Regarding the SH3 stuff for cv1k, I am the sole author and copyright holder of a SEGA Dreamcast emulator which includes an SH4 interpreter and JIT. I am willing to do the work to get it ported over to FinalBurn and relicense it under a compatible license.I can't actually get started until August due to some IRL problems that will prevent me from getting any work done, but I can get the license changed now. Is 3-clause BSD considered compatible with FB?
I couldn't figure out how to play it :/
I think it goes like this : you switch the pieces from an area to another, when 3 round ones of the same color are next to each other, it starts a chain, also destroying the squared ones in the process.
FBA can include GGPO online? Fightcade 2 is in standby...
From what I can see, a chain begins when three or more round/spherical pieces are put together, moreover the adjacent square pieces are not destroyed, but converted in round/spherical pieces.