Author Topic: The King of Fighers 2004 Special Edition  (Read 44333 times)

Offline Badablek

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The King of Fighers 2004 Special Edition
« Reply #15 on: November 26, 2004, 06:13:57 AM »

You only need this code added


static void kf2k4seDecrypt() // Code by IQ_132 (
   unsigned char* src = Neo68KROM01+0x100000;
   unsigned char* dst = (unsigned char*)malloc(0x400000);
   int sec[] = {0x300000,0x200000,0x100000,0x000000};
   if (dst)

      for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)

static int kof2k4seInit()
   pNeoInitCallback = kf2k4seDecrypt;
   return NeoInit();

Only if he wants to use the encrypted P2  ;)

Offline James33

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« Reply #16 on: November 26, 2004, 06:29:52 AM »
Why do you change the quote .When there is no need ?

I never said he had to use the encrypted P2 rom  :p

Anyway the decrypted P rom is mostly used for emulators like NRX or emulators that cannot add code to emulate it Since FBA and Mame can use code there is no point in useing the decrypted P rom .
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Offline Badablek

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« Reply #17 on: November 26, 2004, 08:48:34 AM »
I do not change the quote  :confused:

As I use QUOTE and not CODE, it deletes spaces, but I do not change anything by myself  :cool:
I quote you just to say that this decryption code is only needed if he wants to use the encrypted P2, nothing else  :p


Anyway the decrypted P rom is mostly used for emulators like NRX or emulators that cannot add code to emulate it Since FBA and Mame can use code there is no point in useing the decrypted P rom .

I use FBA too (and i really like it) but I think using Encrypted roms when you can use decrypted ones is useless, but this is my opinion  :D  :D  :D
I'm on the dark side of the emulation (I hate encrypted sets that take much much more time to load....I know that using perfect sets is important for a lot of ppl....but not for me....universal roms is more useful for me ^^, and this is why i toild him to use decrypted P2  ;) )
In memory, encrypted sets and decrypted sets are the same........loading a decrypted P2 or descrambling and loading a encrypted P2 is the same thing, except descrambling time (ok in this case we can't see the difference)  :D  :D

Offline Death Metal

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The King of Fighers 2004 Special Edition
« Reply #18 on: November 26, 2004, 04:37:12 PM »
Quote from: Badablek
I use FBA too (and i really like it) but I think using Encrypted roms when you can use decrypted ones is useless, but this is my opinion  :D  :D  :D
I'm on the dark side of the emulation (I hate encrypted sets that take much much more time to load....I know that using perfect sets is important for a lot of ppl....but not for me....universal roms is more useful for me ^^, and this is why i toild him to use decrypted P2  ;) )

I don't use NeoRAGEx, but I tend to think in the same fashion. Why use an encrypted ROM when you have the decrypted one available? It saves on loading time (depending on your machine specs and on the game) and, in the end of the day, the are frequently no different at all from original, encrypted sets. It's a win-win situation.

But, anyway, to each their own. ;)

Offline BisonSAS

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The King of Fighers 2004 Special Edition
« Reply #19 on: November 26, 2004, 11:57:06 PM »
Quote from: FerchogtX
Driver for the 3 P-ROM version:
{"2k4-c7.bin", 0x800000, 0xfa705b2b,    1}, //  10 Text data removed
{"2k4-c8.bin", 0x800000, 0x2c912ff9,    1}, //  11 Text data removed

Text data not removed from C7 and C8 ROM.

//   {"2k4-s1.bin",   0x020000, 0xa3c9b2d8,    1}, //  2 Text data

result: :eek:

See ya! :cool:

Offline James33

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The King of Fighers 2004 Special Edition
« Reply #20 on: November 27, 2004, 01:47:54 AM »
Quote from: Badablek
I use FBA too (and i really like it) but I think using Encrypted roms when you can use decrypted ones is useless, but this is my opinion  :D  :D  :D
I'm on the dark side of the emulation (I hate encrypted sets that take much much more time to load....I know that using perfect sets is important for a lot of ppl....but not for me....universal roms is more useful for me ^^, and this is why i toild him to use decrypted P2  ;) )
In memory, encrypted sets and decrypted sets are the same........loading a decrypted P2 or descrambling and loading a encrypted P2 is the same thing, except descrambling time (ok in this case we can't see the difference)  :D  :D

For the few seconds (if that) you save useing the decrypted P rom for kof2k4se is pointless
I use encrypted Roms on a AMD 450MHZ 512 ram and it does not take that much longer to load them .
I use encrypted sets because there meant to be true dumps and if the emulator can emulate them then thats better if i want to use decrypted sets I use NRX

I also enjoy the challenge of getting encrypted sets working it beats waiting for someone to decrypt them for you .Most who use decrypted set only care about game play Where I use encrypted sets for proper emulation and game play .Anyway enough of my little rant.

@ BisonSAS  thats very nice to know .
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Offline Xeon

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« Reply #21 on: November 27, 2004, 02:37:53 AM »
i think most people are fixed to the idea that encrypted means more RAM required, not true. the way i see it, it only applies to the C ROMs and FBA even wonderfully handles that (when compared to other emus at least). the only real reason for me to use decrypted C ROMs is to save space. as for encrypted P, M and V ROMs, they barely save RAM and time when loading (if at all), and most of those barely compress even when decrypted. and im on a 300Mhz PC/128 MB RAM to boot.

about kof2k4se, thats neat man :D but i think it was intended for the hack to use an external S1 ROM (the names below the life bars doesnt show with it - wonder of anything else changes without the S1)

Offline Badablek

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« Reply #22 on: November 27, 2004, 04:48:44 AM »

For the few seconds (if that) you save useing the decrypted P rom for kof2k4se is pointless
I use encrypted Roms on a AMD 450MHZ 512 ram and it does not take that much longer to load them .
I use encrypted sets because there meant to be true dumps and if the emulator can emulate them then thats better if i want to use decrypted sets I use NRX

this is why I said : ok in this case we can't see the difference  :D  :D  :D

I just give my opinion, I know that a lot of ppl use encrypted sets......I don't.......ther's nothing else to say  :cool: (everyone use what he wants, I don't claim that using encrypted set is lame or stupid........just that I don't like it  :p )

In Romshare, it's funny to see how many ppl work to try to encrypt games that were released decrypted, then trying to make initialisation to decrypt what they encrypted......C encryption, V encryption, P encryption........big headache.

ps : I like FBA, but sometimes I play with Nebula too (NRX too few years ago), and as I don't like to have 89451897564198 sets of roms for each emulator, decrypted sets is really helpful (decrypted C, V, P, MVS/AES protection removed,etc.....)
IMO the most important is the game itself, and for lot of ppl, they don't care about that, they just want the perfect set........without playing it......If I want the real 100% original game, I switch on my MVS 2 slots and I play on the real hardware  ;)


i think most people are fixed to the idea that encrypted means more RAM required, not true

I don't think so  :p (I use decrypted sets as they take less HDD, they load faster......and when you play with FBAxxx on Xbox, I can tell you that there isn't a lot of RAM  :D )

Offline Xeon

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« Reply #23 on: November 27, 2004, 07:35:56 AM »
well it became a hobby to most of us to be honest. since unlike you, nearly none of us can switch to a MVS 2 Coin slots/PCB if we wanted sheer perfection. its all pretty accessible (and lets face it, we do want it) so i cant see what us striving for artificial perfection could do wrong.

as for decrypted Cs, dont worry man, i use them myself (im low on HDD myself) and also am used to NeoRAGEx before switching to FBA. but i will never abandon the encrypted sets in my build. im mainly talking about encrypted P and V ROMs, since as i found out, theyre near perfect (assuming, this is a hobby remember?) and barely makes sense to bother decrypting them when i have them working in encrypted form already.

Offline James33

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The King of Fighers 2004 Special Edition
« Reply #24 on: November 27, 2004, 09:04:53 AM »
Quote from: Badablek
If I want the real 100% original game, I switch on my MVS 2 slots and I play on the real hardware  ;)
Ok I will turn on my 1 slot MVS :p

Anyway back to the topic of the thread .
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Offline Badablek

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« Reply #25 on: November 27, 2004, 09:32:12 AM »
offtopic again (sorry)


assuming, this is a hobby remember

your hobby is to find the perfect set, mine is to hunt the last decrypted P and V  :D  :D  :D  :D


so i cant see what us striving for artificial perfection could do wrong.

I never said that encrypted sets are bad and that you're wrong, everyone has his opinion, i just gave mine ^^

ps bis : I don't have a lot of money, but a MVS motherboard is really cheap ^^ (as i'm not Bill Gates, I can't buy an AES system  ;) )

Offline Death Metal

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The King of Fighers 2004 Special Edition
« Reply #26 on: November 27, 2004, 03:42:22 PM »
Quote from: BisonSAS
Text data not removed from C7 and C8 ROM.

//   {"2k4-s1.bin",   0x020000, 0xa3c9b2d8,    1}, //  2 Text data

result: :eek:

See ya! :cool:

Hey Bison, how was it possible to get names under the life bars in this game? Some special init we're not using? I thought it was normal for this game with them not showing in the first place. :p

Offline Accosta_m

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« Reply #27 on: November 27, 2004, 05:36:43 PM »
Quote from: Death Metal
Hey Bison, how was it possible to get names under the life bars in this game? Some special init we're not using? I thought it was normal for this game with them not showing in the first place. :p

only disable this line and compile

// {"2k4-s1.bin", 0x020000, 0xa3c9b2d8, 1}, // 2 Text data

you don't need any init special for it

See ya!!
:D     :cool:     :eek:     ;)     :p

Offline Badablek

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« Reply #28 on: November 27, 2004, 06:32:55 PM »

only disable this line and compile

// {"2k4-s1.bin", 0x020000, 0xa3c9b2d8, 1}, // 2 Text data

you don't need any init special for it

See ya!!

So C7 and C8 contain S data (even if they are not supposed to), and data is not the same as the extracted, I'm really lost  :confused:

Offline Xeon

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« Reply #29 on: November 27, 2004, 11:17:44 PM »
Quote from: Badablek
offtopic again (sorry)

your hobby is to find the perfect set, mine is to hunt the last decrypted P and V  :D  :D  :D  :D

I never said that encrypted sets are bad and that you're wrong, everyone has his opinion, i just gave mine ^^

ps bis : I don't have a lot of money, but a MVS motherboard is really cheap ^^ (as i'm not Bill Gates, I can't buy an AES system  ;) )

 i do respect your opinion but you wondered why people bother so much encrypted sets, so i thought id inform you. rather uncalled for but...meh :D

as for kof2k4se, the only proof (that i could think of) that there should be names below the lifebars should be in the videos (those shots running on actual cab) before it was released.