1.1 English/Spanish 48K (HB, 2023)
Chromanoids v1.1 128K (HB, 2023)
Devil Diver 48K (1984)
Escape from Asylum 48K (HB, 2013)
JetSBOT 128K (HB, 2023)
Nightmare Rally 48K (1986)
Pirate Captain Creed English/Japanese/Spanish 48K (HB, 2023)
Subterranean Nightmare 48K (1986)
Terror House 48K (HB, 2023)
Tuerkas, the White Cat 48K (HB, 2023)
TakuikaNinja claims the NES game Dr. Mario has significant control issues. I can't tell because I've hardly played the game. However, if you agree with him you may find his patch worthy of adding.
(https://i.imgur.com/oaSwGBN.png) (https://i.imgur.com/XvZknKM.png)
Information and download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8200/)
Another hack suggestion, this time for Back to the Future (NES). BTTF Enhanced fixes a number of things in the game, but it wouldn't surprise that if it still sucked after the ameliorations, because it's one of those LJN movie licenses the AVGN likes to bitch about.
(https://i.imgur.com/7L2qnws.png) (https://i.imgur.com/TXZ4NBQ.png)
Information and download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/2638/)
Added the support to Dr. Mario - Input Fixes (hack, 2023) and Gunhawk (HB, 2023)... NES/Famicom roster! ;)
also added the support to Back to the Future Enhanced v1.1 (Hack, 2020)... ;)
Great! :biggrin:
Added the support to 10 new ZX Spectrum homebrews:
Add Astra 128K (Tech-demo, 2023)
ChristMaze 48K (HB, 2016)
Cult, The English/Spanish 128K (HB, 2023)
Jubbles 128K (HB, 2017)
Rays' Reprisal 48K (HB, 2015)
Seraphima - Enhanced Final Edition English/Portuguese 128K (HB, 2023)
Sorceress 48K (HB, 2017)
Tailwind 128K (Tech-demo, 2016)
Time Sniper 128K (HB, 2023)
ZX Robots 48K (HB, 2023)
Today I've learned of Shinobi Arcade, a hack that brings Shinobi (Unl) for the NES closer to its arcade conterpart. It definitely improves the experience over the original.
(https://i.imgur.com/mJHsn9K.png) (https://i.imgur.com/AhONSoC.png)
Information and download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/2348/)
Today I've learned of Shinobi Arcade, a hack that brings Shinobi (Unl) for the NES closer to its arcade conterpart. It definitely improves the experience over the original.
Support added to the NES/Famicom roster: Shinobi Arcade v2.1 (Hack, 2023)
Thank you! That was fast :biggrin:
Added the support to 7 new ColecoVision titles:
Ascend (HB, 2022)
Cix (HB, 2013)
Dacman (HB, 2000)
GP World (HB, 1985-2021)
Mindwalls (HB, 2013)
N-Sub (HB, 1988-2021)
Raid on Bungeling Bay SGM (HB, 1984-2019)
Added the support to 5 new ColecoVision titles:
Alpharoid SGM (HB, 2018)
Bosconian SGM (HB, 2016)
Drol (HB, 2016)
Sega Flipper (HB, 2021)
Star Jacker (HB, 2021)
Added the support to 14 new ZX Spectrum titles (10 classics + 4 homebrews):
Angle Ball 48K (1987)
BLAM 128K (1992-2023)
Catch 23 48K (1987)
Eskimo Capers 16K (1984)
Hard Cheese! 16K (1983)
Headbangers Heaven v2 48K (1983)
Shoot-Out 128K (1989)
Slaine 48K (1987)
Star Wars Droids 128K (1988)
Target 48K (1989)
here the rest:
Cybermania 48K (HB, 2016)
Harbinger 2: The Void, 128K Part1/Part2/Part3/Intro (HB, 2018)
Harbinger: Convergence 128K Part1/Part2 (HB, 2016)
Misterio 48K English/Portuguese/Spanish (HB, 2023)
Added the support to 7 new NES/Famicom titles (4 classics + 2 translation hacks + 1 homebrew)...
Bio Miracle Baby Upa!! (T-Eng, 2013)
Blackjack (1992)
Caesars Palace (1990)
Chessmaster, The (1989)
Solitaire REV1.1 (1992)
Space Mutants Extendo UnCut Edition (HB, 2023)
Relics - The Dark Fortress (T-Eng, 2023)
There's this expression in my mother tongue, "ass I see, ass I want", to define people like me :p
Anyway, today I noticed these two Mega Drive hacks. They both add / restore changes to the Sonic 3 game included in the Sonic & Knuckles compilation.
Sonic 3 Complete (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/1056/)
Sonic 3 Complete - Emerald Safari (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8242/)
I've already added them to my collection.
Neville, we have this saying here in Detroit that's similar, I won't paraphrase it, you'll just have to listen to the song:
best regards,
- dink
There's a new Inufuto !
Already available for MSX, ZXSpectrum and Colecovision
There's a new English addendum to Hoshi o Miru Hito (NES) available, it completes the translation from a previous incomplete patch. It may be a good excuse to add the Japanese and fully translated versions to the NES roster, because I think the game is not there yet.
(https://i.imgur.com/w9dqJoW.png) (https://i.imgur.com/bcTqbyf.png)
The game is one of those Japanese-style RPGs.
Original translation. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/1259/)
Addendum. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/7105/)
Anyway, today I noticed these two Mega Drive hacks. They both add / restore changes to the Sonic 3 game included in the Sonic & Knuckles compilation.
Sonic 3 Complete (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/1056/)
Sonic 3 Complete - Emerald Safari (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8242/)
I've already added them to my collection.
"Sonic 3 Complete" is already on the Megadrive roster... ;)
In any case, added the support to the hack "Sonic 3 Complete - Emerald Safari (2023)"... also added the support to the homebrew "Shylax v0.1 (2023)"! ;)
Ah, cool. I checked, but somehow I missed it.
current 'md_sonic3ces' is a rom corrupted.
Patch's page induces to error, isn't to apply patch on 's&k+s3' rom directly!
correct romset is:
// Sonic 3 Complete - Emerald Safari (Hack)
// https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8242/
static struct BurnRomInfo md_sonic3cesRomDesc[] = {
{ "Sonic 3 Complete - Emerald Safari (2023)(BillyTime! Games).bin", 3932160, 0xaf6088b1, BRF_PRG | SEGA_MD_ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP | SEGA_MD_ROM_OFFS_000000 },
struct BurnDriver BurnDrvmd_sonic3ces = {
"md_sonic3ces", "md_sonic3", NULL, NULL, "2023",
"Sonic 3 Complete - Emerald Safari (Hack)\0", NULL, "BillyTime! Games", "Sega Megadrive",
MegadriveGetZipName, md_sonic3cesRomInfo, md_sonic3cesRomName, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, MegadriveInputInfo, MegadriveDIPInfo,
MegadriveInit, MegadriveExit, MegadriveFrame, MegadriveDraw, MegadriveScan,
&bMegadriveRecalcPalette, 0x100, 320, 224, 4, 3
How to obtain? Apply 'emerald safari' patch over 'sonic 3 complete (s3comp)' hack as on 'Sonic 3 Complete - Emerald Safari Readme.txt' inside patch zipfile.
current 'md_sonic3ces' is a rom corrupted.
Patch's page induces to error, isn't to apply patch on 's&k+s3' rom directly!
Sorry, my fault... thanks for your report! :)
The right code on Github soon... ;)
Mahou no Princess Minky Momo: Remember Dream (NES) has been traslated into English recently.
(https://i.imgur.com/ULhaT1Q.png) (https://i.imgur.com/TZA2ysE.png)
It's a platform game based on an anime (?). I think the original Japanese is not in the roster either.
Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/7108/)
It's a platform game based on an anime (?). I think the original Japanese is not in the roster either.
... :P:
What can I say? I never heard of it before :confused:
During the 80s/90s the Italy was a second homeland for the Anime(s)! ;)
So was France. As you can tell from the Dragon Ball Z games that were only released in Japanese and French, for example.
I'm from Spain, and anime was very popular here too. But I don't think this one was shown in our TV stations.
I used to watch combos of Dr. Slump / Muscleman and Dragon Ball while doing the homework from school. Good times.
And then there's the weird ppls who only turned on the tv if twilight zone or star trek were on, and missed all of that cartoon stuff...
And then there's the weird ppls who only turned on the tv if twilight zone or star trek were on, and missed all of that cartoon stuff...
When I was kid/guy I loved japanese animation series... now I'm one of those "strange people" who only (mostly) turn on the TV to watch SciFi series... :P
Added the support to 6 new NES/Famicom titles:
Mahou no Princess Minky Momo - Remember Dream Japan/T-Eng (1992-2023)
Momotarou Densetsu ~ The Peach Boy Legend Japan/T-Eng (1987-2012)
Othello HES (1988)
Othello Japan/USA (1986-1988)
Stargazers/Hoshi wo Miru Hito Japan/T-eng (1987-2023)
Vindicators (Prototype) (1988)
Great! :biggrin:
@Gab75 please stop adding impossible roms to find... here let me help a bit
you go here https://www.zosya.net/2023/11/03/new-game-seraphima/ Final Version...
and use the Portuguese translation from there, is really that simple instead of making every single one
of us look for a rom that has been discontinue by the dev themself and the only 3 available in the internet
are the ones in that link. FBNeo keeps asking for this unknown rom and i am going to rip my hairs from my head.
this one: Seraphima - Enhanced Final Edition Portuguese 128K (HB, 2023) is not available anymore it was replace by the current release..
Do you know of someone who can manage a project with over 20,000 roms and do everything 100% perfect all the time, because they don't exist.
We use things that are sent to us or linked to us at the time. Keep in mind: this is a hobby project, we do this for fun and for free when time permits, on top of that - anyone can contribute. If you want to update a rom entry, get the code at github and make a pull request if you'd like it to be done faster.
- dink
After years of rumors and aborted projects, a full English translation for Shinsetsu Samurai Spirits: Bushidou Retsuden, better known as Samurai Shodown RPG has just appeared.
(https://i.imgur.com/RCCNzkv.png) (https://i.imgur.com/cRE2T2T.png)
Information and download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/7113/)
Unfortunately, I'm still struggling to getting it to work. The BAT included with the patch doesn't seem to work, and if I patch the files myself the result is not recognised by FB Neo. This is understandable if its internal database uses data from either TOSEC or Redump.
However, FB Neo might need some adjustments in order to run this, and that's why I'm posting this information.
Added the support to the latest release of Seraphima (ZX Spectrum)... english/portuguese/russian versions:
Very nice!
Quick how-to guide:
grab redump version of cd image
grab xdelta & patch the cd image
use cdmage and convert to a mode1-2352 bin/cue, w/simple instructions & link here:
currently, fbn can't tell the difference between the translated and non-translated ssrpg, so for now only put the one you wish to play in the iso's directory.
best regards,
- dink
After years of rumors and aborted projects, a full English translation for Shinsetsu Samurai Spirits: Bushidou Retsuden, better known as Samurai Shodown RPG has just appeared.
(https://i.imgur.com/RCCNzkv.png) (https://i.imgur.com/cRE2T2T.png)
Information and download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/7113/)
Unfortunately, I'm still struggling to getting it to work. The BAT included with the patch doesn't seem to work, and if I patch the files myself the result is not recognised by FB Neo. This is understandable if its internal database uses data from either TOSEC or Redump.
However, FB Neo might need some adjustments in order to run this, and that's why I'm posting this information.
Success! :biggrin:
Thanks for the tips, dink.
Can you please explain how you make load i been trying but not sure what to do anymore.
Game --> Load Neo Geo CDZ Game... This screen:
You need to get the files by Redump, patch them and then convert them to mode1-2352 with CDmage, as dink said.
Game --> Load Neo Geo CDZ Game... This screen:
You need to get the files by Redump, patch them and then convert them to mode1-2352 with CDmage, as dink said.
thanks, i manage to loaded but i have 1 thing scratching my head in FBNeo does the starting intro of the game has any japanese voices? or not
It does.
It does.
i got it!! IsoBuster did it for me, thank you now is working...
Added the support to 10 new ZX Spectrum titles (5 classics + 5 homebrews):
Archon - The Light and the Dark 48K (1985)
Backgammon 48K (1988)
Cyrus II Chess 128K (1986)
Forest Escape - A Knight's Quest 128K (HB, 2023)
Lockdown Town ZXMAS - Crash Exclusive v1.01 48K (HB, 2023)
Loco 48K (1986)
Pac Hic III 128K (HB, 2023)
ParaZXland 48K (HB, 2023)
Show Jumping 48K (1986)
Turdle 48K (HB, 2023)
There's an Arcade Style patch for R-Type (Master System version). The changes have to be substantial (the patch is 75 Kb. in size) but unfortunately there's no readme detailing them.
(https://i.imgur.com/YGNUOkz.png) (https://i.imgur.com/5JIGmQi.png)
Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8262/)
Honestly, I don't know if it deserves to be added. I'll leave the decision to whoever maintains that roster.
Hi Gab75,
Request: Foals Creek NES / https://guyver-xbm.itch.io/foals-creek-nes-version
Req #2: Catmercs-1 / https://team-disposable.itch.io/catmercs-1
#2 is rc1, might be better to wait for final? I'll let you be the judge of that :)
best regards,
- dink
There's an addendum to the previous English translation for Lasalle Ishii no Child's Quest (NES). Seems like a good opportunity to add the original and the "addended" ROM to the NES roster.
(https://i.imgur.com/zQkBrmz.png) (https://i.imgur.com/IobRIh3.png)
Information and download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/7115/) Needs to be applied to a previously translated ROM.
#2 is rc1, might be better to wait for final? I'll let you be the judge of that :)
No problem, we can add the support to the "RC1" and after replace it with the "final release"! ;)
Added the support to 6 new NES/Famicom titles (1 classic/t-hack + 5 homebrews):
Catmercs - Big Bug Invasion RC1 (HB, 2023)
Foals Creek (Russia) (HB, 2023)
Miroh Jr. (HB, 2023)
Mosh Lift (HB, 2023)
Nosey Joe - The Power Mystery v1.2 (HB, 2023)
Stardom Warriors / Lasalle Ishii no Child's Quest (T-Eng/Japan) (2023-1989)
Wahoo! Thanks for all the great adds, Gab75! :)
Yeah, it's great!
Added the support to 7 new ZX Spectrum titles (3 classics + 4 homebrews):
Bark, The 48K (HB, 2023)
Beamrider 48K (1984)
Haunted House 48K (HB, 2023)
Isa Brave 128K (HB, 2023)
Knightmare 48K (1987)
Mandarin II, The 48K/128K (HB, 2023)
Pitfall II - Lost Caverns 48K (1984)
Added the support to 3 new NES/Famicom titles (2 homebrews + 1 GlobalHack):
Deadpool Special Mission v1.3 Alt 1/Alt 2 (GlobalHack, 2023)
Snail Hop (HB, 2023)
Soko Banana (HB, 2023)
Romancia for the NES just got a Spanish translation.
(https://i.imgur.com/K8sG7mG.png) (https://i.imgur.com/11Uopq0.png)
It's one of those early RPGs that originated on the MSX.
Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/7134/)
The same author also made translations for Dragon Buster II: Yami no Fuuin (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/6792/) and Heracles no Eikou II: Titan no Metsubou (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/6813/) that I'm not sure if they're included on the NES roster or not.
There's a new bugfix patch for Super Mario Bros. 2, FDS version.
(https://i.imgur.com/oz4n14a.png) (https://i.imgur.com/7QJRiA4.png)
It's the version known in the west as "The Lost Levels", not the Yume Kōjō: Dokidoki Panic port we got back in the day.
Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8299/)
There's at least another bugfix patch for the FDS version of the game, it's called ULTIMATE smb2j (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7194/), but it seems to correct less bugs than this one.
Added the support to 2 Japan titles (Famicom), 5 translation hacks (NES/Famicom) and 1 bugfix hack (FDS):
Glory of Heracles, The - Labors of the Divine Hero (Japan/T-Eng/T-Spa) (1987-2014-2022)
Glory of Heracles II, The - Titans' Downfall (Japan/T-Eng/T-Spa) v1.31 (1989-2016-2023)
Romancia (T-Spa) (2023)
Super Mario Bros 2 "Bugfix hack" (2023)
Thank you very much! :biggrin:
Hi Gab75,
Here's a new one for SMS: Blast Arena v1.0
best regards,
- dink
Added the support to 3 new SMS titles (2 homebrews and 1 hack)... ;)
Battle City v2 (HB, 2023)
Blast Arena (HB, 2023)
R-Type Arcade Style v1.1 (Hack, 2023)
Great! :biggrin:
Could you find out more information about the features of that R-Type hack?
Could you find out more information about the features of that R-Type hack?
I just have the infos in the "romhacking.net" page...
Ah, OK.
I love the game, but I am a terrible player. In the 1990s I had the Game Boy version, but I don't think I ever got past stage 2.
I love the game, but I am a terrible player. In the 1990s I had the Game Boy version, but I don't think I ever got past stage 2.
... don't beat yourself up. R-Type requires a pretty high skill level (at least the arcade version... I never played the Game Boy version)! ;)
Yes, it's infamously difficult for a shoot 'em up. The gameplay has many bottlenecks were only one specific action will let you through.
The GB port is pretty good.
Yes, it's infamously difficult for a shoot 'em up. The gameplay has many bottlenecks were only one specific action will let you through.
I played arcade version and C64 version... but in this second case, I had infinite lives/energy!!! :P
Added the support to 6 new ZX Spectrum titles (4 classics + 2 homebrews):
Exterminator 16K (1983)
FireTrap 48K (1987)
Mijadore vase, The 128K English/Spanish (HB, 2023)
Mission Impossible 16K (1983)
Noon30 Shovel Duck v1.1 48K (HB, 2023)
Trouble Brewin 48K (1984)
This seems interesting... looks like Sunman for the NES was supposed to be a licensed Superman game, but ultimately Sunsoft lost the license rights and was forced to make some alterations. Luckily there are a couple of patches that try to return it to its previous status.
(https://i.imgur.com/PM5imHA.png) (https://i.imgur.com/nza93NV.png)
They are this two:
Superman 2 - Specter Edition (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/2897/)
Superman (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8314/)
The second one is an addendum patch, it goes on top of the first one. Sunman itself it's already on FBN's NES roster.
Added the support to 9 new ZX Spectrum titles (3 classics + 6 homebrews):
Crazy Christmas 48K (HB, 2023)
Cursed Castle 48K (HB, 2023)
DuckTales Family Comes First! 48K English/Ukrainian (HB, 2023)
Johnny the Ghost 128K (HB, 2023)
Official Father Christmas Game 48K (1989)
Santa's Xmas Caper 48K (1990)
Santos' Christmas Adventure 48K (HB, 2017)
Turbomania 16K (HB, 2005)
Wild West Hero 48K (1983)
Added the support to 2 new Megadrive hacks:
Gouketsuji Ichizoku Enhanced Colors (2023)
Incredible Hulk DX, The (2023)
Added the support to 3 new ColecoVision titles:
Space Shuttle "SGM-EEPROM" (HB, 2023)
Utopia (HB, 2023)
Yewdow (HB, 2023)
Added the support to 6 new ZX Spectrum homebrews:
Doctor Adventures 48K (2015)
Eclipsia part 1/part 2/part 3 48K (2023)
Moon and the Pirates English/Spanish 48K (2019)
Orvol Voon English/Spanish 48K (2023)
Tobit 128K (2023)
Yewdow 48K (2023)
Added the support to Yewdow (SG1000 & MSX versions) and to Laser Mazer (MSX)... ;)
Added the support to 4 new NES/Famicom titles (2 homebrews + 2 hacks):
AWOL (HB, 2023)
Superman v1.1 (Hack, 2023)
Superman II - Specter Edition v2.1 (Hack, 2017)
Wacko (HB, 2022)
I take the opportunity to wish a happy new year! :)
Happy new year to you too! :biggrin:
And to everybody else as well!
If they are anything like the Final Fantasy games for the SNES, the Phantasy Star series for the Mega Drive must have an endless list of hacks. These two however seem interesting.
(https://i.imgur.com/w9KvnBE.png) (https://i.imgur.com/IVHz5bz.png)
Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom - English re-translation & Bugfix. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/3549/)
Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom - International naming addendum for the above patch. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/7159/)
Added the support to
8 9 new ZX Spectrum titles (4 classics + 4 5 homebrews):
Buggy Blast 48K (1985)
Cattivik 2024 128K (HB, 2024)
International Kickboxing 128K (1993)
EDIT: Pac-Man Arcade 48K (HB, 2023)
Psyqo Santa 128K (HB, 2023)
Snakes and Hazards 128K (1987)
Sudoku NY 48K (HB, 2023)
Tapeworm 48K (HB, 2023)
Turbo Boat Simulator 128K (HB, 1988)
Today I've seen this hack for R-Type, TurboGrafx-16 version. It's called R-Type Plus.
(https://i.imgur.com/r9E4Rwi.png) (https://i.imgur.com/bWGk0uo.png)
It tries to create a best-of-both-worlds version by mixing traits of the US and Japanese versions of the game. For this reason I'm not sure if it's worth adding to FBN, because most of those characteristics are available on the Japanese version.
Information and download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8349/)
This other hack promises arcade-ish awesomeness to Gradius II (NES).
(https://i.imgur.com/4tXUaO6.png) (https://i.imgur.com/MQrb7AD.png)
Download here. (http://Gradius II - Arrangement Chronicle Death)
Added the support to 2 new Megadrive titles:
Hunter Girls (HB, 2023)
Phantasy Star III - Successors of Time v1.2 (Hack, 2020)
Thumbs up :biggrin:
Added the support to 10 new ZX Spectrum titles (5 classics + 5 homebrews):
Art of HelpComputer0, The 128K (Tech-Demo, 2023)
Death Star Interceptor 48K (1985)
Mag Max - Robo Centurion 48K (1987)
Min! 128K (HB, 2024)
Oure - Dawn Of Hope 48K (HB, 2018)
Samantha Fox Strip Poker 48K (1986)
Sorcerer Kid Adventure 128K (HB, 2024)
Space Sludge 16K (HB, 2019)
Vendetta 48K (1990)
Victory Road - The Pathway to Fear 48K (1989)
Fun fact: years ago my circle of friends started holding poker games. Being new to the game, I resorted to playing Samantha Fox Strip Poker and posted my progress on Whatsapp. They found it quite amusing.
I played many years ago to Samantha Fox Strip Poker on C64... but to be honest I wasn't very interested to "poker game" ! :biggrin: :p
Of course not. I saw a few of these "erotic" games in my days, they were quite the magnet for horny teenagers (are there any other kind?). Of course the graphics were quite disappointing in the end.
... Of course the graphics were quite disappointing in the end.
A handful of monochromatic pixels in very low resolution... but at the time that's only what the "taxpayers" could afford! :biggrin:
That and late night TV.
Hi, guys. I have no idea if it's been updated yet, but a Super Mario Bros. DX update was recently added.
Hi, guys. I have no idea if it's been updated yet, but a Super Mario Bros. DX update was recently added.
Hi xerf84,
the version supported in the current roster is v4.4... thanks for sharing! :)
EDIT: version updated (v4.5)
Added the support to 6 new NES/Famicom titles:
Dimension Shift (HB, 2020)
Gradius II - Arrangement Chronicle Death v2.0 (Hack, 2019)
Mattock Mike - The Legend of Pete (HB, 2023)
Oratorio (HB, 2023)
Tenebra 2 (HB, 2024)
Totoro - Mei is Missing (GlobalHack, 2024)
OK, this one seems definitely worth adding. It's an English translation for Bard's Tale (NES). The game has a USA version, but it seems it was cut-down for whatever reasons.
(https://i.imgur.com/L7vsd3m.png) (https://i.imgur.com/h517pRl.png)
Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/7179/)
Great job as always Gab75, I'm going to try the gradius II for nes.
There's also an English translation available for Digital Devil Monogatari: Megami Tensei (MSX).
(https://i.imgur.com/QXXbXDn.png) (https://i.imgur.com/zVC1SNg.png)
Link here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/7180/)
EDIT: The translation's GitHub website (https://github.com/Kaisaan/DDS-Translation) mentions some technical details on the patch that might be important.
Added the support to 5 new ZX Spectrum homebrews/aftermarkets:
La Oca v1.1 48K English/Portuguese/Spanish (2024)
Neadeital 128K (2020)
Shape Shifter 48K (2014)
Star Warrior v2.0 48K (2021)
Transylvanian Castle Dx2 v1.1 48K English/Portuguese/Spanish (2020-23)
There's a new English translation available for The Tower of Druaga (TG16).
(https://i.imgur.com/4zEwsOK.png) (https://i.imgur.com/cW7W2Dy.png)
There's a previous English patch available from 2007, but it had some limitations and sentences had to be cut short in order to fit.
Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/7190/)
Added the support to 10 new ColecoVision aftermarkets/homebrews:
1942 SGM (2020)
Bomb'n Blast 2 (2020)
Donkey Kong 3 (2012)
Donkey Kong Arcade SGM (2018)
Muncher Mouse (2018)
Pengy (2020)
Robotron 2084 (2022)
R-Type SGM (2020)
Uwol Quest for Money (2020)
Yar's Revenge (2018)
Yet another English translation for the TG16, this time for Bravoman.
(https://i.imgur.com/vC66ns9.png) (https://i.imgur.com/6sZOP7A.png)
Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/7192/)
Added the support to 3 new PCE/TG16 hacks:
Chouzetsu Rinjin Bravoman (T-Eng, 2024)
R-Type Plus (Hack, 2024)
Tower of Druaga, The (T-Eng v1.01, 2024)
?Great! :biggrin:
Added the support to 8 new ZX Spectrum titles (5 classics + 3 homebrews):
Bomberun 48K (1984)
Colossus 4 Chess 48K (1986)
Herbert's Dummy Run 48K (1985)
Real Ghostbusters, The 128K (1989)
Rondure Sorcerer 48K (HB, 2023)
Space Warrior 48K (1985)
Transylvanian Castle 2 - The Eye of Velnor - English/Portuguese/Spanish 48K (HB, 2021)
ZEN II 48K (HB, 2015)
Added the support to 5 new ColecoVision homebrews/aftermarkets:
Arabian (1983-2022)
Berzerk (2022)
Cavern Fighter (2021)
Donuts Man (2021)
Elevator Action SGM (2021)
Added the support to a new Megadrive aftermarket/homebrew:
Xiaomei and the Flame Dragon's Fist (2023)
Kiki Kaikai: Dotou Hen (FDS) just got an English translation.
(https://i.imgur.com/7pAXtB1.png) (https://i.imgur.com/wmgougg.png)
Information and download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/7204/)
Kiki Kaikai: Dotou Hen (FDS) just got an English translation.
Support added! ;)
Kiki Kaikai Dotou Hen - Japan, Rev 1/T-Eng (1987-2023)
Added the support to a new Megadrive aftermarket/homebrew:
Life on Earth - Reimagined (2023)
Great! And today I've noticed an un-censorship patch for Dragon Warrior IV (NES).
(https://i.imgur.com/gXAd7H6.png) (https://i.imgur.com/2Lc5FUZ.png)
As usual, Nintendo removed all traces of religious imagery and eroticism (chuckles) when they released the game in the west.
Information and download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8426/)
Today I'm bringing before you the case of Bad Dudes / Dragon Ninja for the NES.
(https://i.imgur.com/wH3cAo4.png) (https://i.imgur.com/paofXPU.png)
It's a crappy game based on an awesome arcade from the 1980s. The only version in the NES roster seems to be the USA variant, but I just learned the Japanese version has extra content, which means it probably should be included as well. And well, there's no reason to stop there, because the Japanese version also has English (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/1544/) and Spanish (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/7210/) fan translations.
BTW, as a children from the 1980s, where have all the ninjas gone? Is there a shortage of them or something?
Added the support to 12 new ZX Spectrum titles (6 classics + 6 homebrews):
Jonny Quest in Doctor Zin's Underworld 128K (1991)
Pink Panther 48K (1988)
Raid over Moscow 48K (1985)
Ramparts 48K (1988)
Street Sports Basketball 48K (1988)
Zzoom 48K (1983)
... here the homebrews/aftermarkets:
Diana Cave Adventure 48K/128K (2023)
Ghost Castle 2 - Special Edition 48K (2011)
Kuatris 128K (2022)
Mushrom Soup 128K (2024)
Phantomas Tales - Marsport 48K/128K (2009)
Phantomas Tales - Severin Sewers 128K (2011-2024)
BTW, as a children from the 1980s, where have all the ninjas gone? Is there a shortage of them or something?
It's sad, but, I'm pretty sure the wokie mind-virus has something to do with it, they deem such things as racist. o.O
best regards,
- dink
It's sad, but, I'm pretty sure the wokie mind-virus has something to do with it, they deem such things as racist. o.O
best regards,
- dink
Mhm, maybe it's a cross between the "political correctness" and the "out of style"... :S
Mhm, maybe it's a cross between the "political correctness" and the "out of style"... :S
I can't see how political correctness could seriously play a role, since most ninja games were coming from Japan. Maybe the ninjas have just become better at hiding their presence.
Trends just come and go. In the '80s and '90s, there were quite a few prehistoric games, for example. I liked them a lot as a kid.
Maybe the ninjas have just become better at hiding their presence.
Added the support to 7 new NES/Famicom titles (4 homebrews + 1 classic + 2 translation hacks):
Bustina v1.04 (HB, 2022-24)
Cursed Crown (HB, 2024)
Dragon Ninja (Japan)(1989)
Dragon Ninja (T-Eng)(2010)
Dragon Ninja (T-Spa v1.1)(2024)
Mischief Castle (HB, 2024)
Super Tilt Bro. v2 RC3 (HB, 2023)
Added the support to 7 new ZX Spectrum titles (5 classics + 2 homebrews):
Dam Busters, The 48K (1985)
Heavy on the Magick 48K (1986)
Legend of the Amazon Women 48K (1986)
Lightforce 48K (1986)
Pac-Man Begins 48K (HB, 2024)
PACO-MAN 48K/128K (HB, 2024)
Throne of Fire 48K (1987)
Added the support to 3 new ColecoVision aftermarkets/homebrews:
Gradius SGM (1986-2016)
Mr. Do! Run Run SGM (1987-2022)
Penguin Adventure SGM (1986-2016)
PS: Gradius and Penguin Adventure use a "special mapper"... a big thanks to dink for adding the related support! ;)
An English translation for Hokuto no Ken 3: Shin Seiki Souzou Seiken Restuden (NES) has just appeared.
(https://i.imgur.com/kwuXC35.png) (https://i.imgur.com/WJH9C6T.png)
It's an RPG based on a post-apocaliptic manga & anime. There's a previous Spanish translation that also could be added, if it hasn't been already.
Information and download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/7224/)
Added the support to 9 new ColecoVision aftermarkets/homebrews:
Adventure Island SGM (20??)
Boggy '84 SGM (2017)
Guardic SGM (2018)
Gun Fright SGM (2019)
Ice Muncher (2023)
Ice World SGM (2020)
Mobile Planet Styllus SGM (20??)
Mummy Maze (2024)
Nether Dungeon (2018)
Definitive Edition (although we all know how this usually goes...) patches for Ys, Ys II: Ancient Ys Vanished - The Final Chapter and Ys III: Wanderers from Ys for the NES:
(https://i.imgur.com/qh21uB5.png) (https://i.imgur.com/HfBZ5zr.png)
Definitive Edition patch for Ys I. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/7230/)
Definitive Edition patch for Ys II: Ancient Ys Vanished - The Final Chapter. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/7228/)
Definitive Edition patch for Ys III: Wanderers from Ys (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/7229/)
These seem to bundle the translations by David Mullen, the title hacks by Pacnsac Dave and other bugfixes.
Added the support to 9 new NES/Famicom titles (8 hacks + 1 homebrew):
Hokuto no Ken 3 - Shin Seiki Souzou Seiken Retsuden (T-Eng, 2024)
Jane Austen's 8-bit Adventure v1.0.538 (HB, 2023)
Moai-kun (T-Eng, 2014)
Ranma vs. Ranma! - Ranma-chan Ed. (Hack, 2023)
Ranma vs. Ranma! - Ranma-kun Ed. (Hack, 2023)
TwinBee 3 - The Terror Trunk (T-Eng, 2024)
Ys - Definitive Edition (Hack, 2024)
Ys II - Definitive Edition (Hack, 2024)
Ys III - Definitive Edition (Hack, 2024)
Very cool update! :biggrin:
Added the support to the latest revision of "Wing Warriors" (SMS and Game Gear versions)...
Nice, thanks Gab75 - that's such a nice shooter! :)
best regards,
- dink
I hadn't heard of it, but I must try it.
There's an addedum patch for Super Street Fighter II (Genesis / Mega Drive) available. Apparently it corrects the music after applying either the Dolsilwa or the Lord Hiryu enhancement patches.
(https://i.imgur.com/kv1Ku5t.png) (https://i.imgur.com/1gn2upB.png)
I say "apparently" because I can't notice much difference, if any, with my low end PC speakers. And anyway, it's SF2 for the Mega Drive, which is kinda meh when compared to the SNES versions, so I'll trust the FB Neo team verdict on this one. Is it worthy? Is it not? We'll see.
Information and download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8479/)
This looks more appropiate for FBN... it's an English translation for Seiryaku Simulation - Inbou no Wakusei: Shancara (NES). It's a political simulator set in the distant planet of Shancara, which allows for all kinds of dirty tricks in order to become the first ruler of the planet.
(https://i.imgur.com/3bwTp4c.png) (https://i.imgur.com/SwCKrhr.png)
Information and download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/7239/)
Added the support to 4 new NES/Famicom titles:
Magical Control (HB, 2020)
Orphan Moon (GlobalHack, 2024)
Seiryaku Simulation - Inbou no Wakusei - Shancara (Japan, 1992)
Seiryaku Simulation - Planet of Conspiracy - Shancara (T-Eng, 2024)
Good! :biggrin:
Yet another hack for Metroid (NES) that might be worth adding, it's called Orphan Moon.
(https://i.imgur.com/9ldXAd2.png) (https://i.imgur.com/9iGwyju.png)
Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/reviews/11574/)
Note that it needs to be applied to a headered USA ROM.
Added the support to 4 new NES/Famicom titles:
Magical Control (HB, 2020)
Orphan Moon (GlobalHack, 2024)
Seiryaku Simulation - Inbou no Wakusei - Shancara (Japan, 1992)
Seiryaku Simulation - Planet of Conspiracy - Shancara (T-Eng, 2024)
@Neville: did you check my previous post? :S :p
Ouch. Sorry about that. I had just read a glowing review of the hack at Romhacking and didn't realise it had just been added. Nevermind.
English translation for Koneko Monogatari: The Adventures of Chatran (FDS) available:
(https://i.imgur.com/Wl2qb25.png) (https://i.imgur.com/8Nb2J2N.png)
Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/7242/)
The author claims the patch is animal-cruelty free (see the IMDB entry of the film for details).
Added the support to 3 new ZX Spectrum homebrews/aftermarkets:
Area 51 - Roswell Incident 128K English/Spanish (2024)
Arlo 128K English/Spanish (2024)
Escalera, La 48K English/Portuguese/Spanish (2024)
English translation for Koneko Monogatari: The Adventures of Chatran (FDS) available:
Added the support to the FDS roster! ;)
Kitten's Tale, A - The Adventures of Chatran (T-Eng, 2024)
Cool! :wink:
Another hack for your consideration.. a difficulty patch for Eternal Champions (Genesis / Mega Drive). Apparently the game is known for its punishing difficulty level.
(https://i.imgur.com/43iObph.png) (https://i.imgur.com/OR53lfo.png)
Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/reviews/11605)
Oh, and a few days ago a new version of Blade Master: The Lost Key was released. It consists of new stages for this veteran NES game that I've never played.
(https://i.imgur.com/NQqVZb1.png) (https://i.imgur.com/DxprzlS.png)
Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8494/)
Added the support to 2 new NES/Famicom titles:
Blaster Master - The Lost Key v1.06 (Hack, 2024)
Rainbow Catcher (HB, 2023)
Added the support to 3 new MSX titles:
Digital Devil Monogatari Megami Tensei (T-Eng, 2024)
Mandarin 2, The - Limoncello's Revenge (HB, 2024)
Tut Tut (HB, 2024)
Yay! :biggrin:
Any hockey fans out there? Alright, let me rephrase it: anybody that cares about hockey at all?
Because NHL '94: 2024 Edition updates the teams and players data in NHL '94 (USA, Europe) (Genesis / Mega Drive) to 2024 standards, and it would be a shame to let all that hard work go to waste.
(https://i.imgur.com/VJCDK5U.png) (https://i.imgur.com/1z8tjrd.png)
Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8267/)
Any hockey fans out there? Alright, let me rephrase it: anybody that cares about hockey at all?
I like to play "hit the ice", if that counts :) funny game! especially: get "Power Drink!" :)
I'd say it counts :biggrin:
There's always that one game that caughts us off guard. Me, I hate soccer, but I love the "Super Sidekicks" games.
Added the support to 5 new ZX Spectrum homebrews/hacks:
Attributica 128K (Tech-Demo, 2022)
Dungeons & Dragons Computer Fantasy Game 128K (HB, 2024)
Mutant Mushrooms 128K (HB, 2024)
Savage Princess 2 (HB, 2023)
Vixen 'Enhanced Version' 128K (Hack, 2024)
It's been a while since I last saw a brighter colors hack for the Genesis / Mega Drive. This one is for the PAL version of the game Lemmings:
(https://i.imgur.com/68atj9S.png) (https://i.imgur.com/L5sQ0ix.png)
Now graphics should look closer to the Amiga version.
Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8520/)
This new hack is called Sonic 3D DX Plus. It adds a few features from the Saturn version of Sonic 3D Blast to the Genesis / Mega Drive game, mostly a different color palette. It also adds the possibility of listening to the Saturn soundtrack, but I don't think that will be possible under FBN.
(https://i.imgur.com/a9jCkQP.png) (https://i.imgur.com/pmSmt8B.jpeg)
Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8526/)
Added the support to 3 new Megadrive titles (1 homebrew + 2 hacks):
Block'em Sock'em (HB, 2022)
NHL '94 - 2024 Edition - v2.5 (Hack, 2024)
Sonic 3D Blast DX Plus (Hack, 2024)
Added the support to 7 new Master System titles + 2 new Game Gear titles:
Bomb Jack Remake (HB, 2024)
Crazy Pinball (HB, 2024)
Goblin Kart Rescue v0.9.8 (HB, 2024) > updated to v1.0.3
Grail of the Gods v0.47 (HB, 2023-24)
Mai Nurse (HB, 2024)
Stygian Quest (HB, 2024) > updated to v1.2
Sushi Nights v1.03 (HB, 2021-24) > updated to v1.04
Mai Nurse (HB, 2024)
Sushi Nights v1.01 (HB, 2021-24) > updated to v1.04
EDIT: 2024-04-24
Added the support to 5 new NES/Famicom titles (3 homebrews + 2 classics/translation hacks):
Bovinium Quest (HB, 2019)
Burn'em Down (HB, 2024)
I Love Softball Japan/T-Eng (1989-2023)
Meating, The (HB, 2023)
Takeda Shingen Japan/T-Eng (1988-2022)
Added the support to NES/Famicom Sam's Journey (HB, 2024) !!! A big thanks to dink! :)
Added the support to 2 new homebrews, one for ColecoVision and one for MSX:
Godzilla Balls (MSX, 2024)
Runaway Train - SGM (CV, 2023)
Godzilla Balls is great new game for msx guys, give it a try if you like that classic flavor! :)
best regards,
- dink
Added the support to 7 new ZX Spectrum homebrews:
Bigotudo, El 128K (2024)
Cesare The Somnambule 128K (2024)
Dr.Acula 48K (2024)
Money Mouse in Full Barn House - Ep.1/Ep.2 48K (2024)
Penguin Attack 48K/128K (2024)
Peplum 48K (2019)
Sheepish 128K (2024)
There are two new translations worth checking out...
1) Hokuto no Ken: Shin Seikimatsu Kyuuseishu Densetsu for the Genesis / Mega Drive.
(https://i.imgur.com/zB1MUoE.png) (https://i.imgur.com/G913IW4.png)
The game was released in the west as Last Battle, but heavily censored and altered.
Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/7272/)
2) Contra for the NES / Famicom:
(https://i.imgur.com/849EKeY.png) (https://i.imgur.com/9KZ5fXs.png)
This one improves -or so it claims- on the previous patch by Stardust Crusaders. It's worth noticing the Japanese version of the game has some extra content never seen in the west.
Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/7271/)
Added the support to a new PC-Engine homebrew:
Mai Nurse (HB, 2024)
Looks good, although I never gave Dr. Mario or its clones a fair chance.
Looks good, although I never gave Dr. Mario or its clones a fair chance.
IMHO 'Dr. Mario' & clones are good variants of 'Tetris style' games... and "Mai Nurse" is a good 'Dr. Mario' clone! ;)
Added the support to 2 new Megadrive titles (one translation hack and one homebrew):
Fist of the North Star (T-Eng, 2017)
PuzzuL SwaP - final beta (HB, 2023)
The NHL '94: 2024 Edition hack (for NHL '94 in its Genesis / Mega Drive version) has been updated to 3.0.
Information and download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8267/)
Added the support to a new (very nice) MSX game:
Trucho (HB, 2024)
Added the support to 4 new ColecoVision homebrews:
Arkadion (HB, 2023)
Crazy Chicky Junior (HB, 2023)
Demon Attack - New Atlantis (HB, 2022)
Desolator SGM (HB, 2023)
Added the support to 8 new ZX Spectrum titles (3 classics + 5 homebrews):
Astroball 128K (1992)
Binary Battle 48K (HB, 2024)
Hell Tank 128K - Easy/Hard (HB, 2024)
Jawz 16K (1983)
Jester Quest 128K (1988)
Super 48K Bro. 48K (HB, 2024)
Vegetables Deluxe 48K + AY sound support (HB, 2021)
ZX Oil Panic Game & Watch v2 48K (HB, 2024)
Updated the support for 2 Megadrive hacks:
NHL '94 - 2024 Edition v2.5 (2024) > NHL '94 - 2024 Edition v3.0 (2024)
Fist of the North Star T-Eng (2017) > Fist of the North Star Revisited T-Eng v1.2 (2024)
One of two different hacks that attempt to turn Contra Spirits (NES) into a proper Contra game has just been updated. It also says they've taken stuff from the other hack, so maybe the other one can be dropped?
(https://i.imgur.com/zwSiQCo.png) (https://i.imgur.com/nvQ5JJe.png)
Information and download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7890/) Note that they have changed the name of the hack as well.
...And today we have an addendum patch for the English translation of Cosmic Wars (NES). As usual, it corrects issues with the original translation and tries to finish the job.
(https://i.imgur.com/pkIrZs8.png) (https://i.imgur.com/cYam00R.png)
Information and download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/7287/)
Added the support to 5 new NES/Famicom titles:
Asmik-kun Land (Japan/T-Eng)(1991-2022)
Cosmic Wars (Japan/T-Eng)(1989-2024)
Hello Kitty World (Japan/T-Eng)(1992-2009)
Orebody Binder's Tale v1.0 (HB, 2022-23)
Solstice - Return to the Kastlerock 'v1.0 hotfix1' (Hack, 2024)
Added the support to 7 new ZX Spectrum homebrews:
AntiAir 48K (2024)
Exodron 48K (2024)
Explorer 48K (2015)
Explorer 2 48K (2018)
Innsmouth v1.1 48K /English/Spanish)(2024)
Jet Set Steamboat Willie 128K (2024)
Raiders of the Lost Ark 48K (2024)
Innsmouth? A Lovecraft text adventure? I *must* try that one.
Innsmouth? A Lovecraft text adventure? I *must* try that one.
Yes, it's based by Lovecraft's dark stories... probably a "pearl" for lovers of text adventures and Lovecraft's tales... ;)
Jet Set Steamboat Willie
Jet Set Steamboat Willie
Mickey Mouse to conquer the Jet Set Willy's World... :biggrin:
Added the support to 3 new MSX homebrews:
Alien MSX v1.3 (2024)
AntiAir (2024)
Balloon Pop EX (2022)
Hi guys, would it be possible to add the missing classic and extended dizzy editions please to complete the currently available set for the ZX Spectum. All are available on the Yolk Folk website.
Thak you.
Treasure Island Dizzy - Classic Edition 2023
https://yolkfolk.com/games/treasure-island-dizzy-2023-classic-edition/ (https://yolkfolk.com/games/treasure-island-dizzy-2023-classic-edition/)
Fantasy World Dizzy - Extended Edition 2023
https://yolkfolk.com/games/fantasy-world-dizzy-2023-extended-edition/ (https://yolkfolk.com/games/fantasy-world-dizzy-2023-extended-edition/)
Magicland Dizzy - Classic Edition 2024
https://yolkfolk.com/games/magicland-dizzy-2024-classic-edition/ (https://yolkfolk.com/games/magicland-dizzy-2024-classic-edition/)
Hi freedomkhair,
the related support will be added to the next ZX Spectrum update! ;)
Hi freedomkhair,
the related support will be added to the next ZX Spectrum update! ;)
That's great, and thank you for all your hard work in mantaining this wonderful resource.
Hello guys...
I know that requests are not always accepted but if you could add: Mario Bros. (Europe) (PAL-MC-0, Classic Series), this version of the game is much more fun since Mario can jump in an arc and this will It gives more versatility to the game, regardless of the 50hz, it is a worthwhile addition, plus the turtles do not have that ugly shell of the world/USA version.
I see the Japanese version: Kaettekita Mario Brothers (Japan), there is also an English patch for this game.
I see the Japanese version: Kaettekita Mario Brothers (Japan), there is also an English patch for this game.
Thanks for the tip! The related support will be added to the next NES/FDS update! :)
Speaking of FDS, I just saw a title addendum for the English translation of Link no Bouken - The Legend of Zelda 2 (Japan).
Link here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/7311/)
Thanks for the tip! The related support will be added to the next NES/FDS update! :)
Perfect Gab75, thank you for the support.
Added the support to 5 new NES/FDS titles:
Courier (HB, 2024)
Crater Song v1.03 (HB, 2024)
Mario Bros. (Euro, MC-0 Classic Series)(1993)
Return of Mario Bros. (FDS, T-Eng 2021)
Squirrel Domino (HB, 2024)
Added the support to 4 new ZX Spectrum titles:
Dizzy II - Treasure Island - Classic Edition 2023 128K English/Russian (Hack, 2023)
Dizzy III - Fantasy World Dizzy - Extended Edition 2023 128K English/Russian (Hack, 2023)
Dizzy IV - Magicland Dizzy - Classic Edition 2024 128K English/Russian (Hack, 2024)
Fray Simon 48K English/Spanish (HB, 2022)
Added the support to 4 new ZX Spectrum titles:
Dizzy II - Treasure Island - Classic Edition 2023 128K English/Russian (Hack, 2023)
Dizzy III - Fantasy World Dizzy - Extended Edition 2023 128K English/Russian (Hack, 2023)
Dizzy IV - Magicland Dizzy - Classic Edition 2024 128K English/Russian (Hack, 2024)
Fray Simon 48K English/Spanish (HB, 2022)
Thank you for adding those :smilie:
This new patch tries to address some of the issues with the unlicensed Pocahontas game for NES.
(https://i.imgur.com/4JBiw4d.png) (https://i.imgur.com/1bQH2Un.png)
Information and download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8644/)
EDIT: This looks interesting as well. It's a hack that removes that annoying timer from Alien 3 for the Genesis / Mega Drive.
(https://i.imgur.com/sYxitnh.png) (https://i.imgur.com/LacQL2g.png)
I don't normally reccomend difficulty hacks, but this is one of the elements that make this version lesser to the SNES one.
Information and download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/reviews/11881)
Added the support to 2 new Megadrive homebrews:
Lyle in Cube Sector v1.01 (2024)
Mega Slow Mole v0.8 (2024)
Awesome adds, Gab75! :)
Guys, don't underestimate Lyle in Cube Sector, you have to go get the map and upgreydde (2 d's, yea.) to throw blocks, and then the game really begins :) Awesome music in this one, too!
best regards,
- dink
Awesome adds, Gab75! :)
Guys, don't underestimate Lyle in Cube Sector, you have to go get the map and upgreydde (2 d's, yea.) to throw blocks, and then the game really begins :) Awesome music in this one, too!
In the last months there haven't been many homebrews for the Megadrive... so, it's a pleasure to add the support to new titles! :)
BTW: if you like games that require a "surgical accuracy", Mega Slow Mole is the game that suits you! :P
Added the support to 5 new NES/Famicom titles:
Cave Driller v3.0 (HB, 2023)
DataMan (HB, 2024)
Inversion v1.4 (HB, 2013)
Jester (HB, 2020)
Pocahontas (Hack, 2024)
Thank you! :biggrin:
Added the support to 2 new Megadrive hacks:
Alien3 - Kinoppi version (2024)
Spider-Man vs. Kingpin DX v1.4 (2024)
Yay! :biggrin:
In the last months there haven't been many homebrews for the Megadrive... so, it's a pleasure to add the support to new titles! :)
BTW: if you like games that require a "surgical accuracy", Mega Slow Mole is the game that suits you! :P
Thanks :)
Added the support to 7 new ZX Spectrum titles (5 classics + 2 homebrews):
Fat Worm Blows a Sparky 48K (1986)
Lambs to the Slaughter 128K (HB, 2024)
Nifty Lifty 48K (1984)
Pac-Man RX 48K (HB, 2024)
Rifle Range 16K (1984)
Spider's Web 16K (1983)
Splat! 48K (1983)
Added the support to 2 new NES/Famicom homebrews:
Bio Hazard 8bit (2022)
ChuChu Rocket! v. alpha (2010)
Added the support to 3 new ColecoVision homebrews:
AntiAir (2024)
Camelot Knights (2024)
Whack 'Em Smack 'Em Byrons (2024)
BlackPaladin just realeased an English translation for Transformer: Convoy no Nazo (NES).
(https://i.imgur.com/avOwE2Z.png) (https://i.imgur.com/xNn4kYe.png)
There's an earlier fan translation by StardustCrusaders (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/1390/), but it may be incomplete.
As for the whole Transformers craze, I didn't care for it in the 1980s (so... this truck transforms into a robot... and that's it?) nor I do now. And certainly those crappy Michael Bay movies are not going to make me change my mind.
Download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/7328/)
This seems worthy: Real Double Dragon adds a simultaneous two-player option to Double Dragon (NES).
(https://i.imgur.com/uUqe6NO.png) (https://i.imgur.com/eyD48b4.png)
Can't believe the game was released without it.
Information and download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8375/)
Added the support to 2 new NES/Famicom hacks:
Real Double Dragon (Hack, 2024)
Transformers - The Mystery of Optimus Prime (T-Eng, 2024)
Thank you!
EDIT: A while ago I mentioned the BlackPaladin English translation for Seiryaku Simulation: Inbou no Wakusei - Shancara.
(https://i.imgur.com/JXLj8ED.png) (https://i.imgur.com/b3fkBqn.png)
It's just been updated to 1.01.
Information and download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/7239/)
It's just been updated to 1.01.
Information and download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/7239/)
Already updated! ;)
Ah, good.
Added the support to 8 new ZX Spectrum homebrews/aftermarkets:
Aliens Neoplasma II v1.6 English/Russian/Spanish 128K (2024)
Carlos Michelis - All in One 128K (2012-18)
Defender 48K (2024)
Pulzar 48K (2024)
Shovel Duck II - A Minor Panic! 48K (2024)
Shovel Duck II - A Mousive Panic! 48K (2024)
Shovel Duck II - Dig Duck 48K (2024)
Thieves School - All in One 128K (2008-18)
Added the support to other 8 ZX Spectrum titles (3 classics + 5 homebrews):
Basilisk of Roco 48K/128K (HB, 2024)
Driller Tanks 48K (1983)
Flood 16K (HB, 2024)
InvAGDers 48K (HB, 2017)
Masterword 48K (1989)
Miami Dice 48K (1986)
Mochilo ZX 48K (HB, 2024)
Urok English/Spanish 128K (HB, 2024)
Added the support to 8 new NES/Famicom titles:
Fushigi na Blobby - Blobania no Kiki (Japan, 1990)
Jester v2 (HB, 2023)
Pac-Man Tengen/Namco (1988)
Time Zone T-Spa (T-Spa, 2017)
Valis - The Fantasm Soldier (T-Eng v1.1, 2021)
Mugen Senshi Valis (Japan, 1987)
Valis++ v1.1 (Hack, 2021)
Wanpaku Kokkun no Gourmet World (Japan, 1992)
Added the support to 7 new NES/Famicom titles:
Metroid (T-Spa v2.0, 2021)
Mighty Final Fight (J, 1993)
Nekketsu! Street Basket - Ganbare Dunk Heroes (J, 1993)
Nekketsu! Street Basket - Go for it, Dunk Heroes (T-Eng v1.2, 2013)
Secret of Grimshire (HB, 2024)
Shera and the 40 Thieves - Definitive Edition (HB, 2024)
Snow Bros. (J, 1991)
"Snow Bros." is more addictive than street drugs, in any platform. I used to play the GB version for hours.
"Snow Bros." is more addictive than street drugs, in any platform. I used to play the GB version for hours.
IMHO the best transposition was the Megadrive version... the BGM was "very hypnotic" ! ;)
I'll check it out, then.
This seems relevant... Rygar (NES) re-translated to English, because apparently it "was changed heavily when officially localized, which makes this patch preferable for purists."
It's available here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/7346/)
Also, the hack Megaman 1 - The New Lands Remastered (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7666/) for Mega Man has been updated to v1.3.
Added the support to 10 new ZX Spectrum titles (1 classic + 9 homebrews):
Alien Girl - Skirmish Edition 128K (HB, 2021)
Angelita - Battle Mocita 48K (HB, 2020)
Arcade ZX Collection - Botanic 48K (HB, 2022)
Arcade ZX Collection - Tetris 48K (HB, 2021)
Colin - The Cleaner - Turbo Edition 48K v2.0 (HB, 2024)
Goobbler 48K-AY (HB, 2024)
Grazers 48K (HB, 2024)
Secrets - Castle of Doom 48K (HB, 1987-2024)
Zanthrax - Race of The Future 48K (1989)
ZLALOX 48K (HB, 2024)
Added the support to 2 new homebrew titles (one for ColecoVision and one for Megadrive):
CV: Mooncresta - SGM (HB, 2023)
MD: Fatal Fury One v.1.5 (HB, 2022)
Have you guys heard about Hayato's Journey? It's a new homebrew title for the Genesis / Mega Drive, and kind of a spiritual sequel to Kenseiden for the Master System.
You can get it here for free. (https://master-linkuei.itch.io/hayatos-journey)
And yes, please, add it to the Mega Drive roster.
Neville, oh wow! added!! Thanks :)
Neville, oh wow! added!! Thanks :)
Thanks for the new addition! :)
I've got another candidate... Shuffle Fight (NES) just got its first English translation by BlackPaladin. It's one of those crazy Japanese board games, this time with robots from lots of anime series.
(https://i.imgur.com/x969q2l.png) (https://i.imgur.com/fhvUekT.png)
Information and download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/7361/)
I've got another candidate... NEW! REAL BOUT FATAL FURY GENESIS!!!/MEGADRIVE :cool:
####### Link para Download ########
File.io mirror:
Fastupload mirror:
Already requested to Gab75.
Somebody in another board asks for a hack and a translation to be added to the Genesis / Mega Drive roster:
The English translation for the Japanese version of Castle of Illusion (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/6810/) (which I don't see the point, both International and Japanese already being in said roster)
Streets of Rage 2 Restoration (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/2604/), which seems more worthy because it brings back some censored/altered Japanese stuff to the world version of the game.
Added the support to 8 new ZX Spectrum titles (5 classics + 3 homebrews):
Adventures of Kildu the Goblin, The - The New Home 48K (HB, 2024)
Basilisko de Roco 2, El 48K/128K (HB, 2024)
Captain Kelly 48K (1986)
Elevator Action 128K (1987)
Gatecrasher 48K (1984)
Gridrunner 16K (1983)
Saboteur - Remastered English/German 48K (HB, 2023)
Traxx 48K (1983)
Brighter palette patch available for GRIND Stormer (Genesis / Mega Drive):
Information and download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8766/)
Added the support to 4 new Megadrive titles (3 hacks + 1 homebrew):
Castle of Illusion - Fushigi no Oshiro Daibouken (T-Eng Hack, 2023)
Grind Stormer Color Hack (Hack, 2024)
Real Bout Fatal Fury Genesis Lite v1.5.1 (HB, 2024)
Streets of Rage 2 Restoration (Hack, 2020)
PS: I also uploaded the snapshots for "Hayato's Journey"... ;)
Great, thank you! :biggrin:
The Spanish translation for Dragon Ball Z: Super Butouden 2 (NES) just got updated to v1.2.
(https://i.imgur.com/7dILfDr.png) (https://i.imgur.com/kmqBXAf.png)
Information and download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/7362/)
Please, could you add Knights Chance and Shadow gangs zero kickstarter demo?
And I was wondering if the snk vs capcom windows emulated version released some days ago is different from the ones we already had. Crc are different , s1 seems to come from kof2k3 and s2 from svc.
Please, could you add Knights Chance and Shadow gangs zero kickstarter demo?
Hi KaNyErO,
probably, with a bit of patience, the support to the "full" versions being added in the coming months! ;)
can you please post the Rom Hacks which are Super Mario Bros. 1.5 (SMB1J) https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8313/, Super Mario Bros 2 (Disk Revision 3) https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8299/, Mega Man 3 Improvement https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/992/, Akumajou Densetsu - Localization / Title Screen Redone https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/1983/, MW III Title Screen Revamp https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6656/ Title Screen Restoration and Minor Graphics Fixes Hack of Mega Man 4 https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/5642/ for Final Burn Neo Emulator?
Added the support to 4 new Megadrive titles (3 hacks + 1 unreleased prototype):
Out of the Vortex (Proto, 1995-2022)
Sonic Delta Reloaded v0.78 (Hack, 2023)
Sonic Maxidrive (Hackm 2024)
Sonic Swift (Hack, 2024)
Added the support to 5 new ZX Spectrum titles (3 classics + 2 homebrews):
Amazing Rocketeer, The 48K (HB, 2007)
Renenzaiter 48K/128K (HB, 2024)
Shadow of the Unicorn 128K (1985)
Winter Olympiad '88 48K (1987)
Winter Sports 48K/128K (1985)
Added the support to 8 new NES/Famicom titles (2 classics + 4 hacks + 2 homebrews):
Argos no Senshi (Japan, 1987)
Argos no Senshi (T-Eng, 2024)
Dragon Ball Z - Super Butouden 2 (T-Spa v1.2, 2024)
Mega Man - The New Lands v1.3 (Hack, 2023)
Shuffle Fight (Japan, 1992)
Shuffle Fight (T-Eng, 2024)
Wampus DX v2 (HB, 2022)
Zed and Zee (HB, 2024)
Very nice. BTW, now that RomHacking has reduced it activity, is there any good website to keep up with the new translations / hacks that are released every few days?
It's sad about romhacking, but, I have a feeling someone is working on a new hacking database site as we speak.
best regards,
- dink
Very nice. BTW, now that RomHacking has reduced it activity, is there any good website to keep up with the new translations / hacks that are released every few days?
It's only a few months old, but there's https://romhacks.org/, created by people who were unhappy with romhacking.net.
That seems exactly what I was looking for. Many thanks, Stifu.
Be aware though that romhacks.org as been created by Spike the same guy as cdromance, where you can find prepatched versions of a lot of hacks/translations, and some (more than a few) romhackers on the scene don't like this at all
EDIT: in a will of good gesture, spike has left romhacks.org
Added the support to 3 new ColecoVision homebrews/aftermarkets:
Ghost SGM (2019)
Lode Runner (2013)
Mr. Do's Wild Ride (2021)
Added the support to 4 new MSX homebrews:
Grazers v1.2 (2024)
Sam.Pr v1.1 (2024)
TRUN (2016)
Whack 'Em Smack 'Em Byrons (2024)
Brand new NES game:
Starring Mappy, and a bunch of old friends :D
best regards,
- dink
This seems relevant as well: Who Framed Roger Rabbit: Reframed, a difficulty hack for said NES game:
(https://i.imgur.com/bDFvifo.png) (https://i.imgur.com/NExh37d.png)
Information and download here. (https://github.com/Lemmarx163/NES-Hacks/blob/main/Who%20Framed%20Roger%20Rabbit/WFRR%20Reframed/README.md)
Added 3 new NES/Famicom homebrews:
Murder in the Maze (2024)
Slow Mole Plus v0.9b (2023)
Wack-A-Mole (2019)
Thanks Gab75!! :)
A new version of the palette hack for Lemmings (Genesis / Mega Drive) has appeared:
(https://i.imgur.com/R1zg5HA.png) (https://i.imgur.com/iLzx0jY.png)
It modifies the color palette in the PAL version, and also includes a series of bugfixes.
Lemmings: Colour Palette & Level Title Fix V1.1 (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/lemmings-colour-palette-level-title-fix-v1-1-pal-genesis/)
Added the support to 5 new homebrews, 3 for SEGA SG1000 and 2 for SEGA Master System:
Aerial (SG1K, 2022)
AntiAir (SG1K, 2024)
Grazers v1.2 (SMS, 2024)
Space Tonbow v1.1 (SMS, 2024)
Whack 'Em Smack 'Em Byrons (SG1K, 2024)
Super Monaco GP: Enhanced Colors (Genesis / Mega Drive) Romhack
A patch that gives the color palette more intense colors, as usual in this platform.
Information and download here. (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/super-monaco-gp-genesis/)
EDIT: I also just heard of this old hack for Die Hard (NES) that promises to make it less sucky:
(https://i.imgur.com/6y6yYZ0.png) (https://i.imgur.com/hSyaTrm.png)
Die Hard Special Edition (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/2258/)
Now, if anybody could fix Darkman and Total Recall for the same platform... but one shouldn't be demanding miracles.
More Mega Drive hacks...
(https://i.imgur.com/v6Gsz3n.png) (https://i.imgur.com/PjMQNiJ.png)
Alien 3 with brighter colors... (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/alien-3-usa-europe-enhanced-colors-sfx-genesis/)
(https://i.imgur.com/XTlwDjd.png) (https://i.imgur.com/XFja92R.png)
Double Dragon with arcade music... (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/double-dragon-music-sound-hack-genesis/)
(https://i.imgur.com/9vYcNeW.png) (https://i.imgur.com/HWtqjRt.png)
Hokuto no Ken: Shin Seikimatsu Kyuuseishu Densetsu improvement hack updated to v2.0 (https://github.com/irmaosver-e/FOTNS)
Neville, wow - Double Dragon with arcade sound for Genesis, nice find!
best regards,
- dink
I thought so... even if I can barely finish the first stage. Those DD games are way harder than the Capcom beat 'em ups. I shouldn't complain. The Renegade games are even harder.
BTW, just noticed the DD game is an unlicensed cart. It's one of those Genesis carts produced by Accolade during the period they decided to stop paying Sega for their licenses. So... no Sega logo at the start of this one.
Added the support to 4 new Megadrive hacks:
Alien3 - Enhanced Colors & SFX v1.3 (2024)
Double Dragon Arcade Music & SFX (2024)
Fist of the North Star Revisited T-Eng v2.0 (2024)
Super Monaco GP - Enhanced Colors v1.32 (2023)
Thank you.
Yet Another hack for Super Street Fighter II (Genesis). At this point I'm quite at a loss here, I don't know if this is worth adding or if the existing hacks provide enough of these extras, namely the enhanced palette by Lord Hiryu and Dolsilwa and the music patch by Aeronius.
(https://i.imgur.com/0Y9I5f1.png) (https://i.imgur.com/Hf0dP6f.png)
Information and download here. (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/super-street-fighter-ii-the-new-challengers-arcade-edition-genesis/)
Yet Another hack for Super Street Fighter II (Genesis). At this point I'm quite at a loss here, I don't know if this is worth adding or if the existing hacks provide enough of these extras, namely the enhanced palette by Lord Hiryu and Dolsilwa and the music patch by Aeronius.
(https://i.imgur.com/0Y9I5f1.png) (https://i.imgur.com/Hf0dP6f.png)
Information and download here. (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/super-street-fighter-ii-the-new-challengers-arcade-edition-genesis/)
I always tell myself it would be good to have some kind of semi-official 'ultimate patch' series for retro games making the best enhanced version of games, because yes some of them have diznes of different enhancement hacks
Added the support to 7 new NES/Famicom titles (3 classics + 1 hack + 3 homebrews):
8 Eye's (Japan)(1988)
1943 - The Battle of Valhalla (Japan)(1988)
Chou-Wakusei Senki - MetaFight (Japan)(1988)
Gleamy the Cube (HB, 2023)
Legend of Zelda, The - Dark Labyrinth (HB, 2023)
Pizza Portals (HB, 2024)
Who Framed Roger Rabbit - Reframed (Hack, 2024)
Gleaming the cube... I must suppress the memories of a skateboarding film starring Christian Slater.... I must fight...
I always tell myself it would be good to have some kind of semi-official 'ultimate patch' series for retro games making the best enhanced version of games, because yes some of them have diznes of different enhancement hacks
And it's a good thing that FB Neo doesn't emulate the SNES. The Final Fantasy hacks alone are a labyrinth.
Legend of Zelda, The - Dark Labyrinth (HB, 2023)
Seems to be a Hack ?
And it's a good thing that FB Neo doesn't emulate the SNES. The Final Fantasy hacks alone are a labyrinth.
There would be a civil war jut discussing what's the best retranslation hack !
Seems to be a Hack ?
No, the game uses the musics and settings inspired by the Zelda saga (without an official license... I presume! :biggrin:)
But it's not a hack, the graphics should be completely remade and the code should be totally new! Among other things, this game/ROM uses a UNROM 512 (Mapper 30) instead of a MMC1 (Mapper 1).
On the subject of SF2 and SSF2 for the Genesis / Mega Drive, I've been doing some research. I don't know of a definitive SSF2 hack yet, but an older reddit thread mentions the best SF2 version would be a combination of SF2 Remastered by Pyron and the PCM driver fix by Stephane Dallongeville. I didn't have that particular combination on my set, so I had to create it from scratch. Take note, Genesis fans.
(https://i.imgur.com/YNF20bp.png) (https://i.imgur.com/iJGKWoY.png)
These are the patches involved:
Street Fighter 2 Remastered Edition (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/2133/)
Street Fighter II PCM driver fix (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/2133/)
EDIT: For Super Street Fighter II it seems you also need to combine hacks.
(https://i.imgur.com/AHSIwSB.png) (https://i.imgur.com/PVUDLmM.png)
First the SUPER STREET FIGHTER 2 hack by Lord Hiryu, and then the Color Hack - Music Restoration addendum by Aeronius.
These are the patches:
SUPER STREET FIGHTER 2 (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6059/)
Super Street Fighter II - Color Hack - Music Restoration (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8479/)
You may also want to consider the Super Street Fighter II: Arcade Edition (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/super-street-fighter-ii-arcade-edition-genesis/) I posted about earlier. It seems that it is a further improvement on the Lord Hiryu and Dolsilwa (which I didn't recommend) previous hacks, adding:
- New colors and new fonts closer to the arcade version.
- New RUSSIA name and flag
Added the support to 3 new ZX Spectrum homebrews:
Frank N Stein Re-booted 48K (2011)
M348 English/Spanish 48K/128K (2024)
Undersea Colossus, The 128K (2024)
Today let me introduce you to Streets of Rage Plus.
(https://i.imgur.com/dJVtaB2.png) (https://i.imgur.com/my7Pmpj.png)
It's a hack for the first Bare Knuckle / Streets of Rage for the Genesis / Mega Drive, adding:
- Expanded Alternate Colors
- Bad Ending in Single Player
- Six Button controls
- Difficulty Randomizer
The sprites ares still a bit small and the FX kinda anemic, but that's why Sega gaves us the sequels.
Grab it from here. (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/streets-of-rage-plus-genesis/)
Added the support to 4 new Megadrive titles (2 hacks + 2 homebrews):
GunSlugs - Release 2.1 (HB, 2023)
Sacred Line II v1.02 (HB, 2024)
Streets of Rage Plus (Hack, 2024)
Super Street Fighter II - Restoration (Hack, 2024)
If you come across a chicken in Gunslugs, it can be used as a gun that shoots fried eggs out of its bum
best regards,
- dink
If you come across a chicken in Gunslugs, it can be used as a gun that shoots fried eggs out of its bum
... when it's said a "nonconformist weapon" !!! :biggrin:
You don't get to see this often... a romhack that is actually bigger than the original ROM. This is Sonic 1 Pixel Perfect Ultimate and it claims to be the best-looking version of the Genesis / Mega Drive game.
(https://i.imgur.com/jTdRnLg.png) (https://i.imgur.com/NFRvFjL.png)
Get it from here. (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/sonic-1-pixel-perfect-ultimate-genesis/)
But make sure to download the patch hosted in RMP, not the previous 2008 version.
Where is the source of "Super Street Fighter II - Restoration (Hack, 2024)" (by Aeronius) crc 0945c0d3 in fbn/megadrive driver?
When I go here: https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8479/
there are two patches, and when I patch I get:
[1] 69ABB7DD (same as here (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/super-street-fighter-ii-the-new-challengers-arcade-edition-genesis/) / Posted AND Last updated: August 22, 2024) based on Super Street Fighter II (USA) (Dolsilwa Color Edit (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7438/))
[2] C78B7926 based on Super Street Fighter II (USA) (Lord Hiryu Remaster (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6059)))
Note that there's also this patch (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/super-street-fighter-ii-arcade-edition-genesis/) posted a day after [1] (but updated 1 day before [1]) ]which gives the crc A32FAFC8 (posted @ 23 august 2024 and updated 21 august 2024 !!)
yes it's a mess I concede it^^
thanks :wink:
You need to patch "Super Street Fighter II (USA)" ROM (CRC: 165DEFBF) with the "Lord Hiryu" hack: https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6059/
After you need to patch the resulting ROM (CRC: F390ADD2) with this hack/addendum: https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8479/
The final ROM should have this CRC: 0945C0D3
Hi Gab75,
Here's some super awesome hacks:
best regards,
- dink
I tried the hack for Daimakaimura, but I think the CRC32 they mention is wrong, because I couldn't get the resulting file to run on any emulator. This is pretty usual in other platforms such as NES and SNES, because many different dumps exist for the same games, and there's also the question of headers. However I think it's the first time it happens to me with a PCE game. Weird.
Please add: Bikkuri Nekketsu Shin Kiroku! Harukanaru Kin Medal for N3S, crc32: f5202c9e.
cloneof: nes_crashnboy
I can do this, but, i have troubles with bigger names to define a proper "gameID / zipFileName", lol.
Added, thx!
I tried the hack for Daimakaimura, but I think the CRC32 they mention is wrong, because I couldn't get the resulting file to run on any emulator. This is pretty usual in other platforms such as NES and SNES, because many different dumps exist for the same games, and there's also the question of headers. However I think it's the first time it happens to me with a PCE game. Weird.
Weird, yes, but not impossible! :)
At the end, if the pieces of code modified are equal and positioned in the same patterns, the hack should work without issues! ;)
Added the support to Daimakaimura Improvement Hack (PC Engine - SuperGrafx)...
I tried the hack for Daimakaimura, but I think the CRC32 they mention is wrong, because I couldn't get the resulting file to run on any emulator. This is pretty usual in other platforms such as NES and SNES, because many different dumps exist for the same games, and there's also the question of headers. However I think it's the first time it happens to me with a PCE game. Weird.
Hi Neville,
I just uploaded the rom from daimakai.zip (sgx) into the javascript patcher, and it gave me back the correct romfile - no troubles :)
best regards,
- dink
Added the support to 8 new NES/Famicom titles:
Action 53 vol4 - Actually 54 (HB, 2020)
Bikkuri Nekketsu Shin Kiroku! - Harukanaru Kin Medal (Japan, 1992)
Crater Song - Definitive Edition (HB, 2024)
Mario The Tank (Hack, 2024)
MultiDude - Evercade Edition (HB, 2019)
Storied Sword, The (HB, 2024)
Super Hard Bouncer v1.1 (HB, 2024)
Super Homebrew War - Evercade Edition (HB, 2021)
Weird, yes, but not impossible! :)
At the end, if the pieces of code modified are equal and positioned in the same patterns, the hack should work without issues! ;)
I finally found out what my problem with Daimakaimura Improvement Hack was about. Apparently it's not compatible with Mednafen, but it works fine with Ootake and FBN.
Am I wrong about the Dai Makai Mura Improvement hack being nearly twice as hard as the normal rom?
best regards,
- dink
I'm useless at this game, so I can't tell. The patch details (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/daimakaimura-improvement-hack-pc-engine-supergrafx/) don't mention any difficulty changes.
by the 3rd stage, its almost impossible to progress with the new hack.
I can complete the game with no death usually (after a few practices)
best regards,
- dink
Hi Gab, can you change the CRC of CraterSongDE to 29d4b290
That's the Rev 1 rom with NES2 Header.
Updated the CRC for NES "Crater Song DE Rev1"... ;)
Added the support to 5 new ZX Spectrum homebrews:
Dark Knight, The 128K English/Spanish (2024)
Gilligans Mine - beta v1.04.1 128K (2024)
Max Stone 48K/128K Spanish (2024)
Smelly Cat 128K English/Italian/Portuguese/Spanish (2022)
Xantel Jones en la Tabla Verdosa 48K Spanish (2024)
Somehow I've managed to miss this NES hack until now... The Terminator 4.0 changes Journey to Silius into a proper Terminator license. Why? Because it seems the game was just that before Sunsoft lost the license to Mindscape.
(https://i.imgur.com/FdM3UDr.png) (https://i.imgur.com/VzRGbgz.png)
Information and download here. (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/the-terminator-nes/)
Added the support to 3 new NES/Famicom titles:
Rugrats - Adventures in Gameland (2024)
Steel Legion (HB, 2024)
Terminator, The - Journey to Silius hack v4.0 (Hack, 2021)
Great! :biggrin:
Added the support to 5 new ZX Spectrum homebrews:
Dark Knight, The 128K English/Spanish (2024)
Gilligans Mine - beta v1.04.1 128K (2024)
Max Stone 48K/128K Spanish (2024)
Smelly Cat 128K English/Italian/Portuguese/Spanish (2022)
Xantel Jones en la Tabla Verdosa 48K Spanish (2024)
Looks like the English version of Max Stone is now available in 48k & 128k
Thank you.
Added the support to 5 new ZX Spectrum titles:
Bastet 48K-AY (HB, 2024)
Blond, The English/Spanish 48K/128K (HB, 2024)
Hair Raising Adventures of Mr Hair, The - Imp. version 128K (HB, 2024)
Max Stone English 48K/128K (HB, 2024)
Niko and the Magic Orb 48K/128K (HB, 2024)
@freedomkhair: thanks for the info!
Added the support to 10 new "old" classics (ZX Spectrum):
Astronut 48K (1984)
Beaky and the Egg Snatchers 48K (1984)
Blasteroids 128K (1989)
Down to Earth 48K (1987)
Glass 48K (1985)
I, Ball II 48K (1987)
Knot in 3D 48K (1983)
Meteor Storm 16K (1982)
Pheenix 16K (1983)
Strontium Dog - The Killing 48K (1984)
Very cool. Now let me direct your attention to this new SMB3 hack, Mario Adventure 3:
(https://i.imgur.com/SW67kab.png) (https://i.imgur.com/UdRqDNh.png)
It's a substitute to the former Mario Adventure hack and claims to have been 12 years in the making. Features include:
- Weather effects including rain, snow, sandstorms and falling leaves
- Day and night system that actually alters the behavior of some enemies
- Oxygen meter for underwater
- Cherries are used to purchase badges for added abilities
- Coins are used to purchase items to be used in level
- Experience points allow for training levels to gain new abilities
- All new bosses coded from the ground up
- Seamless world transitions, travel between worlds without ever touching a Warp Zone
- A total of 8 power-ups with new abilities added to returning favorites
- Every enemy recreated with a new collision and physics system
- Additional shell and item kicking abilities
- 3 collectible stars in every level
- An entire second quest that has you replay all the levels with new twists and sometimes entirely new layouts, including a true final boss!
Information and download here. (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/mario-adventure-3-nes/)
The hack Lemmings: Colour Palette & Level Title Fix (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/lemmings-colour-palette-level-title-fix-v1-1-pal-genesis/) has been updated to v1.2.
(https://i.imgur.com/6T2gC5I.png) (https://i.imgur.com/vdMtcpH.png)
It tries to change the palette of the Genesis PAL version of the game to something closer of the Amiga one. It also includes a variety of fixes for different levels of the game.
Added the support to 5 new NES/Famicom titles:
Firework Thrower Kantaro's 53 Stations of the Toukaido (1986-2024)
Isostasy v2.2 (HB, 2023)
Mario Adventure 3 v1.3.1 (Hack, 2024)
Ripple Island (1988-2024)
Wing of Madoola, The (1986-2024)
About Mario's Adventure 3, you can bump the version to 1.5.1 (CRC : 8A7D8B0D)
About Mario's Adventure 3, you can bump the version to 1.5.1 (CRC : 8A7D8B0D)
I'm getting AA0234A7 using USA Rev.A romset - ideas?
What rom & crc did you use?
What's the best smb3 rom (& crc) to use?
best regards,
- dink
Re: Firework Throwers on NES,
This game could use a hack that pitches down the music by an octave or 2 :)
It's kinda oldschool-masochist-fun, but, that music! ow, my ears!
best regards,
- dink
posted a PR
I'm getting AA0234A7 using USA Rev.A romset - ideas?
What rom & crc did you use?
What's the best smb3 rom (& crc) to use?
Updated the support to the latest revision (Mario Adventure 3 v1.5.2)... ;)
Added the support to a new "very good" SMS homebrew (WIP alpha version)...
Frontier Force - Alpha Demo v0.1.2.1 (2024) > EDIT: v0.1.2.2 > EDIT(2): v0.1.2.3
Speaking of the SMS, there are some new dumps at SMS Power!, like Strider Returns or James Bond 007: The Duel prototypes.
I can't tell if they deserve to be added to FB Neo or not, though. I like the SMS but my knowledge of its library is very limited.
Added the support to 3 new NES/Famicom homebrews:
Adventures of Panzer 3, The v1.1 (2024)
Jingles Defense (2024)
Plyuk (2024)
About Mario's Adventure 3, you can bump the version to 1.5.1 (CRC : 8A7D8B0D)
It's v1.6.7 now. Maybe we should wait a little (i.e. one week) to make sure there aren't more updates.
It's v1.6.7 now. Maybe we should wait a little (i.e. one week) to make sure there aren't more updates.
Now it's out v1.6.8! Yes, maybe it's better wait a little... ;)
English translation released for Egger Land: Souzou e no Tabidachi (Famicom Disk System):
(https://i.imgur.com/fvKOjix.png) (https://i.imgur.com/fWtPLmh.png)
Information and download here. (https://romhackplaza.org/translations/eggerland-souzou-e-no-tabidachi-english-translation-fds/)
Another NES hack for your consideration, Zelda: A New Light 3.5 (https://github.com/gzip/nes-6502-zelda-a-new-light/releases):
(https://i.imgur.com/Pim4wPN.png) (https://i.imgur.com/RpcGOJp.png)
Added the support to 5 new NES/Famicom/FDS titles:
FDS: Egger Land - A Creative Journey (T-Eng, 2024)
NES: Esper Corps (T-Eng, 2011)
NES: Mario Adventure 3 v1.6.8 (Hack, 2024)
NES: Mummy Egyptian Puzzle v1.1 (HB, 2024)
NES: Sweet Home (T-Rus, 2024)
Added the support to 5 new ZX Spectrum titles (2 classics + 3 homebrews):
Hunchy - Quasimodo 16K (1983)
Madballs 128K (1988)
Magic Tower 48K (HB, 2024)
Metal Brain 48K/128K (HB, 2024)
Short Circuit 48K/128K (1987)
Now, this seems interesting. Batman: Black Edition changes the main sprite, the title screen and the cutscenes for Batman: The Videogame (NES).
(https://i.imgur.com/XBNtEBc.png) (https://i.imgur.com/ylAtLWD.png)
It also makes the game easier, so purists beware.
Get it here. (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/batman-black-edition-nes/)
Would it be possible to add some games from the Sonic Hacking Contest? In particular, I'm interested in Sonic Delta Next and Sonic 2 VS for Genesis.
this 'sonicdeltan' it's just a new version (0.79) of 'sonicdeltar' (0.78). name in header is
in 'sonicdeltar'
in 'sonicdeltan'
IMHO is better keep just one of theses. 'sonicdeltan' (if follow name in header)...
IMHO is better keep just one of theses. 'sonicdeltan' (if follow name in header)...
I agree... in the next github update the redundant version will be removed! ;)
Added the support to 3 new Megadrive hacks...
Lemmings - Colour Palette & Level Title Fix v1.3 (2024)
Sonic 2 VS (2024)
Sonic Delta Next v0.79 (2024)
Thank you very much!
Someone has suggested this hack to a another fbn's fork. Seems interesting.
edit: add with "no-pause" patch. essential to online gameplay (kaillera / retroarch)
Added the support to 8 new NES/Famicom titles (1 classic + 2 homebrews + 5 translation hacks):
FLEA!2 (HB, 2024)
Kiteretsu Daihyakka (T-Eng, 2016)
Mappy Kids (T-Eng, 2013)
Oishinbo Kyukyoku no Menu 3bon Syoubu (Japan, 1989)
Oishinbo Kyukyoku no Menu 3bon Syoubu (T-Eng, 2002)
Pyokotan's Big Maze (T-Eng, 2014)
Spook-o'-tron (HB, 2017)
Woody Poko (T-Eng, 2010)
Great work!
Now I give you... Micro Machines 2: Turbo Tournament - Game Gear to Master System Edition patch. (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/micro-machines-2-turbo-tournament-master-system-edition-sms/)
Quite obviously, it turns the Game Gear exclusive into something you can run on a Master System.
Note that it gives a red screen under Mednafen. I think this means the patched ROM has a wrong checksum or something.
For the Kiteretsu t-en nes rom, shouldnt the CRC be : AC9A9381
Me and another dude got the same CRC. (Patch from Romhacking)
Great work!
Now I give you... Micro Machines 2: Turbo Tournament - Game Gear to Master System Edition patch. (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/micro-machines-2-turbo-tournament-master-system-edition-sms/)
Quite obviously, it turns the Game Gear exclusive into something you can run on a Master System.
Note that it gives a red screen under Mednafen. I think this means the patched ROM has a wrong checksum or something.
Tried Ucon64 --chk ?
Another Request : oishinboj has a watermark in its header, the "fixed" rom should have a crc of : 4bfc079f
Wow! Nice finds, Gab75! Thanks :D
best regards,
- dink
Tried Ucon64 --chk ?
Nope. I think I'll try tomorrow with different emulators.
@Loggan08: support updated...
Kiteretsu Daihyakka T-Eng (2016)(Zynk Oxhyde) > CRC: ac9a9381
Oishinbo Kyukyoku no Menu 3bon Syoubu (Japan)(1989)(Bandai) > CRC: 4bfc079f
Added the support to 8 new ZX Spectrum titles (3 classics + 1 hack + 4 homebrews):
Cursed Castle 2 - Part 1/Part2 v1.1 English/Spanish 128K (HB,2024)
Cursed Castle DX - Archer/B&W/Executer/Maaad/Skeleton 128K (HB, 2024)
Hunchback - The Adventure - Full/Part 1/Part 2/Part 3 48K (1986)
Marlow ZX - Episode 1/Episode 2 128K (HB, 2024)
Power of Yaddith - King/Queen of Yaddith 48K-AY (HB, 2024)
Wiking 48K (Polish) (1987)
Wiking 128K (Polish) (Hack, 2015)
EDIT: Shanghai Warriors 128K (1989)
Hereunder the remaining screenshots...
Added the support to 2 new NES/Famicom homebrews:
Christmas Crisis (HB, 2023)
Foals Creek (English) (HB,2024)
Added the support to 4 new MSX titles (1 classic + 3 homebrews):
ChimneyMan v1.5 (HB, 2024)
I-Logic v1.02 (HB, 2024)
Police Dog (Japan, 1983)
Pyjamarama (HB, 2024)
Good to see the MSX getting some love.
Crater Song latest version available on itch.io [DB34E8FC]
Added the support to 8 new NES/Famicom titles (2 classics + 5 homebrews + 1 translation hack)
Abarenbou Tengu (Japan, 1990)
Golf (Japan, 1984)
Jim and Dill - The Legend of Weed N' Stiff (HB, 2020-2023)
Jim and Dill 2 - Bobson's Revenge (HB, 2023)
Jim and Dill 3 (HB, 2024)
Micro Knight v1.3 (HB, 2015)
Micro Knight II v1.1 (HB, 2015)
Parallel World (T-Eng, 2004)
PS: also updated the support to:
Crater Song - Definitive Edition Rev 2 (HB, 2024)
Lan Master v1.2 (HB, 2011)
Lawn Mower v1.1 (HB, 2011)
Wai Wai World (T-Eng v2.2, 2019)
I just noticed this... Black Edition for Batman: Return Of The Joker (NES).
(https://i.imgur.com/RRtYwD4.png) (https://i.imgur.com/PpzPdgO.png)
Just like the same project for Batman: The Videogame it changes the main sprite and adds a few other tweaks, such as less slippery controls.
Information and download here. (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/batman-return-of-the-joker-black-edition-nes/)
Added the support to 5 new NES/Famicom hacks:
Batman - Return of the Joker Black Edition (HB, 2024)
Batman Black Edition (HB, 2024)
Deja Vu - A Nightmare Comes True!! - Uncensored (Hack, 2021)
Masked Ninja Hanamaru (T-Eng, 2020)
Youkai Club (T-Eng, 2008)
Great! :biggrin:
Added the support to 3 new SMS titles (1 prototype + 2 translation hacks):
Battle Wings (Prototype, 1988)
Hoshi wo Sagashite... ~ Story of Mio (T-Eng, 2009)
Sukeban Deka II (T-Eng, 2010)
Added the support to 6 new FDS titles (3 classics + 3 translation hacks):
Ginga Denshou - Galaxy Odyssey (Japan, 1986)
Ginga Denshou - Galaxy Odyssey (T-Eng, 2015)
Santa Claus no Takarabako (Japan, 1987)
Santa Claus? Toybox (T-Eng, 2003)
Suishou no Dragon (Japan, 1986)
Suishou no Dragon ~ Crystal Dragon (T-Eng, 2003)
Added the support to 4 new ZX Spectrum homebrews:
Dark Knight, The - Shadow of Madness - Reward Edition 128K (2024)
Micro Snake 16K (2024)
Mijadore 2 - the Key English/Portuguese/Spanish 128K (2024)
Space Thunder DX 128K (2024)
PS: "Bigotudo, El 128K " updated to v1.4
Added the support 9 new NES/Famicom titles (4 classics + 2 homebrews + 3 translation hacks):
Alien Syndrome (Japan, 1988)
ASO - Armored Scrum Object (Japan, 1986)
Cereal Cafe (HB, 2022)
Cosmo Genesis (T-Eng, 2000)
Pachinko Daisakusen (Japan, 1991)
Pachinko Daisakusen (T-Eng, 2015)
Pachinko Daisakusen 2 (Japan, 1992)
Pachinko Daisakusen 2 (T-Eng, 2015)
Paganitzu beta 05 (HB, 2024)
Added the support to 14 new ZX Spectrum titles (4 classics + 10 homebrews):
Benny Bunny - The Haunted Belltower 48K (1985)
Bombscare 48K (1984)
Frankie Lost His Body English/Spanish 48K/128K (HB, 2024)
Haunted House 48K (1992)
Haunting of Waterbelle End, The 48K (HB, 2021)
Manula de la Estepa Siberiana, La 'Spanish' 48K (HB, 2024)
Monster Mayhem 128K (HB, 2024)
Quahappy 128K (HB, 2018)
Scary Things v1.1 48K (HB, 2024)
Senor Con Sombrero, Un 48K (HB, 2024)
Short's Fuse 48K (1986)
slASHer 48K/128K (HB, 2024)
Subacuatic 128K (HB, 2009)
Subacuatic Reloaded 128K (HB, 2009-10)
Here the remaining snapshots...
Hi Gab,
Thanks for adding more speccy games - can I suggest the following be added too please?
Castle Master II: The Crypt
Dark Side
Emlyn Hughes International Soccer
Match Point
Mega Fruit
Travel with Trashman
Turbo Esprit
Thanks in advance!
Thanks for adding more speccy games - can I suggest the following be added too please?
Castle Master II: The Crypt
Dark Side
Emlyn Hughes International Soccer
Match Point
Mega Fruit
Travel with Trashman
Turbo Esprit
On github soon! ;)
Added the support to 9 new ZX Spectrum titles (7 classics + 2 homebrews):
Blond, The - Tuco o trato 128K (HB, 2024)
Castle Master II - The Crypt 48K (1990)
Dark Side 48K (1988)
Emlyn Hughes International Soccer 48K (1989)
Escape from Happy Hills - Parrish Origins English/Spanish 128K (HB, 2024)
Match Point 48K (1984)
Mega Fruit 16K (1984)
Travel with Trashman 48K (1984)
Turbo Esprit 48K (1986)
Blond, The - Tuco o trato 128K (HB, 2024)
This special "Treat or Treat" version was only available during Halloween for a limited time - and the developer appears to have now removed the download link from their itch.io page. :(
Love some of those new additions... I remember Emlyn Hughes being one of the best soccer games of its time.
SoulReever, it's available here for the next 3 days:
best regards,
- dink
SoulReever, it's available here for the next 3 days:
best regards,
- dink
Thanks dink
Updated/Added the support to 2 MSX titles:
Alien Escape English/Italian/Japanese/Spanish (HB, 2022)
Cornelius in the Forbidden Zone English/French/Italian (HB, 2023)
Wow, some wonderful new MSX stuff! Thanks for adding them, Gab75! :)
best regards,
- dink
Just heard of a new hack for Mirai Shinwa Jarvas (NES) that promises to fix many of its issues (softlocks, difficulty spikes, poor performance). It's called Jarvas Redux:
(https://i.imgur.com/kYybjli.png) (https://i.imgur.com/iSz8v7o.png)
You can read about it on the news section of Romhacking.
The game itself is an action RPG where the player travels to the past in order to conquer the world. Or at least, a series of castles.
Oh, and if the game is not yet on the NES roster, remember it has an English translation by Stardust Crusaders. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/1275/)
Hi gab75,
Some speccy suggestions:
Dun Darach
Grange Hill
Little Computer People
Also I'm wondering if it's too soon to make some adds and suggested updates for super n?
Thanks in advance
It might be a bit early to start suggesting additions for the Super Nintendo, but as a suggestion for Gab75, I'd like to mention that there are many hacks that prevent slowdowns (FastROM mod). I'll leave a link with a complete list, but I think the most interesting ones are related to Shoot 'Em Ups, like Axelay or Gradius, because they had a lot of slowdowns: (https://archive.org/download/sfc-speedhacks/ROMs/). Additionally, I?d like to point out that even though they?re in Japanese, there are Captain Tsubasa 4 Pro no Rival Tachi (JP) - Captain Tsubasa 5 Hasha no Shougou Campione (JP) - Captain Tsubasa J The Way to World Youth (JP). I found it curious that these weren't added, but Captain Tsubasa 3 Koutei no Chousen (JP) and some translations, which I think are incomplete, were. Great job, everyone, it?s incredible. :cool: :cool:
request lines are open :)
Then I should warn you that Final Fantasy VI: A Soldier?s Contingency (Extended Bestiary Edition) was updated yesterday to v2.02.
Link here. (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/final-fantasy-vi-a-soldiers-contingency-extended-bestiary-edition-snes/)
I'd also like to advise those resposible to keep the SNES roster up to date to hire the services of a 24/7 psychologist (or masseuse), because they're gonna need it.
Hi Gab75,
Okay then here's my suggestions below - for additions with an English fan translation I've also included the original Japanese game too.
Final Fantasy VI Reimagined (Hack, 30.10.2024) - many updates since initial v1.0 - https://www.ff6hacking.com/forums/thread-4416.html (https://www.ff6hacking.com/forums/thread-4416.html)
Legend of Zelda, The - 18 Hours Past (Hack, v1.12) - FBN uses v1.11 this is a newer version - https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7732/ (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7732/)
Ranma 1/2 - Chougi Ranbu Hen (Hack, Framerate Imp. v1.4) - Updated to v1.4 - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sHhzNv4FSUnP7WEa_cEWvQ1Hr1SFvqFx/view (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sHhzNv4FSUnP7WEa_cEWvQ1Hr1SFvqFx/view)
Ranma 1/2 - Hard Battle II - Super Move Hustle (Hack, English v1.10 + Framerate Imp. v1.4) - Same as above then apply T-En patch (still v1.10)
Treasure of the Rudras (Hack, English v2.10) - https://www.romhacking.net/translations/669/ (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/669/)
Rudra no Hihou (Japan)
Heartthrob Memorial - Under the Tree of Legends (Hack, English v3) - https://www.translated.games/snes/heartthrob (https://www.translated.games/snes/heartthrob)
Tokimeki Memorial - Densetsu no Ki no Shita de (Japan) (Rev 1)
Seiken Densetsu 3 (Hack, English v1.01) - This is the fan translation since ToM comes from a hot potato :p - https://www.romhacking.net/translations/440/ (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/440/)
Seiken Densetsu 3 (Japan)
Seifuku Densetsu - Pretty Fighter (Japan)
Super Conflict (USA)
Super Variable Geo (Japan)
(Strikethrough on those now added to FBN - thank you!)
Thanks in advance.
Could you please consider adding this hack to the SNES roster?
(https://i.imgur.com/VwiJpNb.png) (https://i.imgur.com/UPHctIy.png)
Final Fight - Arcade Edition (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/final-fight-arcade-edition-snes/)
It re-adds Cody as a playable character to Final Fight Guy and also removes some of the Nintendo censorship, bringing the experience closer to the arcade version.
The Genesis / Mega Drive deserves attention as well...
1) Landstalker Remix polishes the text, changes a few sprites and undoes some censorship.
(https://i.imgur.com/F0AKxjh.png) (https://i.imgur.com/HWGT9Mw.png)
Donwload here. (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/landstalker-remix-genesis/)
2) And Mortal Kombat Arcade Edition Enhanced has been updated to v2.1.
(https://i.imgur.com/0ajBc05.png) (https://i.imgur.com/NbcbmTa.png)
Download here. (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/mortal-kombat-arcade-edition-enhanced-genesis-2/)
Shall we add a few more Super Mario World hacks to FBN?
Here are my "must have":
Super Demo World (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/11/)
New Super Mario World (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/5540/)
Sicari Remastered (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6323/)
Sicari 2 - The Brink of Time (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6980/)
Smoked Fish and Cabbage (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7957/)
Smoked Fish and Cabbage 2 (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8211/)
Smoked Fish and Cabbage 3 (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8503/)
Is Mortal Kombat II (Unl) in the NES roster? There's a Special version which I'm not sure it's the exact same one. It's hard to keep track of all these unlicensed games... Anyway, I'm asking because I just saw this at RomHack Plaza, which allegedly makes it much more playable:
(https://i.imgur.com/S416rFR.png) (https://i.imgur.com/dswLqZK.png)
Mortal Kombat Arkade Edition by Drax01 (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/nes-mortal-kombat-arkade-edition-by-drax01-nes/)
Dracula II: Noroi no Fuuin (FDS) just got an English translation by BlackPaladin. It's the same game as Castlevania II: Simon?s Quest (NES) but with a few differences, such as better music.
(https://i.imgur.com/uonVF3p.png) (https://i.imgur.com/K323mTi.png)
Information and download here. (https://romhackplaza.org/translations/dracula-ii-noroi-no-fuuin-english-translation-fds/)
Breath of Fire II (Hack, English v1.2b)
I'm going to suggest Breath of Fire II re-translation & enhancement patch by d4s and Ryusui as a future addition to the roster.
There's the base hack/re-translation itself - and 2 optional extra patches for either original and "Through the Fire and Flames" openings. So potentially this would be listed as 3 separate hacks if all 3 variations were added.
Thanks in advance
Hi Dink, I have found some missing game titles on Snes package:
Der Langrisser - fantasy Rpg
Laplace's Demon - horror RPG, based on Poe, Lovecraft poem
Front Mission - Gun Hazard action RPG
Metal Slader Glory - Director's Cut
Shin Megami Tensai If.... RPG Adventure
Kyuuyaku Shin Megami Tensai 1+2
Joe & Mac 3
Dragon Quest V, VI Rpg
Romancing Saga 2, 3 Rpg
Could you add these games on future release??
Yoshi Island
Super FX is not supported.
We already had "Black" editions of Batman and Batman: Return of the Joker for the NES. Today I've noticed a new one for Batman Returns as well.
(https://i.imgur.com/xMv6WLt.png) (https://i.imgur.com/jj8BMQX.png)
It's a compilation of different hacks: copy protection removal, improved controls, optional hard mode, bugfix and altered title screens.
Information and download here. (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/batman-returns-black-edition-nes/)
EDIT: Just learned the Secret of Mana Plus SNES hack has ben updated to v2.01.
(https://www.old-games.ru/forum/attachments/ai-imgur-com_ax29ef5-png.324779/) (https://www.old-games.ru/forum/attachments/ai-imgur-com_jwp3wuc-png.324780/)
In case this hack it's not in the roster yet, this is what it offers:
This hack extends Secret of Mana on Snes.
The extended/added chapters are:
- The Wind Palace: explore this new dungeon and stop the Empire invasion.
- The Empire: travel between Southtown and Northtown on a new road.
- The Gold Tower: face extra adversities to obtain the key and climb the added levels.
- The Moon Palace: a mysterious presence awaits you in the new depths of this eerie place.
- Weapon orbs side quests: 8 new weapon orbs have been hidden throughout the world for more powerful weapons.
The new zones and maps feature:
- Additionnal monsters and bosses: new versions of vanilla enemies with their own stats/spells/colors...
- Cutscenes: The new maps are integrated into the main story and add new plot points through numerous cutscenes.
Other changes:
- After you find the Mana Tree, you'll still be able to fights some griffin hands in the pure land.
- Pecard the lighthouse caretaker now gives you hints to find the new weapon orbs.
- Restored the JP version of teleporters in the haunted forest.
- The 2 bosses (Buffy and Dread Slime) now drop weapon orbs.
- The Dark Stalker in Tasnica is now a bit tankier.
- The Biting Lizards in Ice Country have been buffed.
- The Lofty Mountains background scrolling has been fixed.
- Restored some dwarfs who were disappearing after Tropicalo.
- Fixed bug of v1 that would in some rare occasions get you stuck at the end of Grand Palace.
- Fixed bug of v1 that would let Jehk revive you outside the Lofty Mountains.
Besides the additionnal content, the core game remains unchanged.
The new version is available here. (https://romhackheaven.com/games/snes/secret-of-mana/secret-of-mana-plus/)
P.S: Wouldn't want to be in dink' shoes these days... so much work to do...
New English translation for Gokuraku Yuugi: Game Tengoku (FDS):
(https://i.imgur.com/OA0NZZI.png) (https://i.imgur.com/seO5Jmn.png)
It's... a collection of party games?! Whatever, just take my money! ;p
Information and download here. (https://romhackplaza.org/translations/gokuraku-yuugi-game-tengoku-english-translation-fds/)
Added the support to 7 new NES/Famicom titles:
Batman Returns Black Edition v1.0b (Hack, 2024)
Cobol (HB, 2024)
Distant Legend of Jarvas (T-Eng, 2010)
Mirai Shinwa Jarvas (Japan, 1987)
Flap Happy (HB, 2024)
Metal Cancer Trial (HB, 2024)
Old Towers v1.1 (HB, 2024)
Great! :biggrin:
Wow, All this lovely HB :D Nice finds, Gab75!!
best regards,
- dink
Dracula II: Noroi no Fuuin (FDS) just got an English translation by BlackPaladin. It's the same game as Castlevania II: Simon?s Quest (NES) but with a few differences, such as better music.
(https://i.imgur.com/uonVF3p.png) (https://i.imgur.com/K323mTi.png)
This translation has been hastily updated to 1.0a in order to fix a bug. To be exact, "the text from one of the thirteen tomes had its text fixed"
Information and download here. (https://romhackplaza.org/translations/dracula-ii-noroi-no-fuuin-english-translation-fds/)
Also, not in the roster, but Altered Beast Arcade Edition for NES has been updated to v2.0. It tries tyo make Juuouki closer to the arcade and Genesis versions of the game.
(https://i.imgur.com/VoLKW1C.png) (https://i.imgur.com/dhWPQ6w.png)
Information and download here. (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/altered-beast-arcade-edition-juuoki-nes/)
EDIT: What a weird port! With the hack it plays very much like the original, but the pace seems faster and the character sprites are tiny.
Metal Cancer, despite the stupid name, is probably one of the best shooters on the NES so far.
The enemy patterns are top tier!
Nice NES music
Something this quality could only come from one place: Japan :)
best regards,
- dink
Added the support to 7 new ZX Spectrum titles (3 classics + 4 homebrews):
Dun Darach 48K (1985)
Dung Darach 48K (HB, 2013)
Grange Hill - The Computer Game 128K (1987)
Little Computer People 128K (1987)
Robots Rumble 128K (HB, 2024) < alternative loading screen
Rumba English/Spanish 48K/128K (HB, 2024)
Scramble RX 128K (HB, 2024)
Added the support to 5 new ZX Spectrum titles (1 classic + 4 homebrews):
Chao Trouble 48K (HB, 2023)
Donkey Kong Arcade 48K (HB, 2024)
Johnny Danger y el Talisman de Fuego 48K (HB, 2024)
Lords of Midnight, The 48K (1984)
Orvol Voon v1.2 English/Spanish 128K (HB, 2024)
where can i find these add game
Google them. Or look for some message board that keeps up with the FBN releases.
But whatever you do, don't ask for them here, it's against rules.
Google them. Or look for some message board that keeps up with the FBN releases.
But whatever you do, don't ask for them here, it's against rules.
i will,thank you
for all da lazy bitchies like me, snes pixxies
https://www.mediafire.com/file/xropvxn38fgyu7j/snes_pix.rar/file (https://www.mediafire.com/file/xropvxn38fgyu7j/snes_pix.rar/file)
I've posted it on the FB Neo Previews & Titles screenshots (fullset) + icons (https://neo-source.com/index.php?topic=2838.0), where it will be easier to locate.
BTW, going through the pics to see if there was any missing (not), I've noticed the English translation for Rockman & Forte (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/621/) is not in the SNES roster yet. That's another "must have" for the fans. It also has an addendum (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/6128/) that translates the title screen.
for all da lazy bitchies like me, snes pixxies
https://www.mediafire.com/file/xropvxn38fgyu7j/snes_pix.rar/file (https://www.mediafire.com/file/xropvxn38fgyu7j/snes_pix.rar/file)
Thanks! ;p
Added the support to 8 new SNES/Super Famicom titles:
Arcade's Greatest Hits - The Atari Collection (Euro, 1997)
Bram Stoker's Dracula (Euro, 1993)
Front Mission - Gun Hazard (Japan/T-eng, 1996/2004)
Ganbare Goemon 4 - Kirakira Douchuu (Japan/T-Eng, 1995/2020)
Jelly Boy 2 (Japan, 1994)
Pitfall - Atari VCS 2600 (Hack, 2022)
Putty Squad (Euro, 1994)
Shadow, The (Prototype, 1994)
Ahhh... who can tell what gems hide in the bulky SNES game library? The Shadow knows!
Wow, Pitfall VCS on SNES? Nice find, Gab75!
best regards,
- dink
I think it's a hack of Pitfall 2. The first game was included as an easter egg, and the patch left just the classic.
I think it's a hack of Pitfall 2. The first game was included as an easter egg, and the patch left just the classic.
I'm not sure 100%... but it should be the first Pitfall for Atari 2600, a stand-alone version (hack) of the hidden game included in "Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure" (SNES edition)!
Could you add more missing Rpg games on Snes library -
Albert Odyssey 2
Brandish 2,
Demon La Place / La Places Demon
I'm not sure 100%... but it should be the first Pitfall for Atari 2600, a stand-alone version (hack) of the hidden game included in "Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure" (SNES edition)!
I forgot there's a Pitfall II for older systems. I meant Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure.
Maybe combine the FLEA & FLEA2 release into one zip, also not understanding why there's a demo for flea when the full game is also there.
Maybe combine the FLEA & FLEA2 release into one zip, also not understanding why there's a demo for flea when the full game is also there.
flea2 is a sequel to flea
The demo is for people who want to try the demo
fair enough, but was just thinking that it would reduce file-count.
The Black Edition hacks for Batman, Batman Returns and Batman: Return of the Joker (NES) got updated to their (hopefully) Final versions.
These are the links:
Batman: Black Edition. (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/batman-black-edition-nes/)
Batman Returns: Black Edition. (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/batman-returns-black-edition-nes/)
Batman: Return of the Joker: Black Edition. (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/batman-return-of-the-joker-black-edition-nes/)
These two new hacks could beinteresting additions to the SNES roster:
1) Mega Man Soccer Restoration restores (duh) the endings to some of the game modes, allows you to play as Dr. Wily and a few other things.
(https://i.imgur.com/WqDYRyz.png) (https://i.imgur.com/8v1cWaq.png)
Link here. (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/mega-man-soccer-restoration-snes/)
2) You know that normally I don't post difficulty hacks here... but this one is for Battletoads, one of the most infamously difficult games of the system.
Link here. (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/battletoads-in-battlemaniacs-easier-snes/)
The Black Edition hacks for Batman, Batman Returns and Batman: Return of the Joker (NES) got updated to their (hopefully) Final versions.
Support to final versions updated! ;)
Thanks for your work. I don't want to abuse the requests, but Axelay (Hack FastRom) would be a good addiction:
Greetings to all! :cool:
Support to final versions updated! ;)
Thank you!
Added the support to 7 new SNES/Super Famicom titles:
Albert Odyssey 2 - Jashin no Taidou (Japan, 1994)
Battletoads in Battlemaniacs - Easier (Hack, 2024)
Brandish 2 - The Planet Buster (Japan/T-Eng, 1995/2009)
Laplace's Demon (Japan/T-Eng, 1995/2018)
Mega Man's/Rockman's Soccer Restoration (Hack, 2024)
Onegai My Melody - Detour Land Conquest (GlobalHack, 2024)
Onegai My Melody - My Melody Adventure (GlobalHack, 2024)
Cool! :biggrin:
EDIT: Sorry to be the party pooper, but I think this earlier SNES request has been overlooked:
BTW, going through the pics to see if there was any missing (not), I've noticed the English translation for Rockman & Forte (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/621/) is not in the SNES roster yet. That's another "must have" for the fans. It also has an optional addendum (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/6128/) that translates the title screen.
Thanks for your work. I don't want to abuse the requests, but Axelay (Hack FastRom) would be a good addiction:
Greetings to all! :cool:
Support added! ;)
Thank you so much :biggrin: :biggrin:
Hi Gab,
Sorry for asking/bumping - but did the below get added?
Treasure of the Rudras (Hack, English v2.10) - https://www.romhacking.net/translations/669/ (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/669/)
Rudra no Hihou (Japan)
Heartthrob Memorial - Under the Tree of Legends (Hack, English v3) - https://www.translated.games/snes/heartthrob (https://www.translated.games/snes/heartthrob)
Tokimeki Memorial - Densetsu no Ki no Shita de (Japan) (Rev 1)
Seifuku Densetsu - Pretty Fighter (Japan)
Looks like the hack Ghostbusters: Special Edition for the Mega Drive has been updated quite a lot since I lost track of it. Version 2.1 was released this november, and the last version in the Mega Drive roster is v1.1.
(https://i.imgur.com/SAB1JgO.png) (https://i.imgur.com/wp7bS2z.png)
Link here. (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/ghostbusters-special-edition-sega-genesis/)
A hidden mini-game has been discovered in Last Blade.
Will this game be added to FBN?
Sorry I'm not good at English
A hidden mini-game has been discovered in Last Blade.
Will this game be added to FBN?
If possible, I think it might be better if it was accessible through a UniBios cheat code. But then it'd be up to Razoola to add support for it.
Thank you for your reply.
I'll try it with IPS or something.
A hidden mini-game has been discovered in Last Blade.
Will this game be added to FBN?
Sorry I'm not good at English
Load "The Last Blade", go to DIPs and select Mini Game: On :)
best regards,
- dink
Added the support to 4 new SNES/Super Famicom titles:
Mega Man & Bass (T-Eng, v1.1) (2002-2023)
Tokimeki Memorial / Heartthrob Memorial (Japan, T-Eng) (1996, 2022)
Rudra no Hihou / Treasure of the Rudras (Japan, T-eng) (1996, 2018)
Seifuku Densetsu - Pretty Fighter (Japan, 1994)
Thank you Gab75 for the recent additions :cool:
?Great! And happy Xmas you all.
Load "The Last Blade", go to DIPs and select Mini Game: On
I was able to play.
Thank you very much.
I was able to play.
Thank you very much.
You're welcome :)
Added by request:
Mapper 105 &
Nintendo World Championships 1990: SMB, Rad Racer, Tetris
Mapper 555 &
Nintendo Campus Challenge 1991: SMB3, Pin-Bot, Dr. Mario
Basically, you play each game for 5 minutes (or more, which can be set via DIPs) and try to get a high score.
Just think, these cartridges go for several 10's of 1000's of dollars!
I had some fun implementing this and playing the games. My score sucks, though. :P
best regards,
- dink
Thanks for the new NES/Famicom "mappers" additions! :)
Great! And happy Xmas you all.
Merry Christmas to you too! :)
Merry Christmas for all. ; :smilie:
Merry Christmas for all. ; :smilie:
Thanks! Merry Christmas to you too! :)
Added the support to 7 new ZX Spectrum titles:
Daga Oscura, La - Parte 1/Parte 2 (Spanish, 128K)(HB, 2024)
Dark Dagger, The - Part 1/Part 2 (English, 128K)(HB, 2024)
Maze Castle (128K)(HB, 2024)
Moley Christmas (128K)(1987)
Plane Lazy (128K)(HB, 2024)
Pyramid Escape v0.8.0 (128K)(HB, 2024)
Retro Robbins in Micro-Blitz (128K)(HB, 2024)
Is Mortal Kombat II (Unl) in the NES roster? There's a Special version which I'm not sure it's the exact same one. It's hard to keep track of all these unlicensed games... Anyway, I'm asking because I just saw this at RomHack Plaza, which allegedly makes it much more playable:
(https://i.imgur.com/S416rFR.png) (https://i.imgur.com/dswLqZK.png)
Mortal Kombat Arkade Edition by Drax01 (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/nes-mortal-kombat-arkade-edition-by-drax01-nes/)
Remember this? It seems the same team has worked their magic with Mortal Kombat II Special as well. They've announced the following improvements:
- Tweaks to each fighter?s design
- New fighter selection screen
- New screen designs
- Adjustments to the color scheme of some stages
- New ?Battle Plan? implemented
- New continues screen
- Missing stages added (Dead Pool, The Armory, and Wateland)
- Endings for each character
- New music, digital voices, and special effects
- New Kintaro size
- and more.
You can grab the patch here. (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/nes-mortal-kombat-2-arkade-edition-by-drax01-nes/)
Added the support to 3 new MSX homebrews:
Catbox v1.3 (2024)
Drop of Abu-Cymbel, The / Gota de Abu-Cymbel, La (2024)
Sorcerer Kid Adventure v1.02 (2024)
Added the support to a new ColecoVision homebrew:
Aztec Challenge (2024)
There a few new Master System dumps available at SMS Power, you may want to take a look at them. They are these:
Star Force (KR)
Pete Sampras Tennis (US)
Zanac [DahJee] (TW)
Adventure Island [DahJee] (TW)
Super Monaco GP II (Ayrton Senna's) [v1] (JP)
The Goonies [DahJee] (TW)
Added the support to 4 new Megadrive titles:
Amy Rose's Island Adventure (Sonic Hack, 2024)
Captain Barrel (HB, 2024)
Ghostbusters - Special Edition (Hack, 2024) < updated from v1.1 to v2.1
Touhou - An Aftermath of the Index (Sonic Hack, 2024)
Thank you! :biggrin:
Added the support to another new Megadrive homebrew/aftermarket:
Rocket Panda (2024)
Awesome work Gab75, thanks for keeping us up to date! :D
best regards,
- dink
Added the support to 4 new ZX Spectrum homebrews:
Golf Dash 48K (2024)
Heartlight 48K-128K (2024)
River Rad 128K (2024)
SKYNET Road to 1984 Eglish/Portuguese/Spanish 128K (2024)
NB: also added the support to Double Tennis (2024), but currently it's not working (it freezes at the title screen).
The Black Edition hacks for Batman, Batman Returns and Batman: Return of the Joker (NES) got updated to their (hopefully) Final versions.
These are the links:
Batman: Black Edition. (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/batman-black-edition-nes/)
Batman Returns: Black Edition. (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/batman-returns-black-edition-nes/)
Batman: Return of the Joker: Black Edition. (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/batman-return-of-the-joker-black-edition-nes/)
I'm afraid they've been further updates to these hacks. Now the have reached "omega" status (whatever that means) and Batman Returns just became "complete". Maybe you'll want to wait a little before updating these, because their development doesn't seem to have stopped.
Also, I just noticed an English translation for Jelly Boy 2 (Beta) for the SNES:
(https://i.imgur.com/EVJYv80.png) (https://i.imgur.com/10i6tG3.png)
Link here. (https://romhackplaza.org/translations/jelly-boy-2-english-translation-snes/)
And happy new year for you all! :biggrin:
And happy new year for you all! :biggrin:
Happy new year to you too! :)
Happy New Year 2025.
Hi Gab75. Could you add some following missing Snes games:
Brandish 2 Expert
Der Langrisser
Dragon Quest 5, 6
Fire Emblem - The Chronicles of Holy War
Metal Slader Glory - Director's Cut
Shin Megami Tensai If.... RPG Adventure
Kyuuyaku Shin Megami Tensai 1+2
Romancing Saga 2,3
This caught my eye today at RMZ. It's a re-translation for the NES version of Rygar, because it seems that too much was changed for the western release, as usual with Nintendo in those days.
(https://i.imgur.com/jm8cinE.png) (https://i.imgur.com/eovrmY8.png)
The patch needs to be applied on the Japanese version.
http://Information and download here. (http://=https://romhackplaza.org/translations/argos-no-senshi-hachamecha-daishingeki-translation-english-translation-nes/)
Added the support to 6 new SNES/Super Famicom titles:
Brandish 2 - Expert (Japan, 1996)
Der Langrisser (Japan/T-Eng)(1995/2022)
Dragon Quest V - Tenkuu no Hanayome (Japan/T-Eng)(1992/2002)
Dragon Quest VI - Maboroshi no Daichi (Japan/T-Eng)(1995/2001)
Jelly Boy 2 (T-Eng)(2006)
Shin Megami Tensei if... (Japan/T-Eng)(1994/2018)
Shinobi port is now available for NeoGeo.
Shinobi port is now available for NeoGeo.
Thanks for reporting! :smilie:
Wow. I *need* to try this.
Remember Bloody Warriors: Shan-Go no Gyakushuu? It's an RPG for the NES that so far had an English translation by ded302 and snark.
(https://i.imgur.com/pDMNpm5.png) (https://i.imgur.com/fQMyqBg.png)
But yesterday BlackPaladin released an addendum patch that according to RomHack Plaza "inserts almost all of the untranslated text in game, fixed many grammatical errors, and applied a new font to the game."
Info and download here. (https://romhackplaza.org/translations/bloody-warriors-shan-go-no-gyakushuu-english-translation-nes/)
This is a new English re-translation for Demon's Crest (SNES). It removes some questionable changes to the US version of the game, leaving it closer to the Japanese original:
(https://i.imgur.com/3exR0tK.png) (https://i.imgur.com/xlf9pyb.png)
Information and download. (https://romhackplaza.org/translations/demons-crest-retranslation-restoration-english-translation-snes/)
Added the support to Shinobi Neo Geo unofficial port...
EDIT > updated to version 1.1
A new game for MegaDrive released:
Super Star Wars
Could you add it on FinalBurn?
Holy sh*t, that looks amazing. For a moment I thought somebody had completed the Super Star Wars MD proto, which lacks the 3D stages.
They didn't, but this has to be the next best thing.
They even port it to Amiga 😏
I'm very impressed with this new Super Mario World hack. It's called Friends and Rivalry and it's a complete overhaul of the original. It features 9 worlds with +90 new levels.
(https://i.imgur.com/DlD6Y7d.png) (https://i.imgur.com/d5gzejh.png)
You can get it here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8862/)
Added the support to 3 new Megadrive homebrews:
Batman Returns MD v1.1 (2024)
Final Fight MD v24.01.20b (2024)
Super Star Wars Holiday Special v1.1 (2024)
Ultraman: Kaijuu Teikoku no Gyakushuu for the Famicom Disk System has just received an English translation!
(https://i.imgur.com/uqvx6gE.png) (https://i.imgur.com/DwZhwcg.png)
It's an action platformer starring the Japanese superhero.
Information and download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/7380/)
Added the support to 3 new MSX homebrews:
Binary Battle (2025)
Molotov English/Spanish (2025)
Robo Race (2024-25)
Very cool. I have a soft spot for the MSX and I like seeing getting attention.
Meanwhile, I just found out about this hack for the NES version of R.C. Pro-Am that turns it into a Mario Kart game.
Information and download here. (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/mario-kart-nes-edition-nes/)
There's a new hack for Mortal Kombat 3 (SNES) called New Edition.
(https://i.imgur.com/p77NlQj.png) (https://i.imgur.com/4nJN7TY.png)
It unblocks several features:
- Noob Kano is available in the secret character selection and also in the CPU tower
- Noob Kano have all the fatalities from Kano
- Shao Kahn, Motaro, and Smoke including against the CPU
- Bosses can be controlled in all arenas
- 180 credits to face the CPU
- Secret Menus activated with a single button (down arrow)
- 3 new arenas working without any crashes:The Vortex, Graveyard, Noob?s Dorfen
The resulting ROM is 8 Mb. big, won't work in all emulators.
Information and download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8869/)
Any hockey fans out there? NHL 94: 2025 Edition for the Genesis just got updated to v3.1.
Basically it adds an updated 2025 roster to NHL '94, but there also some gameplay changes "for a more realistic modern hockey feel, with harder to score goals, easier to hit crossbars and posts, more realistic speed burst, fewer penalty calls, custom energy depletion and recovery rates (balanced for more realistic line rolling and shift length), and player rating distribution curves that have been carefully calibrated for more realistic gameplay on the ice."
(https://i.imgur.com/OI3xg5s.png) (https://i.imgur.com/KOcdDiU.png)
Information and download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8872/)
Sonce nice new nes games:
Celeste: https://forums.nesdev.org/viewtopic.php?t=25752
Boba Buddies: https://www.slembcke.net/nes/BobaBuddies/
best regards,
- dink
English translation (and a separate patch with an alternate palette) for SMS's The Black Onyx.
Link here. (https://romhackplaza.org/translations/the-black-onyx-english-translation-sms/)
Added the support to 5 new NES/Famicom titles:
Desert Escape! v1.1 (HB, 2024)
Kaiketsu Yancha Maru 3 - Taiketsu! Zouringen (T-Eng, 2013)
Musashi no Bouken (Japan/T-Eng)(1990-2021)
R-G-Bleeki! (HB, 2025)
Soko Banana - Tinsel Island (HB, 2024)
PS: also updated the support to Bloody Warrior T-Eng and Mario Kart GlobalHack...
Added the support to 5 new NES/Famicom titles:
Desert Escape! v1.1 (HB, 2024)
Kaiketsu Yancha Maru 3 - Taiketsu! Zouringen (T-Eng, 2013)
Musashi no Bouken (Japan/T-Eng)(1990-2021)
R-G-Bleeki! (HB, 2025)
Soko Banana - Tinsel Island (HB, 2024)
PS: also updated the support to Bloody Warrior T-Eng and Mario Kart GlobalHack...
Nice updates These new NES/Famicom titles look interesting, especially Desert Escape! and Soko Banana. It?s awesome that you?re also keeping the support fresh for Bloody Warrior T-Eng and Mario Kart GlobalHack. Keep it up
Yet another hack for your consideration. This is Return to Grans for Shining Force II (Genesis / Mega Drive).
(https://i.imgur.com/NI5GkcG.png) (https://i.imgur.com/BtE1JiB.png)
According to the instrucions, it is a "remastered and rebalanced" version of the original game. About 40% of all text passages have been altered, most of the not so appealing graphics in vanilla SF2 have been improved/replaced and difficulty has been reworked by tweaking enemies' stats, skills and numbers on the battlefield.
Information and download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7621/)
Added the support to other 2 NES/Famicom titles:
Celeste Demo v1.00 (HB, 2025)
Return to Anctrayl (HB, 2024)
This is the NES/Famicom weekend! Added the support to other 6 titles:
Argos no Senshi (T-Eng, 2024)
Boba Buddies (HB, 2025)
Dai Meiro/Great Maze, The (Japan/T-Eng)(1990-2006)
Famidash Demo v1.1 (HB, 2024)
Moeru! Oniisan (Japan/T-Eng)(1989-2023)
Xiao Hong Mao - Little Red Hood OVERHAUL Project (Hack, 2022)
Bada-boom! :biggrin:
These new additions really brightened my last couple days :) Thanks Gab75!!
best regards,
- dink
Added the support to 5 new MSX homebrews:
Beep v1.2 (2025)
Doomlings (2025)
Great New World, A (2025)
Mieyen (2025)
Room 5 v1.2 (2025)
Thanks Gab75,
I had a real blast playing Beep, Doomlings, Mieyen and a Great New World tonight :)
There's a real quality and uniqueness to these games, what a great time to play some retro-inspired stuff on an emulated retro computer in our favorite emulator... :)
Mieyen is kinda like a reversed Pac Man game. The real ghosts can disappear, and you can only find them when they eat the dots.
Then you shoot fire at them and send them to hell, like a Centobite on a quest for souls. ghost souls! Another quality game from Inufuto
In A Great New world, I got confused about the second part of the game where one develops the embryo. Any ideas how to play this one? :S Even after reading the tutorial twice, I didn't get it. derp!
best regards,
- dink
Mieyen and Doomlings are "reversed versions" of Pac-Man and Lemmings!
About "A Great New World" it seems a good and innovative strategic-management game, but, to be honest, I don't know how to play! :P
PS: don't underestimate "Room 5", a good puzzle-adventure game... ;)
Those aftermarket games may lack the allure of classic games, but they often push the hardware in interesting ways. They are not to be ignored, like I do too often.
I've noticed a couple of hack updates:
1) Was Bishoujo Super Street Fighter II finally added to the Genesis / Mega Drive roster? If so, it has been updated to v2.0. It adds a ton of bishoujo characters to SSF2.
(https://i.imgur.com/kwMMwdB.png) (https://i.imgur.com/nJCrkRG.png)
Link here. (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/bishoujo-super-street-fighter-ii-glamor-queen-genesis/)
2) Also noticed a patch that fixes a crash in Final Fantasy VI: General Leo Edition (SNES). That's a FF6 hack that hadn't caught my eye before. But its entry at RomHacking has great reviews, so it may be worth adding.
(https://i.imgur.com/T2uXCIg.png) (https://i.imgur.com/pMKH5c5.png)
FFVI: General Leo Edition. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/1619/)
Figaro Cutscene Crash Fix. (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/figaro-cutscene-crash-fix-for-final-fantasy-vi-general-leo-edition-snes/)
We have a new English translation, this time for the game Kamen Rider SD: Granshocker no Yabou (NES):
(https://i.imgur.com/w3TRDah.png) (https://i.imgur.com/R98ntla.png)
It seems some kinf of RPG, but I've never heard of this game.
Information and download here. (https://romhackplaza.org/translations/kamen-rider-sd-granshocker-no-yabou-english-translation-nes/)
EDIT: Also, it seems that Ys III NES Definitive Edition got an update while we weren't looking, they've called it Final Fix.
As a reminder, this hack (and its relatives for the first two Ys games) packs Vice Translations' English translation, Pacnsac Dave's revamped intro screen and Minucce's bugfixes.
Information and download here. (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/ys-iii-nes-definitive-edition-nes/)
Some Youtube video just reminded the English translation for ActRaiser is missing from the SNES roster. Western versions of the game exist, but since the changes from the original are so many (religious censorship, easier difficulty level, etc.) it pays off to have a fan translated Japanese version as well.
(https://i.imgur.com/rFtQEmR.png) (https://i.imgur.com/2fWEbvu.png)
Get Aeon Genesis' translation here. (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/1063/)
Added the support to 5 new SNES/Super Famicom titles:
Actraiser (T-Eng, 2006)
Demon's Crest Retranslation v1.2 (Hack, 2024)
Mortal Kombat 3 New Edition (Hack, 2025)
Sauna Mario World 2 v1.1 (GlobaHack, l2025)
SMW Friends and Rivalry v1.03 (GlobalHack, 2025)
Excellent! :biggrin:
EDIT: WWF Royal Rumble Enhanced Colours + SFX (Genesis) has been updated to v1.06.
(https://i.imgur.com/RDqTfbG.png) (https://i.imgur.com/SVNo9J7.png)
Information and download here. (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/wwf-royal-rumble-enhanced-colors-sfx-gen-genesis/)
iq_132 has released the Karnov conversion for NeoGeo:
If I don't see bootlegs pop up on Facebook market place or AliExpress in the next couple of months, I'll go back and release POW and Chelnov for MVS too.
I'd be surprised if they don't pop up... :\
Added the support to 3 new NES/Famicom titles:
Barback (HB, 2024)
Kamen Rider SD - Granshocker no Yabou (Japan/T-Eng)(1992/2025)
Tryptic v1.1 (HB, 2024)
PS: also updated "Ys III - Definitive Edition"...
Thank you! :biggrin:
Added the support to Karnov Neo Geo porting... ;)
h0ffman has ported Golden Axe to Neo Geo and Neo Geo CD:
h0ffman has ported Golden Axe to Neo Geo and Neo Geo CD:
Tested ngcd port, its awesome!
Gab75 added the MVS/AES version, & I added it to the NeoGeo CD version
best regards,
- dink
Tested ngcd port, its awesome!
It's indeed fabulous.
Gab75 added the MVS/AES version, & I added it to the NeoGeo CD version
The Neo Geo CD version has a beautiful soundtrack supplied by Richard Douglas! ;)
Added the support to 7 new ZX Spectrum titles:
Bearded Fantasy English/Spanish 48K (HB, 2025)
Deep Zone Side A/Side B 48K (1988)
Destronado 48K (1988)
Lunar Patrol '25 128K (HB, 2025)
Mieyen 48K-AY (HB, 2025)
MoonRN 48K-AY (HB, 2025)
Throbbing Headache 48K (HB, 2025)
PS: also updated the "old" Z80 versions of "Forgotten Worlds" and "G-Loc R360" with new and better TAP versions! ;)
I've just read a very interesting account on how Konami screwed up -there's no other way to describe it- the US release of Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster Busts Loose! for the SNES. Basically the powers that be decided the game HAD to be more difficult in the west, and since they were already tampering with the game, they also removed some of the credits at the end of the game and the password system.
(https://i.imgur.com/EZH1JVt.png) (https://i.imgur.com/ViUCCGL.png)
It's quite an interesting read, you can learn about it in detail here. (https://www.timeextension.com/features/best-of-2024-konami-butchered-this-snes-classic-so-we-fixed-it)
Things got fixed somehow with the JP Remix patch (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/tiny-toon-adventures-buster-busts-loose-jp-remix-snes/) released in July 4, 2024, but now there's also a new bugfix patch (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/tiny-toon-adventures-buster-busts-loose-jp-remix-jp-restoration-snes/) that has to be applied on top.
It seems like a valuable addition to its respective roster.
EDIT: Also, RHP just reminded me there exists an English translation by Krokodyl (https://romhackplaza.org/translations/super-uno-english-translation-snes/) for Super Uno, a SNES card game.
(https://i.imgur.com/lTeWSwM.png) (https://i.imgur.com/YjDjZhK.png)
Things got fixed somehow with the JP Remix patch (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/tiny-toon-adventures-buster-busts-loose-jp-remix-snes/) released in July 4, 2024, but now there's also a new bugfix patch (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/tiny-toon-adventures-buster-busts-loose-jp-remix-jp-restoration-snes/) that has to be applied on top.
Pretty weird advice for the second hack:
Important: it?s recommended to shorten the filename of patched rom to avoid issues.
That depends solely on the emulator used, and is not something I would expect from ROM hack instructions.
Always a bit annoying to have to apply 2-3 patches separately to get the best experience, but hey, at least this exists.
I think the ROM filename thing is in case you don't actually patch it. You know, if you put the ROM and the IPS file on the same folder and let the emulator figure it out. I've patched my ROM permanently and everything seems fine.
And yes, applying two or more patches is a pain. But these days you get a lot of "addendum" patches, so it's better to get used to it. At least in this case you don't need to add / remove headers between jobs, I've seen a few of those.
I looked around, but could not find that Train Bug Fix by KingMike, mentioned in the first hack's page...
Luckily I'm a hoarder.
I probably got it from Romhacking.org, but here it is. (https://www.mediafire.com/file/1vh9omrnb5xeug2/Tiny_Toon_Adventures_-_Buster_Busts_Loose%2521_%2528USA%2529_-_Train_level_bugfix_v1.0.zip/file)
Oh, it's actually still on RHDN (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/458/), but somehow I missed it yesterday.
I just submitted it on RomHack Plaza too, for convenience and to ensure it does not get lost.
Added the support to 2 new SNES/Super Famicom titles:
Super Uno (Japan/T-Eng)(1993-2025)
Tiny Toon Adventures Buster Busts Loose JP Remix v2 (Hack, 2025)
Thank you! :biggrin:
And now, back to being the usual pain in the ass.
(https://i.imgur.com/FduyL8q.png) (https://i.imgur.com/0YtoGCS.png)
The article I linked yesterday also mentioned other Konami games that got much harder in their US releases, Contra III (SNES) and Contra: Hard Corps (Genesis / Mega Drive). The article provides several reasons for this: previous criticism from Japanese users, distributors not wanting to refund players that finished games in a matter of days and returned them... I also seem to remember some distributors trying to prevent users from renting their games rather than buying them.
Luckily, patches exist for the above-mentioned games.
Contra III: The Alien Wars Restoration (SNES) (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/3513/)
Contra Hard Corps Hit Points Restoration Hack (Genesis / Mega Drive) (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/797/)
Contra III also has a SA-1 hack (ie: less slowdown) which can be combined with this one.
But oh wait, I don't think FBNeo supports special chips.
That would be great.
The article also mentions issues with Castlevania III (NES), but I'm still looking into that. I'm not sure if I should look for a difficulty patch or just for an English translation for the Japanese original. I'll need some more time to decide.
That would be great.
I just remembered FBNeo does not support special chips, right? So I don't think it's possible yet.
You're right and I forgot it too :p
If there was SA-1 support Super Mario RPG would already be in the roster and it's not.
Alright. The best option for restoring Castlevania III (NES) to its original difficulty seems to be the Castlevania 3 Revision (https://www.romhacking.net/reviews/11819/) hack.
(https://i.imgur.com/CHqQLDw.png) (https://i.imgur.com/Baw3u9a.png)
It wasn't my first option, because it changes other stuff apart from the difficulty. Yet the only review is enthusiastic, and it makes clear that the patch reverts the difficulty level of the US cart to what it should be, equal to the Japanese and European versions.
You're right and I forgot it too :p
If there was SA-1 support Super Mario RPG would already be in the roster and it's not.
Hi guys,
FBNeo's SNES supports sa-1, cx4, dsp, seta-dsp, sdd-1, obc1, and of course we already have the sa-1 enhanced Contra 3 & other sa-1 enhanced games in the list. look in the list for snes_smrpg :)
Kirby Super Star and the other Kirby SA-1 game is in there, as well :)
best regards,
- dink
MM7 Player Update
Rockman 7 EP - English
Megaman X2 - Ultimate Armor
Killer Instinct - Eyedol Edition Deluxe
TMNT: Tournament Fighters - Cowabunga Edition
Added the support to 2 new SNES/Super Famicom titles:
Super Uno (Japan/T-Eng)(1993-2025)
Tiny Toon Adventures Buster Busts Loose JP Remix v2 (Hack, 2025)
Hi Gab75. Could add following missing Snes and Famicom games :
Madara 2
Metal Slader Glory Directors Cut
Minelvaton Saga 2
Silva Saga 2
Romancing Saga 2
Famicon- Haja no Fuuin
Add the support to 9 new ZX Spectrum titles (5 classics + 1 hack + 3 homebrews):
Arquimedes XXI 48K (Spanish, 1986)
Chunk Zone 48K-128K (HB, 2016)
Cosa Nostra 48K (1986)
Da Vinci's Legacy - First Part 128K (English/Spanish)(HB, 2024)
Doodle Bug 48K (HB, 2017)
Dustin - The Game 48K (Spanish, 1986)
Frogger 16K (1983)
G-LOC - Air Battle 128K (Hack, 2024)
Vega Solaris 48K (Spanish, 1989)
Some great Spanish games in there!
Why was MoonRN (48K) (HB) reverted to the older version?
https://snauts.itch.io/moonrn (https://snauts.itch.io/moonrn)
Best regards,
Hi, can you please add support for the CES build of the Aladdin game on Sega Genesis?
Why was MoonRN (48K) (HB) reverted to the older version?
https://snauts.itch.io/moonrn (https://snauts.itch.io/moonrn)
Best regards,
Hmm, looks like some confusion with the 2 files on the itch.io site. moonld.tap is the one we want, and there is no v2 :)
moonrn.tap - game without custom loading screen
moonld.tap - game with custom loading screen
best regards,
- dink
Hmm, looks like some confusion with the 2 files on the itch.io site. moonld.tap is the one we want, and there is no v2 :)
moonrn.tap - game without custom loading screen
moonld.tap - game with custom loading screen
best regards,
- dink
It happens, I asked to know if the modification was made due to some problem, as MoonRD updated the website a few times. :smilie:
Best regards.
Hi, can you please add support for the CES build of the Aladdin game on Sega Genesis?
it's been added as "aladdinces" under megadrive :)
best regards,
- dink
It happens, I asked to know if the modification was made due to some problem, as MoonRD updated the website a few times. :smilie:
As wrote by dink, the only appreciable differences are:
"moonld" > custom loader + loading screen;
"moonrn" > standard loader and no loading screen.
Two updates:
The hack Lemmings - Colour Palette & Level Title Fix V1.5 ? PAL (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/lemmings-colour-palette-level-title-fix-v1-1-pal-genesis/) (Genesis / Mega Drive) has been updated to v1.5 Final version.
The text also mentions an NTSC version of this hack I hadn't noticed until now.
Also, not long ago I suggested an English translation for Argos No Senshi / Rygar (NES) to be added. It was, but now it seems BlackPaladin has decided to release their own patch (https://romhackplaza.org/translations/argos-no-senshi-english-translation-nes/), and I can't tell which version is better.
Added the support to 6 new SNES/Super Famicom titles:
Killer Instinct - Eyedol Edition (Hack, 2020)
Lennus II - The Apostles of the Seals (Japan/T-Eng)(1996/2008)
Rockman 7 EP (Japan/T-Eng)( 2020/2021)
Silva Saga II - The Legend of Light and Darkness (Japan/T-Eng)(1993/2012)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters - Cowabunga Edition (Hack, 2022)
Theme Park (Euro/Japan)(1995)
Thanks @Gab75 for new additions I requested
Chrono Trigger+
Super Copa BR
International SuperStar Soccer Deluxe Plus
Secret of Mana Plus
Super Castlevania IV Uncensored
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Fighting Edition (Select all characters in story mode)
Hi Gab75,
Using the patch from the Romhacking.net to obtain the SNES ROMs:
Killer Instinct - Eyedol Edition Deluxe and TMNT: Tournament Fighters - Cowabunga Edition, the CRCs obtained are different from the ones listed on FBNeo.
- Killer Instinct - Eyedol Edition Deluxe
https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/5453/ (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/5453/)
CRC EA44610A obtained after the patch matches the SHA-1: E383855B78AC99B2985B522B858627F68AFABB29 listed on the website.
The CRC ca350c4c listed on FB Neo does not.
- TMNT: Tournament Fighters - Cowabunga Edition
https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7374/ (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7374/)
CRC ea03fbc9, on FBNeo CRC 26540ce6.
But on the website there is no information about the SHA-1 hash of the ROM after the patch.
So I couldn't check which one is correct.
Best regards
Hi Gab75,
Using the patch from the Romhacking.net to obtain the SNES ROMs:
Killer Instinct - Eyedol Edition Deluxe and TMNT: Tournament Fighters - Cowabunga Edition, the CRCs obtained are different from the ones listed on FBNeo.
- Killer Instinct - Eyedol Edition Deluxe
https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/5453/ (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/5453/)
CRC EA44610A obtained after the patch matches the SHA-1: E383855B78AC99B2985B522B858627F68AFABB29 listed on the website.
The CRC ca350c4c listed on FB Neo does not.
- TMNT: Tournament Fighters - Cowabunga Edition
https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7374/ (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7374/)
CRC ea03fbc9, on FBNeo CRC 26540ce6.
But on the website there is no information about the SHA-1 hash of the ROM after the patch.
So I couldn't check which one is correct.
Best regards
It looks like the patched versions you're using have different CRCs compared to FBNeo's listings, which could be due to variations in the patch or different ROM dumps. Since the SHA-1 hash for TMNT isn't available on the site, it's tricky to verify. If you're not seeing the same CRCs, the patches might have slightly altered versions, or FBNeo might be using a different source. Best to check with others on forums to see if anyone else has the same results.
Super Castlevania IV Uncensored
I added this earlier tonight because I wanted to try it :)
best regards,
- dink
Hi Gab75,
Using the patch from the Romhacking.net to obtain the SNES ROMs:
Killer Instinct - Eyedol Edition Deluxe and TMNT: Tournament Fighters - Cowabunga Edition, the CRCs obtained are different from the ones listed on FBNeo.
Hi p4blo.ac,
the only difference is the addition of a "temporary header", the patched ROMs work fine... in any case, the versions with "right" CRCs will be on github soon! ;)
I added this earlier tonight because I wanted to try it :)
Thanks! :)
This is Jurassic Park II - The Chaos Continues Redux for the SNES.
It attempts to improve the gameplay by tweaking several difficulty settings such as the number of continues, energy, damage and others. I never played the original game, therefore I can't tell if its difficulty was excessive. Any opinions?
(https://i.imgur.com/12Wv1nk.png) (https://i.imgur.com/pCpOeVn.png)
Link here. (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/jurassic-park-ii-the-chaos-continues-redux-snes/)
Careful, burncooler2025. There are so many great hacks out there and so few people working on FBN. Some of the hacks in your list have already been requested - I personally requested Contra III: The alien Wars Restoration a few days ago - and others may already have been included.
Have you checked your list against the current Genesis / SNES rosters?
EDIT: I know, I know... that's rich coming from me, because I'm always bringing up hacks here.
EDIT 2: Actually, some of those hacks sound good. I'm thinking especially of Final Fight Arcade Edition, Mega Man X3: Project X 4.8, Ultimate Chakan and Zombies Ate My Neighbors: Ultimate Edition.
Time to shut my mouth.
This looks super fun, too: https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/mario-evolution-2-nes/
Added the support to 10 new ZX Spectrum titles:
Everest Challenge 48K (HB, 2024)
Forgotten Worlds 128K (Hack, 2020)
Gilligans Mine v1.0.1 128K (HB, 2025)
Hedgehogs 48K-AY (HB, 2013)
Hedgehogs 2 48K-128K (Russian)(HB, 2024)
Maze of the Robots 48K-128K (HB, 2024)
Metropolis 48K (Spanish)(1989)
Plyuk 128K (HB, 2025)
Saimazoom 48K (Spanish)(1984)
Star Raiders II 48K (1987)
Careful, burncooler2025. There are so many great hacks out there and so few people working on FBN. Some of the hacks in your list have already been requested - I personally requested Contra III: The alien Wars Restoration a few days ago - and others may already have been included.
Have you checked your list against the current Genesis / SNES rosters?
EDIT: I know, I know... that's rich coming from me, because I'm always bringing up hacks here.
EDIT 2: Actually, some of those hacks sound good. I'm thinking especially of Final Fight Arcade Edition, Mega Man X3: Project X 4.8, Ultimate Chakan and Zombies Ate My Neighbors: Ultimate Edition.
Time to shut my mouth.
Calm down friend, I realized that I duplicated a request but the intention is to see the games mentioned made available. I understand that it requires some time from the moderators. If anything happens, I'll edit the replicated request.
Things get added, eventually - just have a little patience :)
best regards,
- dink
Added the support to 2 new NES/Famicom hacks:
Mario Evolution 2 v2.1 (Hack, 2025)
Warrior of Argos, The (T-Eng, 2025)
[Claps his hands] :biggrin:
I think I brought up this hack here before, but I'm not sure. It's Streets of Rage Plus (Genesis / Mega Drive).
(https://i.imgur.com/58pohQ3.png) (https://i.imgur.com/3PFhprL.png)
It's a collection of extras seen in other SoR hacks, such as a different color palette, bad ending in single player, 6-button pad support, difficulty randomizer, etc.
Information and download here. (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/streets-of-rage-plus-genesis/)
EDIT: Oh, and the Amiga-style facelift for Lemmings (same system) got updated again:
Lemmings - Colour Palette & Level Title Fix V1.6 - PAL - FINAL (Genesis) (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/lemmings-colour-palette-level-title-fix-v1-1-pal-genesis/)
Lemmings - Colour & Level Title Fix V1.2 NTSC - JP/US - FINAL (Genesis) (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/lemmings-colour-title-fix-v1-0-ntsc-jp-us-hack-genesis/)
It it's added, one version would be enough. My vote is for the JP/US ROM.
Added the support to 7 new ZX Spectrum titles (3 classics + 4 homebrews):
Miami Cobra GT 48K-128K (1991)
Pac Hic on Mars 128K (HB, 2024)
Pengo Quest 48K-128K (HB, 2015)
Ramon Rodriguez 48K (Spanish) (1986)
Take my Hand v1.9 128K (English/Spanish) (HB, 2024)
Throbby Heartache 48K/128K(v2) (HB, 2025)
Whopper Chase 48K (Spanish) (1987)
I think I brought up this hack here before, but I'm not sure. It's Streets of Rage Plus (Genesis / Mega Drive).
It's a collection of extras seen in other SoR hacks, such as a different color palette, bad ending in single player, 6-button pad support, difficulty randomizer, etc.
Information and download here. (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/streets-of-rage-plus-genesis/)
"Street of Rage Plus" is already available on Mega Drive/Genesis roster! ;)
D'oh! :confused:
Added the support to 3 new hacks and updated 4 hacks (Megadrive roster):
New Hacks:
Altered Beast - ReToned v1.16 (2025)
Pengo Arcade (2024)
Ultimate Chakan v1.2 (2021)
updated Hacks:
Bishoujo Super Street Fighter II - Glamor Queen v2.1B (2025)
Lemmings - Colour Palette & Level Title Fix v1.6 Final (Euro)(2025)
Street of Rage 3 Project (2021)(gsaurus)
WWF Royal Rumble Enhanced Colors + SFX v1.06 (2025)
So many WWF carts for so many systems, and so many duds. Is there any of those worth playing more than 15 minutes? Just asking.
So many WWF carts for so many systems, and so many duds. Is there any of those worth playing more than 15 minutes? Just asking.
Probably "WWF Royal Rumble" is not too bad! But I can't matter, because I'm not a "hardcore fan" of this genre of games!
I'll check that one out. So far the only one I liked was WWF WrestleMania: The Arcade Game. It has very good gameplay, but those digitised graphics...
Hello. "md_bssf2gq" should have the "no-pause" patch like previous versions.
order to patch:
1. main patch
2. noPause patch
Hello. "md_bssf2gq" should have the "no-pause" patch like previous versions.
order to patch:
1. main patch
2. noPause patch
can you add the URL of "noPause patch"? Thanks! ;)
can you add the URL of "noPause patch"? Thanks! ;)
File is: 'SSF2_GlamorQueen_NoPause.ips'
File is: 'SSF2_GlamorQueen_NoPause.ips'
Thanks! The "updated" version on github soon! :)
RHP just reminded me there's an English translation for Splatter House: Wanpaku Graffiti (NES):
(https://i.imgur.com/52N0eaH.png) (https://i.imgur.com/3FORy5g.png)
Information and download here. (https://romhackplaza.org/translations/splatterhouse-super-deformed-translation-english-translation-nes/)
P.S: Good call on the Altered Beast - ReToned hack. For me the definitive version will always be Alternate Style, but I just read a glowing review of this other one.
Added the support to 6 new NES/Famicom titles:
Abadox - Jigoku no Inner Wars (Japan, 1989)
Asterix - Enhanced Colors (Hack, 2025)
Dr. Lady Decade (Hack, 2025)
Dr. Retro v3.7 (Hack, 2024-25)
Splatterhouse - Super Deformed (T-Eng, 2000)
Spy vs Spy (Japan, 1986)
Added the support to 9 new ZX Spectrum titles (5 classic + 4 homebrews):
Alien Command 16K (1982)
H.E.R.O. 48K (1984)
Hafoc Tor 48K-128K (HB, 2024)
Jurl 48K (HB, 2025)
Kentucky Racing 48K (1990)
Knightmare 48K (HB, 2024)
Metalyx 48K (1987)
Rasterscan 48K (1987)
Throbbing Headache DX 48K/128K (HB, 2025)
Added the support to other 8 new ZX Spectrum titles (5 classics + 3 homebrews):
Bluber 48K (HB, 2014)
Donkey Kong Arcade v2 48K-AY (HB, 2024-25)
Dynamix 48K (1989)
Gem Slider 48K-AY (HB, 2018)
Inside Outing 48K (1988)
Prohibition 48K (1987)
Universal Hero 48K (1986)
Viper III 48K (1984)
Very cool, from those at least Prohition and Inside outing are Spectrum classics.
As for me, I found about this days ago, but I can't tell if they 're worth adding. They're a bunch of hacks by XStuff for the Mega Man X series (SNES), changing the main charater to Protoman, the star of the first Mega Man titles.
(https://i.imgur.com/YDyTXwG.png) (https://i.imgur.com/xoCmisC.png)
Mega Man X1: Proto Edition (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/mega-man-x1-proto-edition-snes/)
Mega Man X2: Proto Edition (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/mega-man-x2-proto-edition-snes/)
Mega Man X3: Proto Edition (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/mega-man-x3-proto-edition-snes/)
Thanks for adding my speccy req's :)
Neville, Those Protoman hacks look nice!
p.s. if you can think of any stuff we're missing in the speccy department (classics, etc), do let us know!
best regards,
- dink
I will, but be warned the Spectrum is not the platform I know best. In the 1980s I was playing for the other team, the Amstrad CPC:
EDIT: Just noticed, the Batman NES games got their Black Edition hacks updated to "Ultima" version. I wonder if they'll ever run out of names for the versions.
Batman Black Edition Ver. Ultima (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/batman-black-edition-nes/)
Batman Return Of The Joker Black Edition Ver. Ultima (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/batman-return-of-the-joker-black-edition-nes/)
Batman Returns Black Edition Ver. Ultima (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/batman-returns-black-edition-nes/)
EDIT: Just noticed, the Batman NES games got their Black Edition hacks updated to "Ultima" version. I wonder if they'll ever run out of names for the versions.
That's the thing with "final" versions... Often, they're not actually final. It's much simpler and less confusing to just always stick with numbers. That's a mistake that has been repeated over the ages.
Added the support to Guns & Gears 128K (2021), ZX Spectrum roster... the original version is in TRD format, the version supported by FBneo is a custom TAP version!
EDIT: Just noticed, the Batman NES games got their Black Edition hacks updated to "Ultima" version. I wonder if they'll ever run out of names for the versions.
Batman Black Edition Ver. Ultima (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/batman-black-edition-nes/)
Batman Return Of The Joker Black Edition Ver. Ultima (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/batman-return-of-the-joker-black-edition-nes/)
Batman Returns Black Edition Ver. Ultima (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/batman-returns-black-edition-nes/)
Support updated to the latest versions... let's hope this time they're really the "Ultima" versions! :p
Maybe next week we'll have "Ultimate" versions. If they haven't used that name already, that is.
Puyo Puyo (Genesis / Mega Drive) has just received an English translation.
(https://i.imgur.com/ru0Eg4o.png) (https://i.imgur.com/tN2nSGo.png)
Information and download here. (https://romhackplaza.org/translations/puyo-puyo-english-translation-genesis/)
I had overlooked this one because I don't (usually) like difficulty patches. Yet RomHacking has decided to put it on its news, so it may be worth considering.
It's Grandmasters Edition, a hack for TMNT: Tournament Fighters, SNES version. It changes quite a lot of things, but essentially it's meant to make the bosses less intimidating.
(https://i.imgur.com/1hWRiBF.png) (https://i.imgur.com/T83U4Ni.png)
Information and download here. (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8894/)
Added the support to 8 new ZX Spectrum titles (6 classics + 2 homebrews):
Death Wish 3 128K (1987)
Full Throttle 48K (1984)
Full Throttle 2 48K (1990)
Milk Race 48K (1987)
Perils of Willy 48K (HB, 2020)
Perils of Willy Plus 128K (HB, 2024)
Raw Recruit 48K (1988)
Shadowfire 48K (1985)
Any love for Knuckles? Now you can play Sonic 2 with him.
(https://i.imgur.com/VBuIaQQ.png) (https://i.imgur.com/22vfKvV.png)
Information and download here. (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/sonic-and-tails-in-knuckles-in-sonic-2-genesis/)
Any love for Knuckles? Now you can play Sonic 2 with him.
We already could with the original game: Sonic & Knuckles + Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (World) / md_sks2
The point of this ROM hack is to readd Sonic and Tails into that game. Then again, I'd rather play Sonic 2 VS instead.
Added the support to Puyo Puyo (T-Eng, 2025), UK and US versions (Megadrive roster)...
We already could with the original game: Sonic & Knuckles + Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (World) / md_sks2
The point of this ROM hack is to readd Sonic and Tails into that game. Then again, I'd rather play Sonic 2 VS instead.
Ahhh... OK. I though I had my facts straight, but no. No need for the hack then.
Another Genesis / Mega Drive patch... this time wave has translated to Spanish the game Pirates! Gold.
(https://i.imgur.com/YL62XWJ.png) (https://i.imgur.com/N5nqMip.png)
Not a small feat, because the game has tons of text.
Information and download here. (https://romhackplaza.org/translations/pirates-gold-spanish-translation-genesis/)
Remember that Lemmings Genesis / Mega Drive hack that brought the colors closer to the Amiga version? They made a version for the SNES port as well.
(https://i.imgur.com/t4Gizht.png) (https://i.imgur.com/YKottQj.png)
Information and download here. (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/lemmings-colour-palette-fix-v1-0-pal-snes/)
Added the support to 3 new Megadrive titles (also updated Final Fight MD to Patreon release, v0.8b):
Ladders Room (HB, 2025)
Pantufa the Cat - Extended Edition (GlobalHack, 2020)
Pirates! Gold (T-Spa, 2025)
Remember that Lemmings Genesis / Mega Drive hack that brought the colors closer to the Amiga version? They made a version for the SNES port as well.
(https://i.imgur.com/t4Gizht.png) (https://i.imgur.com/YKottQj.png)
Information and download here. (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/lemmings-colour-palette-fix-v1-0-pal-snes/)
The same author has created another hack for this version of the game, this time restoring some level titles and missing levels.
Lemmings: Level Title Fix + Original Level Restore (https://romhackplaza.org/romhacks/lemmings-level-title-fix-original-level-restore-v1-0-pal-snes/)
Added the support to 10 new SNES/Super Famicom titles (4 classics + 6 hacks):
D.O.L.L.S. (GlobalHack, 2025)
Donkey Kong 4 - Rise and Repeat (GlobalHack, 2025)
Jurassic Park II - The Chaos Continues Redux (Hack, 2025)
Lemmings - Colour Palette & Level Title Fix v1.1 FINAL (Hack, 2025)
Lemmings (Euro, 1992)
Lemmings (Japan, 1991)
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (USA, 1994)
Other Castle II v0.9.2 (Hack, 2023)
Super Morph (Euro, 1993)
TMNT Tournament Fighters - Grandmasters Edition v1.2 (Hack, 2025)
Thank you very much! :biggrin:
F-Zero is coming to genesis : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4X5JBXbjLQ
No rom yet.
thanks gab75 for additions
translate portuguese (snesforever.com.br)
Bahamut Lagoon
Breath of Fire II
Laplace no Ma - Laplace Demon
Dragon Ball Z - Hyper Dimension
Dragon Ball Z - Super Gokuu Den - Totsugeki Hen
Majuu Ou / King Of Demons
Neugier: Umi to Kaze no Kodou / Neugier
Secret Of Evermore
Super Mario All-Stars
Star Ocean
Trials of Mana / Seiken Densetsu 3
Yu Yu Hakusho 2: Kakutou no Shou / The Fighting Chapter
X-Kaliber 2097