For the few seconds (if that) you save useing the decrypted P rom for kof2k4se is pointless
I use encrypted Roms on a AMD 450MHZ 512 ram and it does not take that much longer to load them .
I use encrypted sets because there meant to be true dumps and if the emulator can emulate them then thats better if i want to use decrypted sets I use NRX
this is why I said : ok in this case we can't see the difference
I just give my opinion, I know that a lot of ppl use encrypted sets......I don't.......ther's nothing else to say

(everyone use what he wants, I don't claim that using encrypted set is lame or stupid........just that I don't like it

In Romshare, it's funny to see how many ppl work to try to encrypt games that were released decrypted, then trying to make initialisation to decrypt what they encrypted......C encryption, V encryption, P encryption........big headache.
ps : I like FBA, but sometimes I play with Nebula too (NRX too few years ago), and as I don't like to have 89451897564198 sets of roms for each emulator, decrypted sets is really helpful (decrypted C, V, P, MVS/AES protection removed,etc.....)
IMO the most important is the game itself, and for lot of ppl, they don't care about that, they just want the perfect set........without playing it......If I want the real 100% original game, I switch on my MVS 2 slots and I play on the real hardware

i think most people are fixed to the idea that encrypted means more RAM required, not true
I don't think so

(I use decrypted sets as they take less HDD, they load faster......and when you play with FBAxxx on Xbox, I can tell you that there isn't a lot of RAM
