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FBN Development / Re: FB Neo Previews & Titles screenshots (fullset) + icons
« Last post by Neville on November 17, 2024, 09:44:29 AM »
Is anybody working on a SNES tiles / previews pack? Just wondering.
FBN Development / Re: MAME and FBN
« Last post by Neville on November 17, 2024, 09:43:33 AM »
MAME supports more systems.
FBNeo supports homebrews/hacks MAME doesn't support.
MAME has more of a preservation focus, while FBNeo has more of a gaming focus.

That's pretty much it. I use both, but in order to save disk space I use FBN with my MAME set, except for the home systems.
FBN Development / Re: FB Alpha Bugs Reports
« Last post by dink on November 17, 2024, 09:06:57 AM »
I was looking into this issue after someone posted about a similar problem (but wouldn't provide sufficient information to reproduce it, and got mad because i asked :eek:) on reddit, anybody knows something about this ? I can't seem to reproduce it...
It looks like it might be related to what was fixed with but i can't reproduce it even after removing that change.
Am i overthinking this and that guy is simply using a super outdated version of FB ? (actually i asked and it's part of why he got mad)

If this really was still a problem, someone respectable (like a user on this forum?) would have reported it by now.  :)
FBN Development / Re: FB Alpha Bugs Reports
« Last post by barbudreadmon on November 17, 2024, 05:44:21 AM »
When running Fatal Fury 2 on the Neo Geo, if you LOAD any saved states it causes the game to put the clock always on "00" into the next round (if you load before Round 2 stars) making you losing your credit after that or the attacks don't hit the enemy (if you load before Round 1 starts), making only the grapping moves available.

Already tested several different ROMs and this bug happened with all of them, including different BIOS from different regions. That doesn't happen with Fatal Fury Special, only with Fatal Fury 2.

I was looking into this issue after someone posted about a similar problem (but wouldn't provide sufficient information to reproduce it, and got mad because i asked :eek:) on reddit, anybody knows something about this ? I can't seem to reproduce it...
It looks like it might be related to what was fixed with but i can't reproduce it even after removing that change.
Am i overthinking this and that guy is simply using a super outdated version of FB ? (actually i asked and it's part of why he got mad)
FBN Development / Re: Games for Home Systems (adds and more...)
« Last post by Neville on November 17, 2024, 04:40:11 AM »
Dracula II: Noroi no Fuuin (FDS) just got an English translation by BlackPaladin. It's the same game as Castlevania II: Simon?s Quest (NES) but with a few differences, such as better music.

Information and download here.
FBN Development / Re: FB Neo Bugs Reports
« Last post by dink on November 16, 2024, 09:41:07 AM »
That's very cool. Great work! Were you able to get in contact with someone to help with it?

Well, not wanting to bother anyone - I just kept trucking along until I got it :)

The fix is on github, please give it a try!  Also keep a lookout for collateral damage and/or other bugs that this update might bring.
I didn't have time to test many games...

Other things fixed:
Astebros game continue/new game selection highlight
Magical Hat no Bu... (md_magichat): disappearing sprites

best regards,
- dink
FBN Development / Re: FB Neo Bugs Reports
« Last post by Nick Reynolds on November 15, 2024, 09:34:41 PM »
That's very cool. Great work! Were you able to get in contact with someone to help with it?
FBN Development / Re: Games for Home Systems (adds and more...)
« Last post by Neville on November 15, 2024, 02:39:14 PM »
Is Mortal Kombat II (Unl) in the NES roster? There's a Special version which I'm not sure it's the exact same one. It's hard to keep track of all these unlicensed games... Anyway, I'm asking because I just saw this at RomHack Plaza, which allegedly makes it much more playable:

Mortal Kombat Arkade Edition by Drax01

FBN Development / Re: FB Neo Bugs Reports
« Last post by dink on November 15, 2024, 09:43:36 AM »
That's unfortunate about Sonic 2 VS, but I appreciate you taking the time to look into it. I don't exactly know how to contact the authors of this romhack either, but there does seem to be a link to the Discord server at the bottom of the page, which I imagine could be useful for getting in contact with them.

Hi Nick Reynolds,
Just an update: I got 2 out of the 3 bugs fixed in Sonic 2 VS: in-game corruption and the titlescreen scrolling "chunky".  The only thing that remains is the level introduction screen.  I'll probably wait on committing this to github until I get the last one fixed, though - my dev. build is a mess right now!

best regards,
- dink
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