* Knights of Valor - Sangoku Sanki (V117) [kov]
- Save states works perfectly
- speed seems to be the same as in official 97.02 release
- Now no graphical glitches (solved in this version by iq_132)
BUG: Can use only one time a weapons (with P1 button 4), then it likes if this button has been disable (can't use during the rest of the game)
* Knights of Valor - Sangoku Sanki (V100, Japenese Board) [kovj]
- Save states works perfectly
- speed seems to be the same as in official 97.02 release
BUG: Can use only one time a weapons (with P1 button 4), then it likes if this button has been disable (can't use during the rest of the game)
* Knights of Valor - Sangoku Sanki (V115) [kov115]
- Save states works perfectly
- speed seems to be the same as in official 97.02 release
- Now no graphical glitches (solved in this version by iq_132)
BUG: Can use only one time a weapons (with P1 button 4), then it likes if this button has been disable (can't use during the rest of the game)
* Knights of Valor Plus - Sangoku Sanki Plus (V119, alt) [kovplusa]
- Save states works perfectly
- speed seems to be the same as in official 97.02 release
BUG: Can't use weapons (with P1 button 4), it likes if this button has been disable (can't use during the rest of the game)
* Knights of Valor Plus - Sangoku Sanki Plus (V119) [kovplus]
- Save states works perfectly
- speed seems to be the same as in official 97.02 release
BUG: Can't use weapons (with p1 button 4), it likes if this button has been disable (can't use during the rest of the game)
* Knights of Valor 2 (V100) [kov2]
- Graphical bug in stage 2 (already known by iq_132)
- Save states works perfectly
- Speed comparison can't be tested 'as kov2 not working in official 97.02 release
BUG: Can't use weapons (with P1 button 4), it likes if this button has been disable (can't use during the rest of the game)
* Knights of Valor 2 (V106) [kov2106]
- Game not working as second ARM7 CPU is not emulated
* Martial Masters (USA, V104 V102 V102) [martmast]
- No graphical bugs (all previous graphical bugs have been solved by iq_132)
- Save states works perfectly
- Speed comparison can't be tested 'as martmast not supported in official 97.02 release
BUG: P1 button 4 is broken (it likes if this button has been disable - can't use during play)
Note : martmast should be labelled as V104 V102 V102
snap #1 : fba 029702 pgm3
snap #3 : fba 029702 pgm2
* Martial Masters (China, V104 V102 V101) [martmasc]
- No graphical bugs (all previous graphical bugs have been solved by iq_132)
- Save states works perfectly
- Speed comparison can't be tested 'as martmast not supported in official 97.02 release
BUG: P1 button 4 is broken (it likes if this button has been disable - can't use during play)
Note : martmasc should be labelled as V104 V102 V101
snap #2 : fba 029702 pgm3
snap #4 : fba 029702 pgm2
* Oriental Legend - Xi Yo Gi Shi Re Zuang (V106) [orlegend]
- Save states works perfectly
- speed seems to be the same as in official 97.02 release
BUG: P1 button 4 is broken (it likes if this button has been disable - can't use during play)
* Oriental Legend - Xi Yo Gi Shi Re Zuang (V111, Chinese Board) [orld111c]
- Save states works perfectly
- speed seems to be the same as in official 97.02 release
BUG: P1 button 4 is broken (it likes if this button has been disable - can't use during play)
* Oriental Legend - Xi Yo Gi Shi Re Zuang (V112) [orlegnde]
- Save states works perfectly
- speed seems to be the same as in official 97.02 release
BUG: P1 button 4 is broken (it likes if this button has been disable - can't use during play)
* Oriental Legend - Xi Yo Gi Shi Re Zuang (V112, Chinese Board) [orlegndc]
- Save states works perfectly
- speed seems to be the same as in official 97.02 release
BUG: P1 button 4 is broken (it likes if this button has been disable - can't use during play)
* Oriental Legend - Xi Yo Gi Shi Re Zuang (V105, Korean Board) [orlegndc]
- Save states works perfectly
- speed seems to be the same as in official 97.02 release
BUG: P1 button 4 is broken (it likes if this button has been disable - can't use during play)
* P-GeMeni (060123) [pgemeni]
- Perfect graphics
Note : i was enable to "play" this demo (in the case it's playable)
- No sound (as i can't play this demo)
* Photo Y2K - Real and Fake (V104) [photo2yk]
- Save states works perfectly
- speed seems to be the same as in official 97.02 release
NOTE: P1 button 4 not used in this game
* Real and Fake - Photo Y2K (V102, Japenese Board) [raf102j]
- Save states works perfectly
- speed seems to be the same as in official 97.02 release
NOTE: P1 button 4 not used in this game
* Puzzle Star (v100MG) [puzlstar]
- Save states works perfectly
- speed seems to be the same as in official 97.02 release
NOTE: P1 button 4 not used in this game
* The Killing Blade (v104) [killbld]
- Not Working
* The Killing Blade (v109, Chinese Board) [killbldt]
- Save states works perfectly
- speed seems to be the same as in official 97.02 release
BUG: P1 button 4 is broken (it likes if this button has been disable - can't use during play)
NOTE: Seems in this version, the P1 Button 4 not works and has been disabled (maybe pb in dipswitches?)