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FBN Development / Re: Game Consoles (Gab75 adds and more...)
« Last post by Gab75 on Today at 03:35:18 AM »
Added the support to 5 new ZX Spectrum titles (2 classics + 3 homebrews):
Hunchy - Quasimodo 16K (1983)
Madballs 128K (1988)
Magic Tower 48K (HB, 2024)
Metal Brain 48K/128K (HB, 2024)
Short Circuit 48K/128K (1987)
FBN Discussion / Re: GFX Bank info for Cps2 backgrounds
« Last post by dink on October 04, 2024, 08:26:42 PM »
Hi Zero800,
I looked into it, but, I really don't know.  A lot of things about cps is a mystery to me..
In fact, Its a headache every time I look into it.  Usually the row-scroll stuff is what I'm familiar with because it has caused the most problems when supporting wide-screen games.  I think it's 16x16.  Sorry, this probably isn't much help

best regards,
- dink
FBN Development / Re: Game Consoles (Gab75 adds and more...)
« Last post by Gab75 on October 03, 2024, 02:33:02 PM »
Added the support to 5 new NES/Famicom/FDS titles:
FDS: Egger Land - A Creative Journey (T-Eng, 2024)
NES: Esper Corps (T-Eng, 2011)
NES: Mario Adventure 3 v1.6.8 (Hack, 2024)
NES: Mummy Egyptian Puzzle v1.1 (HB, 2024)
NES: Sweet Home (T-Rus, 2024)
FBN Development / Re: MAME and FBN
« Last post by barbudreadmon on October 03, 2024, 02:31:46 AM »
MAME supports more systems.
FBNeo supports homebrews/hacks MAME doesn't support.
MAME has more of a preservation focus, while FBNeo has more of a gaming focus.
It's not necessarily redundant to use both, it can be complementary. A lot of users like FBNeo for the things it offers (good savestate support, netplay, runahead, rewind, ...) and use MAME only for the games FBNeo doesn't support.
FBN Development / Re: MAME and FBN
« Last post by Gab75 on October 03, 2024, 01:16:50 AM »
The best thing is try both emulators... and, after a "personal evaluation", decide if use both or only one of them! ;)

Does MAME and FBN run the same game titles (I know they run different rom sets)?

The games/ROMs supported from both emulators, in most cases, use the same ROM Sets (obviously, in connection with the emulator release/version)...
FBN Development / MAME and FBN
« Last post by ramiroelliot on October 02, 2024, 11:27:09 PM »
Does MAME and FBN run the same game titles (I know they run different rom sets)? Does MAME run more games than FBN? Are there games that only work on FBN and not MAME? If so which games? Which is better overall? And is it redundant to have both?
FBN Development / Re: Game Consoles (Gab75 adds and more...)
« Last post by Neville on October 02, 2024, 06:49:26 AM »
Another NES hack for your consideration, Zelda: A New Light 3.5:

FBN Development / Re: FB Neo Bugs Reports
« Last post by grendelw on October 01, 2024, 12:28:57 PM »
There's 2 buttons on qsound games "volume up" & "volume down", unmap them after volume up-ing to the max :)
(use the clear lock checkbox if they get remapped for some reason)

best regards,
- dink

whoops, my bad. I was using wasd to move and A and S were mapped to qsound volume. Thanks again, dink.
FBN Development / Re: Game Consoles (Gab75 adds and more...)
« Last post by Neville on October 01, 2024, 05:56:33 AM »
English translation released for Egger Land: Souzou e no Tabidachi (Famicom Disk System):

Information and download here.
FBN Development / Re: Game Consoles (Gab75 adds and more...)
« Last post by Gab75 on October 01, 2024, 01:06:03 AM »
It's v1.6.7 now. Maybe we should wait a little (i.e. one week) to make sure there aren't more updates.

Now it's out v1.6.8! Yes, maybe it's better wait a little... ;)
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