Today the game is BlaZeon. If you're thinking "not that boring h-scrolling shootemup!" then you probably don't know about some of the awesome features this game has. read on...
Your ship is armed with 2 weapons, a regular gun and a fat/slow missile. When you come up to an enemy in a mecha-suit, hit it 3 times with your missile, and you can capture the suit. Depending on the suit, you usually get 3x smartbombs or a reconfigurable front weapon and a free life - after you die in the mecha-suit, you go back to your little spaceship.
The bgm is quite amazing as well, it really gets exciting in level 3 and 4. In 2011, Sweep records actually released a cd of the game's soundtrack

Heres some screenshots (First: my high score/game demo screen with the small ship, second and third, random shots from various parts of the game)