Author Topic: Completely perplexed by FBN gamelist on Android  (Read 8758 times)

Offline PrincessMonaco

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Completely perplexed by FBN gamelist on Android
« on: September 26, 2022, 06:58:04 AM »
I recently installed FBN on my new Ayn Odin handheld (running on Android), and am very confused.

According to the screen I have the latest version of Retroarch and FBNeo, and I downloaded the official FBN arcade ROMset, which includes a bunch of the later Cave games like Ibara and Pink Sweets (which I know FBN supports because they run through FBN on my Retropie).

But when I create a playlist by scanning the ROM folder those Cave games don't appear (most of the arcade ROMset does appear, and works beautifully), and if I try to run them in FBN directly using Load Content, it says "ROMset unknown". What's going on there? Why are these games hiding?

Offline barbudreadmon

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Re: Completely perplexed by FBN gamelist on Android
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2022, 09:24:39 AM »
Afaik, all of the libretro/retroarch stuff available through the android play store is very very outdated and might never be updated again, so you have to install this stuff from the libretro website.

The guide for playlist creation is available there.

Offline PrincessMonaco

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Re: Completely perplexed by FBN gamelist on Android
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2022, 10:23:03 AM »
Did all of this:

1. Download RetroArch from
2. Install and launch it
3. Go to "Main Menu > Load Core > Download a Core"
4. Select "Arcade (FinalBurn Neo)" from the list

1. Open RetroArch
2. Update Databases in "Main Menu > Online Updater" (not 100% sure this one is required)
3. Go to "Import Content > Manual Scan"
4. Fill it :
- Content Directory = the path where your FBNeo arcade romsets are
- System Name = choose "FBNeo - Arcade Games"
- Default Core = choose "Arcade (FinalBurn Neo)"
- Arcade DAT File = download and use the one from there
5. The remaining can be left at default, but consider turning on "Overwrite Existing Playlist" if you are updating an existing list
6. Select "Start Scan"
7. Go back, you should have a FB icon with your new playlist inside

Using the DAT file fixed the playlist - Ibara, Pink Sweets etc now DO appear - but the emulator still says "Unknown" when you try to run them. I downloaded the core directly from the latest Retroarch, so I can't think of any way to get a more up-to-date one.

When I try from the Core Installer menu it says "Latest version already installed". It identifies it as 1.9.12 - FinalBurn Neo (v1.0.0.03 ed67f0d), though, which sounds pretty old.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2022, 10:29:50 AM by PrincessMonaco »

Offline PrincessMonaco

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Re: Completely perplexed by FBN gamelist on Android
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2022, 10:28:50 AM »

Offline barbudreadmon

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Re: Completely perplexed by FBN gamelist on Android
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2022, 02:29:36 PM »
It identifies it as 1.9.12 - FinalBurn Neo (v1.0.0.03 ed67f0d), though, which sounds pretty old.

This version is from last year, are you sure you downloaded and installed your retroarch from ? If so i recommend getting in touch with the retroarch guys.

Offline PrincessMonaco

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Re: Completely perplexed by FBN gamelist on Android
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2022, 08:35:15 AM »
Aha! I'd picked the wrong one of the about 10 Android download links on the Retroarch site. That's fixed it all, cheers :)