Author Topic: Fightcade & a question  (Read 8275 times)

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Fightcade & a question
« on: February 27, 2015, 01:06:33 AM »
Hello awesome people!

I have been an user of FB Alpha for years, so before my little-dumb questions, i have to thank the FB Alpha Team to bring us this magic for years :D.

My question is about the "modeless" (or whatever it is called :P) option. When you click the right button on-screen at Windowed mode, as you know, it will make the menu dissapear. Is there any possible way to auto activate it? It will be a very good idea to use for example with Fightcade.

And talking about Fightcade, did anybody from FB Alpha Team think on help p0f improving and changing the actual version of FB Alpha? I know he is searching for help so will be pretty cool if you can drop him a hand with the code or a little help to where he must begin. As I know (or maybe i understood) he is not very expert on emulation stuff related and can be very nice if we can add some more games to the nice lag-almost-less experience that Fightcade is bring in to the players.

Thank you in advance! :eek: