Try to understand this: the sample rate of the recorded sample data on cps1 is 7.5khz, the only way you can change this is to re-record the samples at a higher rate. The 6295 in both of those mame versions is absolutely the same:
1mhz / 132 = 7575 (7.5khz, i guess we could say 7.6khz to round it up.... but you get the point)
132 is the divider at which the msm6295 runs at.
If you overclock a 6295 to run at a higher rate, it will play the music & sfx faster - like a 33 1/3 record being played at 78rpm.
to sum up: in order to run the msm6295 at a higher sampling rate, it needs to be supplied pcm data (music+sfx) at the higher rate, and that is impossible unless you can jump in your DeLorean(and don't forget, need to go 88mph while supplying 1.21 jigga-watts to the flux capacitor), learn Japanese and go back to when they were developing CPS1 and convince them to record their samples at a higher rate
The change I made to the msm6295 affects any game that uses the chip, not just cps1
best regards,
- dink