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FBN Discussion / Re: NeoGeo CD
« Last post by on January 15, 2025, 11:02:02 AM »
Dink, thanks for the answer. Is this utility you wrote public? Can you send me a link so I can correct my cue+bin? I sent you privately the links to the cue+bin isos (Mode 1/2352) to be added (they were converted with chdman+CDmage). I also sent you the link to Zed Blade, chdman and Cdmage can't convert it. I'm also sending you the link to where I got these games before they were converted.
best regards,
FBN Development / Re: Games for Home Systems (adds and more...)
« Last post by Neville on January 15, 2025, 05:46:25 AM »
I'm very impressed with this new Super Mario World hack. It's called Friends and Rivalry and it's a complete overhaul of the original. It features 9 worlds with +90 new levels.

You can get it here.
FBN Discussion / Re: NeoGeo CD
« Last post by dink on January 15, 2025, 02:09:02 AM »
Hi Dink, I saw that some games were added to the Neo Geo CD list. Totaling 125 games.
Games added:
- Captain Barrel;
and 3 more games that iq_132 converted to Neo Geo CD which are:
- P.O.W. - Prisoners of War;
- Karnov; I didn't find information about this conversion, I don't know if it's a private game.
- SpinMaster.
But there are several games that iq_132 converted that can be added to the list, which are:
- Chelnov;
- Eight Man;
- Gururin;
- King of the Monsters;
- Legend of Success Joe;
- Neo Mr Do;
- Pochi and Nyaa;
- Shinobi-TTE;
- Super Bubble Pop;
- ZuPaPa;
- Zed Blade.
These games are in cue+iso+wav and not even CDmage can convert them to cue+bin (Mode 1/2352) that FinalBurn Neo reads. I had to use chdman to convert to chd first, and only then convert them to cue+bin. Only the Zed Blade game that I was unable to convert, as it also gives an error in chdman, due to the .wav files not being stereo.
Could you add these games to the NeoGeoCD list? And if you or iq_132 have any information or links about this converted Karnov game that was added, I would be grateful.

His earlier conversions used redbook-format-illegal sized wav files, which weren't padded to the sector size.  Probably chdman padded them during the conversion.  I wrote a little utility for him to fix this, as seen on the newer conversions.

I don't really collect neogeo cd stuff, so pm me links to these mode1-2352 bin/cue's and I'll add them to the list.  Or, you could add them to the list.
Just start a neogeo cd in debug fbneo with the debug console open, and it'll tell you the hex ID of the cd - which then can be added w/description/etc to
neocdlist.cpp in src/burner/win32...  either way :)

geese howard, no difference, except slightly lower soundtrack hz.  These are basically for people with Neogeo cd HW that want to play them. 

best regards,
- dink
FBN Discussion / Re: NeoGeo CD
« Last post by geese howard on January 14, 2025, 05:29:43 PM »
Which are the differences from AES/MVS??
FBN Discussion / Re: NeoGeo CD
« Last post by on January 14, 2025, 11:09:55 AM »
Hi Dink, I saw that some games were added to the Neo Geo CD list. Totaling 125 games.
Games added:
- Captain Barrel;
and 3 more games that iq_132 converted to Neo Geo CD which are:
- P.O.W. - Prisoners of War;
- Karnov; I didn't find information about this conversion, I don't know if it's a private game.
- SpinMaster.
But there are several games that iq_132 converted that can be added to the list, which are:
- Chelnov;
- Eight Man;
- Gururin;
- King of the Monsters;
- Legend of Success Joe;
- Neo Mr Do;
- Pochi and Nyaa;
- Shinobi-TTE;
- Super Bubble Pop;
- ZuPaPa;
- Zed Blade.
These games are in cue+iso+wav and not even CDmage can convert them to cue+bin (Mode 1/2352) that FinalBurn Neo reads. I had to use chdman to convert to chd first, and only then convert them to cue+bin. Only the Zed Blade game that I was unable to convert, as it also gives an error in chdman, due to the .wav files not being stereo.
Could you add these games to the NeoGeoCD list? And if you or iq_132 have any information or links about this converted Karnov game that was added, I would be grateful.
FBN Development / Re: Cv1000 slowdown accuracy tweaks
« Last post by MistarerX on January 14, 2025, 09:39:53 AM »
Hi all! First and possibly last post here so will take the opportunity to thank El Rika and all the FBNeo team and contributors. And hey lets throw in some hugs and kisses for the CAVE developers too. Hehe  :rolleyes:

I felt it might be useful to point out - after reading the last few posts about Blitter Timing - that I noticed a pronounced improvement in the stutter in menu for Akai Katana when opting for 'Antiquity' over 'Accurate' where it pretty much totally smoothed out. However using Buffi's option does win out in terms of overall in game stability. It just feels better. Smoothing out the experience. Ive got everything else set up as recommended here with all the sliders/switches ON and Thread Sync 'Before Draw' too.

Worthy of mention I think at least as a pointer for Akai Katana. Cheers!
FBN Discussion / Re: Shinobi Neo-Geo
« Last post by PrincessMonaco on January 14, 2025, 06:57:01 AM »
Sweet :) It's an excellent port, noticeably smoother than the original.
FBN Discussion / Re: Shinobi Neo-Geo
« Last post by dink on January 13, 2025, 09:13:58 AM »
Yes, it was added a few days ago by Gab75, he also updated it to the new v1.1 earlier today

best regards,
- dink
FBN Discussion / Shinobi Neo-Geo
« Last post by PrincessMonaco on January 13, 2025, 06:55:08 AM »
Just wanted to make sure you guys were aware of this :)
FBN Development / Re: Games for Home Systems (adds and more...)
« Last post by samo79 on January 11, 2025, 02:03:42 PM »
They even port it to Amiga 😏
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