Hey IQ, I know this is very old, but I'd like to check something with you about encrypted/decrypted Vs.
We all know FBA produces internal decrypted V data from the encrypted V sets via pieces of code for each driver, from which you can get physical files using that "Save decrypted Vs" method (remember?). I've done this (extracted decrypted Vs) with all my games that use encrypted V ROMs, and then threw the encrypted ones away. However, I'd like to go back to using the official encrypted ROMs I had before, but, as it currently stands, I can't get the correct encrypted files out of the decrypted ROMs that were generated by FBA -- for example, I could use that v2v program to encrypt the ROMs I get, but the CRCs would not match the official encrypted files anymore (I've tested it).
Because of that, I'd like to know if there is a way to make an inversion of those decryption codes FBA uses. I mean, is it possible to create some code which would be the
exact inversion of what it currently does, in order to encrypt V ROMs with their previously correct CRC (matching the latest Neo-Geo Logiqx dat) from the ROMs I currently have? I know I'm stupid, but I didn't think I'd want those ROMs back before I deleted them. :/
I'd be so greatful if you could help me in this. Thanks a lot.
EDIT: Oh, BTW, just to clarify, I only need to encrypt those newer PCM2 ROMs, since Metal Slug 4, Rage of the Dragons and Poochy & Nyaa have been taken care of already (with that other code that you posted here
