Author Topic: Donkey Kong Country 2 - Diddy's Kong Quest Wii Virtual Console Extractor  (Read 45749 times)

Offline iq_132

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This program can extract archive files used in the Donkey Kong Country 2 VC title that is
floating around the net as of late.

How to use:
Extract these files into the same directory as the .app files in the VC dump
Run extract.exe
type the full name of the archive you want to extract (not all .app files are archives).
No spaces or quotes are allowed.

If you extract, you'll get a few files including:
emanual.arc (another archive containing the online manual for the game)
JBDP.rom (a modified version of the game ROM)
Opera.arc (an archive containing Opera settings [to view the manual])
SPADNP1.548 (an unmodified version of the game ROM)

- IQ_132

Offline MasterPhW

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Nice, do you plan to code more extractors, because there are already more VC title flaoting around AFAIK.
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Offline iq_132

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Nice, do you plan to code more extractors, because there are already more VC title flaoting around AFAIK.
Yeah, I definitely do. 

Found a few vc titles at Joh's.  Looks like the .wad files are encrypted?/compressed?/both?

Offline Ajax

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Hey, this is a really cool program. With this i was able to extract the files from my vc dump of bomberman '93. However, do you think you could code a program that repacks files? There are all sorts of interesting things I want to try but i need to be able to repack things back in.

Also, the .wad files are encrypted and you need a program like wadtool, or the Wii nand filesystem dumper to get .app files.

Offline iq_132

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Is it possible to decrypt files with the wadpacker?

And yeah, I've documented the archive format a little more extensively than in the source, and intend to make a repacker.

Offline Ajax

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The only way to decrypt wad files that I know of is to either:

1)install a wad to your wii with a wad installer and then dump the filesystem (long and annoying)

2)Use Wadtool 1.0 beta (Linky). Quick, but the output files are a different extension, .des, but they are still the same as the .app files. Nothing renaming wont fix.

Offline Roamin

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Yes i would very much like a repacker too, as i have injected the Mike tyson's punch out rom instead of mr dream , and i would like the emanual to say "Mike tyson's" intstead of "Featuring mr dream" but i need the repacker to finish off.

Anyways , so far your extractor has proven usefull many many times.  Thank you

Offline JonnyTanna

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I haven't read the rules.

Offline iq_132

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I haven't read the rules.
Oh! That's no good. You should probably do that.