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FBN Discussion / Running FBNeo in groovyarcade
« Last post by mtptr on December 02, 2024, 05:21:20 AM »
Hi, I'm trying to get FBneo to work in groovyarcade.  Its version and has the corresponding romset.  My rom paths all look correct but the games will not launch when I try to play.  The log file states the following:

FBNeo v1.0.0.02
Loading config from /home/arcade/.local/share/fbneo/config/fbneo.ini
Loading config from /home/arcade/.local/share/fbneo/config/fbneo.ini
mapping 0300f5a35e040000120b000014050000,Xbox Series X Controller,a:b0,b:b1,x:b2,y:b3,back:b6,guide:b8,start:b7,leftstick:b9,rightstick:b10,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b5,dpup:h0.1,dpdown:h0.4,dpleft:h0.8,dpright:h0.2,misc1:b11,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a3,righty:a4,lefttrigger:a2,righttrigger:a5,crc:a3f5,platform:Linux
mapping 0300aae40d0f0000aa00000011010000,HORI Real Arcade Pro,a:b2,b:b1,back:b8,dpdown:h0.4,dpleft:h0.8,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,guide:b12,leftshoulder:b4,leftstick:b10,lefttrigger:b6,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b5,rightstick:b11,righttrigger:b7,rightx:a2,righty:a3,start:b9,x:b3,y:b0,platform:Linux
SDLSoundInit (44100Hz) (6000FPS)
Cheat cpu-register INIT.
There was an error loading your selected game.
Doing exit cleanup

Is there something I am missing here or something else I need to do to get this going please?
FBN Development / Re: FB Neo Previews & Titles screenshots (fullset) + icons
« Last post by dink on December 01, 2024, 09:12:09 AM »
Revised SNES pack:

It's 99% what eye2eye uploaded a few hours ago. I've just made sure there were no missing pics (there were not) and substituted some in-game shots for others I like better. Basically shots taken further into the game and that show a bit more.

Thanks Neville, eye2eye & pals :)
FBN Development / Re: FB Neo Previews & Titles screenshots (fullset) + icons
« Last post by 7zxkv on December 01, 2024, 05:19:53 AM »
thanks all, post 1 updated.
FBN Development / Re: Games for Home Systems (adds and more...)
« Last post by Neville on November 30, 2024, 12:49:03 PM »
I've posted it on the FB Neo Previews & Titles screenshots (fullset) + icons, where it will be easier to locate.

BTW, going through the pics to see if there was any missing (not), I've noticed the English translation for Rockman & Forte is not in the SNES roster yet. That's another "must have" for the fans. It also has an addendum that translates the title screen.

FBN Development / Re: FB Neo Previews & Titles screenshots (fullset) + icons
« Last post by Neville on November 30, 2024, 12:10:07 PM »
Revised SNES pack:

It's 99% what eye2eye uploaded a few hours ago. I've just made sure there were no missing pics (there were not) and substituted some in-game shots for others I like better. Basically shots taken further into the game and that show a bit more.
FBN Development / Re: Games for Home Systems (adds and more...)
« Last post by eye2eye on November 30, 2024, 09:10:47 AM »
for all da lazy bitchies like me, snes pixxies
FBN Development / Re: Games for Home Systems (adds and more...)
« Last post by kyo123 on November 27, 2024, 08:24:40 PM »
Google them. Or look for some message board that keeps up with the FBN releases.

But whatever you do, don't ask for them here, it's against rules.

i will,thank you
FBN Development / Re: Games for Home Systems (adds and more...)
« Last post by Neville on November 27, 2024, 05:06:31 AM »
Google them. Or look for some message board that keeps up with the FBN releases.

But whatever you do, don't ask for them here, it's against rules.
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