Author Topic: Raiden Fighters 2 2000 And Raiden Fighters Jet 2000  (Read 94124 times)

Offline BritneysPAIRS

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Re: Raiden Fighters 2 2000 And Raiden Fighters Jet 2000
« Reply #30 on: May 23, 2014, 08:10:08 PM »
cheers ill look at it later lots to do :) I take it you fixed the sound as you seem to be reworking your build again

Offline Arcadez

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Re: Raiden Fighters 2 2000 And Raiden Fighters Jet 2000
« Reply #31 on: May 23, 2014, 08:51:16 PM »
cheers ill look at it later lots to do :) I take it you fixed the sound as you seem to be reworking your build again
Yeah slight delay in getting the build out so decided to try and add Big Fight which turned into a Big Fail :) but try as i might i couldn't
get darkmist and mustache boy to work with the T5182 sound core i gave it a good go though but gave up in the end as i dont
think the games worth any more of my time to be honest if i cant get things playable in a couple of days i tend to just move
on unless it's a game i like then i might persevere like i did with with B-Rap-Boys Double Wings or Heavy Smash

this define stood out though in t5182.c it seems like it's meant to link to some decleration although making it cpunum= -1 or cpunum= 0 was supposed to skip the lookup but either version i tried didn't help either

cpunum = mame_find_cpu_index(CPUTAG_T5182);
« Last Edit: May 23, 2014, 09:02:33 PM by gamez fan »

Offline BritneysPAIRS

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Re: Raiden Fighters 2 2000 And Raiden Fighters Jet 2000
« Reply #32 on: May 23, 2014, 09:25:45 PM »
no worries....

Offline Arcadez

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Re: Raiden Fighters 2 2000 And Raiden Fighters Jet 2000
« Reply #33 on: May 24, 2014, 03:08:20 PM »
no worries....
Hey nice work getting Raiden Fighters and Viper Phase 1 Playable on the ole xbox!!! it's something im trying to have a go at myself
but it might just be above my level if you know what i mean  :wink: I know your busy but can i ask you something real quick??
As far back as i can remember those games never booted on the standard xboxes did you have to add any special code of your
own to get em to boot?? or will having the correct VMM settings do the trick??

Ive made some changes to the driver and i'd like to see how the games look and sound but try as i might i cant get em to boot
so was wondering if no special code is required what VMM settings are you using for the games??
« Last Edit: May 24, 2014, 03:23:33 PM by gamez fan »

Offline BritneysPAIRS

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Re: Raiden Fighters 2 2000 And Raiden Fighters Jet 2000
« Reply #34 on: May 24, 2014, 06:30:19 PM »
Theres lots to make these boot the way ive done it....but to get the basics to boot you need to disable the sound...the warning when you compile is for good reason and stops the games still not finished on these drivers but im trying to sort out the sprites on system 18 games at present as ive got them going as well but with scrambled sprites...ive got a list of top games I want to add im looking at...svv (sega saturn ones) ive got going but no speed hack will ever make them playable on the xbox I dont think same as most 3d games....but the rest im working though from most wanted to least wanted

Offline Arcadez

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Re: Raiden Fighters 2 2000 And Raiden Fighters Jet 2000
« Reply #35 on: May 24, 2014, 07:55:09 PM »
Theres lots to make these boot the way ive done it....but to get the basics to boot you need to disable the sound...the warning when you compile is for good reason and stops the games still not finished on these drivers

Ok so disable the sound and they should then boot i assume i could do it like this.......

Just reem these out??
//   MDRV_SOUND_ADD(YMF271, ymf271_interface)

It's a bit late to work further on it tonight but im not sure if i should have added the sound commands from MAME100??
plus quite a few other odds' n ends from that src i know your busy but if you get a spare couple of moments could you take
a look at the driver for me just want to know if im on the right track or have gone way of the road ;) if your too busy i understand

Offline BritneysPAIRS

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Re: Raiden Fighters 2 2000 And Raiden Fighters Jet 2000
« Reply #36 on: May 24, 2014, 08:26:54 PM »
Im sorting it out at present....and in beta...I could give you the system 18 code for the sprites scrambling to sort would be better...raiden games I totally rewrote the intire driver in the end....

yes removing the ymf271 will allow it to boot for you...otherwise you cant get it to boot

Offline Arcadez

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Re: Raiden Fighters 2 2000 And Raiden Fighters Jet 2000
« Reply #37 on: May 24, 2014, 09:19:07 PM »
Im sorting it out at present....and in beta...I could give you the system 18 code for the sprites scrambling to sort would be better...raiden games I totally rewrote the intire driver in the end....

yes removing the ymf271 will allow it to boot for you...otherwise you cant get it to boot

Yeah i think your Right System 18 code might be something better for me to work on the Seibu driver is kinda
outta my league if im being honest here :smilie: if you want to post it i'll certainly give it a go tommorow
« Last Edit: May 24, 2014, 09:20:08 PM by gamez fan »

Offline BritneysPAIRS

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Re: Raiden Fighters 2 2000 And Raiden Fighters Jet 2000
« Reply #38 on: May 25, 2014, 04:00:57 AM »
Ill upload it all honesty ill have moved this driver quite some way every day or so and without a proper working group as I said you probably wont get that far....this one is alot harder than viper phase 1 by looks the protection is really painfull....wish I had someone with driver knowedge to tidy up the rom linking

Offline Arcadez

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Re: Raiden Fighters 2 2000 And Raiden Fighters Jet 2000
« Reply #39 on: May 25, 2014, 10:42:21 AM »
Ill upload it all honesty ill have moved this driver quite some way every day or so and without a proper working group as I said you probably wont get that far....this one is alot harder than viper phase 1 by looks the protection is really painfull....wish I had someone with driver knowedge to tidy up the rom linking
Fair enough from looking at the video you posted your more or less there with the system 18 work i do have some experience with
the src files for those games your right it's quite complicated stuff certainly it may be something i'd struggle with it's not easy work

I remember trying to update  the system24 driver had all the src files reworked and ready to go but then discovered i'd have to alter
the CPU core extensively to link it to the FD Encryption that scared me off as i was worried changing the CPU would break many games
i assume adding the FD encryption for Desert Breaker DD Crew etc is similar in that regard??

Anyway you seem to have the system 18 games well in hand im sure you'll complete em over the next few days And once again
nice work with the seibu driver took a peek at the videos you posted the games certainly perform really well on the ole xbox
im surprised as everyone always said the xbox doesn't have the horsepower to play those games obviously it does
« Last Edit: May 25, 2014, 11:01:04 AM by gamez fan »

Offline BritneysPAIRS

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Re: Raiden Fighters 2 2000 And Raiden Fighters Jet 2000
« Reply #40 on: May 25, 2014, 04:19:11 PM »
im a bit stuck on system 18 actually...its at mame 0.84 at present but needs to go to 0.90 to be really good...

the main issue I have in games like desert breakers is how to attach the roms to sprite/tilehandlers...all these games have the first bank or two connected but later banks are scrambled...once I sort that desert breakers will be playable same as dd crew and laser ghost...

id say this would be easy for a mame expert but im struggling at present :)...ill send these after work

Offline BritneysPAIRS

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Re: Raiden Fighters 2 2000 And Raiden Fighters Jet 2000
« Reply #41 on: May 26, 2014, 03:42:17 AM »
you have mail on system18

Offline Arcadez

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Re: Raiden Fighters 2 2000 And Raiden Fighters Jet 2000
« Reply #42 on: May 26, 2014, 08:14:44 PM »
Can someone throw me a bone here please im still working on trying to get Raiden Fighters and Viper Phase 1 playable
ive now updated everything code for code to MAME100 thats the seibu driver video plus machine src files
and the ds2404 spisprit and intelflsh machine files plus ive added  the required update commands to the YM2171 sound src files
and removed all the obsolete spisprit src files the only thing i haven't has yet updated is the I386 CPU core which wont be easy
so all im asking is do i need to update the CPU Core to MAME100 as well ??

everything compiles with no errors or warnings and yet still the games wont boot with or without sound :(

only other thing im not sure about is the sound define in the driver currantly im using the one from MAME85 as it seems to
be more like i expect the sound defines in MAME84 to look like....

static struct YMF271interface ymf271_interface =
       // cant put a clock speed value here as it will cause errors
   { REGION_SOUND1, },
   { YM3012_VOL(100, MIXER_PAN_LEFT, 100, MIXER_PAN_RIGHT), },
   { flashrom_read },
   { flashrom_write },
   { irqhandler },

i'll certainly try to update the CPU if i have to but if the games were to still not boot then im lost here as i cant think of what else it would be the games are meant to be playable in MAME100 the Raiden 2000 versions work maybe the problem is xbox related??
either way 3 days of my life gone and nothing to show for it :(
« Last Edit: May 26, 2014, 08:40:47 PM by gamez fan »

Offline BritneysPAIRS

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Re: Raiden Fighters 2 2000 And Raiden Fighters Jet 2000
« Reply #43 on: May 27, 2014, 03:22:39 AM »
the cpu isnt needed...spend me the files you changed and look at them...I know you want to do them yourself and thats all good but i can look to see if theres something obvious

Offline Arcadez

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Re: Raiden Fighters 2 2000 And Raiden Fighters Jet 2000
« Reply #44 on: May 27, 2014, 08:44:50 AM »
the cpu isnt needed...spend me the files you changed and look at them...I know you want to do them yourself and thats all good but i can look to see if theres something obvious

Thanks for offering to take a look much appreciated i must admit im wanting to add these to MAMEoXtras v1.12 so it can be the last
build and i can quit development on it if i manage to get these Seibu games playable i'll be over the moon just seems to be a little to
tricky for me to figure out at present :(

Seibu src files all connected to the driver that i know about maybe i missed something??
« Last Edit: May 27, 2014, 08:54:13 AM by gamez fan »