Well, here's a quick list.
The PCB has double-encrypted C roms
The PCB's C roms are also already interleaved, the MVS' Cs are not (which is normal)
The PCB has two 32mb C roms, as opposed to the MVS' standard 8.
The PCB *should* have a custom bios included with it.
The PCB's P rom (it only has one) is already interleaved and includes 24mb of junk data
The MVS' P roms (it has two) are not interleaved (take two bytes from C1, two bytes from C2, two bytes from C1 and so on.)
The S data on the PCB (which is contained in the Cs) is encrypted, the S data on the MVS (which is also in the Cs) is not encrypted
That's really all I can think of.
Here's some similarities:
They probably use the Same M1/m1d and V roms.
The Program data, when decrypted, is exactly the same (if you chop 24mb off the PCB version

The P roms are encrypted in the same way
The C roms use the same standard xor key (57)
btw, welcome to my forums Rockman