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FBN Discussion / Re: Load game from Romdata
« Last post by taoenwen on May 24, 2024, 08:51:14 AM »
Well, it would be good if he explained what the *.dat syntax is or what data goes there and in what order. I don't think the syntax is the same as the kawaks loader data, but the idea should be similar.

fbneo's romdata allows some romsets that are not on the list, but run with a common driver.

The format of *.dat is as follows:
Code: [Select]
// ZipName:  Zip names that are not in the game list     //
// DrvName:  Select which driver exists in the game list //
// ExtraRom: NeoGeo specific extra rom                   //
// FullName: Detailed name of the game                   //

ZipName:  cyborgforce
DrvName:  mslug
FullName: "Cyborg Force! (Homebrew)"

// romname romsize crc type
cyborg-p1.bin 0x0100000, 0x89e1c728, 1 | BRF_ESS | BRF_PRG
cyborg-p2.bin 0x0300000, 0xe4a8b27a, 1 | BRF_ESS | BRF_PRG
cyborg-s1.bin 0x0020000, 0x5bd29810, 2 | BRF_GRA
cyborg-c1.bin 0x1000000, 0x77078687, 3 | BRF_GRA
cyborg-c2.bin 0x1000000, 0xa5abdb83, 3 | BRF_GRA
cyborg-m1.bin 0x0010000, 0x06da3cec, 4 | BRF_ESS | BRF_PRG
cyborg-v1.bin 0x0800000, 0xdc50718c, 5 | BRF_SND
cyborg-v2.bin 0x0800000, 0x8135d5a8, 5 | BRF_SND

Cyborg Force! (Homebrew) as an example:

ZipName, the set we want to use, usually *.zip or *.7z.

DrvName, the driver we want to run from, it is recommended to use clone when possible, so that we don't have to prepare some ROMs that are common to the parent set;

FullName, well understood, the name of the game.

romname/romsize/crc/type,It's almost identical to the fbneo source code, and corresponds to the ROMs in our ZipName zip file, just write to *.dat.

The dat file can be saved anywhere we can find it, and romset can just be saved in one of the paths of the 20 recognizable ROMs.

After that, Ctrl+R, find dat and select it.

By the way, a graphical listing of romdata functions will be coming next to make it easier to use.
FBN Development / Re: Game Consoles (Gab75 adds and more...)
« Last post by Neville on May 24, 2024, 04:55:33 AM »
Speaking of FDS, I just saw a title addendum for the English translation of Link no Bouken - The Legend of Zelda 2 (Japan).

Link here.
FBN Development / Re: Game Consoles (Gab75 adds and more...)
« Last post by Gab75 on May 24, 2024, 03:06:13 AM »
I see the Japanese version: Kaettekita Mario Brothers (Japan), there is also an English patch for this game.

Thanks for the tip! The related support will be added to the next NES/FDS update! :)
FBN Discussion / Re: Load game from Romdata
« Last post by xerf84 on May 23, 2024, 09:24:15 PM »
Well, it would be good if he explained what the *.dat syntax is or what data goes there and in what order. I don't think the syntax is the same as the kawaks loader data, but the idea should be similar.
FBN Discussion / Re: Load game from Romdata
« Last post by dink on May 23, 2024, 08:20:37 PM »
Hi Xerf84,
I don't have a full understanding of this feature, but from what I understand so far, it allows one to side-load romsets that fbneo doesn't have yet in it's database.  Maybe taoenwen will explain better, as he added it :)

best regards,
- dink
FBN Development / Re: dink's FBN Development & Fixes thread
« Last post by dink on May 23, 2024, 08:17:15 PM »
Hi weirdh,
This stray 0 is from using older format hiscore with a new version of hiscore.dat, where the format has changed.  The fix is to, unfortunately, delete the hiscore file (batsugunsp.hi in support/hiscores)

best regards,
- dink
FBN Development / Re: Game Consoles (Gab75 adds and more...)
« Last post by xerf84 on May 23, 2024, 06:00:34 PM »
I see the Japanese version: Kaettekita Mario Brothers (Japan), there is also an English patch for this game.

FBN Development / Re: Game Consoles (Gab75 adds and more...)
« Last post by xerf84 on May 23, 2024, 05:49:52 PM »
Hello guys...

I know that requests are not always accepted but if you could add: Mario Bros. (Europe) (PAL-MC-0, Classic Series), this version of the game is much more fun since Mario can jump in an arc and this will It gives more versatility to the game, regardless of the 50hz, it is a worthwhile addition, plus the turtles do not have that ugly shell of the world/USA version.
FBN Development / Re: dink's FBN Development & Fixes thread
« Last post by barbudreadmon on May 23, 2024, 05:49:48 PM »
I don't think it's possible for that fix to cause that kind of regression, and i can't reproduce it.
It's probably something with your hiscores being corrupt from the previous coin error, or maybe you loaded a previous state ?
FBN Discussion / Load game from Romdata
« Last post by xerf84 on May 23, 2024, 05:20:29 PM »
Hello guys.

What is the idea of ​​this option?, could someone explain how it works?
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