Final Burn Neo => FBN Discussion => Topic started by: PrincessMonaco on December 21, 2024, 07:09:13 PM
I'm trying to update the Retropie version from source, which normally works fine, but is giving me this error.
It tells me to look in a log file, but the log file is just gibberish.
The log file is gzip'd, it'll have to be ungzip'd first.
Run: gzip -d rps_2024-12-21*press tab here for autocomplete*
then view the log file without the .gz extension :)
best regards,
- dink
It seems your raspberry pi is unable to clone (= download) the github repository.
It might be either because you've got some kind of internet error, or because your disk is full ?
Ah, thanks. I did think it might be that, but I thought 1.5GB would have been enough space.
Cleared another 1GB and that fixed it. Still crossing my fingers to get the Christmas Tournament Edition in by Wednesday :biggrin:
Ah, thanks. I did think it might be that, but I thought 1.5GB would have been enough space.
Git download the history of the repository, that history is dozens of time bigger than the current source code.
In the meantime, I've managed to fiddle Christmas Tournament anyway, which I'm pretty pleased with myself about :biggrin:
Since I'm running the 1.2 version of DK2 Jumpman Returns, that means the 1.1 version (dkong11x.zip) is going unused. So I switched the ROMs from dkchrte.zip into dkongx11.zip, renamed them, and uploaded a copy to the PATCHED folder. Now I can run Jumpman Returns 1.2, Spooky Remix, Spooky Tournament, Christmas Remix and Christmas Tournament all at the same time :smilie: :smilie:
Obviously the same trick also works for the non-Christmas version of Tournament Edition (dkongte.zip), but as there are no other variants of DK2 going "spare" there's currently no way to finagle it on Retropie so that you can have Tournament and Christmas Tournament running at the same time.