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FBN Development / Re: King & Balloon starfield bug
« Last post by dink on May 08, 2024, 09:32:14 AM »
Thanks for the bug report!  It's fixed now :)

best regards,
- dink
FBN Development / King & Balloon starfield bug
« Last post by PrincessMonaco on May 08, 2024, 07:17:42 AM »
I've been playing a few versions of this early Namco release this week, and noticed that in FBNeo it displays the multi-coloured Galaxian starfield in the background. No other emulators do - they all just have a plain black background - and nor do any home versions, so it seems likely that it's FBNeo that's wrong on this occasion.
FBN Development / Re: Game Consoles (Gab75 adds and more...)
« Last post by Gab75 on May 07, 2024, 10:19:25 AM »
Added the support to 5 new NES/Famicom titles:
Asmik-kun Land (Japan/T-Eng)(1991-2022)
Cosmic Wars (Japan/T-Eng)(1989-2024)
Hello Kitty World (Japan/T-Eng)(1992-2009)
Orebody Binder's Tale v1.0 (HB, 2022-23)
Solstice - Return to the Kastlerock 'v1.0 hotfix1' (Hack, 2024)
FBN Development / convert cheats from mame to fbaneo
« Last post by megamanxzero on May 07, 2024, 03:36:40 AM »
Good friends, I have a question, how can I convert cheats from mame latest version to fba neo, no matter how much I search, I can't find a tutorial, all the cheats that are available are very old and on the pugsys cheats page there are only cheats in xml and not in give some way to convert them thank you very much
FBN Discussion / Game request: Prize Space Invaders
« Last post by PrincessMonaco on May 06, 2024, 04:44:41 PM »
Is there any possibility of this being added at some point? (MAME name v4psi.) It's such an odd and quirky title in the Space Invaders line, but it seems to have been removed from lr-mame and in any case had some nasty sound issues on the Raspberry Pi.
FBN Development / Re: FB Neo Bugs Reports
« Last post by Al82 on May 05, 2024, 01:07:35 PM »
I was playing through Knights of Valour (Polygame IGS) and encountered a possible audio glitch - just after the scene transition (see attached state file), the background music gets stuck no further sound effects play after the boss laughs :S The game had been flawless up until that point.

- Edit -
The audio eventually returns to normal when reaching the next stage.

- Edit X 2 -
Footage online of this original version of the game seems to have the same issue at precisely the same place in the game. Knights of Valour Plus and subsequent re-releases don't appear to have the same issue.
FBN Development / Re: Game Consoles (Gab75 adds and more...)
« Last post by Neville on May 05, 2024, 05:00:42 AM »
...And today we have an addendum patch for the English translation of Cosmic Wars (NES). As usual, it corrects issues with the original translation and tries to finish the job.

Information and download here.
FBN Development / Re: Game Consoles (Gab75 adds and more...)
« Last post by Neville on May 04, 2024, 04:38:14 PM »
One of two different hacks that attempt to turn Contra Spirits (NES) into a proper Contra game has just been updated. It also says they've taken stuff from the other hack, so maybe the other one can be dropped?

Information and download here. Note that they have changed the name of the hack as well.
FBN Development / Re: Game Consoles (Gab75 adds and more...)
« Last post by Gab75 on May 02, 2024, 01:10:01 AM »
Updated the support for 2 Megadrive hacks:
NHL '94 - 2024 Edition v2.5 (2024) > NHL '94 - 2024 Edition v3.0 (2024)
Fist of the North Star T-Eng (2017) > Fist of the North Star Revisited T-Eng v1.2 (2024)
FBN Development / Re: Game Consoles (Gab75 adds and more...)
« Last post by Gab75 on April 29, 2024, 01:09:50 AM »
Added the support to 8 new ZX Spectrum titles (3 classics + 5 homebrews):
Astroball 128K (1992)
Binary Battle 48K (HB, 2024)
Hell Tank 128K - Easy/Hard (HB, 2024)
Jawz 16K (1983)
Jester Quest 128K (1988)
Super 48K Bro. 48K (HB, 2024)
Vegetables Deluxe 48K + AY sound support (HB, 2021)
ZX Oil Panic Game & Watch v2 48K (HB, 2024)
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