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FBN Development / Re: Games for Home Systems (adds and more...)
« Last post by Gab75 on February 13, 2025, 02:38:54 PM »
Added the support to 7 new ZX Spectrum titles:
Bearded Fantasy English/Spanish 48K (HB, 2025)
Deep Zone Side A/Side B 48K (1988)
Destronado 48K (1988)
Lunar Patrol '25 128K (HB, 2025)
Mieyen 48K-AY (HB, 2025)
MoonRN 48K-AY (HB, 2025)
Throbbing Headache 48K (HB, 2025)

PS: also updated the "old" Z80 versions of "Forgotten Worlds" and "G-Loc R360" with new and better TAP versions! ;)
FBN Development / Re: Games for Home Systems (adds and more...)
« Last post by Gab75 on February 13, 2025, 02:30:57 PM »
Gab75 added the MVS/AES version, & I added it to the NeoGeo CD version

The Neo Geo CD version has a beautiful soundtrack supplied by Richard Douglas! ;)
FBN Development / Re: Games for Home Systems (adds and more...)
« Last post by Neville on February 13, 2025, 01:18:24 PM »
Tested ngcd port, its awesome!

It's indeed fabulous.
FBN Development / Re: Games for Home Systems (adds and more...)
« Last post by dink on February 13, 2025, 01:15:40 PM »
Gab75 added the MVS/AES version, & I added it to the NeoGeo CD version

best regards,
- dink
FBN Development / Re: Games for Home Systems (adds and more...)
« Last post by geese howard on February 13, 2025, 09:57:54 AM »

h0ffman has ported Golden Axe to Neo Geo and Neo Geo CD:

Tested ngcd port, its awesome!
FBN Development / Re: dink's FBN Development & Fixes thread
« Last post by dink on February 13, 2025, 09:32:05 AM »
More what's new from dink:

NES: got another 40-50fps (ffwd speed) out of the nes emulator, for simple games (smb3, etc) we get about 335fps w/ffwd.
stats for my i7 2600 cpu, running 64bit binary, XAudio & dx9 blitters:
SNES: 415fps w/super gng
NES: 335fps w/smb3

... When I first started optimizing NES, I was getting around 160-212fps... As it goes: the more fps one gets with ffwd, the less cpu the emulation needs.

best regards,
- dink
FBN Discussion / Re: [REQUEST] Bugfixed classics
« Last post by Robert on February 13, 2025, 06:51:13 AM »
In HBMAME you can press 8 to jump to the next level, so you can see if the killscreen is fixed.

I guess FBN doesn't have an equivalent for 8, although it should be easy to add it.
FBN Development / Re: Games for Home Systems (adds and more...)
« Last post by IPLA on February 12, 2025, 10:26:14 PM »

h0ffman has ported Golden Axe to Neo Geo and Neo Geo CD:
FBN Development / Re: dink's FBN Development & Fixes thread
« Last post by dink on February 11, 2025, 08:32:32 PM »
Hi friends and fans of FB Neo!
A little bit of news from the usual place :)

Here's something I've been trying to solve since 2018.  I can't count the amount of time & stuff that went into trying to improve things....  But It's probably about 1-2 weeks a year since 2018 :P

ZX Speccy Beeper: Added a super nice oversampling method, big thanks to some techniques learned in "The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing" by Steven W. Smith.  Look at the beautiful (zoomed-in) squarewaves in the picture below...
The top one is the previous beeper implementation, bottom one is the new stuff!
Notice those sawblade-points on the previous impl?  That's a nasty aliasing (high pitched whine), in the intro-screen song for The Mojon Twins' Lala. 

The crummy beeper and lack of raw .tap & tzx support were always things I never thought would be solved in our code.  Good times! :)

Steven W. Smith's legendary DSP Book is completely free to read on the web @

best regards,
- dink
FBN Development / Re: Games for Home Systems (adds and more...)
« Last post by Gab75 on February 11, 2025, 02:16:38 PM »
Added the support to Karnov Neo Geo porting... ;)
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